For Our EV Loving Cultists

Which means auto dealers are not having supply issues? It's all made up? The empty/half empty lots are a figment of people's imagination?
You attributed it solely to ICE autos.
The liberals are pushing us to make OUR decisions in their drive toward electric cars, aren’t they? Why do you think Biden wanted gas to go up?

Is that why gas went to over $4.00 under Bush?
You attributed it solely to ICE autos.

No I did not. People read what they want to read unfortunately, not what is actually wrote.

Seems we are having the same issues with ICE vehicles.

Same issues.
Most people need cars gee what a profound statement. Most people don't live in cities anymore.

Like I said an EV makes a lot of sense for a daily driver even if you want to whine about people living in apartments or whatever.

I never said they make sense for EVERYONE but you people do like your assumptions
You’re losing track of what you said. You did say upthread that most people live in cities.

And no, they do not make sense for everyone. They make no sense for a person who is driving a car that is 4, 5, 6 or more years old with a paid-off note.

Why should someone get rid of a perfectly good car, with no monthly payment, to buy a new EV (or new gas car, for that matter), and start in with $600 monthly payments?
It was not that long ago. Maybe you should research it.
Maybe you should just tell me, if you have a point to make. It’s not right for you to make an unexplained point, and then tell me to research it to find out what you mean.
Irrelevant the price is coming down and will continue to do so.

This is no different than when cars went from steam to gasoline.
Get your history right.

You mean when cars went from steam to gasoline and electric
Maybe you should just tell me, if you have a point to make. It’s not right for you to make an unexplained point, and then tell me to research it to find out what you mean.

You said that the administration wants high prices. I asked you why the price went up under Bush then. Did he want high prices or has the prices gone up for the same reasons?

If you do not know, then you shouldn't be making claims you have not educated yourself on.
For a nano second?

Hardly but we also have no idea how long prices stay high right now either. Why did prices go so high under Bush? If the left wants it so high, why did it not go even higher under Obama?
Hardly but we also have no idea how long prices stay high right now either. Why did prices go so high under Bush? If the left wants it so high, why did it not go even higher under Obama?
Because the left isn’t even trying to hide their goal, so they’ve pulled out all stops.

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