FOR RENT " Vegetarians only " the sign that even legal?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Now I have heard of those who do not want to rent to smokers.....I kinda get that because cigarette smoke can do property damage. Though I'm not really sure how that could actually be enforced.
But this! I dunno.....this is getting a little too personal IMO. I don't think you have a right to tell someone what they can and cannot eat while they are renting your property.
What say YOU?

Now I have heard of those who do not want to rent to smokers.....I kinda get that because cigarette smoke can do property damage. Though I'm not really sure how that could actually be enforced.
But this! I dunno.....this is getting a little too personal IMO. I don't think you have a right to tell someone what they can and cannot eat while they are renting your property.
What say YOU?


I say it is probably legal or would be in my state unless someone could prove somehow they were being discriminated against on religious grounds (like the owner was a Buddhist and that was his backdoor way of keeping other religions out for instance).
Now I have heard of those who do not want to rent to smokers.....I kinda get that because cigarette smoke can do property damage. Though I'm not really sure how that could actually be enforced.
But this! I dunno.....this is getting a little too personal IMO. I don't think you have a right to tell someone what they can and cannot eat while they are renting your property.
What say YOU?


Got a link for this story? I'd like to have a bit more information, especially on the reason the owner wants to only rent to veggie munchers.

And for the record...............I'm a dedicated carnivore. If it doesn't die a loud, bloody death, it's called a side dish.

I'm also a member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals), and often wonder that if we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they all made out of meat?
Got a link for this story? I'd like to have a bit more information, especially on the reason the owner wants to only rent to veggie munchers.

And for the record...............I'm a dedicated carnivore. If it doesn't die a loud, bloody death, it's called a side dish.

I'm also a member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals), and often wonder that if we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they all made out of meat?
Yeah It's a real estate listing my son came across he's an agent..... he thought it was pretty funny but didn't know whether or not it was legal.....I'll try to get a picture for you.
It's a large single family home asking for $4,415.00/month no less. I mean holy crap.....for that kind of dough are you going to let somebody tell you what you can eat? This is on Zillow....


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I say it is probably legal or would be in my state unless someone could prove somehow they were being discriminated against on religious grounds (like the owner was a Buddhist and that was his backdoor way of keeping other religions out for instance).

Soooo what rights does a person have when they fork over rent?

Soooo what rights does a person have when they fork over rent?

If the person takes the money, you have the general right to live there for the agreed upon term. If they don't, you getting tossed or not being allowed to move in.
It may be legal in some places but if you rent to someone who claims to be a vegetarian and down the road they decide to go back to eating meat you would not be able to kick them out... a written clause that says you could would be illegal in any state and wouldn't hold up in court...
So why even bother unless you just want to troll meat eaters....
It may be legal in some places but if you rent to someone who claims to be a vegetarian and down the road they decide to go back to eating meat you would not be able to kick them out... a written clause that says you could would be illegal in any state and wouldn't hold up in court...
So why even bother unless you just want to troll meat eaters....

Yanno................that is probably the best reasoning I've heard about this issue thus far.
Some demented souls believe that wearing beliefs publicly validates them.

It was worse with Covid when some -- like many Vaxxers initially ---- wore their stupidity quite openly and as though they were showing the world their badges of honour . Attempted Virtue signalling .

So tacky .
Yeah I mean we assume that the owners are vegetarians or vegans but maybe they're not? LOL.....who knows??
Yanno................that is probably the best reasoning I've heard about this issue thus far.
If accurate (which I hope it is), but may depend on clauses written into the rental contract.
Yeah It's a real estate listing my son came across he's an agent..... he thought it was pretty funny but didn't know whether or not it was legal.....I'll try to get a picture for you.
It's a large single family home asking for $4,415.00/month no less. I mean holy crap.....for that kind of dough are you going to let somebody tell you what you can eat? This is on Zillow....

View attachment 747827

Just weird.

Does that mean that the landlord will be inspecting the property for signs of critter consumption? Where I'm from, landlords must give three days written notice before entering property except in the case of an emergency.

This ought to be an interesting case of discrimination.


Well, when you look at the photo, it's just kind of a tacky looking McMansion and I don't know anyone who'd want to live in one of those anyway.

If accurate (which I hope it is), but may depend on clauses written into the rental contract.

Interestingly enough, there are a LOT of strange things that can be written into rental agreements. And, if the renter signs the lease after reading all of it (which a person is stupid if they don't), they are agreeing to whatever the conditions are that is part of the lease and to abide by them. If they don't, the landlord can use the lease to evict them.

But, I've heard a lot of complaining on the 'net about people having problems with HOA's that have strange rules as well. And, while I MIGHT agree that the landlord who is renting to someone has ultimate authority (it is their property after all), I have very little tolerance when it comes to HOA's, because those are organizations that try to tell a person who actually owns the home and property what they can and can't do, according to what the neighborhood decides.

If you want some interesting (and funny on occasion) reading, look at some of the posts on Facebook where people are talking about some of the more aberrant ways that HOA's try to enforce "rules". Wanna live in a dictatorship in America? Buy a home in an HOA.

Just weird.

Does that mean that the landlord will be inspecting the property for signs of critter consumption? Where I'm from, landlords must give three days written notice before entering property except in the case of an emergency.

This ought to be an interesting case of discrimination.

One person suggested that it is a way to get around the religion discrimination protection. Certain religions are vegan and some are not.

Now I have heard of those who do not want to rent to smokers.....I kinda get that because cigarette smoke can do property damage. Though I'm not really sure how that could actually be enforced.
But this! I dunno.....this is getting a little too personal IMO. I don't think you have a right to tell someone what they can and cannot eat while they are renting your property.
What say YOU?


I think that private property owners should be able to do with their own property exactly what they want........up to and including banning meat eaters if they want....
Yeah It's a real estate listing my son came across he's an agent..... he thought it was pretty funny but didn't know whether or not it was legal.....I'll try to get a picture for you.
It's a large single family home asking for $4,415.00/month no less. I mean holy crap.....for that kind of dough are you going to let somebody tell you what you can eat? This is on Zillow....

View attachment 747827
He can call his state real estate commission. They could tell him.

It is strange.

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