For Stimulus Bill Democrats & Republicans Put On Thinking Cap!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
What is extremely disgraceful about chambers of Congress is at critical times they hold votes on bills for which they have not revealed the text of the Bill to the American people this stimulus bill for which there was a cloture vote today which went down 49 to 46 is a perfect example; it would have been very easy for Senate leadership to post the text of the bill on the Senate's website, it shows in this leadership a less than optimal commitment to American Democracy! Media reports are that the Democrats in this bill want to put all types of restrictions on America's businesses being able to lay-off people. Big mistake I fully back American workers hurt by this crisis and you do it by implementing the Democrats plan of putting American's unemployment program on steroids, that is, you make the benefit a 100% of loss wages up to a reasonable amount for "four" months apply it to gig, part-time and self employed workers and you have the Federal government pick-up seventy-five percent of the tab because the government is responsible for this unemployment because it shut down the economy businesses shouldn't be paying this entire tab with increase unemployment insurance it isn't fair to them! On the other side of this issue Democrats and many Republicans have to stop with the restrictions in this stimulus bill on the bridge money that recipient businesses cannot lay-off employees if they receive the money. This is stupid, counter productive and incredibly dangerous to the economy to do this restriction; this stimulus bill should be about repairing businesses finances, keeping them in businesses keeping them healthy and Washington is jeopardizing all that with this obstruction on businesses operation.

Members of Congress and the President have to view this situation with wisdom, this Corona-virus has significantly indefinitely hurt America and the worlds economy. Many U.S. businesses namely in part retail and energy companies will go out of existence over the economic fallout of this crisis, their financial situation was so weak to begin with the crisis pushed them over the cliff's edge, many Americans will lose jobs and income over this. Many foreign economies and foreign business for the foreseeable future will be significantly hurt by the crisis so they won't be in a position to do business with America's businesses. There will be a new normal for American businesses for the indefinite future which will be a significantly less good business outlook than what existed before the crisis! Members of Congress have to let America's executives adjust their businesses to this new normal or they will hurt the financial welfare and well-being of these business which are a precious and vital element of America's economy; Democrats taking one example the American airline industry, after America re-opens for business there won't be as many conventioneer and foreign vacation passengers because of hurting foreign economies, there won't be as many business travelers because America will have significantly less businesses and there won't be as many American vacation passengers because many Americans will have less money to vacation because of the economic fallout of the crisis, do you Democrats really want and expect America's airline industry executives to run the same number of flights with significantly less number of seats filled than before the crisis that would be like throwing money in the trash can not to mention all the fuel that would be wasted with the excessive number of flights! Democrats you're making a titanic size mistake putting this expensive cost on America's businesses with this no lay-off mandate because if your Presidential ticket wins this year elections and you win control of the Senate you will definitely absolutely want to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% (hopefully you'll reconsider to 25% to end this issue) and roll back the Trump tax cuts on America's wealthy so you can fund the needed ACA health care reform and terrible student debt problem in America,etc. which will significantly cut back GDP growth in America you do that with weakened American businesses from this onerous stimulus bill and you will see many American businesses go out of business but even more prevalent stop hiring and stop growing because of their financial situation - do you really want to do this to the American worker!

However, Democrats by all means in this bill put restrictions on the stimulus money to prohibit stock buybacks, dividend increases and compensation increases for executives above the wage inflation rate with the stimulus money, this is just stopping abuse with the money. If the legislation allows for Secretary of the Treasury to have the authority to waive that restriction the legislation should mandate the waiver be on an individual business basis and the Secretary has to articulate compelling business reasons fro the approval of the waiver and there is a Judicial review mechanism with "abuse of discretion" being the review standard. Seriously though, Democrats should be making their top priority the Unemployment Insurance on steroids policy and stop with the no lay-off quick sand pit policy; Republicans you should acquiesce on this initiative and in return get a carve out for all these workers getting a hundred percent of their normal pay through UI getting these twelve hundred dollar stimulus checks they really don't need it if they're not losing any income from the economy shut down and doing this carve out will cut the cost of this bill which will unfortunately but necessarily be breaking records. To both Republicans and Democrats you aren't seriously considering trying to put provisions in this bill on things like sexual abstinence training and things like clean energy mandates. This bill is the only lifeline available to save the American economy from crashing and being left in the state of a Depression please don't play with the welfare of America like this!
So, they should pass one w/o reading and finding out what's buried in it?
To both Republicans and Democrats you aren't seriously considering trying to put provisions in this bill on things like sexual abstinence training and things like clean energy mandates.
Why lump both parties together when the Democrats are doing almost all of this? I'm getting tired of moral equivalence arguments.

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