For the cost of an Obama vacation, Trump saved 1000 Carrier jobs.

Trump said he would punish corporations that shipped jobs away, but instead he had his VP force Indiana taxpayers to pay–indefinitely–Carrier (which made $7.5 billion last year) to keep less than half the jobs here.

I defy anybody to say with a straight face that that's a good deal when that's utterly the worst kind of socialism since no one but Carrier ownership stands to gain from it.

I know many of our friends on the right live in a totally post-fact era of banalities and conspiracy theories, but the facts tell us President Obama ranks 2nd lowest in total vacation days taken among presidents in the last couple generations. Bill Clinton took 174, Obama is set to finish at around 200, while George W. Bush took 533.
Op-Ed: How Democrats handed Trump a golden opportunity with Carrier deal

I became a Democrat when I was 7 years old, living in a by-the-week motel in Mattawa, Washington. My dad and I were watching a presidential debate in 1988. I asked him who we wanted to win—like it was a football game.

"We are Democrats," he said.

I asked him why.

"Democrats," my dad told me, "are better for people like us."

None of my friends had parents who delivered newspapers and worked the morning shift at McDonald's. None of my friends lived in a motel. I knew what he meant by "People Like Us."

From then on I was a Democrat. Some kids inherit the Green Bay Packers. Some kids grow up hearing about Bart Starr. I grew up hearing about the day John F. Kennedy died.

But as I got older and better understood my parents' struggles, I decided I didn't want to be People Like Us. I wanted to be People Like Them.

Part of wanting to be People Like Them was economic. I didn't want to come home from work smelling like Egg McMuffins and newspapers. I wanted to go to college. I wanted to get a good job.

But wanting to cross the divide between Us and Them was about more than just economics.

For example, after I watched my mom come home and intentionally make herself vomit after eating sushi for the first and only time, I resolved to grow up and love sushi.

People Like Them ate sushi.

People Like Us ate our fish in stick form.

But in becoming a "Them," I was never required to change political parties.

As a young professional who never performed manual labor and was horrified by fish sticks, my political home was the modern Democratic Party.

That wasn't always the case. For my parents, and for many other working-class Americans, the Democratic Party was the party that looked out for people who struggled to make ends meet.

This election has shown People Like Us no longer feel that way.

Op-Ed: How Democrats handed Trump a golden opportunity with Carrier deal
Carrier is going to be increasing 10,000 jobs after factor modifications.

1,100 jobs were saved for now

Incentives were local, not federal. Obama regulations that stiffled businesses will be removed where possible. Trump acted as a negoiator.

Win for the worker, win for the company, win for the state

Win for the economy, encouragement for other companies that there is reason to keep jobs in the US.
are these other companies all gonna line up for a govt handout in order to stay?
To big to fail I suppose

Carrier is going to be increasing 10,000 jobs after factor modifications.

1,100 jobs were saved for now

Incentives were local, not federal. Obama regulations that stiffled businesses will be removed where possible. Trump acted as a negoiator.

Win for the worker, win for the company, win for the state

Win for the economy, encouragement for other companies that there is reason to keep jobs in the US.
are these other companies all gonna line up for a govt handout in order to stay?

Another dumbfuck...
When trump slashes businesses taxes there wont be a need to entice business to stay.
And you are calling someone else dumbfuck. Well, let me tell you, the REAL dumbfuck, Trump said he would drop the corporate tax from 35%.

So, what did United Technologies, the company that owns Carrier pay in taxes?

35%? No. 15%? No. They payed 9% this year, 10% the last four years.

So what does corporate tax mean to them?

So barry's been giving them a hell of a deal?
So much winning...........:rock::rock::rock:

So..........who still has that massive smile still going ear to ear and getting bigger every day?!!:popcorn:
Trump didn't do any of it.

Pence gave Carrier $7Million of Indiana taxpayers' money as an extortion bribe to keep HALF of the business in the country.

The other half is still moving.

This is new and refreshing how, MarathonMike ?
Damnation Granma!

Get with the program!

1000 Indiana workers are happier now than they would have been under Hillary.
For the next month. Trump got no guarantees the jobs would stay. They could leave a month from now. Nothing to stop them. What if they become automated, which seems the most likely. No more jobs.

There was no grand deal here. This was a scam. A con. But Don the Con Trump. And then a rally right after where he tells his minions to not ever trust the press. Only trust him. Only Trump will tell the truth. Only in Trump can you believe.

And those morons cheered.

Sounds very, very banana to me.
Carrier is going to be increasing 10,000 jobs after factor modifications.

1,100 jobs were saved for now

Incentives were local, not federal. Obama regulations that stiffled businesses will be removed where possible. Trump acted as a negoiator.

Win for the worker, win for the company, win for the state

Win for the economy, encouragement for other companies that there is reason to keep jobs in the US.
10,000 jobs??????????????

Doing what?

Post a link nitwit. I gotta see this.
800. For now. He also let 1200 go as part of his deal.

1100 according to Mike Pence. We know Obama would have let all those jobs go. Why are you liberals arguing about saving 1100 jobs for middle class Americans? You keep this up and the slaughter will continue in the 2018 elections.
800. For now. He also let 1200 go as part of his deal.

1100 according to Mike Pence. We know Obama would have let all those jobs go. Why are you liberals arguing about saving 1100 jobs for middle class Americans? You keep this up and the slaughter will continue in the 2018 elections.
If those 1100 jobs are even still there in 2018.
800. For now. He also let 1200 go as part of his deal.

1100 according to Mike Pence. We know Obama would have let all those jobs go. Why are you liberals arguing about saving 1100 jobs for middle class Americans? You keep this up and the slaughter will continue in the 2018 elections.
If those 1100 jobs are even still there in 2018.

Your arguments are based on what you hope will happen in the future. Here's a tip, stop arguing about 1100 middle class Americans getting to keep their jobs.
Carrier is going to be increasing 10,000 jobs after factor modifications.

1,100 jobs were saved for now

Incentives were local, not federal. Obama regulations that stiffled businesses will be removed where possible. Trump acted as a negoiator.

Win for the worker, win for the company, win for the state

Win for the economy, encouragement for other companies that there is reason to keep jobs in the US.
are these other companies all gonna line up for a govt handout in order to stay?
You mean tax breaks. Obama gave solyndra millions, and they went bankrupt. It's gonna be nice to have an actual leader back in the white house.
Democrats thought that bashing the middle class would win them the white house. They won't give up trying to destroy the middle class just because they lost.
Carrier is going to be increasing 10,000 jobs after factor modifications.

1,100 jobs were saved for now

Incentives were local, not federal. Obama regulations that stiffled businesses will be removed where possible. Trump acted as a negoiator.

Win for the worker, win for the company, win for the state

Win for the economy, encouragement for other companies that there is reason to keep jobs in the US.
10,000 jobs??????????????

Doing what?

Post a link nitwit. I gotta see this.

>>Greg said that they have over 10,000 jobs that they’re going to be producing in the very near future, and now he’s looking to the United States instead of outside of the United States, where almost all of those jobs would have gone.<<

You did not listen to the speech at Carrier?

I think Time might have the whole thing

At least two other companies have been approached by Trump

The incentives are tax breaks not hand outs but part of the agreement was also to create more jobs after modification

800 former jobs were not saved, but 10,000 new jobs will be created

More than a gain of 9000 new tax payers. Over $25 mil the state won't be paying out each year is social programs............. plus other businesses will benefit from more people with pay check to buy goods, and in turn increase tax revenues vs $7 mil in incentives

Down side????
Meet the new boss, NOT the same as the old boss.

Add to this Trump is not accepting a salary.
After all the money he's going to scam, he won't need one.

What money has he scammed?
You mean besides the workers he stiffed and Trump Foundation taking in OPM (other people's money as he calls it)?

He already is trying to lower the value of his new hotel. From 93 million to 23 million so he could lower the taxes. The hotel built on government land. Course, now he's the landlord so let's see what happens.
Funny, no one on the Right is complaining about the cost of security at Trump Tower for Melania and Barron.
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So Trump made a backroom deal with Carrier that they would keep some jobs here, and in exchange he'd convince his VP to give them millions of dollars in tax breaks.

I thought you guys elected Trump because you were "sick of the pay-to-play corruption" and wanted to "drain the swamp".

Tax payers dont pay for those tax cuts.. Maybe just maybe some non tax payer can get a job there and become a tax payer..

It scares you doesnt it?

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