For the last time, I'm gonna try to educate the left on GUNS; Can't take ignorance any longer.

Moron journalist Tom Brokaw called for a ban on the "AR-14" today. MSNBC morons said 2nd amendment covers guns...not "weapons of war". I can't take it anymore. My final attempt to educate them.

Guns: An AR-15 shoots a TINY bullet...a .223. That bullet is HALF THE size of a standard cops pistol bullet...a .45. Plus....pistols have big hollow point bullets...far deadlier. In deadly...they aren't allowed in war. That's right....the hollow point pistol bullet is banned from wars by the 1899 Hague Convention treaty. The .223 bullet an AR shoots? Army and Marine troops complain that they aren't deadly enough in war. They created the 6.8 round to try to fix it....which the standard AR-15 doesn't shoot.

Guns: 30 round magazines for a .223 AR??? GUESS WHAT??? They make 30 round mags for Glocks...that shoot the far larger and far deadlier hollow point bullets. AR15s are almost all semi auto...not full auto. Almost none are full auto.

**A side note: A gunman with a rifle is also FAR EASIER to disarm than one with a pistol. Imagine trying to pry away a broom from a guy vs prying away a fork. The larger gun is by far easier to grab...control...and wrestle away.

2nd Amendment: Libs are now saying the Founders meant muskets....not "Weapons of War". Hey 1776....muskets WERE WEAPONS OF WAR

View attachment 78100

I'll add more later. Can't overwhelm the ignorant brains reading this.

Thomas Jefferson supported rewriting the Constitution every 19 years, equated not doing so to being 'enslaved to the prior generation'
Thomas Jefferson supported rewriting the Constitution every 19 years, equated not doing so to being 'enslaved to the prior generation' - what do you think about that ?

The Constitution and the Founders are often lest understood by those who talk about them most.

It doesn't need to be rewritten, some parts need to be read and interpreted within the context of the 21st Century. We no longer live in a mostly agrarian society, we have police depts, sheriff depts and public transportation, moving millions of people everyday within and without the borders of the several states; we have mass murderers, those who kill for myriad of reasons, known only to themselves.

And yet, notwithstanding the amount of mass murders; death by accident, suicide and homicides, which occur daily, the Congress sits on their collective ass making phone calls to facilitate their reelection after pausing for less than a minute, thinking(?), shit I need to make those calls.

The 2nd amendment was written to secure the rights and the abilities of "the people" to defend their freedoms and their perspective states. . . Especially from an abusive / tyrannical government.

Can you explain for all of us why that concern and principle is any less valid today than it was when the amendment was written?

Sure: Technology in terms of intelligence and weaponry.
There is no loophole, you're just lying.

The ONLY time a background check is not needed is when a PRIVATE individual sells a single weapon the he/she owns, to another private individual.

You know this, yet chose to lie.

Fucking leftists, not so much as a shred of integrity in any of you.

They also don't admit that this "loop hole" takes place 99% of the time in the urban ghettos where black market gun sales happen dozens of times a day. More black market gun sales occur in a Chicago weekend than every Illinois gun show on any given weekend.

You know, it's funny when you consider this: The United States of America is one of the largest exporters of weapons in the world - second only to Russia. We export all manner of death and destruction to anyone (and everyone) who has the cash. Yet our leaders (and I use that term very loosely) want to disarm the law-abiding citizens of our own country. Has no one ever asked - "Where the hell do these inner city minorities get the tens of thousands of guns that are always there?"

Hell, one many weekends this year, there have been as many deaths as there were in Orlando. Yet the democrat controlled city NEVER affects change in that city.

Please - help me understand the crap that goes on in this country and how the hell democrats can "walk out" on a moment of silence while their constituencies are dying in the cities that THEY control??

Find ONE -- even ONE -- fucking example of this, dipshit.

Ok. Barbara Boxer. Want 200 more, dipshit?

So you think an assault weapons ban is "disarming the law-abiding citizens" of our country? I missed where she banned all guns. ZERO leaders in the U.S. have suggested this. You're completely full of shit.

How do you think the founding fathers like Patrick Henry, Jon Adams and Paul Revere would have reacted, had the tyrannical king tried to enact a ban on any of the weapons they were amassing to defend their [our] freedoms with?
Moron journalist Tom Brokaw called for a ban on the "AR-14" today. MSNBC morons said 2nd amendment covers guns...not "weapons of war". I can't take it anymore. My final attempt to educate them.

Guns: An AR-15 shoots a TINY bullet...a .223. That bullet is HALF THE size of a standard cops pistol bullet...a .45. Plus....pistols have big hollow point bullets...far deadlier. In deadly...they aren't allowed in war. That's right....the hollow point pistol bullet is banned from wars by the 1899 Hague Convention treaty. The .223 bullet an AR shoots? Army and Marine troops complain that they aren't deadly enough in war. They created the 6.8 round to try to fix it....which the standard AR-15 doesn't shoot.

Guns: 30 round magazines for a .223 AR??? GUESS WHAT??? They make 30 round mags for Glocks...that shoot the far larger and far deadlier hollow point bullets. AR15s are almost all semi auto...not full auto. Almost none are full auto.

**A side note: A gunman with a rifle is also FAR EASIER to disarm than one with a pistol. Imagine trying to pry away a broom from a guy vs prying away a fork. The larger gun is by far easier to grab...control...and wrestle away.

2nd Amendment: Libs are now saying the Founders meant muskets....not "Weapons of War". Hey 1776....muskets WERE WEAPONS OF WAR

View attachment 78100

I'll add more later. Can't overwhelm the ignorant brains reading this.

Thomas Jefferson supported rewriting the Constitution every 19 years, equated not doing so to being 'enslaved to the prior generation'
Thomas Jefferson supported rewriting the Constitution every 19 years, equated not doing so to being 'enslaved to the prior generation' - what do you think about that ?

The Constitution and the Founders are often lest understood by those who talk about them most.

It doesn't need to be rewritten, some parts need to be read and interpreted within the context of the 21st Century. We no longer live in a mostly agrarian society, we have police depts, sheriff depts and public transportation, moving millions of people everyday within and without the borders of the several states; we have mass murderers, those who kill for myriad of reasons, known only to themselves.

And yet, notwithstanding the amount of mass murders; death by accident, suicide and homicides, which occur daily, the Congress sits on their collective ass making phone calls to facilitate their reelection after pausing for less than a minute, thinking(?), shit I need to make those calls.

I, like Jefferson, believe the Constitution should be re-written. No generation should be held captive by the thinking of the dead from hundreds of years ago.
These stupid Libtards like Crooked Hillary that are saying that an AR-15 is a "weapon of war" and therefore should be banned is ignorant of US v Miller. The court determined that weapons used by the military are appropriate for individual citizen use by the Constitution.

Unless a stupid Moon Bat gets hung up on the words of "appropriate for use in an organized militia" be aware that US Code defines the militia as all able bodied citizens not a member of the government military. Heller reinforced that individual right.

United States v. Miller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On March 30, 1939, the Supreme Court heard the case. Attorneys for the United States argued four points:

  1. The NFA is intended as a revenue-collecting measure and therefore within the authority of the Department of the Treasury.
  2. The defendants transported the shotgun from Oklahoma to Arkansas, and therefore used it in interstate commerce.
  3. The Second Amendment protects only the ownership of military-type weapons appropriate for use in an organized militia.
  4. The "double barrel 12-gauge Stevens shotgun having a barrel less than 18 inches in length, bearing identification number 76230" was never used in any militia organization.

By the way, the Court was wrong about the shotgun. They didn't do their homework. That shotgun was used by the military during WWI. Miller should have won that case but he didn't even show up so he lost by default.
They also don't admit that this "loop hole" takes place 99% of the time in the urban ghettos where black market gun sales happen dozens of times a day. More black market gun sales occur in a Chicago weekend than every Illinois gun show on any given weekend.

You know, it's funny when you consider this: The United States of America is one of the largest exporters of weapons in the world - second only to Russia. We export all manner of death and destruction to anyone (and everyone) who has the cash. Yet our leaders (and I use that term very loosely) want to disarm the law-abiding citizens of our own country. Has no one ever asked - "Where the hell do these inner city minorities get the tens of thousands of guns that are always there?"

Hell, one many weekends this year, there have been as many deaths as there were in Orlando. Yet the democrat controlled city NEVER affects change in that city.

Please - help me understand the crap that goes on in this country and how the hell democrats can "walk out" on a moment of silence while their constituencies are dying in the cities that THEY control??

Find ONE -- even ONE -- fucking example of this, dipshit.

Ok. Barbara Boxer. Want 200 more, dipshit?

So you think an assault weapons ban is "disarming the law-abiding citizens" of our country? I missed where she banned all guns. ZERO leaders in the U.S. have suggested this. You're completely full of shit.

How do you think the founding fathers like Patrick Henry, Jon Adams and Paul Revere would have reacted, had the tyrannical king tried to enact a ban on any of the weapons they were amassing to defend their [our] freedoms with?

How do I think? Sorry, that issue (mind reading of the dead) is beyond my pay grade. However, I suspect if the Red Coats had the weaponry of our military today, and Henry, et al, had access to the small arms most civilians have today, Henry and the others would have gotten their collective ass kicked and our national anthem would never have been written.
They also don't admit that this "loop hole" takes place 99% of the time in the urban ghettos where black market gun sales happen dozens of times a day. More black market gun sales occur in a Chicago weekend than every Illinois gun show on any given weekend.

You know, it's funny when you consider this: The United States of America is one of the largest exporters of weapons in the world - second only to Russia. We export all manner of death and destruction to anyone (and everyone) who has the cash. Yet our leaders (and I use that term very loosely) want to disarm the law-abiding citizens of our own country. Has no one ever asked - "Where the hell do these inner city minorities get the tens of thousands of guns that are always there?"

Hell, one many weekends this year, there have been as many deaths as there were in Orlando. Yet the democrat controlled city NEVER affects change in that city.

Please - help me understand the crap that goes on in this country and how the hell democrats can "walk out" on a moment of silence while their constituencies are dying in the cities that THEY control??

Find ONE -- even ONE -- fucking example of this, dipshit.

Ok. Barbara Boxer. Want 200 more, dipshit?

So you think an assault weapons ban is "disarming the law-abiding citizens" of our country? I missed where she banned all guns. ZERO leaders in the U.S. have suggested this. You're completely full of shit.

How do you think the founding fathers like Patrick Henry, Jon Adams and Paul Revere would have reacted, had the tyrannical king tried to enact a ban on any of the weapons they were amassing to defend their [our] freedoms with?

How do you think Paul Revere and Jon [sic] Adams and Patrick Henry would have reacted if the king had banned their access to the NSA website?

Your comparison makes zero sense. Like your life.
So you're saying Barry's DOJ dropped the ball yet again...

Wow, a straw man ^^^ with no straw. Nice job!

Straw man? You're the one who brought up allowing potential criminals access to firearms.

I did? How does one define a "potential criminal"? Their race, creed, politics, rhetoric? Or do you feel we should toss out criminal procedure and detain anyone who is suspicious, deny them even arraignment (as no real evidence exits) until weeks or months or even years later evidence can be found or manufactured to bring the not yet accused into court? Isn't that how it's done in Iran?

How about being investigated by the FBI multiple times?

It matters not how many times an investigation ensues, if it results in a lack of evidence there is no probable cause to arrest a subject. This is still the United States, a nation of laws, not emotions.

Yeah.......I guess it doesnt matter.
Especially when Barry and hillary tell you to cease and desist with the investigation and to wipe all evidence of it.
So you think an assault weapons ban is "disarming the law-abiding citizens" of our country? I missed where she banned all guns. ZERO leaders in the U.S. have suggested this. You're completely full of shit.

So you think a ban on criticism of Donald Trump is "crushing the free speech of law-abiding citizens" of this country? I missed where this banned all speech.

Fucking leftists, stupid and without even a hint of integrity.

Do you even TRY to make sense???

Do you even TRY to comprehend what you read????

There's a difference between a revolver and a pistol....just sayin.
And takes forever to reload a revolver.

Ever heard of a speed loader?

View attachment 78256

Revolvers can be reloaded FAR faster than a magazine for a semi-auto can.

Pretty sure there was a video along with that statement that made it quite obvious I was being sarcastic.

Got it.

I block videos. Sorry.
You know, it's funny when you consider this: The United States of America is one of the largest exporters of weapons in the world - second only to Russia. We export all manner of death and destruction to anyone (and everyone) who has the cash. Yet our leaders (and I use that term very loosely) want to disarm the law-abiding citizens of our own country. Has no one ever asked - "Where the hell do these inner city minorities get the tens of thousands of guns that are always there?"

Hell, one many weekends this year, there have been as many deaths as there were in Orlando. Yet the democrat controlled city NEVER affects change in that city.

Please - help me understand the crap that goes on in this country and how the hell democrats can "walk out" on a moment of silence while their constituencies are dying in the cities that THEY control??

Find ONE -- even ONE -- fucking example of this, dipshit.

Ok. Barbara Boxer. Want 200 more, dipshit?

So you think an assault weapons ban is "disarming the law-abiding citizens" of our country? I missed where she banned all guns. ZERO leaders in the U.S. have suggested this. You're completely full of shit.

How do you think the founding fathers like Patrick Henry, Jon Adams and Paul Revere would have reacted, had the tyrannical king tried to enact a ban on any of the weapons they were amassing to defend their [our] freedoms with?

How do you think Paul Revere and Jon [sic] Adams and Patrick Henry would have reacted if the king had banned their access to the NSA website?

Your comparison makes zero sense. Like your life.

Oh ... Fuck You.
Wow, a straw man ^^^ with no straw. Nice job!

Straw man? You're the one who brought up allowing potential criminals access to firearms.

I did? How does one define a "potential criminal"? Their race, creed, politics, rhetoric? Or do you feel we should toss out criminal procedure and detain anyone who is suspicious, deny them even arraignment (as no real evidence exits) until weeks or months or even years later evidence can be found or manufactured to bring the not yet accused into court? Isn't that how it's done in Iran?

How about being investigated by the FBI multiple times?

It matters not how many times an investigation ensues, if it results in a lack of evidence there is no probable cause to arrest a subject. This is still the United States, a nation of laws, not emotions.

Yeah.......I guess it doesnt matter.
Especially when Barry and hillary tell you to cease and desist with the investigation and to wipe all evidence of it.

That doesn't happen. You watch too much TV.

How do you think Paul Revere and Jon [sic] Adams and Patrick Henry would have reacted if the king had banned their access to the NSA website?

Your comparison makes zero sense. Like your life.

The King did.

The equivalent of today's activist web sites were the Churches of the day. King George outlawed sermons under the Sedition act.

You need to;

  1. Learn some basic history
  2. Take a reading comprehension course
You are given information, you simply lack wherewithal to understand it.
I simply asked a couple of questions. I should add, "Emotional rhetoric, personal insults and, in general, a condescending demeanor." is a statement of opinion sans real evidence, and claiming millions of Democrats all thinks and act in concert is untrue. Not only dishonest but also far from a rational statement.

I'm sorry I don't kiss your ass, but you get what you deserve; BTW I have never patronized you, I accurately characterized you as I did based on your foolish posts.
Dude, you're like a child who throws a tantrum when people disagree with you. Example:
So you're saying Barry's DOJ dropped the ball yet again...

Wow, a straw man ^^^ with no straw. Nice job!
It's not a straw man so you're either lying or ignorant of what the DOJ and FBI do. Omar Mateen was investigated twice by the FBI.

Nothing was done. As the COC chart below details, the FBI reports through the DOJ, but the FBI Director reports directly the President. Either way, it's part of President Obama's responsibilities. No straw man at all.

There is no loophole, you're just lying.

The ONLY time a background check is not needed is when a PRIVATE individual sells a single weapon the he/she owns, to another private individual.

You know this, yet chose to lie.

Fucking leftists, not so much as a shred of integrity in any of you.

They also don't admit that this "loop hole" takes place 99% of the time in the urban ghettos where black market gun sales happen dozens of times a day. More black market gun sales occur in a Chicago weekend than every Illinois gun show on any given weekend.

You know, it's funny when you consider this: The United States of America is one of the largest exporters of weapons in the world - second only to Russia. We export all manner of death and destruction to anyone (and everyone) who has the cash. Yet our leaders (and I use that term very loosely) want to disarm the law-abiding citizens of our own country. Has no one ever asked - "Where the hell do these inner city minorities get the tens of thousands of guns that are always there?"

Hell, one many weekends this year, there have been as many deaths as there were in Orlando. Yet the democrat controlled city NEVER affects change in that city.

Please - help me understand the crap that goes on in this country and how the hell democrats can "walk out" on a moment of silence while their constituencies are dying in the cities that THEY control??

Find ONE -- even ONE -- fucking example of this, dipshit.

Ok. Barbara Boxer. Want 200 more, dipshit?

So you think an assault weapons ban is "disarming the law-abiding citizens" of our country? I missed where she banned all guns. ZERO leaders in the U.S. have suggested this. You're completely full of shit.

Here's what I would like you to do. Read the following, that is, if you can read.

Charles Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mass shootings are nothing new in ANY country, let alone the US. I remember Whitman very well. He killed several people with a Remington 700 (a bolt action rifle). The country didn't throw a hissy fit then - and there is no reason for your paranoia now. Remember the Chinese man who killed and maimed 30 children in China not long ago? He used a knife.

Grow up, will you....
How do I think? Sorry, that issue (mind reading of the dead) is beyond my pay grade. However, I suspect if the Red Coats had the weaponry of our military today, and Henry, et al, had access to the small arms most civilians have today, Henry and the others would have gotten their collective ass kicked and our national anthem would never have been written.
You think President Obama would order towns napalmed if they revolted? Cities nuked or gassed? Sure, King George would have done it, but do you really think a US President would do it? If so, do you think our men and women serving in uniform would follow their orders?
Find ONE -- even ONE -- fucking example of this, dipshit.

Ok. Barbara Boxer. Want 200 more, dipshit?

So you think an assault weapons ban is "disarming the law-abiding citizens" of our country? I missed where she banned all guns. ZERO leaders in the U.S. have suggested this. You're completely full of shit.

How do you think the founding fathers like Patrick Henry, Jon Adams and Paul Revere would have reacted, had the tyrannical king tried to enact a ban on any of the weapons they were amassing to defend their [our] freedoms with?

How do you think Paul Revere and Jon [sic] Adams and Patrick Henry would have reacted if the king had banned their access to the NSA website?

Your comparison makes zero sense. Like your life.

Oh ... Fuck You.
Straw man? You're the one who brought up allowing potential criminals access to firearms.

I did? How does one define a "potential criminal"? Their race, creed, politics, rhetoric? Or do you feel we should toss out criminal procedure and detain anyone who is suspicious, deny them even arraignment (as no real evidence exits) until weeks or months or even years later evidence can be found or manufactured to bring the not yet accused into court? Isn't that how it's done in Iran?

How about being investigated by the FBI multiple times?

It matters not how many times an investigation ensues, if it results in a lack of evidence there is no probable cause to arrest a subject. This is still the United States, a nation of laws, not emotions.

Yeah.......I guess it doesnt matter.
Especially when Barry and hillary tell you to cease and desist with the investigation and to wipe all evidence of it.

That doesn't happen. You watch too much TV.

It just did.
How do I think? Sorry, that issue (mind reading of the dead) is beyond my pay grade. However, I suspect if the Red Coats had the weaponry of our military today, and Henry, et al, had access to the small arms most civilians have today, Henry and the others would have gotten their collective ass kicked and our national anthem would never have been written.
You think President Obama would order towns napalmed if they revolted? Cities nuked or gassed? Sure, King George would have done it, but do you really think a US President would do it? If so, do you think our men and women serving in uniform would follow their orders?

Honestly, with Obama, I don't know.....and that's what scares the hell out of me. He seems to lean toward the Nation of Islam a lot quicker than he does Christian America.

As to the military - I have no clue anymore about them either. This latest generation has been so damned brainwashed (from K-16) that I truly don;t know any longer. I'd like to think that they wouldn't follow unlawful orders - but hell, do they even know what constitutes an "unlawful" order any longer? Just asking...
These stupid Libtards like Crooked Hillary that are saying that an AR-15 is a "weapon of war" and therefore should be banned is ignorant of US v Miller. The court determined that weapons used by the military are appropriate for individual citizen use by the Constitution.

Unless a stupid Moon Bat gets hung up on the words of "appropriate for use in an organized militia" be aware that US Code defines the militia as all able bodied citizens not a member of the government military. Heller reinforced that individual right.

United States v. Miller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On March 30, 1939, the Supreme Court heard the case. Attorneys for the United States argued four points:

  1. The NFA is intended as a revenue-collecting measure and therefore within the authority of the Department of the Treasury.
  2. The defendants transported the shotgun from Oklahoma to Arkansas, and therefore used it in interstate commerce.
  3. The Second Amendment protects only the ownership of military-type weapons appropriate for use in an organized militia.
  4. The "double barrel 12-gauge Stevens shotgun having a barrel less than 18 inches in length, bearing identification number 76230" was never used in any militia organization.

By the way, the Court was wrong about the shotgun. They didn't do their homework. That shotgun was used by the military during WWI. Miller should have won that case but he didn't even show up so he lost by default.

Well, for what it's worth, my Platoon Sergeant used ONLY a 12 gauge pump. He loved that damned thing....cleared away elephant grass pretty good, though :)
Honestly, with Obama, I don't know.....and that's what scares the hell out of me. He seems to lean toward the Nation of Islam a lot quicker than he does Christian America.

As to the military - I have no clue anymore about them either. This latest generation has been so damned brainwashed (from K-16) that I truly don;t know any longer. I'd like to think that they wouldn't follow unlawful orders - but hell, do they even know what constitutes an "unlawful" order any longer? Just asking...

I agree that Obama or Hillary would order attacks on American civilians. However, there is no way in hell our armed forces would carry out such illegal orders.
Honestly, with Obama, I don't know.....and that's what scares the hell out of me. He seems to lean toward the Nation of Islam a lot quicker than he does Christian America.

As to the military - I have no clue anymore about them either. This latest generation has been so damned brainwashed (from K-16) that I truly don;t know any longer. I'd like to think that they wouldn't follow unlawful orders - but hell, do they even know what constitutes an "unlawful" order any longer? Just asking...

I agree that Obama or Hillary would order attacks on American civilians. However, there is no way in hell our armed forces would carry out such illegal orders.

With the purging of our military officers we'll have to rely on our soldiers to tell them to fuck off when given the order to fire on American citizens.

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