For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud

US Air Force Admit They Can Control the Weather

The US Air Force and DARPA would like us to believe that they have stopped using HAARP in Alaska for research and experiment. Even then, we all know that there are other HAARP systems out there in the form of radar communication and surveillance systems that are rigged on top of mobile platforms that are deployable in any international waters around the world.

All they need to do is twist a knob to change the frequency of the main wave to the microwave range for a modulated frequency [FM] broadcast, and increase the transmission power high enough to reach and heat up the atmosphere above the designated target.

The technology is covered under US Patent 4,686,605 on the “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere.”

This is where the previous post originated.
Many Republicans who watch Fox "News" think the Sun is the source of climate change on Earth. They parrot every single piece of this BS they can.

The Data - during the past million years, GREENLAND FROZE WHILE NORTH AMERICA THAWED

The SUN did NOT do that.

Earth climate change is not about the entire planet warming or cooling. It is about the position of land near the poles...

That is the DATA...


This is what North America looked like 1 million years ago, but the map is WRONG because it has Greenland frozen, and Greenland was not frozen...

Here’s Why We’re Not Living in an Ice Age (And Why That Matters for the Future) | Smart News ...

So please, you are not helping the cause of destroying Algore's fraud by parroting Fox and the "solar cycle."

"Solar cycle" is debunked the same way co2 is, by THE ACTUAL DATA....
There is no source. It ain't happening.
United States Patent [191
[11] Patent Number:
[45] Date of Patent:
Aug. 11, 1987


  • US4686605.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 10
This thread is a huge pile of crap propaganda by the fear everything left.

CO2 can not drive our atmosphere. The earth does not have the energy to keep itself warm. IT IS THE SUN which we derive our energy from to stay warm. The Oceans cover 72% of earth's surface. Any minute change on our sun that slows or increases energy into our oceans will cause warming or cooling.

I don't know who the idiot was that claimed our sun does not drive our climate, but he is an idiot and a liar.

A very simple concept if you follow it: Solar Dimming... What is at stake With This Change on our Sun?

In this second article I go through Down Welling Solar Radiation and what regions actually penetrate our oceans to depth. It explains why we are currently cooling and why we will continue to cool for some time to come.

And why we are cooling today: Is Long-Wave Infra-Red Capable of Warming Earth's Oceans?
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This thread is a huge pile of crap propaganda by the fear everything left.

CO2 can not drive our atmosphere. The earth does not have the energy to keep itself warm. IT IS THE SUN which we derive our energy from to stay warm. The Oceans cover 72% of earth's surface. Any minute change on our sun that slows or increases energy into our oceans will cause warming or cooling.

I don't know who the idiot was that claimed our sun does not drive our climate, but he is an idiot and a liar.

A very simple concept if you follow it: Solar Dimming... What is at stake With This Change on our Sun?

In this second article I go through Down Welling Solar Radiation and what regions actually penetrate our oceans to depth. It explains why we are currently cooling and why we will continue to cool for some time to come.

And why we are cooling today: Is Long-Wave Infra-Red Capable of Warming Earth's Oceans?

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United States Patent [191
[11] Patent Number:
[45] Date of Patent:
Aug. 11, 1987
That first video I had embedded in post #76, this is the reference page for it. Although it is a dry video, and sort of hard to get through, I like folks that list their references. He has a reference in there that used an MIT affiliated scientist? That link was dead, so I had to use the WAYBACK machine, and that scientist had listed that Patent, with a few others. It is a good video if folks in that field are really interested in learning with an open mind.

". . Climate Action Punchline: The U.S. Patents (4,999,637, 5,038,664, 4,686,605 and 4,712,155) concerning the HAARP technology are held by a defense contractor, who bought them from an oil company.. . "


That first video I had embedded in post #76, this is the reference page for it. Although it is a dry video, and sort of hard to get through, I like folks that list their references. He has a reference in there that used an MIT affiliated scientist? That link was dead, so I had to use the WAYBACK machine, and that scientist had listed that Patent, with a few others. It is a good video if folks in that field are really interested in learning with an open mind.

". . Climate Action Punchline: The U.S. Patents (4,999,637, 5,038,664, 4,686,605 and 4,712,155) concerning the HAARP technology are held by a defense contractor, who bought them from an oil company.. . "

View attachment 762594

Are there any other patents for awesome inventions that also don't work?
Or is that the only one?
". . Climate Action Punchline: The U.S. Patents (4,999,637, 5,038,664, 4,686,605 and 4,712,155) concerning the HAARP technology are held by a defense contractor, who bought them from an oil company.. . "
In a video watched a while ago, it was said the following;
United States Patent [191
It was, as stated a patent by an individual Mr Eastlund. Who at the time was promptly employed by those operating HAARP. Once his patent was 'acquired' for HAARP usage, Eastlund was subsequently dismissed from working at the facility once the patent was released into his employer's possession. Go figure.
Are there any other patents for awesome inventions that also don't work?
Or is that the only one?

Demonstrating that your invention is functional is almost always a good idea.​

Let’s step away from the technical considerations of obtaining a patent for a moment, and focus on the practical. What do you want to accomplish by obtaining a patent? More specifically: Is your goal to generate revenue?
If this is the case, then you should have a working model. Oftentimes, the process of refining your ideas into an actual working model—also known as reducing an invention to practice—will help to isolate the innovations that will make your invention patentable, and ultimately, sellable. Many inventors have rushed to patent an idea, only to discover that in order to make it work, they have to make alterations that necessitate the filing of another patent and the expenditure of even more money.
Taking the time to create a working model will almost certainly strengthen your patent claim, calm any doubts that examiners might have about your device’s effectiveness, and increase your odds of making money.
Can I Patent Something Without a Model or Proof That It Works? - O'Brien Patents

Based on a patent lawyer, it's a good idea to have whatever it is, a working model of it. That being said and U.N conventions that the means of weather manipulation is not used in a hostile manner along with the EU having concerns for HAARP's potential, it would strongly suggest that it does what it has been claimed to do from all the articles and posts related to it. So it has a very high probability that it does work for its intended purpose and its ill intent ones.
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What is your proof that these don't work, and that they aren't operational?

How much energy would you need to deliver with one of these devices to actually
make a noticeable change to the weather? You have a couple of secret nuclear reactors you could draw from? Or do you think it would work with a spare diesel generator?
But not a requirement. You think every patent has a working model?
If you were a potential investor of a new invention, wouldn't you want to know whether it worked or not as claimed by the inventor so you're not shafted with investment gone and a lemon invention?
If you were a potential investor of a new invention, wouldn't you want to know whether it worked or not as claimed by the inventor so you're not shafted with investment gone and a lemon invention?

Are you thinking of investing in a weather changing machine?
How much energy would you need to deliver with one of these devices to actually
make a noticeable change to the weather? You have a couple of secret nuclear reactors you could draw from? Or do you think it would work with a spare diesel generator?

I already pointed out that there is no indication of unusual weather patterns and that severe weather is on a long term decrease even posted all the evidence at post 21 which has been ignored.

They will never admit to anything which is why conspiracies grows and grows with nothing settled because when it begins from a bogus standpoint it will always be bogus to the end.
Are you thinking of investing in a weather changing machine?
Don't be stupid. I was speaking generally. So, wouldn't you want to know what a patented idea/object worked?
As the article I posted from the patent lawyer, it's in the best interests of the inventor for the invention to work. Meaning the patent for;

United States Patent [191
[11] Patent Number:
[45] Date of Patent:
Aug. 11, 1987
Would work....... As Eastlund got ripped off by his employer, who was operating HAARP at the time.
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