For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud


"My" side? Dude, you haven't been here long enough to have any clue which "side" I am on. Just sayin'.
The "child" never addressed the details of post 21, he went straight into deflection mode a classic symptom of a person ducking the debate.
This is how stupid this brainless one responded to my fact-based chart filled sourced post which he never addressed in any detail:

Thomas, you have far more patience than I. When I see a person duck a debate by promoting unfounded claims they are either unwilling or unable to back up in any way other than glib remarks, I know this is just another person talking out of the wrong hole and end it there, because you will never get them to defend their position with facts, only attack other's positions with NONE.

So, waste of time. OTOH, while you know far more than me on the subject, I've yet to ever spot anything in your claims or data that I can challenge much less disagree with! And you appear to me to be a man of SCIENCE not of politics, so you carry a lot of weight with me.
There is no sign of "weather manipulation" which YOU never showed any clear examples of in any of your poor replies.
Why do I have to copy and paste, I'll point you in the direction of where to look. Is it that difficult for you to comprehend, yes, nod if know how to.

I had made a couple of points which obviously you just ignore.

I wonder why there are so many articles that state not to use weather modification for military or other hostile uses. Because the means to do so is available.
Does this give a hint that it is an actual procedure?

"Johnny, don't play with those matches, you'll burn yourself and the house down"


Article I​

1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.

I guess you overlooked that pertinent point. Too busy on your fucking high horse, yelling "look at me, I'm being a total bag of dicks", hey?

Posts #50, #51 and #52 are where it's all at.
For the two really special needs people in the classroom

From the UN Convention

Article II​

As used in article 1, the term "environmental modification techniques" refers to any technique for changing - through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes - the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.
I'm sure I got your attention now.
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques - A/RES/31/72 Annex - UN Documents: Gathering a body of global agreements
I have encountered believers who are immune to reason and facts because they lack the critical thinking skills to make a real debate over their extraordinary claims and some are just plain stupid
It's very sad that you talk about yourself like this in the public arena, really sad.

For someone to think that weather manipulation doesn't occur or has ever existed, considering there is documentation by the U.N. for militaries that have the capabilities NOT to use it in a hostile manner. Now tell me, again, why would the U.N. make such a convention outlining prohibiting the use of WEATHER MANIPULATION FOR HOSTILE PURPOSES?


And that you come out swinging with "Oh, but the University of Alaska doesn't state that HAARP manipulates the weather". :auiqs.jpg: :finger3:
It's very sad that you talk about yourself like this in the public arena, really sad.

For someone to think that weather manipulation doesn't occur or has ever existed, considering there is documentation by the U.N. for militaries that have the capabilities NOT to use it in a hostile manner. Now tell me, again, why would the U.N. make such a convention outlining prohibiting the use of WEATHER MANIPULATION FOR HOSTILE PURPOSES?


And that you come out swinging with "Oh, but the University of Alaska doesn't state that HAARP manipulates the weather". :auiqs.jpg: :finger3:

"Manipulates the weather" ... is that like peeing into the wind? ...
No, what you describe that's a sexual fetish, you know self-gratifying golden shower.

Never crossed my mind ... I was referring to a small child who is just learning to pee ... inevitably they'll soak themselves ...

Maybe you think too much about fetishes? ... mine was just an innocent comment about man-kind's ability to control weather ... I don't think we can, certainly not with EM if that's what folks are inferring ... gravity is the main driver, and we can't control gravity yet ...
Never crossed my mind ... I was referring to a small child who is just learning to pee ... inevitably they'll soak themselves ...

Maybe you think too much about fetishes? ... mine was just an innocent comment about man-kind's ability to control weather ... I don't think we can, certainly not with EM if that's what folks are inferring ... gravity is the main driver, and we can't control gravity yet ...
It was your projection of having a golden shower, not mine. I just interpreted what was described.

As for weather manipulation, you obviously missed the lessons Sunsettommy & toobfreak were schooled in.

Take a look at posts #50, 51 and 52. As one is a convention from the U.N. and another from the US Gov, a Bill.
If weather manipulation doesn't exist, then why have the latter, is it a "just in case" scenario? I don't think so.

Also, you can take a look at this doco on HAARP.

Here is one major reason why we have spastic weather in the last 50+ years.

Project Haaarp! Weather Manipulation! Responsible for Extreme Weather, Climate Change
It was your projection of having a golden shower, not mine.

Hey shithead, you ought to have some respect for ReinyDays, I assure you he's way smarter than you. As to Tommy, he's just put you on Iggy as not even worth his time. But if you keep involving me in your itinerant stupidity, I can make you sorry you ever met me. Your choice, troll.
Hey shithead, you ought to have some respect for ReinyDays, I assure you he's way smarter than you. As to Tommy, he's just put you on Iggy as not even worth his time. But if you keep involving me in your itinerant stupidity, I can make you sorry you ever met me. Your choice, troll.
Give your mind a rest, you might have a meltdown fuckwit. The conversation was between me and Reiny.
Fucking online threats, AHAHAHAHA. Calling me a troll, you fucking cockwomble, yeah look that one up shitstain.
It's always the piss-weak and gutless fuckers that make statements like yours. The only one here is you and your own stupidity,
what was that, you can't admit you got fucking owned, so you make these childish threats. Good one you retard.

He put me on ignore not because I'm a waste of his time, it's because of all the stupid responses he made and I owned him with all that I gave back. Be it comebacks and or info. More like embarrassment is why he's put me on ignore. Can't own his own bucket of shit and ran away to hide is more like.
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I can make you sorry you ever met me. Your choice, troll.
And how do you think that will work for ya if you're on Iggy? You lack 99% of brain function don't you, didn't think that one through. Fucking retard.
And how do you think that will work for ya if you're on Iggy? You lack 99% of brain function don't you, didn't think that one through. Fucking retard.

Good thing your head is shaped like a cone, that will make it so much easier to sit my ass on your face while I cut off your air supply. Look, you drooling idiot, you'll go a LOT farther here contributing CONSTRUCTIVELY to threads or at least showing people a little less disrespect rather than constantly proving yourself to be a complete ASS because to date, I have yet to see you make a single salient point much less back up a single claim of yours with any degree of solid data.

Which I guess is par for the course with your types who never DO have any facts to back up anything you claim.
It's interesting you have to resort to violent means, can't you use your WORDS? Fucking retard.
You and Sunset are the dynamic duo


Which I guess is par for the course with your types who never DO have any facts to back up anything you claim.
You are fucking retarded, aren't you?
Did you ever bother to take your head out of your arse and look at posts #50, 51 and 52?
Go have a look wanker, you'll see it all there. Oops, no you didn't because you made this stupid statement that is quoted. How's the stink and darkness up your arse, do you need a colonoscopy, you're so backed up with shit it comes out of your mouth?:auiqs.jpg:

Now there is a flip. You're stating I'm disrespectful, what because I give back what is served up for me? Come back to the light, the light of reality.
Also, you can take a look at this doco on HAARP.

Your documentary is hosted at FB. A lot of very intelligent and sane folks, have no desire to go to FB. I will not go to it, nor do I have the time and inclination, to be sold on the HAARP theory, I am already open to it.

But. . . I want you to consider, that this is NOT the full story. There is a lot more to this.

I am somewhat sad, that this thread has gotten, so very hostile. From my POV, all the members in this conversation, in this thread, are all on the same side of this issue, they only want the truth, and the facts. There is a big ego pissing contest here, about wanting to be, "right."

It is, IMO, not so much important to be individually correct, but, to find the truth. Do not be so quick to dismiss sunset tommy, he is very intelligent. Nor toob, he too, has very good things to add to the discussion.

Hey shithead, you ought to have some respect for ReinyDays, I assure you he's way smarter than you. As to Tommy, he's just put you on Iggy as not even worth his time. But if you keep involving me in your itinerant stupidity, I can make you sorry you ever met me. Your choice, troll.
Asking folks to respect eachother by calling them "shit heads. . " is generally, not an effective strategy, but, I do agree with you. The fact that nearly everyone in this thread, sees all these COP AGW conferences as scams, and only wishes to find the truth? Should be encouraging to us all.

This is how stupid this brainless one responded to my fact-based chart filled sourced post which he never addressed in any detail:

Thank you, I really do appreciate your charts, and always find you one of the best and most informed members on the topic of climate on the forum.

I do so wish our old member, Dale Smith, was not terminal, I had learned so much on the weather manipulation topic, he was the resident expert on this. For many years, I dismissed it, and did not understand, that it is not simply a matter of HAARP, or Chem-trails, or the low frequency energy from cell towers and smart cities, but a combination of. . . well, everything.

Only since the pandemic, have I really started, to truly believe, that yes, it may be possible. I have now seen our global governments try to pull off stranger things.

Geo-engineering i.e "Chem-trailing" and it's use for weather modification is killing the eco-system. This program has been going on since 1997 in earnest and it's all nice and legal because we were given "public notice" and it falls under the catch-all term of "National Security". It is killing the plankton which is the bottom feeder but a crucial part of the foundation of the ocean food web. It's corrupting our soil, it lands on the grazing lands that the cattle eat, we breathe it in....aluminum, strontium and barium nano-particulates. Guess which multi-national corporation has developed seeds that will grow in aluminum corrupted soil? If you guessed "Monsanto", you have guessed correctly. I have taken thousands of pictures of the spraying......View attachment 122832 View attachment 122832 View attachment 122832 View attachment 122833

I will write you a longer reply tomorrow....I have been up awhile writing not only here but two other sites I blog on. I will tell you this much, this SAIS program has a multitude of functions and they have at least 17 different programs with no congressional oversight or accountability because it falls under the catch all category of "National Security". SAIS is used for every thing from weather modification to using these metals like an x-ray to scope out the terrain of land that has precious resources like lithium, gold, silver, etc, etc by bouncing ELF (extremely low frequency) waves off of the sprayed heavy metals man-made clouds. I have a longer explanation that goes deeper but I am out of gas. One great source of information is Dane Wigington is a friend of mine that started this site and it has a plethora of information and source materials....but make no mistake, this is going on in all NATO countries. You can go to youtube and put in "chemtrails" and whatever country in Europe you want to pick and see ordinary citizens recording the spraying of this shit that we breath in.


You know, I never paid much attention to your "chem trail," arguments, till after the scamdemic.

When Corbett started focusing heavily on the WEF and the WHOs future climate lockdown plans, I finally get, that the chemtrails, where never about global depopulation, but were always about weather control, thanks! :113:

"That last, "election," was probably the last straw before the establishment types went full crazy.

I have no idea if there is an intentional, timed and tracked psy-op on the planetary population, but after some of the conferences I have watched at the WEF? And read about what went on at things like that Event 201 and Dark Winter, if you told me there was an actual conspiracy going on, I'd not be shocked, AT ALL.

" Article III
1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes and shall be without prejudice to the generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law concerning such use.

2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone or together with other States or international organizations, to international economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement, and peaceful utilization of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world."


Joe even admitted it! :ack-1:

". . It’s not like it’s beyond our control. The weather may be beyond our control for now, but it’s not beyond our control, and I promise you, we’re staying – the federal government, along with the state and county and the city. We’re staying until everybody’s back to where they were, not a joke, and one other thing I’ve raised to the gov. "

The expert on this, is Patrick Wood. I saw there is a Caravan to Midnight interview, but I have no sub to that channel, here it is;

Otherwise, here is Mercola;

I didn't know Dale passed away. :shock:

However Post 21 shows no evidence of "Weather" modification ongoing as severe weather is decreasing slowly over the decades with a 42 year LOW just last year and notice several people here ignored that hard reality completely which isn't surprising since no one can address that reality at all.

I also noticed that no one is able to show outlandish weather events in the region of Alaska which is where the HAARP unit is located.

I'm Cool with the weather manipulation narrative - loved it on 6 Million Dollar Man in the 1970s with the guy who did the Smith Barney commercials as the villain...

But, the OP is about

tectonic plate movement, position of land near the Poles

as the real cause of Earth climate change.

As long as you all concede that Co2 and Sun are both eliminated by the Greenland / North america issue, go right on debating Dr. Evil plots here....
Your documentary is hosted at FB. A lot of very intelligent and sane folks, have no desire to go to FB. I will not go to it, nor do I have the time and inclination, to be sold on the HAARP theory, I am already open to it.

But. . . I want you to consider, that this is NOT the full story. There is a lot more to this.

I am somewhat sad, that this thread has gotten, so very hostile. From my POV, all the members in this conversation, in this thread, are all on the same side of this issue, they only want the truth, and the facts. There is a big ego pissing contest here, about wanting to be, "right."

It is, IMO, not so much important to be individually correct, but, to find the truth. Do not be so quick to dismiss sunset tommy, he is very intelligent. Nor toob, he too, has very good things to add to the discussion.

Asking folks to respect eachother by calling them "shit heads. . " is generally, not an effective strategy, but, I do agree with you. The fact that nearly everyone in this thread, sees all these COP AGW conferences as scams, and only wishes to find the truth? Should be encouraging to us all.

Thank you, I really do appreciate your charts, and always find you one of the best and most informed members on the topic of climate on the forum.

I do so wish our old member, Dale Smith, was not terminal, I had learned so much on the weather manipulation topic, he was the resident expert on this. For many years, I dismissed it, and did not understand, that it is not simply a matter of HAARP, or Chem-trails, or the low frequency energy from cell towers and smart cities, but a combination of. . . well, everything.

Only since the pandemic, have I really started, to truly believe, that yes, it may be possible. I have now seen our global governments try to pull off stranger things.

View attachment 761954
You know, I never paid much attention to your "chem trail," arguments, till after the scamdemic.

When Corbett started focusing heavily on the WEF and the WHOs future climate lockdown plans, I finally get, that the chemtrails, where never about global depopulation, but were always about weather control, thanks! :113:

"That last, "election," was probably the last straw before the establishment types went full crazy.

I have no idea if there is an intentional, timed and tracked psy-op on the planetary population, but after some of the conferences I have watched at the WEF? And read about what went on at things like that Event 201 and Dark Winter, if you told me there was an actual conspiracy going on, I'd not be shocked, AT ALL.

" Article III
1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes and shall be without prejudice to the generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law concerning such use.

2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone or together with other States or international organizations, to international economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement, and peaceful utilization of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world."


Joe even admitted it! :ack-1:

". . It’s not like it’s beyond our control. The weather may be beyond our control for now, but it’s not beyond our control, and I promise you, we’re staying – the federal government, along with the state and county and the city. We’re staying until everybody’s back to where they were, not a joke, and one other thing I’ve raised to the gov. "

The expert on this, is Patrick Wood. I saw there is a Caravan to Midnight interview, but I have no sub to that channel, here it is;

Otherwise, here is Mercola;

I know Dale had cancer and that he had entered hospice, I was unaware he had passed.

Dale and I had many back and forth's on chem trails and HAARP uses.

HAARP cannot modify the weather due to the makeup of our atmosphere and the magnetic fields the earth itself generates. VLF pulse generation is very valuable in seismology and looking into the earth's crust formations.

There is a whole lot of misinformation out there that is not supported by empirical evidence. The global warming crowd is way off the mark about current technology. It is being used as a deflection from the failed Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis. Sunsettommy put forth empirical evidence that Next-Time is ignoring and that is a sad commentary on the point he was trying to make.

If you really want to talk about HAARP, you need to understand ion wave propagation in our atmosphere. I don't think anyone here has the technical expertise to discuss this intelligently.

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