For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud

Don't be stupid. I was speaking generally. So, wouldn't you want to know what a patented idea/object worked?
As the article I posted from the patent lawyer, it's in the best interests of the inventor for the invention to work. Meaning the patent for;

Would work....... As Eastlund got ripped off by his employer, who was operating HAARP at the time.

It works? Awesome!
What weather has it changed?
Oh, you know, the frequency of tornados and hurricanes, the lack of rain in regions and the intensity of other areas.

How about the UK's summer last year, how do they get 40°+ days when their average summer temperatures are 25°?

How much energy does it take to change the frequency?
Where do you put it? When?

How much does it take to raise the temperature of the UK by 15°?
How much energy does it take to change the frequency?
Where do you put it? When?

How much does it take to raise the temperature of the UK by 15°?
You may want to have a look at these; near the end of the 1st link US Air Force Admit They Can Control the Weather

And if you take a look at the US patent;

United States Patent [191
[11] Patent Number:
[45] Date of Patent:
Aug. 11, 1987
It tells you all the scientific and technical data is all present.
Here is an interesting paragraphs

Put another way, in Alaska, the right type of fuel
(natural gas) is naturally present in large amounts and at
5 just the right magnetic latitudes for the most efficient
practice of this invention, a truly unique combination of
circumstances. Desirable magnetic latitudes for the
practice of this invention interest the earth’s surface
both northerly and southerly of the equator, particu
larly desirable latitudes being those, both northerly and
southerly, which correspond in magnitude with the
magnetic latitudes that encompass Alaska.
As the electron energy is raised
to values of about 1 kilo electron volt (kev), the gener
ated mirror force (explained below) will direct. the ex
cited plasma 12 upward along line 11 to form a plume
R221 an altitude higher than that of R1.
Plasma acceleration results from the force on an elec
tron produced by a nonuniform static magnetic ?eld
(P). The force, called the mirror force, is given by
Another interesting paragraph.
Transmitter 16 is powered by power generator means
17 which is preferably comprised of one or more large,
commercial electrical generators. Some embodiments
of the present invention require large amounts of
power, e.g., up to 10 to the pwr 9 to 10 to the pwr of
11 watts, in continuous wave [I had to edit this as the copy and paste was shit]
or pulsed power. Generation of the needed power is
within the state of the art. Although the electrical gen
erators necessary for the practice of the invention can
be powered in any known manner, for example, by
nuclear reactors, hydroelectric facilities, hydrocarbon
fuels, and the like, this invention, because of its very
large power requirement in certain applications, is par
ticularly adapted for use with certain types of fuel
sources which naturally occur at strategic geographical
locations around the earth. For example, large reserves
of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) exist in Alaska and


  • US4686605.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 8
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Your documentary is hosted at FB. A lot of very intelligent and sane folks, have no desire to go to FB. I will not go to it, nor do I have the time and inclination, to be sold on the HAARP theory, I am already open to it.

But. . . I want you to consider, that this is NOT the full story. There is a lot more to this.

I am somewhat sad, that this thread has gotten, so very hostile. From my POV, all the members in this conversation, in this thread, are all on the same side of this issue, they only want the truth, and the facts. There is a big ego pissing contest here, about wanting to be, "right."

It is, IMO, not so much important to be individually correct, but, to find the truth. Do not be so quick to dismiss sunset tommy, he is very intelligent. Nor toob, he too, has very good things to add to the discussion.

Asking folks to respect eachother by calling them "shit heads. . " is generally, not an effective strategy, but, I do agree with you. The fact that nearly everyone in this thread, sees all these COP AGW conferences as scams, and only wishes to find the truth? Should be encouraging to us all.

Thank you, I really do appreciate your charts, and always find you one of the best and most informed members on the topic of climate on the forum.

I do so wish our old member, Dale Smith, was not terminal, I had learned so much on the weather manipulation topic, he was the resident expert on this. For many years, I dismissed it, and did not understand, that it is not simply a matter of HAARP, or Chem-trails, or the low frequency energy from cell towers and smart cities, but a combination of. . . well, everything.

Only since the pandemic, have I really started, to truly believe, that yes, it may be possible. I have now seen our global governments try to pull off stranger things.

View attachment 761954
You know, I never paid much attention to your "chem trail," arguments, till after the scamdemic.

When Corbett started focusing heavily on the WEF and the WHOs future climate lockdown plans, I finally get, that the chemtrails, where never about global depopulation, but were always about weather control, thanks! :113:

"That last, "election," was probably the last straw before the establishment types went full crazy.

I have no idea if there is an intentional, timed and tracked psy-op on the planetary population, but after some of the conferences I have watched at the WEF? And read about what went on at things like that Event 201 and Dark Winter, if you told me there was an actual conspiracy going on, I'd not be shocked, AT ALL.

" Article III
1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes and shall be without prejudice to the generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law concerning such use.

2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone or together with other States or international organizations, to international economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement, and peaceful utilization of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world."


Joe even admitted it! :ack-1:

". . It’s not like it’s beyond our control. The weather may be beyond our control for now, but it’s not beyond our control, and I promise you, we’re staying – the federal government, along with the state and county and the city. We’re staying until everybody’s back to where they were, not a joke, and one other thing I’ve raised to the gov. "

The expert on this, is Patrick Wood. I saw there is a Caravan to Midnight interview, but I have no sub to that channel, here it is;

Otherwise, here is Mercola;

MisterBeale, your contentions are dead on correct and your research tops even mine. Try not to be too angry because they are just scared .It's hard to not be scared and worried when your food supply is being attacked. The water and soil samples in heavily sprayed areas are showing unsafe levels of strontium, barium and aluminum which is changing the PH balance of the soil thus limiting yields. Which multi-national corporation has GMO seeds that will grow in aluminum corrupted soil and are drought resistant and they are only too happy to buy up farms lands. I have so very time left that I don't want to spend it arguing. I could pretend that the horrific, cancerous lesions are not on my face, back of my neck, all over my chest, arms and legs and just hope by not acknowledging them that the don't doesn't change anything. This slow, long drawn out death has been humiliating but I have to face it dead on. You have done a great job defending your position. People can either way and consider the info or continue to pretend that it isnt happening. I am not seeing validation or wanting kudos. I sincerely love and appreciate so many here. Believe it or not, but Bulldog checks up on me all the time. There are just not that many posters here that I can honestly say I don't have any use for. I have learned that life is too short to carry grudges weighs you down and accomplishes nothing. Hatred of each other and constantly putting your foe down accomplishes nothing. Maybe some posters here can't feel that they have a life unless they are belittling someone and that is sad. Life can turn on a fucking dime People I have hurt and insulted are owed an apology. I have found that swallowing some pride isn't that tough when you look at the big scheme of things. Just know you are one of my all time favorites here and have learned so much from you. I love yand it's not a word I use loosely.
What is your proof that these don't work, and that they aren't operational?

8 Hz frequency doesn't carry enough energy ... that's a 50,000 km wavelength ... which weather is bigger than 50,000 km? ... the Earth is only 12,000 km, your 8 Hz EM won't effect her ...1.2 divided by wavelength (in µm) gives eV ... you've only got 10^-9 eV ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

God that's funny ...
... are showing unsafe levels of strontium, barium and aluminum which is changing the PH balance of the soil thus limiting yields.

pH measures the hydrogen ... that's what the "H" stands for ... we also use pOH, which measures the hydroxide radical OH ... strontium, barium and aluminum don't effect pH ... ever ... this is strictly about water and nothing else ...

Which multi-national corporation has GMO seeds that will grow in aluminum corrupted soil and are drought resistant and they are only too happy to buy up farms lands.

Aluminum is the third most abundant element in Earth's crust ... behind silicon and oxygen ... everything evolved being saturated with aluminum ... more abundant than iron or copper, just that aluminum is the most difficult to refine into her metallic form ... aluminum is supposed to be everyplace ... Heirloom seeds will grow in "aluminum corrupted soils" because all soils contain large amounts of aluminum ...

Only humus cuts aluminum ...


It's sad your health is so bad, but that doesn't excuse you from making totally bogus claims ... it was the aluminum in your cookware, the aluminum in your windows frames, the aluminum in your computers and telephones ... aluminum is ubiquitous in our society ... if that caused cancer, then everybody would have cancer ...

Multi-national corporations add their poisons to our foods at the factory ... easier to hide from the public ...
8 Hz frequency doesn't carry enough energy ... that's a 50,000 km wavelength ... which weather is bigger than 50,000 km? ... the Earth is only 12,000 km, your 8 Hz EM won't effect her ...1.2 divided by wavelength (in µm) gives eV ... you've only got 10^-9 eV ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

God that's funny ...

The lack of unusual weather and that storminess has declined over decades time as pointed out in post 21 they still continue to ignore isn't helping their case either.

The lack of unusual weather ...

There's a can'o'worms ... you live in tornado country, when's the last time a tornado swept through your community? ...

NEVER ??? ...

It's still completely normal and usual for tornadoes to be sweeping through your community ... that's just how weather is ... "one in a million" happens 1,300 time a day in China ..
It wouldn't be too difficult for HAARP, considering its location and very voluminous gas fields to power enough turbines. Then when you take into account the following diagram posted by Misterbeal

View attachment 762799

None of this conserves energy ... so you must rely on magical sources ... why are you using "feet" for elevation instead of millibars? ...

8 Hz ...

MisterBeale, your contentions are dead on correct and your research tops even mine. Try not to be too angry because they are just scared .It's hard to not be scared and worried when your food supply is being attacked. The water and soil samples in heavily sprayed areas are showing unsafe levels of strontium, barium and aluminum which is changing the PH balance of the soil thus limiting yields. Which multi-national corporation has GMO seeds that will grow in aluminum corrupted soil and are drought resistant and they are only too happy to buy up farms lands. I have so very time left that I don't want to spend it arguing. I could pretend that the horrific, cancerous lesions are not on my face, back of my neck, all over my chest, arms and legs and just hope by not acknowledging them that the don't doesn't change anything. This slow, long drawn out death has been humiliating but I have to face it dead on. You have done a great job defending your position. People can either way and consider the info or continue to pretend that it isnt happening. I am not seeing validation or wanting kudos. I sincerely love and appreciate so many here. Believe it or not, but Bulldog checks up on me all the time. There are just not that many posters here that I can honestly say I don't have any use for. I have learned that life is too short to carry grudges weighs you down and accomplishes nothing. Hatred of each other and constantly putting your foe down accomplishes nothing. Maybe some posters here can't feel that they have a life unless they are belittling someone and that is sad. Life can turn on a fucking dime People I have hurt and insulted are owed an apology. I have found that swallowing some pride isn't that tough when you look at the big scheme of things. Just know you are one of my all time favorites here and have learned so much from you. I love yand it's not a word I use loosely.
I am not angry at anyone, you know that.

And I have always, & forever, wanted folks to just keep open minds, and be considerate of others POV.

You are right though, it is, primarily fear, but also arrogance. This is not my area of expertise, so I have no desire to get into the nitty gritty of the science.
The global treaties on this, and the global statements on Geo-engineering are right out there, for the public to examine. . . It is now admitted, and they are still in denial?!

I do not get it. :dunno:

Solar Geoengineering Should Be Regulated, U.N. Report Says​

A panel of independent experts urged international leaders to set rules for the stratosphere and solar geoengineering

An open letter regarding research on reflecting sunlight to reduce the risks of climate change​




Refusal to acknowledge this is now going on? Is, a real sign of denial on this topic, top of most in my mind. It is like the folks that were refusing to acknowledge this virus could possibly come from a lab. . . or the mandating a jab, vaccine passports, and the coming impostion of a global electronic ID, is about creating a social credit system.

You can't force folks to see, what they do not want to see. Even when the the establishment is now admitting the truth? :rolleyes:

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