For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud

I am not angry at anyone, you know that.

And I have always, & forever, wanted folks to just keep open minds, and be considerate of others POV.

You are right though, it is, primarily fear, but also arrogance. This is not my area of expertise, so I have no desire to get into the nitty gritty of the science.
The global treaties on this, and the global statements on Geo-engineering are right out there, for the public to examine. . . It is now admitted, and they are still in denial?!

I not get it. :dunno:

Solar Geoengineering Should Be Regulated, U.N. Report Says​

A panel of independent experts urged international leaders to set rules for the stratosphere and solar geoengineering

An open letter regarding research on reflecting sunlight to reduce the risks of climate change​

View attachment 762825

View attachment 762826
View attachment 762827

Refusal to acknowledge this is now going on? Is, a real sign of denial on this topic, top of most in my mind. It is like the folks that were refusing to acknowledge this virus could possibly come from a lab. . . or the mandating a jab, vaccine passports, and the coming impostion of a global electronic ID, is about creating a social credit system.

You can't force folks to see, what they do not want to see. Even when the the establishment is now admitting the truth? :rolleyes:

the cause of climate change is liberal chicken littles running about screaming the sky is falling
I am not angry at anyone, you know that.

And I have always, & forever, wanted folks to just keep open minds, and be considerate of others POV.

You are right though, it is, primarily fear, but also arrogance. This is not my area of expertise, so I have no desire to get into the nitty gritty of the science.
The global treaties on this, and the global statements on Geo-engineering are right out there, for the public to examine. . . It is now admitted, and they are still in denial?!

I do not get it. :dunno:

Solar Geoengineering Should Be Regulated, U.N. Report Says​

A panel of independent experts urged international leaders to set rules for the stratosphere and solar geoengineering

An open letter regarding research on reflecting sunlight to reduce the risks of climate change​

View attachment 762825

View attachment 762826
View attachment 762827

Refusal to acknowledge this is now going on? Is, a real sign of denial on this topic, top of most in my mind. It is like the folks that were refusing to acknowledge this virus could possibly come from a lab. . . or the mandating a jab, vaccine passports, and the coming impostion of a global electronic ID, is about creating a social credit system.

You can't force folks to see, what they do not want to see. Even when the the establishment is now admitting the truth? :rolleyes:


There is no Climate Crisis it is a government/Media lie that needs to be stopped.

Ignoring Post 21 is a sign of closed minds which directly address the HAARP nonsense.
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  • Thanks
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"Intentionally Incurious." I liked that phrase. :113:

When they were discussing what would be left of our global civilization, if we have made anything, at all durable, that has any chance of lasting thousands of years. . . I have often given that thought. :eusa_think:

This is what I have come up with.. . probably not though. . .


Ignoring Post 21 is a sign of closed minds which directly address the HAARP nonsense.
Not only did I NOT ignore Post 21, I complemented it, and acknowledged the truth of it.

The only one ignoring posts, not reading content, or not having an open mind to how government and media could possibly be lying to the global population is, IMO, you.

We are on the same side here.

Yes, I know. IMO, I don't think weather modification works longitudinally.

I wrote that I have no problems with what you are writing, nor do I deny what you are writing, is the truth. I do not for an instant, believe Geo-engineering, has the ability to alter the long term climate of the planet, anymore than cloud seeding has the ability to permanently alter the the hydrological cycle of a given area.
None of this conserves energy ... so you must rely on magical sources ... why are you using "feet" for elevation instead of millibars? ...

8 Hz ...

It wouldn't be too difficult for HAARP to raise the temperature of the UK by 15°? LOL!

Show your math.

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI)​

Gakona, Alaska, USA 62.39234958096403, -145.14912226295115
  • Antennas: 180 crossed dipole (12 x 15), 1040' x 1280' (about 30.6 acres)
  • Frequency: 2.8 - 10 MHz
  • Power: 3,600,000 Watts (3.6 MW)
  • Effective Radiated Power: 5,000,000,000 Watts (5 GW)
Who said anything about "conserving" energy, did this come from a magical source? HAW HAW HAW?

Ionospheric Heaters: How HAARP really works · ClimateViewer News

HAARP heats our ionosphere, high-frequency signals shoot into space spiraling along the field-lines of our magnetosphere where they are amplified and return to Earth. The spot where the signal "lands" is called the conjugate point. From this conjugate point, signals "return home" in what is known as a "hop." Signals will continue to bounce from pole to pole in multiple hops depending on strength.
A type of electromagnetic signal propagating in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide, known as a radio atmospheric signal or sferic, may escape the ionosphere and propagate outward into the magnetosphere. The signal is now prone to bounce-mode propagation, reflecting back and forth on opposite sides of the planet until totally attenuated. To clarify which part of this hop pattern the signal is in, it is specified by a number, indicating the portion of the bounce path it is currently on. [14]

Electromagnetic waves produced by HF heating are not only useful for signaling submarines on the other side of the planet, they are used to remove radiation in a process intended to protect satellites known as "radiation belt remediation." As these radio signals (sferics, whistler waves, Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) waves, and Shear Alfven waves) ride the Van-Allen Belts, they carry massive amounts of electrons with them which "precipitate" into our ionosphere as Artificially Stimulated Emissions (artificial aurora or airglow). Some call this process "plasma seeding" in a reference to cloud-seeding. The similarities are obvious: cloud seeding creates precipitation in the form of rain whereas plasma seeding creates precipitation in the form of electrons and artificial aurora. Signals are sent into different ionospheric shells depending on the location of the Ionospheric Heater. These are similar to layers in an onion:
Basically, the IRI is what is known as a phased array transmitter. It is designed to transmit a narrow beam of high power radio signals in the 2.8 to 10 MHz frequency range. Its antenna is built on a gravel pad having dimensions of 1000' x 1200' (about 33 acres). There are 180 towers, 72' in height mounted on thermopiles spaced 80' apart in a 12 x 15 rectangular grid. Each tower supports near its top, two pairs of crossed dipole antennas, one for the low band (2.8 to 8.3 MHz), the other for the high band (7 to 10 MHz). The antenna system is surrounded by an exclusion fence to prevent possible damage to the antenna towers or harm to large animals. An elevated ground screen, attached to the towers at the 15' level, acts as a reflector for the antenna array while allowing vehicular access underneath to 30 environmentally-controlled transmitter shelters spaced throughout the array. Each shelter contains 6 pairs of 10 kW transmitters, for a total of 6 x 30 x 2 x 10 kW = 3600 kW available for transmission. The transmitters can be switched to drive either the low or high band antennas. Electric prime power is provided from an on-site power plant housing five, 2500 kW generators, each driven by a 3600 hp diesel engine. Four generators are required for operation of the IRI and the fifth is held as a spare. From a control room within the Operations Center, the transmission from each of the 180 crossed-dipole antennas is adjusted in a precise manner under computer control. In this manner, the complete array of antennas forms a narrow antenna pattern pointed upward toward the ionosphere. The transmitted signal diverges (spreads out) as it travels upward and is partially absorbed, at an altitude which depends on the transmitted HF frequency, in a small volume several tens of miles in diameter and a few hundred meters thick directly over the facility. The remainder of the transmitted signal either reflects back toward the earth or passes through the ionosphere into space, continuing to diverge as it does so. By the time it reaches the ionosphere, the intensity of the HF signal is less than 3 microwatts (0.000003 watt) per cm2, thousands of times less than the Sun's natural electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth and hundreds of times less, even, than the variations in intensity of the Sun's natural ultraviolet (UV) energy which creates the ionosphere. [11]

The NOTAM places "temporary flight restrictions" around Gulkana, Alaska, where the HAARP facility is located. It reads that planes are restricted from flying in the Gulkana airspace due to "electromagnetic radiation for scientific research."

So there you have it: the FAA has placed a restriction on the airspace around Gakona, Alaska, the actual home of HAARP, indicating that there will be unusual electromagnetic radiation in the area. (While we're at it, let's recall those bird deaths I mentioned earlier this week: might this have something to do with them? Given the strange behaviour of birds attacking 5G towers, I wouldn't rule it out, but time will tell.)

Now consider the following article submitted by K.M.:

'Life-threatening' heat wave begins in the Northwest

Now note that the Gakona-HAARP Notice to Airmen was issued on June 17th, and the heat wave alert article is updated for June 27. According to that article, a record heat wave is expected to hit the American northwest:


A historic and "life-threatening" heat wave is underway across the Pacific Northwest, the likes of which -- in terms of high temperatures and duration -- has never been experienced before in that part of the country. AccuWeather forecasters are calling for record-shattering heat to linger through early week, not only making life miserable for a part of the country where air conditioning is not prevalent but also posing a significant health risk to millions.
Consecutive days of high temperatures well into the triple digits are forecast throughout parts of Oregon and Washington, which includes the Interstate 5 corridor. Both Portland, Oregon, which could see the mercury crack the 110-degree-Fahrenheit mark, and Seattle, which is expected to top 100, will see temperatures soar 30 to 40 degrees above normal. Points farther inland are likely to have temperatures balloon to above 115.
Average highs in June can be anywhere from the 70s in eastern Washington and Oregon to the 80s in western areas and into Idaho.
The dangerous heat is forecast to peak through Monday as high pressure settles in and enables temperatures to climb to new heights. (Boldface emphasis added)
Totally pussy ... average hurricane evolves 600,000,000,000,000 watts ...

So "where's this energy coming from?" was the question ... are you dodging it? ... hurricanes condense water vapor ... shit-loads of water vapor ...
Effective Radiated Power: 5,000,000,000 Watts (5 GW)
And where do you get
600,000,000,000,000 watts ...?
You project dodging because... You don't like reading or something?
And where do you get

You project dodging because... You don't like reading or something?

600,000,000,000,000 watts? ... from here "How much energy in a Hurricane" ...

We get 110,000,000,000,000,000 watts from the Sun ... do big numbers throw you off? ... 5 gigawatts is a tiny amount of power in the grand scheme of things meteorological ... where does it come from? ...

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI)​

Gakona, Alaska, USA 62.39234958096403, -145.14912226295115
  • Antennas: 180 crossed dipole (12 x 15), 1040' x 1280' (about 30.6 acres)
  • Frequency: 2.8 - 10 MHz
  • Power: 3,600,000 Watts (3.6 MW)
  • Effective Radiated Power: 5,000,000,000 Watts (5 GW)
Who said anything about "conserving" energy, did this come from a magical source? HAW HAW HAW?

Ionospheric Heaters: How HAARP really works · ClimateViewer News

View attachment 762862

Effective Radiated Power: 5,000,000,000 Watts (5 GW)

That's awesome!

How much energy does it take for HAARP to raise the temperature of the UK by 15°?
Not only did I NOT ignore Post 21, I complemented it, and acknowledged the truth of it.

The only one ignoring posts, not reading content, or not having an open mind to how government and media could possibly be lying to the global population is, IMO, you.

We are on the same side here.

I wrote that I have no problems with what you are writing, nor do I deny what you are writing, is the truth. I do not for an instant, believe Geo-engineering, has the ability to alter the long term climate of the planet, anymore than cloud seeding has the ability to permanently alter the the hydrological cycle of a given area.

I have long been saying the government and the media lies to us just did it earlier today in the very post you replied too.

There is no Climate Crisis it is a government/Media lie that needs to be stopped.

I am the one who posted this about the HAARP program and where it is located and the details of the equipment at POST 24 and Post 28

From the link is this your own website doesn't address:

"Operation of the research facility was transferred from the United States Air Force to the University of Alaska Fairbanks on Aug. 11, 2015, allowing HAARP to continue with exploration of ionospheric phenomenology via a land-use cooperative research and development agreement."
Next Time was corrected on how the program was transferred.

Then at post 32 posted several basic debunking's which were never addressed by Next Time at all thus remains unchallenged to this day.

Then at post 60 stated this that has never been addressed since:

Which I have factually refuted showing that there is nothing unusual in weather trends of many years into the past which he never countered against heck most of it shows a DECREASE in storminess rates since at least 1970 and some back to the early 1950s and some all the way back 170 years.

There is no sign of "weather manipulation" which YOU never showed any clear examples of in any of your poor replies.

Post 77 brought this up again that doesn't get addressed:

However Post 21 shows no evidence of "Weather" modification ongoing as severe weather is decreasing slowly over the decades with a 42 year LOW just last year and notice several people here ignored that hard reality completely which isn't surprising since no one can address that reality at all.

I also noticed that no one is able to show outlandish weather events in the region of Alaska which is where the HAARP unit is located.

A third time at post 119:

I already pointed out that there is no indication of unusual weather patterns and that severe weather is on a long term decrease even posted all the evidence at post 21 which has been ignored.

I am not closeminded here as I make clear several times why I don't think HAARP has the ability to do anything more than what it was specifically designed for.

Meanwhile I see that ReinyDays has pretty much destroyed the conspiracy nonsense over the use of HAARP equipment.
600,000,000,000,000 watts? ... from here "How much energy in a Hurricane" ...

We get 110,000,000,000,000,000 watts from the Sun ... do big numbers throw you off? ... 5 gigawatts is a tiny amount of power in the grand scheme of things meteorological ... where does it come from? ...
I am still learning about HAARP and other weather manipulation facilities, I don't pretend to know everything. But I'll keep you updated unless you find out things before I do.

Here is an interesting site that details the "other" weather manipulators and their role. Where I got the last lot of info.
Ionospheric Heaters: How HAARP really works · ClimateViewer News
How Much Power Is Required to Operate the Ionospheric Research Instrument?
The IRI is able to produce approximately 3.6 MW of radio frequency power. However, the HAARP transmitters have been designed to operate linearly so that they will not produce radio interference to other users of the radio spectrum. To achieve that degree of linearity, the transmitters operate at an efficiency of only 45 percent. For every 100 watts of input power, 45 watts of radio frequency power is generated. Most of the rest is lost in the transmitter cabinet as heat. (As an analogy, a 75-watt incandescent light bulb gets quite hot while it is producing the light you actually see.) In addition, the five on-site diesel generators must provide power for other equipment used by the transmitters, including the cooling system and low-level amplifier stages. As a result, approximately 10 MW of prime power are required when the transmitter is operating at full power.
Vague at best.
this is in the patent that has been posted 3 x now,

Transmitter 16 is powered by power generator means
17 which is preferably comprised of one or more large,
commercial electrical generators. Some embodiments
of the present invention require large amounts of
power, e.g., up to l09to l011watts, in continuous wave [these are actually 10 to the power of 9 and 10 to the power of 11]
or pulsed power. Generation of the needed power is
within the state of the art. Although the electrical gen
erators necessary for the practice of the invention can
be powered in any known manner, for example, by
nuclear reactors, hydroelectric facilities, hydrocarbon
fuels, and the like, this invention, because of its very
large power requirement in certain applications, is par
ticularly adapted for use with certain types of fuel
sources which naturally occur at strategic geographical
locations around the earth. For example, large reserves
of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) exist in Alaska and
Canada. In northern Alaska, particularly the North
Slope region, large reserves are currently readily avail
Alaska and northern Canada also are ideally lo
cated geographically as to magnetic latitudes. Alaska
provides easy access to magnetic ?eld lines that are
especially suited to the practice of this invention, since
many ?eld lines which extend to desirable altitudes for
this invention intersect the earth in Alaska. Thus, in
Alaska, there is a unique combination of large, accessi
ble fuel sources at desirable ?eld line intersections. Fur
ther, a particularly desirable fuel source for the genera
tion of very large amounts of electricity is present in
Alaska in abundance, this source being natural gas. The
presence of very large amounts of clean-burning natural
gas in Alaskan latitudes, particularly on the North
Slope, and the availability of magnetohydrodynamic
(MHD), gas turbine, fuel cell, electrogasdynamic
(EGD) electric generators which operate very ef?
ciently with natural gas provide an ideal power source
for the unprecedented power requirements of certain of
the applications of this invention. For a more detailed
discussion of the various means for generating electric
ity from hydrocarbon fuels, see “Electrical Aspects of
Combustion”, Lawton and Weinberg, Clarendon Press,
1969. For example, it is possible to generate the electric
ity directly at the high frequency needed to drive the
antenna system.


  • US4686605.pdf
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I don't think HAARP has the ability to do anything more than what it was specifically designed for.
. . . and yet? You agree that the government, and the media lie? So? Who are you reading about what details they are releasing to you about what it is supposedly designed for?

Have you been into the facility and verified the information they have given you? :dunno:

I already pointed out that there is no indication of unusual weather patterns and that severe weather is on a long term decrease even posted all the evidence at post 21 which has been ignored.

Did you watch the two videos I posted in post # 76? I suspect you did not, otherwise I would not have to answer this question.
This thread is a huge pile of crap propaganda by the fear everything left.

CO2 can not drive our atmosphere. The earth does not have the energy to keep itself warm. IT IS THE SUN which we derive our energy from to stay warm. The Oceans cover 72% of earth's surface. Any minute change on our sun that slows or increases energy into our oceans will cause warming or cooling.

I don't know who the idiot was that claimed our sun does not drive our climate, but he is an idiot and a liar.

A very simple concept if you follow it: Solar Dimming... What is at stake With This Change on our Sun?

In this second article I go through Down Welling Solar Radiation and what regions actually penetrate our oceans to depth. It explains why we are currently cooling and why we will continue to cool for some time to come.

And why we are cooling today: Is Long-Wave Infra-Red Capable of Warming Earth's Oceans?

I don't know who the idiot was that claimed our sun does not drive our climate, but he is an idiot and a liar.

Actually, SUB, you have to explain how the SUN melted North America and froze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME.

That is the DATA. Explain it.

SUB response - DUH, "conservative" Fox "News" says its the Sun, so my BEAKED BIRDBRAIN parrots that but cannot answer any question about science or numbers...
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:omg: ~ We are freezing in California ...! Ice rain last week, 46° at night — COLD for us.


Other than that tainted data, there is NO EVIDENCE of WARMING on Earth AT ALL

NO WARMING in the Oceans
NO WARMING except on the surface of GROWING URBAN AREAS
It's all in your mind like covid.

Covid and Co2 are both pushed by the same fraudulent taxpayer funded "science organizations."

Everyone who blessed both frauds is a total traitor. Just one still qualifies, but anyone honest has long been "canceled" from practicing "science" via taxpayer $$$

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