For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud

WOW... you really don't know what you're talking about. I thought it was a facade. My Bad.. I won't make that mistake twice. When you jumped to name calling you lost any credibility. You do not understand global circulations thus you will believe the bull shit and happily eat it too..

Global circulations involve temperature.

If what your beaked BIRDBRAIN claimed was true, the Arctic Ocean would be boiled out. Instead, the sea ice has been increasing.... since 2007.

Back to 3rd grade, W supporter...
Well we know that's the IQ that wrote it. Thanks for admitting it.

Tell us, W supporter, what

What's a "plasma beam"? ... plasma is a state-of-matter, are you talking about a "jet" of water, like out of your garden hose, that would be a "liquid beam"? ... or running out an M-61, 50 bullets a second, a "solid beam"? ...

Before you study meteorology, you'll need to take a class in basic physics ... maybe then you will stop make such bonehead comments ... typical "working" temperature of a plasma is north of 10,000ºC ... twice as hot as the Sun ... plus the magnetic energy to control the material ... once again, where does all this energy come from? ... do these facilities include huge nuclear power plants? ... something we can see from space? ...

Ha ha ... or did they build it underground? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

They used the plasma beam to melt out the permafrost before they added several underground nuclear power modules to then fully power the HAARP unit after all they have a lot of predatory birds to kill that is trying to bomb the University of Alaska into oblivion with yellow poop.
Tell us, W supporter, what

North america melted? How about Siberia?

Why was antarctica once green?

You warmers can't get out of the way of your own stupid.
North america melted?

It did, and Jesus never floated down from the clouds either....

North America 1 million years ago...

Why was antarctica once green?

Because it was not on the South Pole. Antarctica was attached to South Africa 150 million years ago, and broke off attached to South America 120 million years ago. That land mass got close enough to the South Pole 40+ million years ago to go into continent specific ice age. AA and SA broke apart roughly 20 million years ago, why SA glaciated at the tip, and the proof of that is the bottom of the ocean...
Global circulations involve temperature.

If what your beaked BIRDBRAIN claimed was true, the Arctic Ocean would be boiled out. Instead, the sea ice has been increasing.... since 2007.

Back to 3rd grade, W supporter...
does the sun warm the earth evenly?

Um, there no longer are ICE AGE GLACIERS from INDIANA to the top of Northern Canada, or hasn't your preacher informed you of that....
so Northern Canada has no ice?

Did you know one can land on Greenland in areas without ice right?

How is it the TITANIC hit an iceberg?
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does the sun warm the earth evenly?

Well, according to your "conservative" heroes at Faux "News," the SUN melted North America and froze Greenland at the same time, so yeah, a SUB could believe that...
so Northern Canada has no ice?

Did you know one can land on Greenland in areas without ice right?


Actually Ellesmere Island is still in "continent specific ice age" and is 0.3% of Earth Ice today.

90% of Earth Ice on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% on Greenland

and land moves.

If you cannot figure it out from that, then you should not be posting in any science related topics...

Actually Ellesmere Island is still in "continent specific ice age" and is 0.3% of Earth Ice today.

90% of Earth Ice on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% on Greenland

and land moves.

If you cannot figure it out from that, then you should not be posting in any science related topics...
and land moves? did Greenland?

Actually Ellesmere Island is still in "continent specific ice age" and is 0.3% of Earth Ice today.

90% of Earth Ice on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% on Greenland

and land moves.

If you cannot figure it out from that, then you should not be posting in any science related topics...
why did the majority of NA melt with no human activity?
EMH , I knew you'd fade away, like every other warmer in here. Can't ever answer direct questions, but continue to push the false narrative.
Global circulations involve temperature.

If what your beaked BIRDBRAIN claimed was true, the Arctic Ocean would be boiled out. Instead, the sea ice has been increasing.... since 2007.

Back to 3rd grade, W supporter...
Now you're just running in circles with sharp objects. Have fun...
Well, according to your "conservative" heroes at Faux "News," the SUN melted North America and froze Greenland at the same time, so yeah, a SUB could believe that...
Tell me.. The region above NY and the upper mid-west was buried in about two miles of ice right up until about 12,000 years ago... how did man make it melt? I'll wait...
What's a "plasma beam"? ... plasma is a state-of-matter, are you talking about a "jet" of water, like out of your garden hose, that would be a "liquid beam"? ... or running out an M-61, 50 bullets a second, a "solid beam"? ...

Before you study meteorology, you'll need to take a class in basic physics ... maybe then you will stop make such bonehead comments ... typical "working" temperature of a plasma is north of 10,000ºC ... twice as hot as the Sun ... plus the magnetic energy to control the material ... once again, where does all this energy come from? ... do these facilities include huge nuclear power plants? ... something we can see from space? ...

Ha ha ... or did they build it underground? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...
More than a couple of times I've posted portions of the HAARP patent, and the file in full. You can look it up.

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