For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud

Of course, there will be some who disagree...

Now, what part don't you disagree with, the fact that I posted the patent more than twice, or that it never mentioned the generation of plasma beams?

United States Patent [191
[11] Patent Number:
[45] Date of Patent:
Aug. 11, 1987

You may want to have a look at these; near the end of the 1st link US Air Force Admit They Can Control the Weather

And if you take a look at the US patent;

It tells you all the scientific and technical data is all present.
Here is an interesting paragraphs

Another interesting paragraph.

this is in the patent that has been posted 3 x now,

87 iterations of the word "plasma" in the entire document being the patent.


  • US4686605-1.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 9
What is the tectonic direction of NA?


Moves away from Pole... gets WARMER.... ice MELTS. .... IQ needed to figure that out = 30
for real you wrote that. Why don't you post the movement of NA that dropped it down toward the equator? We know that Greenland moved up as it moved west, but did all of NA?
Tell me.. The region above NY and the upper mid-west was buried in about two miles of ice right up until about 12,000 years ago... how did man make it melt? I'll wait...


Indeed, the melting of an ice sheet as large as the NA Ice Age 1 million years ago takes more than a few seconds.... There used to be good Yellowstone Ash Maps - they appear to be "canceled" because the Co2 fraud doesn't like that data. Yellowstone last erupted 620+ k years ago. The ash map showed where the glaciers were at that time, since ash that landed on ice did not get buried for us to find it later. The ash did briefly melt a significant portion of the ice sheet. The most important part is the origin of the ice age glacier and that piece of land staying within 600 miles of a pole. Once it moves out of that "Earth glacier manufacturing zone" it "turns off" the manufacturing of new ice. The motion of NA was that it was where Greenland is now about 25-30 million years ago. Since that point NA has moved SW and warmed...

Indiana claims glaciers as late as 10k years ago. That does not mean the "main body" of the ice sheet had not been in full retreat for thousands of years. NY and Indiana had pieces of glacier left over at that time, but not like it was 1 million years ago.
for real you wrote that. Why don't you post the movement of NA that dropped it down toward the equator? We know that Greenland moved up as it moved west, but did all of NA?

Earth is actually a sphere, not flat. NA and Greenland are moving on the same arc, just NA passed its "closest point to the pole" on the SAME VECTOR and started moving SW some 25=30 million years ago, while Greenland's current motion is under scrutiny. Greenland was moving NW. The growth of the Arctic Ocean around Gakkel Ridge pushes Greenland south. Greenland will eventually move SW and away from the Pole, but when that is depends on position and relative growth Atlantic vs Arctic Oceans. Some readings still suggest Greenland is moving NW and that the periodic "shove" from Arctic Ocean growth is small. We'll see, but the top of Greenland is still in that "glacier manufacturing zone" so it is still adding a layer of ice every year, not "melting..."

Indeed, the melting of an ice sheet as large as the NA Ice Age 1 million years ago takes more than a few seconds.... There used to be good Yellowstone Ash Maps - they appear to be "canceled" because the Co2 fraud doesn't like that data. Yellowstone last erupted 620+ k years ago. The ash map showed where the glaciers were at that time, since ash that landed on ice did not get buried for us to find it later. The ash did briefly melt a significant portion of the ice sheet. The most important part is the origin of the ice age glacier and that piece of land staying within 600 miles of a pole. Once it moves out of that "Earth glacier manufacturing zone" it "turns off" the manufacturing of new ice. The motion of NA was that it was where Greenland is now about 25-30 million years ago. Since that point NA has moved SW and warmed...

Indiana claims glaciers as late as 10k years ago. That does not mean the "main body" of the ice sheet had not been in full retreat for thousands of years. NY and Indiana had pieces of glacier left over at that time, but not like it was 1 million years ago.
Above NY?
Earth is actually a sphere, not flat. NA and Greenland are moving on the same arc, just NA passed its "closest point to the pole" on the SAME VECTOR and started moving SW some 25=30 million years ago, while Greenland's current motion is under scrutiny. Greenland was moving NW. The growth of the Arctic Ocean around Gakkel Ridge pushes Greenland south. Greenland will eventually move SW and away from the Pole, but when that is depends on position and relative growth Atlantic vs Arctic Oceans. Some readings still suggest Greenland is moving NW and that the periodic "shove" from Arctic Ocean growth is small. We'll see, but the top of Greenland is still in that "glacier manufacturing zone" so it is still adding a layer of ice every year, not "melting..."
actually earth is not a sphere perse, it is an Oblate spheroid
North america melted? How about Siberia?

Why was antarctica once green?

You warmers can't get out of the way of your own stupid.


This topic completely discredits both Co2 and SUN as cause of climate change, and SUBS, demonstrating precisely ZERO reading comprehension, seem to think EMH is a Co2 mob boss...

Why is the GOP in the shitter? Since it started cultivating the support of the SUB during Rove/W...
How SUBS define "libtard" = a failure to parrot Fox "conservative" "News" and not believing exterminating all Middle East Muslims and giving that land to Israel will result in Jesus floating down from the clouds...

Just HOW STUPID does one have to be to enter this topic and believe it defends the Co2 FRAUD????


This topic completely discredits both Co2 and SUN as cause of climate change, and SUBS, demonstrating precisely ZERO reading comprehension, seem to think EMH is a Co2 mob boss...

Why is the GOP in the shitter? Since it started cultivating the support of the SUB during Rove/W...
so you think that the sun warms equally around the globe? hahhahahahaahahahaha you can't really be that fking stupid can you?
so you think that the sun warms equally around the globe? hahhahahahaahahahaha you can't really be that fking stupid can you?

When you pass 2nd grade, try reading the OP again...
More than a couple of times I've posted portions of the HAARP patent, and the file in full. You can look it up.

Then you admit you don't know yourself ... I'm familiar with patents ... they're not considered part of the scientific literature ... no room is made for dispute ...
Then you admit you don't know yourself ... I'm familiar with patents ... they're not considered part of the scientific literature ... no room is made for dispute ...
As I stated in an early post, "I am still learning" about HAARP.
Also, posting it a number of times tells me others are ignorant, as they can't read or something. Because the same question and the same answers keep repeating.

As for a patent, it was pointed out in an article by a patent lawyer, "it's in the inventor's best interests to have a working model of their patent".
As I stated in an early post, "I am still learning" about HAARP.
Also, posting it a number of times tells me others are ignorant, as they can't read or something. Because the same question and the same answers keep repeating.

As for a patent, it was pointed out in an article by a patent lawyer, "it's in the inventor's best interests to have a working model of their patent".

Posting the patent over and over doesn't help your seriously bad math claims.

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