For the last Time, "skeptics," the SUN is NOT the cause of climate change, and "solar cycle" was put out by the fraud

I am still learning about HAARP and other weather manipulation facilities, I don't pretend to know everything. But I'll keep you updated unless you find out things before I do.

Here is an interesting site that details the "other" weather manipulators and their role. Where I got the last lot of info.
Ionospheric Heaters: How HAARP really works · ClimateViewer News

You need to take the time and study weather as well ... particularly the complicated thermodynamics that is going on in the atmosphere at all times ... I'm afraid the energy levels you're discussing is trite and insignificant ...

Humans just can't generate enough power for long enough to effect anything about the weather ... as my link stated, it takes 10,000 thermonuclear bombs a day to match just an average hurricane ... not a typhoon or Katrina-sized hurricane ... but just an average hurricane ... what kind of power plant generates that much energy? ...
Many Republicans who watch Fox "News" think the Sun is the source of climate change on Earth. They parrot every single piece of this BS they can.

The Data - during the past million years, GREENLAND FROZE WHILE NORTH AMERICA THAWED

The SUN did NOT do that.

Earth climate change is not about the entire planet warming or cooling. It is about the position of land near the poles...

That is the DATA...


This is what North America looked like 1 million years ago, but the map is WRONG because it has Greenland frozen, and Greenland was not frozen...

Here’s Why We’re Not Living in an Ice Age (And Why That Matters for the Future) | Smart News ...

So please, you are not helping the cause of destroying Algore's fraud by parroting Fox and the "solar cycle."

"Solar cycle" is debunked the same way co2 is, by THE ACTUAL DATA....
there's so much stupid in this post there's no where to start to argue against it.
You need to take the time and study weather as well ... particularly the complicated thermodynamics that is going on in the atmosphere at all times ... I'm afraid the energy levels you're discussing is trite and insignificant ...

Humans just can't generate enough power for long enough to effect anything about the weather ... as my link stated, it takes 10,000 thermonuclear bombs a day to match just an average hurricane ... not a typhoon or Katrina-sized hurricane ... but just an average hurricane ... what kind of power plant generates that much energy? ...
What I understand is that they don't require the full power of a hurricane, just enough to kick-start the process.
Humans just can't generate enough power for long enough to effect anything about the weather
Generation of the needed power is
within the state of the art. Although the electrical gen
erators necessary for the practice of the invention can
be powered in any known manner, for example, by
nuclear reactors, hydroelectric facilities, hydrocarbon
fuels, and the like, this invention, because of its very
large power requirement in certain applications, is par
ticularly adapted for use with certain types of fuel
sources which naturally occur at strategic geographical
locations around the earth. For example, large reserves
of hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) exist in Alaska and
Canada. In northern Alaska, particularly the North
Slope region, large reserves are currently readily avail
able. Alaska and northern Canada also are ideally lo
cated geographically as to magnetic latitudes. Alaska
provides easy access to magnetic field lines that are
especially suited to the practice of this invention, since
many field lines which extend to desirable altitudes for
this invention intersect the earth in Alaska. Thus, in
Alaska, there is a unique combination of large, accessi
ble fuel sources at desirable ?eld line intersections. Fur
ther, a particularly desirable fuel source for the genera
tion of very large amounts of electricity is present in
Alaska in abundance, this source being natural gas. The
presence of very large amounts of clean-burning natural
gas in Alaskan latitudes, particularly on the North
Slope, and the availability of magnetohydrodynamic
(MHD), gas turbine, fuel cell, electrogasdynamic
(EGD) electric generators which operate very effciently
with natural gas provide an ideal power source
for the unprecedented power requirements of certain of
the applications of this invention.
Actually, SUB, you have to explain how the SUN melted North America and froze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME.

That is the DATA. Explain it.

SUB response - DUH, "conservative" Fox "News" says its the Sun, so my BEAKED BIRDBRAIN parrots that but cannot answer any question about science or numbers...
You don't know much about oceanic circulations, do you? The arctic is OCEAN and Greenland is LAND. IF the solar output affects the oceans with positive heat and energy then the circulations will melt the poles and not the land. Land will require all oceanic ice to fade away before land-based glaciers will melt.

The sun shifted power from the bands that warm our oceans (2009) to the bands that cannot penetrate our oceans. it was roughly a 16W/m^2 loss in power in a very narrow band of the suns downwelling radiation. It is why the ENSO is no longer recharging quickly and why glaciation is resuming at both poles.

Your theory just died a sordid death.

Solar Dimming - What's at Stake with this change on our Sun
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What I understand is that they don't require the full power of a hurricane, just enough to kick-start the process.

That's the part that relies on magic ... if there's already a hurricane, then zapping a few electrons isn't "causing" the hurricane ... "kick-start" ... that's stupid ...
You don't know much about oceanic circulations, do you? The arctic is OCEAN and Greenland is LAND. IF the solar output affects the oceans with positive heat and energy then the circulations will melt the poles and not the land. Land will require all oceanic ice to fade away before land-based glaciers will melt.

The sun shifted power from the bands that warm our oceans (2009) to the bands that cannot penetrate our oceans. it was roughly a 16W/m^2 loss in power in a very narrow band of the suns downwelling radiation. It is why the ENSO is no longer recharging quickly and why glaciation is resuming at both poles.

Your theory just died a sordid death.

Solar Dimming - What's at Stake with this change on our Sun

Thank you SUB. Have beak and birdbrain will PARROT.

You have no evidence of the sun changing band intensity. You have no evidence that the Sun is doing anything but being a constant for climate change.

What you just claimed is as pathetic as expecting your fraud hero to float down from the clouds.

"glaciation is resuming at both poles..."


When Jesus floats down from the clouds, will glaciation cease???


GREENLAND FROZE while NORTH AMERICA THAWED and the SUN had precisely NOTHING to do with that because the SUN and Co2 are absolute ZEROes as far as contributing to Earth climate change.
there's so much stupid in this post there's no where to start to argue against it.

It certainly would take an IQ over 5, and you fail that immediately...
Thank you SUB. Have beak and birdbrain will PARROT.

You have no evidence of the sun changing band intensity. You have no evidence that the Sun is doing anything but being a constant for climate change.

What you just claimed is as pathetic as expecting your fraud hero to float down from the clouds.

"glaciation is resuming at both poles..."


When Jesus floats down from the clouds, will glaciation cease???


GREENLAND FROZE while NORTH AMERICA THAWED and the SUN had precisely NOTHING to do with that because the SUN and Co2 are absolute ZEROes as far as contributing to Earth climate change.
WOW... you really don't know what you're talking about. I thought it was a facade. My Bad.. I won't make that mistake twice. When you jumped to name calling you lost any credibility. You do not understand global circulations thus you will believe the bull shit and happily eat it too..
HARRP interferes with the ionosphere just like the aurora borealis is affected by energy from the sun. Your exciting, localized molecules... Thats it.. They made it glow.... goll-E-gee.... Have a nice day.

They irrationally think HAARP can shoot down missiles, but the device isn't capable of tracking missiles that can move over 5,000 mph.

This kind of ignorance is made possible because people have no idea how hard it was to learn to track high speed rockets back in the 1940's at White Sands New Mexico where they had to develop tracking equipment and learn to track it mathematically which is why there are markers on all rockets launched today that aids in tracking them.

Yeah the beams have to be able to traverse the lower atmosphere without interference which is why they were selective in what they send up to reach their target the Ionosphere.

Added to say:

A few years ago they were selling off some of their tracking telescopes which I nearly bought but didn't because they were too heavy for use which conflicts with my need to have adequate portability to dark locations.
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They irrationally think HAARP can shoot down missiles, but the device isn't capable of tracking missiles that can move over 5,000 mph.

This kind of ignorance is made possible because people have no idea how hard it was to learn to track high speed rockets back in the 1940's at White Sands New Mexico where they had to develop tracking equipment and learn to track it mathematically which is why there are markers on all rockets launched today that aids in tracking them.

Yeah the beams have to be able to traverse the lower atmosphere without interference which is why they were selective in what they send up to reach their target the Ionosphere.

Added to say:

A few years ago they were selling off some of their tracking telescopes which I nearly bought but didn't because they were too heavy for use which conflicts with my need to have adequate portability to dark locations.
Yeah, funny how they supposedly sent man to the moon in the 60s, or develop nuclear pulse propulsion. Yet focused radio and or plasma beams are scoffed at.
Yeah, funny how they supposedly sent man to the moon in the 60s, or develop nuclear pulse propulsion. Yet focused radio and or plasma beams are scoffed at.
Its amazing when people have no clue about electromagnetic wave propagation and try to do things that are not possible in our atmosphere or even from a third dimension in quantum physics.
Its amazing when people have no clue about electromagnetic wave propagation and try to do things that are not possible in our atmosphere or even from a third dimension in quantum physics.

Oh, he thinks the moon landings are a hoax?


Unbelievable ignorance!
Oh, he thinks the moon landings are a hoax?


Unbelievable ignorance!
Interesting how you imply I stated that. Where did I say they're a hoax? Detracting from the fact that this occurred and yet focused radio and plasma waves are not plausible in more recent times?
I am not angry at anyone, you know that.

And I have always, & forever, wanted folks to just keep open minds, and be considerate of others POV.

You are right though, it is, primarily fear, but also arrogance. This is not my area of expertise, so I have no desire to get into the nitty gritty of the science.
The global treaties on this, and the global statements on Geo-engineering are right out there, for the public to examine. . . It is now admitted, and they are still in denial?!

I do not get it. :dunno:

Solar Geoengineering Should Be Regulated, U.N. Report Says​

A panel of independent experts urged international leaders to set rules for the stratosphere and solar geoengineering

An open letter regarding research on reflecting sunlight to reduce the risks of climate change​

View attachment 762825

View attachment 762826
View attachment 762827

Refusal to acknowledge this is now going on? Is, a real sign of denial on this topic, top of most in my mind. It is like the folks that were refusing to acknowledge this virus could possibly come from a lab. . . or the mandating a jab, vaccine passports, and the coming impostion of a global electronic ID, is about creating a social credit system.

You can't force folks to see, what they do not want to see. Even when the the establishment is now admitting the truth? :rolleyes:

Yeah, using "mad" was a poor choice of words. You lay out your case and let the preponderance of the evidence speak for it's self and people can take it or leave it. I have always found you to be extremely informative and knowledgeable as well as being a "good read". Speaking of the spraying program, up here in the panhandle of Texas, it has gotten really bad. Start off with a clear morning and by early afternoon it's a total "white out" . How people don't see it and wonder "Hmmmmmm?" is beyond me.

Be well, my friend......
It's interesting what HAARP does when plasma beams are produced.
Cookie Absent

What's a "plasma beam"? ... plasma is a state-of-matter, are you talking about a "jet" of water, like out of your garden hose, that would be a "liquid beam"? ... or running out an M-61, 50 bullets a second, a "solid beam"? ...

Before you study meteorology, you'll need to take a class in basic physics ... maybe then you will stop make such bonehead comments ... typical "working" temperature of a plasma is north of 10,000ºC ... twice as hot as the Sun ... plus the magnetic energy to control the material ... once again, where does all this energy come from? ... do these facilities include huge nuclear power plants? ... something we can see from space? ...

Ha ha ... or did they build it underground? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

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