For The Never Ending 'Fake News'-Posting Liberal Crowd On USMB...


Her staffers did not gather or take any marked classified documents and put them on her server....period.

She had staffers with loose lips, that could sink ships....but NOT any marked classified documents.

They discussed a program that was classified at high levels by the CIA, but her staffers got this info from Syd Blumenthal, a source outside of our govt, and news articles about this drone program, which her staff believed was not a high level of classification as the CIA held it was, because it was already public.

For two years her classified cleared staffers discussed these things in emails amongst eachother, before they forwarded the first email on it to Hillary, to get her involved.... She presumed what Jake Sullivan passed on to her to discuss, could be discussed because he was at the highest level classified cleared, and knew the rules....


The one partially marked "C" within the text document that she received, which stood for Confidential, was from an appointment scheduler setting up an appointment with a diplomat, and was not fully marked, there was no marked header at the top of the email stating it was classified, by whom, the date of classification, and stating the date to be declassified.
Bull. Shit. As stated by Comey you ignorant retard. Multiple email chains with multiple classified documents in them. Period. Stop lying.
Hillary Clinton was PROVEN to have...
... done nothing indictable, despite a protracted fatwa by Republican-run Congressional Star Chambers, and four years of a Trump Justice Department's trying to appease the screwballs' demand to "Lock her up! Lock her up!"

Screen Shot 2022-05-23 at 8.46.44 AM.png

The most rabid, hyper-partisan, rightist prosecutors and legislators had years to contrive charges, and all that remains is pissy whimpering.

I'm on your side easy. You should look up my status on Hitlery.

I know, but 'C'mon, man!'

If Hillary did not have a server full of stolen TS/SCI, residong on an illegal, unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted server for the Russians - or anyone else - to steal Trump's joke / comment would have been meaningless.

Ever heard of 'SIGINT'?

SIGINT - Signals Intelligence

With rhe right gear, when you turn on your unsecured, unencrypted cell phone, fax machine, etc...I have access to your devices. I can intercept / receive your signals.

Every time you send or receive classified info on an unsecure phone / fax / etc... I can get it.
-- Hillary did this, sent classified on unsecure systems

She also, according to tbe State Dept, used unsecure, unencrypted phones / tablets / etc... when traveling abroad as Sect of State.

Politicians love to do that to avoidcall communications gaving to be recorded and subject to FOIA requests.
- It was peoven Obama had an alias and used a owrsonal e-mail, just like Hillary

The problem is when you labd in Russia, let's say, abd you're using a non-government unauthorized, unsecure, unencrypted device foreign spies/ SIGINT specialists are all over you and your drvices like flies on shit.

The Russians and ither foreign governments were havking Hillary's shit, spying on her, long before Trump jokingly told the Russians to hack her server....

...because she was breaking laws using her own.personal devices and letting them do it.

Anyone who claims this is false / fake news has no idea what they are tslking about.
... done nothing indictable,

In answer to...

Hillary Clinton was PROVEN to have...


1. Former FBI Director James Comey says you are a LIAR, an IDIOT, or BOTH

2. If Hillary did not committ any crimes

...When the Russians hacked Hillary's non-government, unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted server...

...HOW did they find and steal TS/SCI information...

...since it was HIGHLY ILLEGAL for her to have TS/SCI information in her possession?

Do you idiots even think these things through before you post this unbelievably stupid shit?

I know, but 'C'mon, man!'

If Hillary did not have a server full of stolen TS/SCI, residong on an illegal, unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted server for the Russians - or anyone else - to steal Trump's joke / comment would have been meaningless.

Ever heard of 'SIGINT'?

SIGINT - Signals Intelligence

With rhe right gear, when you turn on your unsecured, unencrypted cell phone, fax machine, etc...I have access to your devices. I can intercept / receive your signals.

Every time you send or receive classified info on an unsecure phone / fax / etc... I can get it.
-- Hillary did this, sent classified on unsecure systems

She also, according to tbe State Dept, used unsecure, unencrypted phones / tablets / etc... when traveling abroad as Sect of State.

Politicians love to do that to avoidcall communications gaving to be recorded and subject to FOIA requests.
- It was peoven Obama had an alias and used a owrsonal e-mail, just like Hillary

The problem is when you labd in Russia, let's say, abd you're using a non-government unauthorized, unsecure, unencrypted device foreign spies/ SIGINT specialists are all over you and your drvices like flies on shit.

The Russians and ither foreign governments were havking Hillary's shit, spying on her, long before Trump jokingly told the Russians to hack her server....

...because she was breaking laws using her own.personal devices and letting them do it.

Anyone who claims this is false / fake news has no idea what they are tslking about.
I agree with all of that. Not sure what you read into my earlier posts that misrepresented that.

The fact is she wasn't ever arrested and IMO it was because Comey said she did it without intent. LMAO BTW. It was all with intent. If nothing else, destruction of her devices and log files was obstruction of justice during the investigation. I'm still wondering what you misread in my posts.
I agree with all of that. Not sure what you read into my earlier posts that misrepresented that.

The fact is she wasn't ever arrested and IMO it was because Comey said she did it without intent. LMAO BTW. It was all with intent. If nothing else, destruction of her devices and log files was obstruction of justice during the investigation. I'm still wondering what you misread in my posts.

If I got something wrong, maybe wrote something meant for someone else, my sincere apologies.
In answer to...


1. Former FBI Director James Comey says you are a LIAR, an IDIOT, or BOTH

2. If Hillary did not committ any crimes

...When the Russians hacked Hillary's non-government, unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted server...

...HOW did they find and steal TS/SCI information...

...since it was HIGHLY ILLEGAL for her to have TS/SCI information in her possession?

Do you idiots even think these things through before you post this unbelievably stupid shit?

After all the Republican-led investigations into Hillary Clinton, list the crimes for which she has been indicted.

If you are still screeching "Lock her up! Lock her up!", you can stop now.

Clearly, America's justice system is not going to appease you.
After all the Republican-led investigations into Hillary Clinton, list the crimes for which she has been indicted.

If you are still screeching "Lock her up! Lock her up!", you can stop now.

Clearly, America's justice system is not going to appease you.
still waiting on the one for Trump? There isn't any crime noted in his indictment. FKing eight years now. The iron hit you.
If you need to rage against Republican-run investigative committees targeting Clinton that were led by Issa and Gowdy, and four years of Trump's lax prosecutors for relentless incompetence and/or dereliction of duty, go right ahead.


The 2 people most responsible for protecting Hillary from indictment / prison were these 2:

still waiting on the one for Trump? There isn't any crime noted in his indictment. FKing eight years now. The iron hit you.
If you are enjoying Trump's legal travails, good on you.

Seeing so many Trump goons of January 6 brought to justice, his fat catchers disgraced and disbarred, and his cheerleaders forced to settle suits for hundreds of millions, confirms that “Wheels of justice grind slow but grind fine.”

The ineluctability of truth is a wonderful thing, indeed.

If you are enjoying Trump's legal travails, good on you.

Seeing so many Trump goons of January 6 brought to justice, his fat catchers disgraced and disbarred, and his cheerleaders forced to settle suits for hundreds of millions, confirms that “Wheels of justice grind slow but grind fine.”

The ineluctability of truth is a wonderful thing, indeed.

And Republican congressmen are treating them as hero's.
No feelings - that's your bag, snowflake.

Thanks for admitting you can't answer the questions.

Haven’t you had enough of being bitch slapped, and spanked by the Clintons?

For God sake, have some self respect.

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