The Left hates Trump but now also the Supreme Court

Over the last several years the radical left has developed a mindset of "take no prisoners. You are either with us or against us. If you are against us we will destroy you."
That's a fact. Just reading through the thread you can see the organized troll brigade en masse onslaught trying to derail the thread or bury any effort to comment on the OP. Not a single one of them had any comment about the content of the OP but it was personal attacks on me or recitation of the assigned talking points. I don't know how some of those people stand themselves but oh well. Not a single one of them seems capable of supporting their predictable gas lighting, diversion, assigned rhetoric. I honestly think they are incapable of supporting what passes for their opinion with any basis in fact.
Libs dislike rule makers and rule enforcers because they don’t want to follow rules and law
That's a fact. Just reading through the thread you can see the organized troll brigade en masse onslaught trying to derail the thread or bury any effort to comment on the OP. Not a single one of them had any comment about the content of the OP but it was personal attacks on me or recitation of the assigned talking points. I don't know how some of those people stand themselves but oh well. Not a single one of them seems capable of supporting their predictable gas lighting, diversion, assigned rhetoric. I honestly think they are incapable of supporting what passes for their opinion with any basis in fact.
It helps that each has three different screen names so they can hide and zing
That's a fact. Just reading through the thread you can see the organized troll brigade en masse onslaught trying to derail the thread or bury any effort to comment on the OP. Not a single one of them had any comment about the content of the OP but it was personal attacks on me or recitation of the assigned talking points. I don't know how some of those people stand themselves but oh well. Not a single one of them seems capable of supporting their predictable gas lighting, diversion, assigned rhetoric. I honestly think they are incapable of supporting what passes for their opinion with any basis in fact.
To be perfectly fair, they do not like themselves but nobody else does, either.
It isn't Trump I don't think or the Supreme Court but it's the craving for power that is driving the current political conversation in the USA:

--The personal attacks and the more ridiculous the analogies/accusations/predictions re Trump get the closer the election gets.

--The personal attacks and the more ridiculous the analogies/accusations/predictions re Supreme Court justices get the closer the election gets.

The media is flooded with it.
Social media is flooded with it.
USMB is flooded with it.

Did somebody flip a switch or send out a code word or something to trigger the onslaught of this kind of attack rhetoric?

It seems to be aggravated by the increasing support for the agenda Trump proposes.
It seems to be aggravated by an increased number of unanimous decisions in a high court that is more unified than we have seen it in awhile.

The left seems more and more determined lately that political opponents should be persecuted and prosecuted. And they seem more and more determined that if the Supreme Court can't be done away with, then pack it with people like them so they can depend on it to support the leftist agenda which seems to be based on abortion rights, DEI, and power over everybody concentrated in a leftist central government.

Meanwhile the agenda and positions on the right are pretty much what they have been for some decades now which is a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity and liberty for all Americans. (There will be some disagreement on what that entails here and there.)

The November election will largely determine which America we will live in.

Left wants to pack Supreme Court

Media coverage of Trump 98% negative and getting worse

The left won't consider any proposals but their own

What it means to be a Patriot
Here's the only answer Altio's brand of Catholic can understand.

So what? All perfectly within the rules. After watching McConnell invent new rules about the SCOTUS daily, your whiny point just does not resonate.
Your McConnell fantasies aside, whiny is changing the rules because the short-term outcomes are not in your favor.
Over the last several years the radical left has developed a mindset of "take no prisoners. You are either with us or against us. If you are against us we will destroy you."
I don't think it's a development so much as an organized plan. Their rhetoric is too similar, same code words, same emphasis, same dog whistles, etc. etc. etc. to be pure coincidence. And that it is pretty much focused on taking out Trump and two specific members of the Supreme Court isn't any coincidence either.

It is the blatant evil dishonesty of it that gives me pause. Such people are pretty much capable of anything should they obtain total power which of course is the goal.

I still say their lackeys/parrots/useful idiots here are really REALLY going to hate what they helped to produce if we do lose America to the totalitarians.

Thank God we have a majority however fragile in the House and a strong minority in the Senate. Otherwise it might have already happened.
I watched that interchange in real time. It is NOT edited. It is a bonafide video from C-Span's archives. And I listened to the other parts of the hearing as well. Nothing Comey said that day disputed a single fact in that shorter summary.
You did not watch the full hearing later, that turned the investigation questions upside down.,
This what Trey Gowdy did in the Comey hearings.

" don't think it's a development so much as an organized plan. Their rhetoric is too similar, same code words, same emphasis, same dog whistles, etc. etc. etc. to be pure coincidence. And that it is pretty much focused on taking out Trump and two specific members of the Supreme Court isn't any coincidence either."
Is that allowed? I know some change their screen names from time to time but is more than one account allowed? I'm not saying you're wrong.
Unanimous Support for Mr Biden changed hands and multiple screen names from one party is no longer prohibited . The fakery makes it look like the lib loons have more supporters.
Unanimous Support for Mr Biden changed hands and multiple screen names from one party is no longer prohibited . The fakery makes it look like the lib loons have more supporters.
I hope you're right and there aren't that many malicious and hateful people here.
I would be so embarrassed to post like they do. And ashamed. Just couldn't do it.
It's all just mindless tribal behavior.

They all support this power grab seeking one party rule because it is their tribe. They don't care HOW many of our institutions are ripped apart as long as they come out on top.

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