For The Never Ending 'Fake News'-Posting Liberal Crowd On USMB...

Somewhere along the way, these people have become so insulated in their informational ecosystem that they don't understand that their "evidence" and "proof" and theories have to survive the light of day. The evidence has to be strong enough to open a case, and then be challenged with counter-arguments.

So if they believe it among themselves, then it is "proven" and "the truth".

How in the world does one communicate with this?
like russia russia did? dosier did? haahahahahahahahhaha you fkers make me roll on the floor laughing.
like russia russia did? dosier did? haahahahahahahahhaha you fkers make me roll on the floor laughing.
I can understand why you'd want to change the subject.

It looks like you're proud to be just like those you hate.

Not my problem.
There you go again.

You stupid fucktard, we're talking about airing the arguments in public.
I'm talking about you rubes proving something in court for a change.

You're just tossing out talking points.

PROVE IT IN COURT. If you can't, then all "evidence" and "proof" are shit.
I'm talking about you rubes proving something in court for a change.

Dumbass fucktard, the argument has to be heard before anyone can prove anything.

Damn dude, how can anyone communicate with anything as stupid as you?

You're just tossing out talking points.

Right into the trash can. Where they belong.

PROVE IT IN COURT. If you can't, then all "evidence" and "proof" are shit.
You are terminally retarded.
Somewhere along the way, these people have become so insulated in their informational ecosystem that they don't understand that their "evidence" and "proof" and theories have to survive the light of day. The evidence has to be strong enough to open a case, and then be challenged with counter-arguments.

And somewhere along the way snowflakes were brainwashed and conditioned to ignore strong, factual evidence provided by experts, like 'the world's greatest criminal.imvestigative agency- - the FBI and to ignore undeniable evidence they see with their own eyes in order to protect and defend proven criminal, perjurous, treasonous Democrats at all cost.

Mac, C4A, Candy, etc... are perfectly demonstrate this by watching this video of former FBI Director James Comey testifying under oath before Congress about how Hillary Clinton perpetrated numerous crimes to include Espionage and STILL claiming Hillary perpetrated no crime ...

... based on the proven fact that partisanly corrupt / criminal federal govt agencies and the Directors of tjose agencies (US AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey) protected her and refused to indict, charge, and prosecute her for the crimes THEY testified under oath to Congress she committed.

NOTHING these people can say any lonher can erase their docume ted / recorded partisan insanity, their own destruction of whatever credibility they may have had left.

They have reduced themselves and self-identified as intentional, willingly ignorant, partisan, criminal Democrat apogists and defenders, as gaslighters, liars, and trolls worthy of no more acknowledgement, attention, or time.

No more.
And somewhere along the way snowflakes were brainwashed and conditioned to ignore strong, factual evidence provided by experts, like 'the world's greatest criminal.imvestigative agency- - the FBI and to ignore undeniable evidence they see with their own eyes in order to protect and defend proven criminal, perjurous, treasonous Democrats at all cost.

Mac, C4A, Candy, etc... are perfectly demonstrate this by watching this video of former FBI Director James Comey testifying under oath before Congress about how Hillary Clinton perpetrated numerous crimes to include Espionage and STILL claiming Hillary perpetrated no crime ...

... based on the proven fact that partisanly corrupt / criminal federal govt agencies and the Directors of tjose agencies (US AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey) protected her and refused to indict, charge, and prosecute her for the crimes THEY testified under oath to Congress she committed.

NOTHING these people can say any lonher can erase their docume ted / recorded partisan insanity, their own destruction of whatever credibility they may have had left.

They have reduced themselves and self-identified as intentional, willingly ignorant, partisan, criminal Democrat apogists and defenders, as gaslighters, liars, and trolls worthy of no more acknowledgement, attention, or time.

No more.
Trump's FBI fked the pooch on hitlery, cause it's Trump's FBI. too fking funny.
Okay, then DON'T prove anything. Just keep bitching and moaning.

That's what I was expecting anyway.

Boring. Dismissed.
fk dude, I've been saying that for eight years now, and trump still ain't in trouble.
Trump's FBI fked the pooch on hitlery, cause it's Trump's FBI. too fking funny.

Former FBI Director James Comey says you are either a liar, an idiot, or both, that he, US AG Lynch and others protected Hillary Clinton from indictment / prison.

Comey did not 'pooch' anything - he nailed Hillary's ass to the wall, fully exposing her crimes under oath before Congress.

For like the 4th or 5th time, you ignorant f*, go back and read the answer you have been given at least 3 - 4 times but which you have chosen to ignore.

Now now, no need to throw a trumper tantrum. Take a deep breath.

I saw a vague references and the (apparently usual for you) childish insults toward some sort of murky Democratic cabal that apparently has so much power, it is able to protect Democrats even when Republicans control virtually every lever of governing power.

This doesn't seem to be a very strong argument.

It is still surprising that something this sinister and huge could be overlooked by everybody in the administration and the trump appointed heads of the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, ATF, and numerous judges. Not to mention the president himself.

You would think they could have at least put together a case. If it was shot down in court due to the influence of the evil cabal, that would be even more evidence of it's existence would it not?

Former FBI Director James Comey says you are either a liar, an idiot, or both, that he, US AG Lynch and others protected Hillary Clinton from indictment / prison.

Comey did not 'pooch' anything - he nailed Hillary's ass to the wall, fully exposing her crimes under oath before Congress.

He judged her without intent and she was never arrested. So it most definitely wasn't Trump's FBI
Somewhere along the way, these people have become so insulated in their informational ecosystem that they don't understand that their "evidence" and "proof" and theories have to survive the light of day. The evidence has to be strong enough to open a case, and then be challenged with counter-arguments.

So if they believe it among themselves, then it is "proven" and "the truth".

How in the world does one communicate with this?
I'm trying to figure that out. No luck so far.
I saw a vague references and the (apparently usual for you) childish insults toward some sort of murky Democratic cabal that apparently has so much power, it is able to protect Democrats even when Republicans control virtually every lever of governing power.
start with all of the Clinton casualties, let's start there. The fact that Comey ruled clinton as not having any intent before the DOJ did anything with his findings.
Hillary Clinton was PROVEN to have

- Illegally Stolen TS/SCI classified material when she left US Govt Service As Sect of State

- Committed Perjury when she signed her SCI Program Out Brief letter stating she fully understood from that day forward she could not have in her possession or even talk about SCI Program material ever again
-- Comey and Hillary later claimed she had no idea she was breaking laws

- Illegally transported TS/SCI classified data

- Illegally stored TS/SCI classified material in an unauthorlrized, unsecure facility and on an unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted server, and on unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted devices.

-- Her unclassified PC / server was found in the BATHROOM of a company that did not have the necessary clearance to have access to her server / this information.

-- Her technician who took care of the server did not have a legally required security clearance thus had illegal access to all the TS/SCI information

-- Hillary illegally had no Chain of Custody document for the TS/SCI data thus there is no way to know who had access to all of this TS/SCI data

- Illegally transmitted and received TS/SCI classified information to / from unauthorized individuals - who did NOT have the necessary security clearance to have access to this classified unsecured unencrypted information - using UNclassified, unauthorized, unsecure, unencrypted systems / devices (fax, phone, e-mail, etc...) to do so.

- Hillary Clinton KNEW exactly what she was doing, KNEW she was committing ESPIONAGE, because when the FBI demanded she turn over her server and devices...

(WTF? The FBI DEMANDED she turn over the TS/SCI info, server, and devices? Where the hell was the heavily armed / armored FBI raid and the full.mefia crew?)

...Hillary illegally destroyed her clasdified and unclassified phones / devices and attempted to illegally wipe her hard drive.


SO my question to these sbowflakes is this:


The source is CNBC, a source YOU and about every other snowflake on this board has used. It is a video directly from the live feed from Comey's testimony under oath before Congress at the time.

The video is legit, so you can't claim it is 'Fake News'.


Either Hillary broke laws and committed espionage AS COMEY SAID or Comey committed perjury before Congress and should still be in jail.

Which is it?
You're wrong! Why? Because I said so!
start with all of the Clinton casualties, let's start there. The fact that Comey ruled clinton as not having any intent before the DOJ did anything with his findings.
OK. Why didn't the Trump appointed replacement for Comey pick up the case?

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