For The Never Ending 'Fake News'-Posting Liberal Crowd On USMB...

You mean, the administration before this one, had 4 years to bring charges, under hand picked Republican Attorney Generals, but were simply too inept (possibly because of using Republican lawyers) to even get it in court, in 4 whole years? Wow!:rolleyes:
4 solid years of vicious, unhinged investigations will do that.
ONLY in Trumplandia.
Reality is different.

Obama (D) – 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Bush, George W. (R) – 8 yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) – 8 yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. One conviction. One prison sentence.

Bush, George H. W. (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. One conviction. One prison sentence.

Reagan (R) – 8 yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. Zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment and one conviction. One prison sentence.

Nixon (R) – 6 yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) – 5 yrs in office. Zero indictments. Zero convictions. Zero prison sentences.

In the last 53 years, Democrats have been in the Oval Office for 25 of those years, while Republicans held it for 28.

In their 25 yrs in office Democrats had a total of three executive branch officials indicted with one conviction and one prison sentence.

In the 28 yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53 yrs they have had a total of , 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials. 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down.

That was before the orange grifter took office.
Republican corruption numbers should double by the time the dust settles.
That's why our DOJ is so corrupt. It's been controlled by hard core lefties for decades.
What court?

What Judge not owned by the Left?

Unlike Democrats, local co servative DAs don't attempt to prosrcute federal cases, especially when the statute of limitations has expired.

Thanks, at least, for not falsely trying to claim 'fake news'.

Every time you lose, it's a conspiracy. Every time Republicans are charged, it's a witch hunt, the judges are corrupt, and it's WR0NG..

You think all of the posters here are as stupid and gullible as Y0U are.
That's not how Trump rolls, spiteful retaliation is more of a Democrat trait.
oh my Lord!

Trump is Mr. Vengeance is mine! And has been his whole life. And has even bragged about it! If you'd like a quote, I can provide.

these legal troubles crooked donald is in now, is from his own illegal doings my dear...

I know you really do not want to hear this, but those of us who grew up with him know as fact, he's been crooked his entire life.... And money bought his way out of it! This isn't vengeance, this is Karma, finally going face to face with him... Or God Revealing him.... revelation baby! The great Revealing of truth... imho.

And that's not me saying, "there are no democrats that are crooked", because that is not true either....
Oh, stop.

Have you forgotten who the US AG was? The runway meeting?

Have you forgotten that US AG Lynch ceded / surrendered her duty / authority to Comey for him to make the decision not to indict Hillary?

Have you forgotten the same FBI Director who willingly, knowingly participated in the failed coup against Trump was the one who testified under oath before Congress that Hillary committed crimes to include espionage right before he protected her from indictment / prison?

MUELLER is the perfect evidence t he FBI has been criminally partisanly weaponized for decades - he is on record for violating tbe Patriot Act / illegally spying on Americans no less than a dozen times.

Don't try to play naive and claim the GOP / conservatives could have won against a proven stacked, marked deck.

Don't play naive and claim that the GOP has ever found a shred of evidence that Clinton committed any crimes. They'd indict her for jaywalking if they could. Republicans keep making up lies and conspiracy theories about Democrats, and then investigating the shit FOX New is making up.

Donald Trump couldn't find a Grand Jury to indict any of the people he was accusing. That's because his accusations were lies and shit he made up and FOX News picked up on.

Manafort and Flynn were in the pay of the Russian government when Trump hired them. Roger Stone was bragging he was in contact with Guccifer2.0 after the DNC hacking, and he was tweeting about the contents of the Podesta emails 2 hours BEFORE WikiLeaks hired him.

Why would Paul Manafort, who owed millions of the dollars to Russian oligarchs, and was in serious financial difficulty, volunteer to work for the Trump campaign for free? Why do you ignore the fact that Manafort plead guilty to giving the Republican polling data that the Trump campaign was given by the RNC, to a Russian oligarch. Is that why the Russians sent him to work for Trump?

Last but not least, what happened to the FBI Investigation of national security issues around the Trump Campaign????
for the first time in her life she might be right

To know Donald Trump is to hate him. 80% of New York voters, voted against him.

Every Trump building construction ends with the condo owners voting to terminate his management contract, and Trump refusing to leave. The residents refuse to renew the management contract and Trump sues, loses, appeals endlessly, and loses every appeal. The residents then get the Sheriff to throw him out, and then the residents cheer as his name is taken off the building.

Trump knew Comey was involved, didn't trust him, & was threatened with Impeachment for Obstruction if he fired Comey...and you think Trump could have prosecuted him and other big players?

Nope. The deck was stacked against him.
He was not impeached for firing Comey. After that, he had the FBI, the DOJ and Congress. It seems lthey could have easily brought a case if they had the evidence.
Either Hillary broke laws and committed espionage AS COMEY SAID or Comey committed perjury before Congress and should still be in jail.

Which is it?

Hillary should be in jail.

We had a guy that ran on "lock her up", but then he pussed out and she is still free.
Hillary should be in jail.

We had a guy that ran on "lock her up", but then he pussed out and she is still free.

Chants during a rally does not equate to 'running on' the chant... opposed to Soros-backed NY DA Alvin Bragg who ran on promsing to lock Trump up and is now desperately trying to keep that campaign promise.
Chants during a rally does not equate to 'running on' the chant... opposed to Soros-backed NY DA Alvin Bragg who ran on promsing to lock Trump up and is now desperately trying to keep that campaign promise.

At least Bragg is trying to keep his promise.

sadly your boy did not even try
For WHAT???? Republican lies and bullshit going back to the Starr Investigation?????

For misuse/mishandling of classified materials. Whether she meant to do it or not is 100% irrelevant. I have known Marines that got in legal trouble for having a document marked "Secret" in their possession even though the document had been declassified. But the document they had with them had not been properly marked as such
Hillary Clinton was PROVEN to have

- Illegally Stolen TS/SCI classified material when she left US Govt Service As Sect of State

- Committed Perjury when she signed her SCI Program Out Brief letter stating she fully understood from that day forward she could not have in her possession or even talk about SCI Program material ever again
-- Comey and Hillary later claimed she had no idea she was breaking laws

- Illegally transported TS/SCI classified data

- Illegally stored TS/SCI classified material in an unauthorlrized, unsecure facility and on an unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted server, and on unauthorized, unsecured, unencrypted devices.

-- Her unclassified PC / server was found in the BATHROOM of a company that did not have the necessary clearance to have access to her server / this information.

-- Her technician who took care of the server did not have a legally required security clearance thus had illegal access to all the TS/SCI information

-- Hillary illegally had no Chain of Custody document for the TS/SCI data thus there is no way to know who had access to all of this TS/SCI data

- Illegally transmitted and received TS/SCI classified information to / from unauthorized individuals - who did NOT have the necessary security clearance to have access to this classified unsecured unencrypted information - using UNclassified, unauthorized, unsecure, unencrypted systems / devices (fax, phone, e-mail, etc...) to do so.

- Hillary Clinton KNEW exactly what she was doing, KNEW she was committing ESPIONAGE, because when the FBI demanded she turn over her server and devices...

(WTF? The FBI DEMANDED she turn over the TS/SCI info, server, and devices? Where the hell was the heavily armed / armored FBI raid and the full.mefia crew?)

...Hillary illegally destroyed her clasdified and unclassified phones / devices and attempted to illegally wipe her hard drive.


SO my question to these sbowflakes is this:


The source is CNBC, a source YOU and about every other snowflake on this board has used. It is a video directly from the live feed from Comey's testimony under oath before Congress at the time.

The video is legit, so you can't claim it is 'Fake News'.


Either Hillary broke laws and committed espionage AS COMEY SAID or Comey committed perjury before Congress and should still be in jail.

Which is it?
You would think Trump would have locked her up. Seems like I heard that somewhere.
No marked classified documents were in her possession of on email.

If her staff had taken marked classified stuff from its proper place, they could have nailed her and staff, but they had zip, zero, none.

Also, she turned her emails were hat she had and server over when asked....

So, you are barking up the wrong tree....once again!

And there is no one, on this site, that posts more FAKE NEWS than YOU EasyT! And that's a fact! :)
Obviously you have no idea how our government works. lol :p

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