For the Republicans, who is the dream ticket ?

Rubio has gotten tangled up in the tar baby of immigration politics. He has not come across well recently. We'll see what he has to say during the campaign.

He's addressed that fairly well, IMO.

On the plus side, dimocraps can't attack him on his old Immigration stance without vilifying their OWN stance on it.

My opinion -- It doesn't hurt him. In fact, it helps him with Hispanics. BIG time.

And he's fairly well like in Tea Party circles so they'll give him a pass.

I just don't see the harm.

I could be wrong but I don't think so.

Besides, if I get my way, he'll be the Veep Candidate. His most important contribution will be on the campaign trail. And he is an EXCELLENT campaigner.

With dimocrap scum not motivating the Black Vote and with Rubio motivating the Hispanic Vote for OUR side -- I'm telling you, it makes me have warm and fuzzy thoughts about the direction of our Country once again

The Democrats, their lapdog Liberal media, and the 47% are going to throw any and all Republican contenders "under the bus". It's a no-win situation.

Republicans better be prepared for those tough questions like:
What newspapers do you read?

Ted Cruz is used to getting tough questions like he gets from Sean Hannity
Why do you love America so much?

and Hillary should be prepared for---------------what gave you the right to destroy emails that were government property? why did you lie about benghazi? what did you and bill do with the money from foreign governments and what did you give in exchange while SecState?

Thats really what you are banking on?

So called "scandals" that nobody outside of FoxNation cares about?

And which exist only for tee potties and other desperate Repubs.

Walker and Rubio has a definite appeal. Walker and Haley also good.
Whoever it is, they will beat the snot out of Hillary. The GOP has a crop of younger exciting candidates with ideas and experience. The Democrats have an old has-been with serious ethical problems who will be pushing the same Obama agenda that has failed for 8 years.

Jeb Bush will be your candidate

Theonly question is who he will pick for VP
You are approaching your quota of stupid things that can be said in one day, Nutjobber.

Jeb Bush will be the GOP candidate

He is the only credible candidate you have
Walker and Rubio has a definite appeal. Walker and Haley also good.
Whoever it is, they will beat the snot out of Hillary. The GOP has a crop of younger exciting candidates with ideas and experience. The Democrats have an old has-been with serious ethical problems who will be pushing the same Obama agenda that has failed for 8 years.

Jeb Bush will be your candidate

Theonly question is who he will pick for VP
You are approaching your quota of stupid things that can be said in one day, Nutjobber.

Jeb Bush will be the GOP candidate

He is the only credible candidate you have

As I've said in the past, nope!
Walker and Rubio has a definite appeal. Walker and Haley also good.
Whoever it is, they will beat the snot out of Hillary. The GOP has a crop of younger exciting candidates with ideas and experience. The Democrats have an old has-been with serious ethical problems who will be pushing the same Obama agenda that has failed for 8 years.

Jeb Bush will be your candidate

Theonly question is who he will pick for VP
You are approaching your quota of stupid things that can be said in one day, Nutjobber.

Jeb Bush will be the GOP candidate

He is the only credible candidate you have

As I've said in the past, nope!

You know, Republicans are not exactly creative when it comes to picking candidates

They have not thought "outside the box" since Goldwater
My dream ticket would be Hillary/Raoul Castro running on an "Embrace your Inner Mao" platform
Walker and Rubio has a definite appeal. Walker and Haley also good.
Whoever it is, they will beat the snot out of Hillary. The GOP has a crop of younger exciting candidates with ideas and experience. The Democrats have an old has-been with serious ethical problems who will be pushing the same Obama agenda that has failed for 8 years.

Jeb Bush will be your candidate

Theonly question is who he will pick for VP
You are approaching your quota of stupid things that can be said in one day, Nutjobber.

Jeb Bush will be the GOP candidate

He is the only credible candidate you have

As I've said in the past, nope!

You know, Republicans are not exactly creative when it comes to picking candidates

They have not thought "outside the box" since Goldwater


Worked alright with a real Conservative candidate. He won 56 of our 57 states

Not bad, Ronny. Not bad at all
Republicans have not elected a President without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket since 1928

Looks like Bush is your only hope
Jeb Bush will be your candidate

Theonly question is who he will pick for VP
You are approaching your quota of stupid things that can be said in one day, Nutjobber.

Jeb Bush will be the GOP candidate

He is the only credible candidate you have

As I've said in the past, nope!

You know, Republicans are not exactly creative when it comes to picking candidates

They have not thought "outside the box" since Goldwater


Worked alright with a real Conservative candidate. He won 56 of our 57 states

Not bad, Ronny. Not bad at all

So you are claiming that picking Reagan as the candidate in 1984 was somehow "outside the box"?

Reagan was the obvious candidate in 1984 as Jeb Bush is in 2016

Not hard to predict who the Republican candidate will be
Walker and Rubio has a definite appeal. Walker and Haley also good.
Whoever it is, they will beat the snot out of Hillary. The GOP has a crop of younger exciting candidates with ideas and experience. The Democrats have an old has-been with serious ethical problems who will be pushing the same Obama agenda that has failed for 8 years.

Jeb Bush will be your candidate

Theonly question is who he will pick for VP
You are approaching your quota of stupid things that can be said in one day, Nutjobber.

Jeb Bush will be the GOP candidate

He is the only credible candidate you have

As I've said in the past, nope!

You know, Republicans are not exactly creative when it comes to picking candidates

They have not thought "outside the box" since Goldwater
LOL. And Dems have one, one, choice:an old has-been with worse ethics than Newt Gingrich, no executive experience,and no ideas.
Your quota for the day is up, Nutjobber.
You are approaching your quota of stupid things that can be said in one day, Nutjobber.

Jeb Bush will be the GOP candidate

He is the only credible candidate you have

As I've said in the past, nope!

You know, Republicans are not exactly creative when it comes to picking candidates

They have not thought "outside the box" since Goldwater


Worked alright with a real Conservative candidate. He won 56 of our 57 states

Not bad, Ronny. Not bad at all

So you are claiming that picking Reagan as the candidate in 1984 was somehow "outside the box"?

Reagan was the obvious candidate in 1984 as Jeb Bush is in 2016

Not hard to predict who the Republican candidate will be
In 1984 Reagan was the incumbent running for a second term, dolt.
These threads are nothing better than fantasy

Jeb Bush will be your candidate, there are no other credible options

Jeb will choose Nikki Haley as his running mate to try to offset the womens vote

Jeb will not be the candidate. The country would do a group barf at another bush/clinton run.

Republicans have no other option but to run Jeb. He is their only candidate who can win swing states and can take Florida away from Hillary

Wrong. But what is a sad truth is that you dems have no choice but to run hillary, after all its her turn and she stepped aside for the black guy last time.

She is your Dole and McCain, and she will go down in flames just as they did.

It will be a Bush-Clinton repeat with the same results. IF Jeb can win the Primaries. That will be his toughest struggle.
Jeb Bush will be your candidate

Theonly question is who he will pick for VP
You are approaching your quota of stupid things that can be said in one day, Nutjobber.

Jeb Bush will be the GOP candidate

He is the only credible candidate you have

As I've said in the past, nope!

You know, Republicans are not exactly creative when it comes to picking candidates

They have not thought "outside the box" since Goldwater
LOL. And Dems have one, one, choice:an old has-been with worse ethics than Newt Gingrich, no executive experience,and no ideas.
Your quota for the day is up, Nutjobber.

I haven't missed picking the eventual Republican candidates since before Nixon. Republicans always pick the obvious choice

Dems have gone with Carter, Dukakis, Clinton and Obama who came out of the blue

Republicans are too predictable....Bush is your candidate
Jeb Bush will be the GOP candidate

He is the only credible candidate you have

As I've said in the past, nope!

You know, Republicans are not exactly creative when it comes to picking candidates

They have not thought "outside the box" since Goldwater


Worked alright with a real Conservative candidate. He won 56 of our 57 states

Not bad, Ronny. Not bad at all

So you are claiming that picking Reagan as the candidate in 1984 was somehow "outside the box"?

Reagan was the obvious candidate in 1984 as Jeb Bush is in 2016

Not hard to predict who the Republican candidate will be
In 1984 Reagan was the incumbent running for a second term, dolt.

No shit Sherlock....not exactly a reach by Republicans

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