For the Trump supporters here - Are you getting worried about 2020?

If I were the Dems I'd be worried about 2018. They have seats they need to hold onto. I sure as shit wouldn't be trying to put the screws to Trump. Guess those seats don't mean much to them.

America is watching.

They sure do need some luck cause they sure as shit don't have any leadership.
If I were the Dems I'd be worried about 2018. They have seats they need to hold onto. I sure as shit wouldn't be trying to put the screws to Trump. Guess those seats don't mean much to them.

America is watching.

They sure do need some luck cause they sure as shit don't have any leadership.
Really is this RUBBISH the best you can,inflict us all with ..........Go to the Naughty Corner Claudette
If I were the Dems I'd be worried about 2018. They have seats they need to hold onto. I sure as shit wouldn't be trying to put the screws to Trump. Guess those seats don't mean much to them.

America is watching.

They sure do need some luck cause they sure as shit don't have any leadership.
Really is this RUBBISH the best you can,inflict us all with ..........Go to the Naughty Corner Claudette

Its damned good rubbish and very true.

Only an idiot would doubt that.

America is watching. LOL
The GOP House is done for in 2018 unless something unbelievably dramatic happens.

No president holds the House in the midterms with approval ratings under 50%.
The GOP House is done for in 2018 unless something unbelievably dramatic happens.

No president holds the House in the midterms with approval ratings under 50%.
And who determines the approval ratings, CNN?
He didn't win a massive electoral landslide or anything
He didn't even get a plurality of people's votes. He won the election with a minority vote.
Hillary got the minority vote too. Neither hit 50%

As far as 2020, a month is a lifetime in politics. Plus the cat is out of the bag how dishonest many media sites are. I didn't worry about this election and won't the next.
"For the Trump supporters here - Are you getting worried about 2020?"

Back-To-Back HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING Election Losses
Over 1,000 political seats / positions lost over 8 years
Pre-election riots, violence, arson, looting, firebombing GOP HQs
Hillary's campaign exposed paying protestors to beat / bloody Trump Supporters
Using violence to shut down Freedom of Speech
Post-election rioting, arson, looting, violence, destruction of property
DNC exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites by their own e-mails
DNC rigged their Primaries, engaged in voter fraud, and cheated in debates to help Hillary
Claims Hillary won based on insignificant popular vote
Engaged in threats of violence to try to 'flip' Electoral College voters
Called for Impeachment before Trump was sworn in
Seditiously called for military coups
Seditiously called for the President's assassination
Obama & DHS attempted to hack States' Election Processes
False claims 'Russia Hacked The Election'
False claims Trump colluded with Russia
Political Assassination of Flynn - no evidence of a crime
Failed Political Assassination attempt against Sessions
Obama used False Trump-Russia lie to conduct his own Watergate during election
Obama released illegally obtained personal info on Trump to 16 Intel Agencies
Obama facilitated the illegal leaks of the info by his holdovers in the Intel Agencies
Liberal partisan 'McCarthy'-istic Witch Hunt against Trump Blows In Their Faces:
34 Democrats found to have 'communicated' with Russians
- 2 Worked took money from and for Ex-KGB with close ties to Putin / Russian Intel
- 2 Lied before Congress while attacking Trump
- 1 Met with Putin
- I has a history of Ex-changing Gifts with Russian Ambassadors - and lied about it

Podesta - Hillary Clinton 2016 Campaign Manager - exposed as working for the 'KGB Bank' - close ties to Putin & Russian Spy Agency - Paid $170K; BROKE THE LAW by failing to register as a 'Foreign Agent'

Ex-President Bill Clinton accepted $50K per speech from Ex-KGB to give speeches

Trump: Stock Market up to record high, Monster Job Growth in his 1st month, Illegal Immigration down 40%....

"For the Trump supporters here - Are you getting worried about 2020?"

At this point...NO!

If the GOP and Conservatives had done / were doing what the DNC and Democrats had done / are doing, the Democrats would have called for the dis-banding of the GOP and for Conservatives to be labeled 'enemies of the state' by now!
He didn't win a massive electoral landslide or anything
He didn't even get a plurality of people's votes. He won the election with a minority vote.

NONSENSE! Trump won 2600 out of over 3100 counties in the USA. Hillary won less than 500! So Trump won around 85% of the counties in America while Hillary won less than 15%!

About 30% of ALL of Hillary's votes come from just THREE states - California, New York, & Illinois! The remaining 47 states of America win in a GOP landslide every election but just like Hillary you FORGET all about them!

Our founding fathers were PURE GENIUS for creating this proportional system otherwise just 2 states, CA & NY, would determine EVERY election!!
I actually believe that by 2020, no Dem will want to run against him. He might be the first president to be elected in an uncontested election.

The DNC is seriously damaging their own credibility and America, even once faithful Dems are turning against the DNC and it's

Tired Old Racist Divisive Marxist Party.
For now, the DNC is irrelevant as a national party. Just a bunch of noisy, petulant children.
One year at a time. Worrying about shit you have no control over is a sign of a weak mind and an insecure individual
Even I am willing to give him more time. They haven't even begun.

He hasn't cost us jobs yet. He has lowered union wages but maybe that will help everyone else when manufacturing comes back.

Why do I want unions t take a pay cut? Because too many of them vote gop
I know it's way early but I HATE how so MANY liberal media outlets are trying to DESTROY him! He didn't win a massive electoral landslide or anything but it was sizable.

He won Ohio by 9 points and that is one of the few states that's actually getting whiter so he's likely safe there. But he didn't win by much in the other Rust belt states so he must hold Pennsylvania too! But if he loses Florida & Wisconsin then he loses the Presidency! He seems fairly strong in Florida but that could flip! Plus TX, AZ, & GA are getting more blue!

You know the crybaby butthurt liberals are going to be out in force the next 2 elections! How do you guys see it?

BTW, I'm a PATRIOT in Missouri where Trump won by almost 20 points!

:woohoo::clap2::bow2: :salute:

As long as former governor Ed Rendell speaks for Pennsylvania,
that state is safe for Republicans. Carry on, Ed!

Before Republicans should worry about 2020, Democrats should be real worried about 2018.
He didn't even get a plurality of people's votes. He won the election with a minority vote.

LIE already debunked - approx. 45% of the American people didn't even vote. If you had started off saying, "Out of the number of Americans who actually voted..." you would have been much closer to being right.

The FACT is the US Presidential Election is determined by the Electoral College. This was not a secret during the 2016 Presidential Election. Hillary focused on winning the Popularity Contest while Trump focused on winning the Electoral College. Trump won the Electoral college and thus the election - he won the Presidency. Hillary won the Popularity Contest - she didn't even win a 'Participation Trophy'.

As pointed out...Trump won. 'Nuff said.
I know it's way early but I HATE how so MANY liberal media outlets are trying to DESTROY him! He didn't win a massive electoral landslide or anything but it was sizable.

He won Ohio by 9 points and that is one of the few states that's actually getting whiter so he's likely safe there. But he didn't win by much in the other Rust belt states so he must hold Pennsylvania too! But if he loses Florida & Wisconsin then he loses the Presidency! He seems fairly strong in Florida but that could flip! Plus TX, AZ, & GA are getting more blue!

You know the crybaby butthurt liberals are going to be out in force the next 2 elections! How do you guys see it?

BTW, I'm a PATRIOT in Missouri where Trump won by almost 20 points!

:woohoo::clap2::bow2: :salute:

Not worried at all. The more they try, the stronger Trump gets. The people are with Trump, not the Washington elite and media that keep trying to push their globalization agenda. Once four years pass, and there is no world war 3, gays aren't being rounded up, and the economy isn't destroyed like progressives predict, they won't stand a chance.

Trump only has 20 months to prove his worth and if his policies are successful to keep his majority in the house.
Trump has only been on the job a few weeks and already illegal border crossings are down 40%, good job President Trump 2020 should be a cakewalk. :eusa_clap:
"For the Trump supporters here - Are you getting worried about 2020?"

Back-To-Back HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING Election Losses
Over 1,000 political seats / positions lost over 8 years
Pre-election riots, violence, arson, looting, firebombing GOP HQs
Hillary's campaign exposed paying protestors to beat / bloody Trump Supporters
Using violence to shut down Freedom of Speech
Post-election rioting, arson, looting, violence, destruction of property
DNC exposed as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites by their own e-mails
DNC rigged their Primaries, engaged in voter fraud, and cheated in debates to help Hillary
Claims Hillary won based on insignificant popular vote
Engaged in threats of violence to try to 'flip' Electoral College voters
Called for Impeachment before Trump was sworn in
Seditiously called for military coups
Seditiously called for the President's assassination
Obama & DHS attempted to hack States' Election Processes
False claims 'Russia Hacked The Election'
False claims Trump colluded with Russia
Political Assassination of Flynn - no evidence of a crime
Failed Political Assassination attempt against Sessions
Obama used False Trump-Russia lie to conduct his own Watergate during election
Obama released illegally obtained personal info on Trump to 16 Intel Agencies
Obama facilitated the illegal leaks of the info by his holdovers in the Intel Agencies
Liberal partisan 'McCarthy'-istic Witch Hunt against Trump Blows In Their Faces:
34 Democrats found to have 'communicated' with Russians
- 2 Worked took money from and for Ex-KGB with close ties to Putin / Russian Intel
- 2 Lied before Congress while attacking Trump
- 1 Met with Putin
- I has a history of Ex-changing Gifts with Russian Ambassadors - and lied about it

Podesta - Hillary Clinton 2016 Campaign Manager - exposed as working for the 'KGB Bank' - close ties to Putin & Russian Spy Agency - Paid $170K; BROKE THE LAW by failing to register as a 'Foreign Agent'

Ex-President Bill Clinton accepted $50K per speech from Ex-KGB to give speeches

Trump: Stock Market up to record high, Monster Job Growth in his 1st month, Illegal Immigration down 40%....

"For the Trump supporters here - Are you getting worried about 2020?"

At this point...NO!

If the GOP and Conservatives had done / were doing what the DNC and Democrats had done / are doing, the Democrats would have called for the dis-banding of the GOP and for Conservatives to be labeled 'enemies of the state' by now!

You forgot Obama's

  • monetary support of terrorists
  • using terrorist groups to overthrow governments and carry out assassinations
  • sale of uranium to Russia, and money and permission for Iran to buy it, and $209 Million dollars given by Russia to Obama and Clinton as a thank you for all their help in numerous areas.
According to an interesting article I've read recently, it says: '' When I look at the graph that shows how the national debt changed over the years, I see that it peaked in 3 periods in particular. One of them was the World War II years and afterwards, which is understandable, the second one is the Reagan years, and the third one is G. W. Bush years.

The way I see it, whenever Democrats are in power, the economy gets better, and then the Republicans come back to ruin it again. Even though Democrats are the ones who are blamed for increasing debt due to their social projects
. ''

Do you agree with this ?

I'm talking about that article:

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