For the Trump supporters here - Are you getting worried about 2020?

According to an interesting article I've read recently, it says: '' When I look at the graph that shows how the national debt changed over the years, I see that it peaked in 3 periods in particular. One of them was the World War II years and afterwards, which is understandable, the second one is the Reagan years, and the third one is G. W. Bush years.

The way I see it, whenever Democrats are in power, the economy gets better, and then the Republicans come back to ruin it again. Even though Democrats are the ones who are blamed for increasing debt due to their social projects
. ''

Do you agree with this ?

I'm talking about that article:
Nice Liberal BS, but let's look at the FACTS:

Bush is credited with adding $4 Trillion in new debt over 8 years.

During his 1st 6 years with a mixed / GOP-edge Congress he added $2.5 Trillion. That includes 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and the bulk of 2 wars.

Democrats took over a near Super Majority Control of Congress during Bush's last 2 years. At that time the law required (still does) a Budget to be signed into law every year. the Democrats immediately ignored that, broke the law, and adopted / used 'Continuing Resolutions' instead. During the last 2 years under a near 'Super majority' Democratic Party Control of Congress spending rose and $1.5 Trillion in new spending was added to the debt - that's approx. $1 trillion short in 2 years of what was previously spent over 6 years!

(Congress, not the President, is responsible for budgets / spending / the economy, etc...)

In Obama's 1st 2 years in office he enjoyed a near Super majority Control of Congress. Over his 1st 4 years Obama added nearly $7 Trillion in new debt, averaging over $1 trillion in debt each year - almost double what Bush had added in 8 years. Obama added more debt than every US President COMBINED.

Obama's 1st 'economy / jobs' spending bill was the DISASTROUS Stimulus bill, which contained over 7,0000 (SEVEN THOUSAND) Democratic Party-ONLY pieces of pork...which included sending money on such things as THIS:
- Bailed out Millionaire Democrat Feinstein's husband's bankrupting business
- Taught alcoholic Chinese hookers how to drink more responsibly on duty
- Funded a study on why gay Argentinian men's sex lives were better than heterosexual American men's sex lives

In the end the govt reported that the Stimulus Jobs Bill cost American tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama and the Democrats CLKAIMED to have created / saved. That was nearly $1 TRILLION added to the debt in 1 shot his 1st year in office!

So when you look deeper - at the details and the facts - you start to see the liberal spin and smell what snowflakes are shoveling...
No, way too early. Rabid Democrats boasted often about how George W. Bush couldn't
possibly win reelection. And he won pretty easily. It's way too early for predictions.

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