For those that believe in Polls..Obama beats both Republican Front runners.

I respect your saying that his inability to get things done are the fault of the republicans. I understand why you think that...and to be frank, I agree with you.

Likewise, the republicans represent a good portion of the country, so the positions they take, whether you agree with them or not, are positions many of us agree with.

But, you see, Obama is not the first President to have an opposing party with a majority in one of the houses.

One of his biggest flaws in my eyes is his inability to lead. This is not meant to minimize who he is and the effort he has made...but he started his presidency like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full of change. Regardless of the rhetoric that went around, the truth is, he won, he had a double majority and he acted like it. And as a result, he completely lost any support he may have had from the opposing party. Sure, it is easy to say the GOP would have acted this way anyway, but I dont agree.

Obama set the tone his first two years...and as a result, he is now floundering and true liberals like yourself are not happy...and I dont blame you.

So yes, the GOP has made his job that much more doubt....But he created this atmosphere.

We have a system that allows us to vote based on leadership skills and not ideology. I dont care if the president believes in right to life or rioght to choice......his congress will keep him in check......

I am most interested in a man/woman with leadership so he/she can get both parties to work together for the betterment of AMerica.

Obama has proven to be not such a person.

That's not what I said. He's proven he can get alot done. The health care package got passed, stimulus package was passed, Somali pirates holding an American Captain are dead and Osama Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Republicans simply don't want to work with a democratic president. They proved this with Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Carter and heck they impeached Clinton.

They are getting worse and worse.
I respect your saying that his inability to get things done are the fault of the republicans. I understand why you think that...and to be frank, I agree with you.

Likewise, the republicans represent a good portion of the country, so the positions they take, whether you agree with them or not, are positions many of us agree with.

But, you see, Obama is not the first President to have an opposing party with a majority in one of the houses.

One of his biggest flaws in my eyes is his inability to lead. This is not meant to minimize who he is and the effort he has made...but he started his presidency like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full of change. Regardless of the rhetoric that went around, the truth is, he won, he had a double majority and he acted like it. And as a result, he completely lost any support he may have had from the opposing party. Sure, it is easy to say the GOP would have acted this way anyway, but I dont agree.

Obama set the tone his first two years...and as a result, he is now floundering and true liberals like yourself are not happy...and I dont blame you.

So yes, the GOP has made his job that much more doubt....But he created this atmosphere.

We have a system that allows us to vote based on leadership skills and not ideology. I dont care if the president believes in right to life or rioght to choice......his congress will keep him in check......

I am most interested in a man/woman with leadership so he/she can get both parties to work together for the betterment of AMerica.

Obama has proven to be not such a person.

That's not what I said. He's proven he can get alot done. The health care package got passed, stimulus package was passed, Somali pirates holding an American Captain are dead and Osama Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Republicans simply don't want to work with a democratic president. They proved this with Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Carter and heck they impeached Clinton.

They are getting worse and worse.
Obama has had the most productive legislative accomplishments in the first 2- years of any President in over a generation.
I respect your saying that his inability to get things done are the fault of the republicans. I understand why you think that...and to be frank, I agree with you.

Likewise, the republicans represent a good portion of the country, so the positions they take, whether you agree with them or not, are positions many of us agree with.

But, you see, Obama is not the first President to have an opposing party with a majority in one of the houses.

One of his biggest flaws in my eyes is his inability to lead. This is not meant to minimize who he is and the effort he has made...but he started his presidency like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full of change. Regardless of the rhetoric that went around, the truth is, he won, he had a double majority and he acted like it. And as a result, he completely lost any support he may have had from the opposing party. Sure, it is easy to say the GOP would have acted this way anyway, but I dont agree.

Obama set the tone his first two years...and as a result, he is now floundering and true liberals like yourself are not happy...and I dont blame you.

So yes, the GOP has made his job that much more doubt....But he created this atmosphere.

We have a system that allows us to vote based on leadership skills and not ideology. I dont care if the president believes in right to life or rioght to choice......his congress will keep him in check......

I am most interested in a man/woman with leadership so he/she can get both parties to work together for the betterment of AMerica.

Obama has proven to be not such a person.

That's not what I said. He's proven he can get alot done. The health care package got passed, stimulus package was passed, Somali pirates holding an American Captain are dead and Osama Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Republicans simply don't want to work with a democratic president. They proved this with Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Carter and heck they impeached Clinton.

They are getting worse and worse.

Please Sallow....dont take this debate to the trash bin.

And Reid said "the war is lost" while my cousin was in a fox hole having rpg's shot over his head.......

And as for accomplishments...

Yes, he got helathcare passed but with little thought as to how it will pan out...and now it is in the courts.....not much of a great accomplishment there.

He got the stimulus passed but he had to do what he swore he wouldnt do...make some back room deals....and the stimulus did not produce what he hoped it would and all he could say are two things:

1) the economy is worse than we thought
2) the shovel ready jobs werent as shovel ready as I thought

Yes, he nailed the asses of the Pirates....did you expect the greatest military in the world to do any less? Would you have expected any president to say to the military "doint do what you do best to save that Captain?"

Yes, he nailed Bin Laden....but lets be real...Micky Mouse would have given the order to get his butt...and he would be dead today anyway.

In reality, the last two did not make him a great the contrary NOT doing the last two would have made him completely inept.

But I applaud and respect your enthusiasm for our President. As I said, he is not a true leader in my eyes. He acted like a child when he had no opposition and now we, the people are paying the price for his political immaturity.

That is my opinion and whereas I welcome your sentiments, I will not respond to crap about how I am a partisan hack, an asshole and an idiot.
I respect your saying that his inability to get things done are the fault of the republicans. I understand why you think that...and to be frank, I agree with you.

Likewise, the republicans represent a good portion of the country, so the positions they take, whether you agree with them or not, are positions many of us agree with.

But, you see, Obama is not the first President to have an opposing party with a majority in one of the houses.

One of his biggest flaws in my eyes is his inability to lead. This is not meant to minimize who he is and the effort he has made...but he started his presidency like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full of change. Regardless of the rhetoric that went around, the truth is, he won, he had a double majority and he acted like it. And as a result, he completely lost any support he may have had from the opposing party. Sure, it is easy to say the GOP would have acted this way anyway, but I dont agree.

Obama set the tone his first two years...and as a result, he is now floundering and true liberals like yourself are not happy...and I dont blame you.

So yes, the GOP has made his job that much more doubt....But he created this atmosphere.

We have a system that allows us to vote based on leadership skills and not ideology. I dont care if the president believes in right to life or rioght to choice......his congress will keep him in check......

I am most interested in a man/woman with leadership so he/she can get both parties to work together for the betterment of AMerica.

Obama has proven to be not such a person.

That's not what I said. He's proven he can get alot done. The health care package got passed, stimulus package was passed, Somali pirates holding an American Captain are dead and Osama Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Republicans simply don't want to work with a democratic president. They proved this with Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Carter and heck they impeached Clinton.

They are getting worse and worse.
Obama has had the most productive legislative accomplishments in the first 2- years of any President in over a generation.

It helps to have a majority in both houses.
But that doesnt mean it was good for the country.

I do not rate a president on legislative accomplishments. I rate a president on leadership...and the legacy of a president is based on the success/failure of his/her legislative accomplishments...but that is usually not known til years after his/her tenure has passsed.
I respect your saying that his inability to get things done are the fault of the republicans. I understand why you think that...and to be frank, I agree with you.

Likewise, the republicans represent a good portion of the country, so the positions they take, whether you agree with them or not, are positions many of us agree with.

But, you see, Obama is not the first President to have an opposing party with a majority in one of the houses.

One of his biggest flaws in my eyes is his inability to lead. This is not meant to minimize who he is and the effort he has made...but he started his presidency like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full of change. Regardless of the rhetoric that went around, the truth is, he won, he had a double majority and he acted like it. And as a result, he completely lost any support he may have had from the opposing party. Sure, it is easy to say the GOP would have acted this way anyway, but I dont agree.

Obama set the tone his first two years...and as a result, he is now floundering and true liberals like yourself are not happy...and I dont blame you.

So yes, the GOP has made his job that much more doubt....But he created this atmosphere.

We have a system that allows us to vote based on leadership skills and not ideology. I dont care if the president believes in right to life or rioght to choice......his congress will keep him in check......

I am most interested in a man/woman with leadership so he/she can get both parties to work together for the betterment of AMerica.

Obama has proven to be not such a person.

That's not what I said. He's proven he can get alot done. The health care package got passed, stimulus package was passed, Somali pirates holding an American Captain are dead and Osama Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Republicans simply don't want to work with a democratic president. They proved this with Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Carter and heck they impeached Clinton.

They are getting worse and worse.

Please Sallow....dont take this debate to the trash bin.

And Reid said "the war is lost" while my cousin was in a fox hole having rpg's shot over his head.......

And as for accomplishments...

Yes, he got helathcare passed but with little thought as to how it will pan out...and now it is in the courts.....not much of a great accomplishment there.

He got the stimulus passed but he had to do what he swore he wouldnt do...make some back room deals....and the stimulus did not produce what he hoped it would and all he could say are two things:

1) the economy is worse than we thought
2) the shovel ready jobs werent as shovel ready as I thought

Yes, he nailed the asses of the Pirates....did you expect the greatest military in the world to do any less? Would you have expected any president to say to the military "doint do what you do best to save that Captain?"

Yes, he nailed Bin Laden....but lets be real...Micky Mouse would have given the order to get his butt...and he would be dead today anyway.

In reality, the last two did not make him a great the contrary NOT doing the last two would have made him completely inept.

But I applaud and respect your enthusiasm for our President. As I said, he is not a true leader in my eyes. He acted like a child when he had no opposition and now we, the people are paying the price for his political immaturity.

That is my opinion and whereas I welcome your sentiments, I will not respond to crap about how I am a partisan hack, an asshole and an idiot. to the war? Pelosi was absolutely correct. It was lost. It was lost until Poppa Bush sent in his A-Team to clean up junior's mess. Jim Baker and Robert Gates are freakin geniuses. And they basically completely reversed what was going on in Iraq. That's what turned that mess around.

And the economy WAS worse then anyone thought. Bush's numbers on the deficit were wrong and had to be recently revised. Add in he was not counting the wars into the budget.

And this shovel ready crapola is just that..crapola. States were given stimulus and it was left up to them what to do with the money. We have all sorts of stimulus projects going on in New York. The Second Ave subway is one of them. Additionally we finally have a building going up at the WTC. NOTHING was happening during the Bush administration after the initial clean up.
Just heard this:

Boehner was asked if he would take the vice slot if asked. He responded, "Listen, I've been to the funerals of good friends and they weren't fun, why would I want to go to a stranger's?"

Oh man.
While Obama's poll numbers are low on people's happiness..they more then recognize that 3 years is not enough time to repair the damage caused by eight years of criminal incompetence.

And the alternatives..which essentially want to bring back those policies..are recognized as ludicrious.

The old meme of "give the wealthy everything they want..and they will shower you with gold and appreciation" is so last administration.


Three years? Thirty years wouldn't be enough time with the policies this Administration has given us to address the economy. You don't get you, Sallow? Barack Obama doesn't know HOW to fix this. Oh, he thought he did but that was because he'd been brainwashed into believing in progressive Keynesian theory about big government spending being the key to ending a recession. The proponents of that were Larry Summers and Christina Romer. In case you hadn't noticed, both of them had the good sense to abandon ship and run back to their tenured positions at Berkeley and Harvard when it became obvious that Keynesian policy was falling on it's proverbial face. Now Barack is left with that financial wizard, Timothy Geithner, the guy who couldn't figure out Turbo Tax, and between the two of them they couldn't come up with a plan to run a lemonade stand let alone the largest economy on the planet.

Do yourself a big favor and pray for Obama to lose in 2012. If he were to pull off that election? It would mean four more years of you having to come up with excuses as to why everything still sucks.
Just heard this:

Boehner was asked if he would take the vice slot if asked. He responded, "Listen, I've been to the funerals of good friends and they weren't fun, why would I want to go to a stranger's?"

Oh man.

Obama's switching up the ticket huh? How do you think Biden will take it?
That's not what I said. He's proven he can get alot done. The health care package got passed, stimulus package was passed, Somali pirates holding an American Captain are dead and Osama Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Republicans simply don't want to work with a democratic president. They proved this with Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Carter and heck they impeached Clinton.

They are getting worse and worse.

Please Sallow....dont take this debate to the trash bin.

And Reid said "the war is lost" while my cousin was in a fox hole having rpg's shot over his head.......

And as for accomplishments...

Yes, he got helathcare passed but with little thought as to how it will pan out...and now it is in the courts.....not much of a great accomplishment there.

He got the stimulus passed but he had to do what he swore he wouldnt do...make some back room deals....and the stimulus did not produce what he hoped it would and all he could say are two things:

1) the economy is worse than we thought
2) the shovel ready jobs werent as shovel ready as I thought

Yes, he nailed the asses of the Pirates....did you expect the greatest military in the world to do any less? Would you have expected any president to say to the military "doint do what you do best to save that Captain?"

Yes, he nailed Bin Laden....but lets be real...Micky Mouse would have given the order to get his butt...and he would be dead today anyway.

In reality, the last two did not make him a great the contrary NOT doing the last two would have made him completely inept.

But I applaud and respect your enthusiasm for our President. As I said, he is not a true leader in my eyes. He acted like a child when he had no opposition and now we, the people are paying the price for his political immaturity.

That is my opinion and whereas I welcome your sentiments, I will not respond to crap about how I am a partisan hack, an asshole and an idiot. to the war? Pelosi was absolutely correct. It was lost. It was lost until Poppa Bush sent in his A-Team to clean up junior's mess. Jim Baker and Robert Gates are freakin geniuses. And they basically completely reversed what was going on in Iraq. That's what turned that mess around.

And the economy WAS worse then anyone thought. Bush's numbers on the deficit were wrong and had to be recently revised. Add in he was not counting the wars into the budget.

And this shovel ready crapola is just that..crapola. States were given stimulus and it was left up to them what to do with the money. We have all sorts of stimulus projects going on in New York. The Second Ave subway is one of them. Additionally we finally have a building going up at the WTC. NOTHING was happening during the Bush administration after the initial clean up.

You're so desperate to come up with some sort of "success" story from the stimulus that you're calling the buildings going up at ground zero an Obama "accomplishment"? That's pathetic even for you, Sallow.
Just heard this:

Boehner was asked if he would take the vice slot if asked. He responded, "Listen, I've been to the funerals of good friends and they weren't fun, why would I want to go to a stranger's?"

Oh man.

Obama's switching up the ticket huh? How do you think Biden will take it?


Boehner's a republican.:lol:
You're so desperate to come up with some sort of "success" story from the stimulus that you're calling the buildings going up at ground zero an Obama "accomplishment"? That's pathetic even for you, Sallow.

Don't get into the metrics biz, chief. :lol:
That's not what I said. He's proven he can get alot done. The health care package got passed, stimulus package was passed, Somali pirates holding an American Captain are dead and Osama Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Republicans simply don't want to work with a democratic president. They proved this with Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Carter and heck they impeached Clinton.

They are getting worse and worse.

Please Sallow....dont take this debate to the trash bin.

And Reid said "the war is lost" while my cousin was in a fox hole having rpg's shot over his head.......

And as for accomplishments...

Yes, he got helathcare passed but with little thought as to how it will pan out...and now it is in the courts.....not much of a great accomplishment there.

He got the stimulus passed but he had to do what he swore he wouldnt do...make some back room deals....and the stimulus did not produce what he hoped it would and all he could say are two things:

1) the economy is worse than we thought
2) the shovel ready jobs werent as shovel ready as I thought

Yes, he nailed the asses of the Pirates....did you expect the greatest military in the world to do any less? Would you have expected any president to say to the military "doint do what you do best to save that Captain?"

Yes, he nailed Bin Laden....but lets be real...Micky Mouse would have given the order to get his butt...and he would be dead today anyway.

In reality, the last two did not make him a great the contrary NOT doing the last two would have made him completely inept.

But I applaud and respect your enthusiasm for our President. As I said, he is not a true leader in my eyes. He acted like a child when he had no opposition and now we, the people are paying the price for his political immaturity.

That is my opinion and whereas I welcome your sentiments, I will not respond to crap about how I am a partisan hack, an asshole and an idiot. to the war? Pelosi was absolutely correct. It was lost. It was lost until Poppa Bush sent in his A-Team to clean up junior's mess. Jim Baker and Robert Gates are freakin geniuses. And they basically completely reversed what was going on in Iraq. That's what turned that mess around.

And the economy WAS worse then anyone thought. Bush's numbers on the deficit were wrong and had to be recently revised. Add in he was not counting the wars into the budget.

And this shovel ready crapola is just that..crapola. States were given stimulus and it was left up to them what to do with the money. We have all sorts of stimulus projects going on in New York. The Second Ave subway is one of them. Additionally we finally have a building going up at the WTC. NOTHING was happening during the Bush administration after the initial clean up.

No sir. You are wrong. The war was not lost. It was not won either at that point, but it was not lost. If it were lost, we would have surrendered and retreated back to our shores. It was not ost and my cousin certainly didnt appreciate hearing that his Majority Leader announced to the world that the war HE WAS STILL FIGHTING was lost.

Claim what you want about who was responsible for what, but the bottom line is this....Obama was the one who said that his economic analysts analyzed the economic situation and that we should trust him when he says we need to do A, B and C.

Well, he obviously just ASSUMED a little too much and he was wrong. The economy was not what he THOUGHT it was. Perhaps if he told us "well, I dont know what the story with the ecoinomy is and my team is way too lazy to analyze it but lets try A, B, and C....well then he can give out his excuses.....but he didnt. He claimed to know the situation and he didnt.

As for shovel ready.....seems you easily accepted his excuse. I expect that of his supporters.
But he was the one that promised us that his man Joe would oversee the 800 billion. I mean...lets be real....did he expect states who were struggling financially to do anything different?

And please....dont talk to me about the WTC project. Like you, I live here too. You and I both know what have been the roadblocks to that project. The fact that you credit Obama is really noit worth even responding to. It is like you are grasping for straws.
I respect your saying that his inability to get things done are the fault of the republicans. I understand why you think that...and to be frank, I agree with you.

Likewise, the republicans represent a good portion of the country, so the positions they take, whether you agree with them or not, are positions many of us agree with.

But, you see, Obama is not the first President to have an opposing party with a majority in one of the houses.

One of his biggest flaws in my eyes is his inability to lead. This is not meant to minimize who he is and the effort he has made...but he started his presidency like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full of change. Regardless of the rhetoric that went around, the truth is, he won, he had a double majority and he acted like it. And as a result, he completely lost any support he may have had from the opposing party. Sure, it is easy to say the GOP would have acted this way anyway, but I dont agree.

Obama set the tone his first two years...and as a result, he is now floundering and true liberals like yourself are not happy...and I dont blame you.

So yes, the GOP has made his job that much more doubt....But he created this atmosphere.

We have a system that allows us to vote based on leadership skills and not ideology. I dont care if the president believes in right to life or rioght to choice......his congress will keep him in check......

I am most interested in a man/woman with leadership so he/she can get both parties to work together for the betterment of AMerica.

Obama has proven to be not such a person.

That's not what I said. He's proven he can get alot done. The health care package got passed, stimulus package was passed, Somali pirates holding an American Captain are dead and Osama Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes.

Republicans simply don't want to work with a democratic president. They proved this with Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Carter and heck they impeached Clinton.

They are getting worse and worse.
Obama has had the most productive legislative accomplishments in the first 2- years of any President in over a generation.

I guess if you want to call the worst piece of legislation PASSED in a generation an "accomplishment" you could make that argument. Sorry, but passing awful legislation doesn't count in your counts against you.
While Obama's poll numbers are low on people's happiness..they more then recognize that 3 years is not enough time to repair the damage caused by eight years of criminal incompetence.

And the alternatives..which essentially want to bring back those policies..are recognized as ludicrious.

The old meme of "give the wealthy everything they want..and they will shower you with gold and appreciation" is so last administration.


Three years? Thirty years wouldn't be enough time with the policies this Administration has given us to address the economy. You don't get you, Sallow? Barack Obama doesn't know HOW to fix this. Oh, he thought he did but that was because he'd been brainwashed into believing in progressive Keynesian theory about big government spending being the key to ending a recession. The proponents of that were Larry Summers and Christina Romer. In case you hadn't noticed, both of them had the good sense to abandon ship and run back to their tenured positions at Berkeley and Harvard when it became obvious that Keynesian policy was falling on it's proverbial face. Now Barack is left with that financial wizard, Timothy Geithner, the guy who couldn't figure out Turbo Tax, and between the two of them they couldn't come up with a plan to run a lemonade stand let alone the largest economy on the planet.

Do yourself a big favor and pray for Obama to lose in 2012. If he were to pull off that election? It would mean four more years of you having to come up with excuses as to why everything still sucks.

Sure I get it.

Roosevelt, singlehandely, created the Middle Class. There was none before his policies. None. Zip. Zero. Nadda.

There were the very rich..and the very poor.

THAT'S quite a SUCCESS. See..success means you accomplish something. It means you create something. The Middle Class in this country started around the end of WWII and kept growing until 1980 or so.

After was a bumpy ride..until Clinton.

Another SUCCESS.

See how that works?

Obama has been a SUCCESS. Most reality based economists were saying we were coming out of the recession. Until 2010. What changed?

Oh yeah..the Tea Party's SUCCESS. Stopping the recovery dead in it's tracks and downgrading the bond rating.

Good fucking job boys.

Good job.
While Obama's poll numbers are low on people's happiness..they more then recognize that 3 years is not enough time to repair the damage caused by eight years of criminal incompetence.

And the alternatives..which essentially want to bring back those policies..are recognized as ludicrious.

The old meme of "give the wealthy everything they want..and they will shower you with gold and appreciation" is so last administration.


Three years? Thirty years wouldn't be enough time with the policies this Administration has given us to address the economy. You don't get you, Sallow? Barack Obama doesn't know HOW to fix this. Oh, he thought he did but that was because he'd been brainwashed into believing in progressive Keynesian theory about big government spending being the key to ending a recession. The proponents of that were Larry Summers and Christina Romer. In case you hadn't noticed, both of them had the good sense to abandon ship and run back to their tenured positions at Berkeley and Harvard when it became obvious that Keynesian policy was falling on it's proverbial face. Now Barack is left with that financial wizard, Timothy Geithner, the guy who couldn't figure out Turbo Tax, and between the two of them they couldn't come up with a plan to run a lemonade stand let alone the largest economy on the planet.

Do yourself a big favor and pray for Obama to lose in 2012. If he were to pull off that election? It would mean four more years of you having to come up with excuses as to why everything still sucks.

Sure I get it.

Roosevelt, singlehandely, created the Middle Class. There was none before his policies. None. Zip. Zero. Nadda.

There were the very rich..and the very poor.

THAT'S quite a SUCCESS. See..success means you accomplish something. It means you create something. The Middle Class in this country started around the end of WWII and kept growing until 1980 or so.

After was a bumpy ride..until Clinton.

Another SUCCESS.

See how that works?

Obama has been a SUCCESS. Most reality based economists were saying we were coming out of the recession. Until 2010. What changed?

Oh yeah..the Tea Party's SUCCESS. Stopping the recovery dead in it's tracks and downgrading the bond rating.

Good fucking job boys.

Good job.

You really are amusing. The Tea Party didn't cause the bond rating downgrade. The Tea Party was calling for deficit reduction and cuts in government spending. The rating agencies were calling for deficit reduction and either an increase in revenue or cuts in spending. S&P was looking for deficit reduction in the neighborhood of 4 trillion dollars. The debt ceiling compromise called for deficit reduction of 1.5 trillion and the cuts were not specific but rather something to be determined in the future. So how is it that the Tea Party is responsible for the Federal Government not making sufficient deficit reductions? If it weren't FOR the Tea Party we wouldn't have gotten the 1.5 trillion because your guy Barack was calling for a "clean" debt ceiling raise without ANY mandated spending cuts. Or have you forgotten that?
Just heard this:

Boehner was asked if he would take the vice slot if asked. He responded, "Listen, I've been to the funerals of good friends and they weren't fun, why would I want to go to a stranger's?"

Oh man.

Obama's switching up the ticket huh? How do you think Biden will take it?


Boehner's a republican.:lol:

Yes, but Obama will stop at nothing to regain the office. Desperate times, desperate measures, all that.
No sir. You are wrong. The war was not lost. It was not won either at that point, but it was not lost. If it were lost, we would have surrendered and retreated back to our shores. It was not ost and my cousin certainly didnt appreciate hearing that his Majority Leader announced to the world that the war HE WAS STILL FIGHTING was lost.

Claim what you want about who was responsible for what, but the bottom line is this....Obama was the one who said that his economic analysts analyzed the economic situation and that we should trust him when he says we need to do A, B and C.

Well, he obviously just ASSUMED a little too much and he was wrong. The economy was not what he THOUGHT it was. Perhaps if he told us "well, I dont know what the story with the ecoinomy is and my team is way too lazy to analyze it but lets try A, B, and C....well then he can give out his excuses.....but he didnt. He claimed to know the situation and he didnt.

As for shovel ready.....seems you easily accepted his excuse. I expect that of his supporters.
But he was the one that promised us that his man Joe would oversee the 800 billion. I mean...lets be real....did he expect states who were struggling financially to do anything different?

And please....dont talk to me about the WTC project. Like you, I live here too. You and I both know what have been the roadblocks to that project. The fact that you credit Obama is really noit worth even responding to. It is like you are grasping for straws.

Let's review. 9/11 happens. The US invades Afghanistan. In a few weeks and with few casualties a small agile US military force made up mostly of spooks handily defeats the stone age taliban..and have Osama Bin Laden surrounded and writting his last will and testament. THEN..we INVADE Iraq! What happens? Osama gets away..and we quickly mow down the Iraqi forces..and fast. That's over in a few months. What does Bush do? Plays military fly boy and prances around the deck of an air craft carrier declaring victory.

What happens behind the scenes? Bush sends in L. Paul Bremer. Fucking brilliant move. They disband a military of over 300K war fighters. They don't collect their guns mind you..they just remove their source of income. Then, on wooden pallets, they ship billions in tax payer dollars on cargo planes to Iraq. THEN THEY OPEN A FUCKING STOCK MARKET IN IRAQ. They get rid of the ONLY POLITICAL PARTY IN IRAQ. Then they de-nationalize ALL INDUSTRY and have a firesale. So now you have all the "Coalition of the Willing" nations running the Iraqi economy. There are indonesian truck drivers. There are Koreans working at the cement factories. There are Americans trying to start up cell phone companies. What do you also have? 300,000 former war fighters, with guns, and NO INCOME. You have no one policing the streets, picking up the garbage, handling complaints ..nothing. Electricity..which use to be on all the now on once..maybe twice a week. What happens? The war fighters get pissed and loot the museum. "Boys will be boys" says Cheney. Then, one of the most holiest of holy muslims sites..the Blue Mosque gets blown up. That did it. Full on insurgency. The US starts losing terroritory..and in the midst of this..guess what? Pictures come out of Abu Gharib of Americans torturing Iraqis. The eggheads also make the stunning pronouncement that 9 billion dollars went missing.

Yeah..a loss is to kind a word. It was a cluster fuck. That's why Rummy got to boot. That's why Gates was sent in.
No sir. You are wrong. The war was not lost. It was not won either at that point, but it was not lost. If it were lost, we would have surrendered and retreated back to our shores. It was not ost and my cousin certainly didnt appreciate hearing that his Majority Leader announced to the world that the war HE WAS STILL FIGHTING was lost.

Claim what you want about who was responsible for what, but the bottom line is this....Obama was the one who said that his economic analysts analyzed the economic situation and that we should trust him when he says we need to do A, B and C.

Well, he obviously just ASSUMED a little too much and he was wrong. The economy was not what he THOUGHT it was. Perhaps if he told us "well, I dont know what the story with the ecoinomy is and my team is way too lazy to analyze it but lets try A, B, and C....well then he can give out his excuses.....but he didnt. He claimed to know the situation and he didnt.

As for shovel ready.....seems you easily accepted his excuse. I expect that of his supporters.
But he was the one that promised us that his man Joe would oversee the 800 billion. I mean...lets be real....did he expect states who were struggling financially to do anything different?

And please....dont talk to me about the WTC project. Like you, I live here too. You and I both know what have been the roadblocks to that project. The fact that you credit Obama is really noit worth even responding to. It is like you are grasping for straws.

Let's review. 9/11 happens. The US invades Afghanistan. In a few weeks and with few casualties a small agile US military force made up mostly of spooks handily defeats the stone age taliban..and have Osama Bin Laden surrounded and writting his last will and testament. THEN..we INVADE Iraq! What happens? Osama gets away..and we quickly mow down the Iraqi forces..and fast. That's over in a few months. What does Bush do? Plays military fly boy and prances around the deck of an air craft carrier declaring victory.

What happens behind the scenes? Bush sends in L. Paul Bremer. Fucking brilliant move. They disband a military of over 300K war fighters. They don't collect their guns mind you..they just remove their source of income. Then, on wooden pallets, they ship billions in tax payer dollars on cargo planes to Iraq. THEN THEY OPEN A FUCKING STOCK MARKET IN IRAQ. They get rid of the ONLY POLITICAL PARTY IN IRAQ. Then they de-nationalize ALL INDUSTRY and have a firesale. So now you have all the "Coalition of the Willing" nations running the Iraqi economy. There are indonesian truck drivers. There are Koreans working at the cement factories. There are Americans trying to start up cell phone companies. What do you also have? 300,000 former war fighters, with guns, and NO INCOME. You have no one policing the streets, picking up the garbage, handling complaints ..nothing. Electricity..which use to be on all the now on once..maybe twice a week. What happens? The war fighters get pissed and loot the museum. "Boys will be boys" says Cheney. Then, one of the most holiest of holy muslims sites..the Blue Mosque gets blown up. That did it. Full on insurgency. The US starts losing terroritory..and in the midst of this..guess what? Pictures come out of Abu Gharib of Americans torturing Iraqis. The eggheads also make the stunning pronouncement that 9 billion dollars went missing.

Yeah..a loss is to kind a word. It was a cluster fuck. That's why Rummy got to boot. That's why Gates was sent in.

your hatred for Bush makes it impossible to debate you.

and just an example...

"prances around the deck of a cv".....

You are not military and you do not understand the need to boost go with it if you wish.

Need to end this debate with you. You are way too off today.

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