For those who suggest the left doesn't cheat to win elections


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
How about the biggest cheat of all, and it's blatant in your face. The Democrat's have proved to haul Trump into court systems heavy on BS indictments. If Trump's people fail to dot an I he's indicted. All while DC weaponizes the justice system to protect Biden and his players.

The timing of these processes were planned in order to prevent or deter him from running for office. They're going to use these fabrications to try and remove his name from many or all States, so you can't vote for him.

If the left says it's so it's a confession. On one hand they point fingers and declare "in the name of democracy". On the other they put their accusations into play.
How about the biggest cheat of all, and it's blatant in your face. The Democrat's have proved to haul Trump into court systems heavy on BS indictments. If Trump's people fail to dot an I he's indicted. All while DC weaponizes the justice system to protect Biden and his players.

The timing of these processes were planned in order to prevent or deter him from running for office. They're going to use these fabrications to try and remove his name from many or all States, so you can't vote for him.

If the left says it's so it's a confession. On one hand they point fingers and declare "in the name of democracy". On the other they put their accusations into play.
Congratulations. you repeated the MAGA party line perfectly. It's all bullshit, but you got all the words right.
How about the biggest cheat of all, and it's blatant in your face. The Democrat's have proved to haul Trump into court systems heavy on BS indictments. If Trump's people fail to dot an I he's indicted. All while DC weaponizes the justice system to protect Biden and his players.

The timing of these processes were planned in order to prevent or deter him from running for office. They're going to use these fabrications to try and remove his name from many or all States, so you can't vote for him.

If the left says it's so it's a confession. On one hand they point fingers and declare "in the name of democracy". On the other they put their accusations into play.
Trump broke the law.
How about the biggest cheat of all, and it's blatant in your face. The Democrat's have proved to haul Trump into court systems heavy on BS indictments. If Trump's people fail to dot an I he's indicted. All while DC weaponizes the justice system to protect Biden and his players.

The timing of these processes were planned in order to prevent or deter him from running for office. They're going to use these fabrications to try and remove his name from many or all States, so you can't vote for him.

If the left says it's so it's a confession. On one hand they point fingers and declare "in the name of democracy". On the other they put their accusations into play.
They bragged about it right to our faces.

They'd go to all those lengths, but rigging machines and stuffing ballot boxes would be completely beyond the pale!
These NY animals ran for the job on the platform "I will prosecute Trump". Salem Witch Trials had more integrity.
You see a man walk into a house. A few minutes later, you hear a gunshot and see the same man walk out with a smoking gun in his hand.

The Cops arrive within the hour and they find a man recently shot to death, still bleeding, in that same house.

Now, that is NOT proof. But it is pretty damned good evidence. Circumstantial evidence, to be sure. But strong evidence nonetheless.

Just one problem. The man you saw walk into the house?

He was the prosecutor's brother. Remember something -- Lawyers are the biggest contributors to the dimocrap party. By far. All prosecutors are lawyers and all Judges are lawyers. So, there we are.....

That is the state of the election fraud case in the USA. Even if we could PROVE election fraud, we could never, ever, not in a million years prove who those fraudulent ballots were cast for.

So what's the point? We know dimocraps are cheating, lying, thieving scumbags but they're so good at it, we can't nail their asses to a wall.

It wouldn't be so bad but they're horrible at governing. Their cheating, lying, thieving ways don't end at the ballot box.

dimocraps are very good at getting elected but very bad at governing.
The democrat party was founded by Andrew Jackson, a genocidal criminal. It went on to back the South in the Civil War. After the War, it founded the KKK. The KKK was NOT about Blacks, it was about stopping Republicans. And at the time, virtually ALL Black People in the South were Republican. Of course.

The democrat party then went on to introduce Jim Crow, they were tied very closely to the Mafia. In fact, the 1932 democrat national convention was simply the New York Mob vs the Chicago Mob. Look it up.

Every major War we've been in, the democrat party got us into, WW1, WW2, Korea, Viet Nam. The others, like Asscrackistan and Iraq, were minor skirmishes.

Now we've got another dimocrap president trying to get us into another major War. democrats LOVE Wars. They prosper during War while our young men die.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. This is not new-news. They always have been. They always will be.
The timing of these processes were planned in order to prevent or deter him from running for office. They're going to use these fabrications to try and remove his name from many or all States, so you can't vote for him.
Exactly. It's one more way for Democrats to rig elections.
You see a man walk into a house. A few minutes later, you hear a gunshot and see the same man walk out with a smoking gun in his hand.

The Cops arrive within the hour and they find a man recently shot to death, still bleeding, in that same house.

Now, that is NOT proof. But it is pretty damned good evidence. Circumstantial evidence, to be sure. But strong evidence nonetheless.

Just one problem. The man you saw walk into the house?

He was the prosecutor's brother. Remember something -- Lawyers are the biggest contributors to the dimocrap party. By far. All prosecutors are lawyers and all Judges are lawyers. So, there we are.....

That is the state of the election fraud case in the USA. Even if we could PROVE election fraud, we could never, ever, not in a million years prove who those fraudulent ballots were cast for.

So what's the point? We know dimocraps are cheating, lying, thieving scumbags but they're so good at it, we can't nail their asses to a wall.

It wouldn't be so bad but they're horrible at governing. Their cheating, lying, thieving ways don't end at the ballot box.

dimocraps are very good at getting elected but very bad at governing.
I'll be sure to consider your remark about Democrats being bad at governing, as soon as I finish watching this news report about not having a speaker of the house.
I'll be sure to consider your remark about Democrats being bad at governing, as soon as I finish watching this news report about not having a speaker of the house.
I would remind you that is the way our Founding Fathers intended for our government to be. Messy, difficult.

Only a totalitarian thinks government should be exacting, always correct, on time, perfect.

It was one of the biggest debates in the Continental Congress. It was touched on in the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, and especially in the Federalist Papers.

Only Kings are perfect. Did you know (of course you didn't) that it was absolute LAW in the USSR that the Communist Party was seen as 'Infallible'? Not sure about the ChiComs. I am sure about the Norks.

And the dimocrap scum party. Nazi Pelousy runs that Party like the Nazi she is. On time, synchronized like a German watch. A monolith. Unbending, inflexible

I've been laughing to myself about dimocraps and how they're making fun of Republicans for being -- Americans
I would remind you that is the way our Founding Fathers intended for our government to be. Messy, difficult.

Only a totalitarian thinks government should be exacting, always correct, on time, perfect.

It was one of the biggest debates in the Continental Congress. It was touched on in the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, and especially in the Federalist Papers.

Only Kings are perfect. Did you know (of course you didn't) that it was absolute LAW in the USSR that the Communist Party was seen as 'Infallible'? Not sure about the ChiComs. I am sure about the Norks.

And the dimocrap scum party. Nazi Pelousy runs that Party like the Nazi she is. On time, synchronized like a German watch. A monolith. Unbending, inflexible

I've been laughing to myself about dimocraps and how they're making fun of Republicans for being -- Americans
Crazies often laugh to themselves about all kinds of goofy crap.

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