For those who suggest the left doesn't cheat to win elections

The Democrat's have proved to haul Trump into court systems heavy on BS indictments.

...Or maybe he shouldn't have grabbed her by the pussy and then lie about it...lose 5 million dollar case...only to get right back to slandering her again and pay another 80 million.

So how about spending less time crying about how Dear Leader is being treated unfairly and more time on principles like PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Trump is an idiot egomaniac with very little self control. THAT is why he was in this court, THAT is why he is out 80 million. It's also why he is completely unfit for the high office.

P.S. Get your tissues ready for the criminal convictions.

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I have a few friends in New York. They all stopped voting. ALL of them.

They told me they didn't go through the trouble because they knew, with out any doubt in their minds whatsoever that their votes just didn't count.

They said the fraud up there was just simply accepted as 'Business as Usual'.

Only the naive in New Yawk Shitty think their votes matter
Dummy, is all the polling consistent with voting outcomes also part of this genius scheme, along with letting Republicans win congressional seats?

How stupid do you have to be to think that Trump loses deep blue states only because he was cheated?
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