For those who think only "Jesus Freaks" are targeted for bigotry and violence:

144,00 semitic men
Women and other races are out
12k from each of the 12 tribes

everyone else... be damned ;)
12k from each of the 12 tribes

everyone else... be damned
Well then there is no point in me believing in god like renoite says, afterall! LOL!!

You're not trying to get into Heaven, but New Jerusalem on New Earth. The 144,00 has a shit fate anyway, singing and praying at his feet for eternity
Oh, in any case I think these people better count me out. I'm not coming to their after party.

Yes, several. But one of the most amazing was a miracle that happened for my fiance's aunt. A while back she found out that she had breast cancer. Of course she was quite distraught over this news. So she went home, and told no one. Not her children, her husband, or any of the family. For a whole week she prayed to God about this, asking him for a healing. When she went into the doctor again at the end of that week, no trace of cancer was to be found. A prime example of the true power of God, and the way he takes care of his people.

Amazing that we use doctors with all of that fancy medicine and stuff when prayer is such a cure all.

I think there has to be something to the story that you're not aware of.

Yes, several. But one of the most amazing was a miracle that happened for my fiance's aunt. A while back she found out that she had breast cancer. Of course she was quite distraught over this news. So she went home, and told no one. Not her children, her husband, or any of the family. For a whole week she prayed to God about this, asking him for a healing. When she went into the doctor again at the end of that week, no trace of cancer was to be found. A prime example of the true power of God, and the way he takes care of his people.

Amazing that we use doctors with all of that fancy medicine and stuff when prayer is such a cure all.

I think there has to be something to the story that you're not aware of.

NOt saying christians dont use med. Just saying that pray works as well my paster teaches on dont refuse med. Or go to the doc. GOD works through the doc gives them the know how. I have been to the doc almost died at the age of 10 I had one hr left. the doc said If I didnt make it to the HP with in a hr I would have died. But we prayed and the doc. did there work saved my life.

Yes, several. But one of the most amazing was a miracle that happened for my fiance's aunt. A while back she found out that she had breast cancer. Of course she was quite distraught over this news. So she went home, and told no one. Not her children, her husband, or any of the family. For a whole week she prayed to God about this, asking him for a healing. When she went into the doctor again at the end of that week, no trace of cancer was to be found. A prime example of the true power of God, and the way he takes care of his people.

Amazing that we use doctors with all of that fancy medicine and stuff when prayer is such a cure all.

I think there has to be something to the story that you're not aware of.

it was a story I googled it just because you dont belieave in GOD'S POWER dont make any less true.
Oh another God basher... its okay another lost soul.. not my prob have a good life. Because when you die I don't think it will be much fun.

The dumbass fundies always get to the "you're gonna get yours" comments sooner or later. Ho hum.

Pretty much In the end GOD will judge you not I nor anyone else but the lord almighty.

That is your belief and since I don't share your belief, your condemnation is meaningless. Are you folks so insecure that you must insist that everyone is subject to your god?

Yes, several. But one of the most amazing was a miracle that happened for my fiance's aunt. A while back she found out that she had breast cancer. Of course she was quite distraught over this news. So she went home, and told no one. Not her children, her husband, or any of the family. For a whole week she prayed to God about this, asking him for a healing. When she went into the doctor again at the end of that week, no trace of cancer was to be found. A prime example of the true power of God, and the way he takes care of his people.

Amazing that we use doctors with all of that fancy medicine and stuff when prayer is such a cure all.

I think there has to be something to the story that you're not aware of.

it was a story I googled it just because you dont belieave in GOD'S POWER dont make any less true.

Just because you interpret as gods power doesn't mean there is not a reasonable scientific explanation for it.

Yes, several. But one of the most amazing was a miracle that happened for my fiance's aunt. A while back she found out that she had breast cancer. Of course she was quite distraught over this news. So she went home, and told no one. Not her children, her husband, or any of the family. For a whole week she prayed to God about this, asking him for a healing. When she went into the doctor again at the end of that week, no trace of cancer was to be found. A prime example of the true power of God, and the way he takes care of his people.

Amazing that we use doctors with all of that fancy medicine and stuff when prayer is such a cure all.

I think there has to be something to the story that you're not aware of.

NOt saying christians dont use med. Just saying that pray works as well

If it works just as well, then why spend all of that money on medical solutions?

my paster teaches on dont refuse med. Or go to the doc. GOD works through the doc gives them the know how. I have been to the doc almost died at the age of 10 I had one hr left. the doc said If I didnt make it to the HP with in a hr I would have died. But we prayed and the doc. did there work saved my life.

Your story about your fiance's aunt says that doctors are NOT necessary. Which is it?
Maybe your aunt just needs a smarter doctor and she never had cancer to start with. Dontcha think?
Maybe your aunt just needs a smarter doctor and she never had cancer to start with. Dontcha think?

That is the more likely explanation. Despite what their egos tell them, doctors are not infallible. I find that these "miracle cures" are leaving out critical details if they're not an outright fabrication.
The dumbass fundies always get to the "you're gonna get yours" comments sooner or later. Ho hum.

Pretty much In the end GOD will judge you not I nor anyone else but the lord almighty.

That is your belief and since I don't share your belief, your condemnation is meaningless. Are you folks so insecure that you must insist that everyone is subject to your god?

It has nothing to do with insecurity. It's the belief. If you are saved, you know everyone is subject to God regardless of whether they believe it or not. Sorry if that disturbs you.
Allie, why would god spend his time repairing little bobos when he could have just made us without sickness in the first place? Now he's a troubleshooter?
What I love about this, just as someone reading the thread, is that I think Allie's point from the original post has been made over and over. Both sides are insisting the other is not only wrong in their beliefs, but almost pressuring the opposing view to agree with them instead.

Its precious! :tongue:
Pretty much In the end GOD will judge you not I nor anyone else but the lord almighty.

That is your belief and since I don't share your belief, your condemnation is meaningless. Are you folks so insecure that you must insist that everyone is subject to your god?

It has nothing to do with insecurity. It's the belief. If you are saved, you know everyone is subject to God regardless of whether they believe it or not. Sorry if that disturbs you.

You can't KNOW everyone is subject to your god if it is only a belief.
That is your belief and since I don't share your belief, your condemnation is meaningless. Are you folks so insecure that you must insist that everyone is subject to your god?

It has nothing to do with insecurity. It's the belief. If you are saved, you know everyone is subject to God regardless of whether they believe it or not. Sorry if that disturbs you.

You can't KNOW everyone is subject to your god if it is only a belief.

In a way you are perfectly correct and in a way you are wrong YWN666.

You are wrong in the point that according to Christian belief if you believe in Jesus as your Savior, you will be saved. It is a personal belief yes but if this honestly encompasses your heart you can't really think that you are the only one in the world that is saved. Just like members of Islam believe that if you aren't Muslim you should either be killed or forced to convert so they can have their world of peace. Just like followers of Hinduism believe if you are an awful person you will come back as a worm or a bug. Every religion stretches its umbrella out to affect everyone on Earth, it is when you understand that your religious choices are your own to make that what you said is proven right.

In that belief structure it HAS to be understood that your faith affects everyone according to whichever doctrine you follow, but that you have to be understanding of others who do NOT believe the same way you do. Christians and Mormons have a nasty habit of picketing against gays, against abortion and other things they find offensive. Personally I say to each his own, understand that not every American is religious, and even if they are they may not believe the same way you do. The space you ask to believe in what you believe in is the same space you need to give those who don't believe.

Allie, why not try sitting back and working harder on making your own faith stronger. If someone needs your help then help them, but if they do not, there is nothing you can do but smile, nod your head, and tell them that if they ever find faith you will be there to support them. In the mean time.. no one who is without faith is ever going to accept you saying they are subject to a God they do not believe in, just as you are not threatened by the teachings of the Qur'an, accept for that part about death and enslavement of course. ^_^

Something that will honestly never happen is atheists and faithful agreeing, what needs to happen is to agree to disagree and stop pushing the others around. Atheists, allow cities to put up Christmas decorations because the only point of contention is that it is Christian, when you don't seem to have a problem with any other faith putting up their religious displays. Christians, stop bombing abortion clinics and stop picketing against gays. You don't have to get an abortion nor do you have to jump into bed with someone of the same sex just because those entities exist. If you honestly believe people will be judged after death and that judging is reserved for God and God alone you should be strong in the idea that you are right and NOT judge those who go against your beliefs just because they don't believe the same way you do.

There.. live and let live.. will never happen but it would be nice if people could give it a try. :cool:

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