For those who were waiting for that latest round of stimulus funding

A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

You're KIDDING, right? Right? Pelosi larded that bill with all kinds of pork for irresponsible states, states that imposed draconian lockdowns and now want Uncle Sam to bail them out.

Just answer me one question: Why wouldn't Pelosi allow a clean bill that provided stimulus checks to hurting Americans and did not deal with anything else?

Answer: Because she was hoping she could extort the White House by holding up aid for Americans in the hope of forcing Trump to bail out irresponsible states.
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

You're KIDDING, right? Right? Pelosi larded that bill with all kinds of pork for irresponsible states, states that imposed draconian lockdowns and now want Uncle Sam to bail them out.

Just answer me one question: Why wouldn't Pelosi allow a clean bill that provided stimulus checks to hurting Americans and did not deal with anything else?

Answer: Because she was hoping she could extort the White House by holding up aid for Americans in the hope of forcing Trump to bail out irresponsible states.
The Cult ^^ is strong.

"nancy wants to help the failed states, but the hurting americans need the stimulus"

Nazi jumped all over this..........then Trump sent out some tweets with some specific line items he said he would sign..............$1200 stimulus checks............and a few other items that would actually help.

Nazi Pelousy now has to turn those down. Trump is playing 3D chess to Nazi's Crayon Tic-Tac-Toe
Right we get it. Free shit from the government is okay so long as it is coming from republicans.
Glad you admit your Dimwinger party isn't going to help the working folks devastated by the Kung Flu.
Lol I love how you idiots call it the “Kung flu” and expect us all to go “that’s racist!” when in reality we don’t give a shit.
Nice attempt to deflect from your party's refusal to help those devastated by the Kung Flu.
What are you even talking about? Trump ended the negotiations. How do you live on this delusional planet?
Trump offered to signa bill sending out $1200 checks. Where is Nazi?
A week ago I said the House did it's job

If the House were doing its job, they would have passed a bill that actually had a chance of passing that wasn't so stuffed full of fat pork they knew the president could never agree to pass it, so Americans could get the help they so need instead of the D's once again using the American people to play politics with!

Wages for essential workers is hardly “pork”. Police, teachers, firemen, street sweepers.

Sales taxes and other revenues have gone through the floor for states. Costs of running hospitals and health care services have gone through the roof. Many patients have no insurance and no hope of paying for their care.

Texas has no state income tax. Sales taxes are their only revenues. Taxes from closed businesses and unemployed home owners are slow to come in.

Trump has no problem giving money to airline industries or the hotel businesses, but street cleaners, cops and health care workers. No way.
What does this have to do with curing the Kung Flu and helping those affected? Dragonlady

Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

WTF does this have to do with curing the Kung Flu and helping those affected by it? candycorn

Automatic extension of nonimmigrant visas.
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

Mitch is protecting America from Nazi's leftist pork.

WTF does expanding wind and solar tax credits do to cure the Kung Flu or help those affected by it candycorn
WTF does increasing the amount of money going to Planned Unparenthood have to do with curing the Kung Flu and helping those affected by it candycorn Dragonlady
A week ago I said the House did it's job

If the House were doing its job, they would have passed a bill that actually had a chance of passing that wasn't so stuffed full of fat pork they knew the president could never agree to pass it, so Americans could get the help they so need instead of the D's once again using the American people to play politics with!

Wages for essential workers is hardly “pork”. Police, teachers, firemen, street sweepers.

Sales taxes and other revenues have gone through the floor for states. Costs of running hospitals and health care services have gone through the roof. Many patients have no insurance and no hope of paying for their care.

Texas has no state income tax. Sales taxes are their only revenues. Taxes from closed businesses and unemployed home owners are slow to come in.

Trump has no problem giving money to airline industries or the hotel businesses, but street cleaners, cops and health care workers. No way.
What does this have to do with curing the Kung Flu and helping those affected? Dragonlady

Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data

Define "those affected". Public sector workers about to lose their jobs, and their health insurance because of state and city funding crises are also being affected. So is every other American who is out of work, whose company has closed, or is about to. "Those affected" is everyone in the nation. Not everyone has been sick or died, but everyone in the country knows someone who has.

Public sector workers who pick up the garbage and work in the hospitals, including treating covid patients, are being laid off because the cities, towns and states that employ them have been paying to treat the sick and the dying, while their own tax revenues have declined and dried up. Many of these states and town have Republican lead "balanced budgets laws", which means they can't go into deficit so they have to lay off workers. It's hard to collect state sales taxes when no one is leaving the house or going shopping.

The states paid for testing and treatment for their citizens. Now the states, cities and towns have no money to pay police, fire departments, transit or health care workers they need to keep government services running, and Trump is refusing to provide the relief they need to keep operating.

All of the people who were deemed "essential" during the lockdown, are about to be laid off, which will lead to chaos in cities and towns. Which is, of course, what Trump is trying to achieve.
A week ago I said the House did it's job

If the House were doing its job, they would have passed a bill that actually had a chance of passing that wasn't so stuffed full of fat pork they knew the president could never agree to pass it, so Americans could get the help they so need instead of the D's once again using the American people to play politics with!

Wages for essential workers is hardly “pork”. Police, teachers, firemen, street sweepers.

Sales taxes and other revenues have gone through the floor for states. Costs of running hospitals and health care services have gone through the roof. Many patients have no insurance and no hope of paying for their care.

Texas has no state income tax. Sales taxes are their only revenues. Taxes from closed businesses and unemployed home owners are slow to come in.

Trump has no problem giving money to airline industries or the hotel businesses, but street cleaners, cops and health care workers. No way.
What does this have to do with curing the Kung Flu and helping those affected? Dragonlady

Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data

Define "those affected". Public sector workers about to lose their jobs, and their health insurance because of state and city funding crises are also being affected. So is every other American who is out of work, whose company has closed, or is about to. "Those affected" is everyone in the nation. Not everyone has been sick or died, but everyone in the country knows someone who has.

Public sector workers who pick up the garbage and work in the hospitals, including treating covid patients, are being laid off because the cities, towns and states that employ them have been paying to treat the sick and the dying, while their own tax revenues have declined and dried up. Many of these states and town have Republican lead "balanced budgets laws", which means they can't go into deficit so they have to lay off workers. It's hard to collect state sales taxes when no one is leaving the house or going shopping.

The states paid for testing and treatment for their citizens. Now the states, cities and towns have no money to pay police, fire departments, transit or health care workers they need to keep government services running, and Trump is refusing to provide the relief they need to keep operating.

All of the people who were deemed "essential" during the lockdown, are about to be laid off, which will lead to chaos in cities and towns. Which is, of course, what Trump is trying to achieve.
Define "those affected".

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid?

Let's try this again: Tell us WTF this has to do with the Kung Flu in any way, shape, or form.

Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

Mitch is protecting America from Nazi's leftist pork.

WTF does expanding wind and solar tax credits do to cure the Kung Flu or help those affected by it candycorn

To keep the construction projects currently under way, going after the pandemic, so the jobs they are creating aren't lost. God but you're a stupid troll

Why is the government giving billions of dollars to the airlines, and the hotel and resort industry when nobody is travelling? Air travel is down by 70%. Why are you subsidizing the airline industry now when they just got a huge tax cut in 2017. Didn't they save anything for a rainy day? Did they give ALL of it to their shareholers? Maybe it's time for the shareholder's who got billions in tax cuts two years ago, to pay some of that back, instead of coming back again with their hands out.

Trump is trying to pick winners and losers with his stimulus packages. His donors, the wealthy, the hotel industry, airlines and cruise ships. But he wants to punish Americans who didn't vote for him using government funds to reward his friends and punish his critics.

I personally am applauding Covid Donnie for everything he's done over the past two weeks. From infecting his staff, the Joint Chiefs, his campaign team, the debate team, and numerous Republican Senators, enough to destroy Mitch McConnell's majority in the Senate, to defying doctors orders and going home, his steroid mania, crashing the stock market, RAGE TWEETING, and last but not least his unhinged debate performance, well it's been quite the trip.

Covid Donnie has been putting on quite the show. Biden is now up 16 points in the polls. 10 points more than he was before the debate. Every time the public gets a glimpse of an unscripted, unfettered Trump, it scares the crap out of them, and they run like rabbits.
A week ago I said the House did it's job

If the House were doing its job, they would have passed a bill that actually had a chance of passing that wasn't so stuffed full of fat pork they knew the president could never agree to pass it, so Americans could get the help they so need instead of the D's once again using the American people to play politics with!

Wages for essential workers is hardly “pork”. Police, teachers, firemen, street sweepers.

Sales taxes and other revenues have gone through the floor for states. Costs of running hospitals and health care services have gone through the roof. Many patients have no insurance and no hope of paying for their care.

Texas has no state income tax. Sales taxes are their only revenues. Taxes from closed businesses and unemployed home owners are slow to come in.

Trump has no problem giving money to airline industries or the hotel businesses, but street cleaners, cops and health care workers. No way.
What does this have to do with curing the Kung Flu and helping those affected? Dragonlady

Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data

Define "those affected". Public sector workers about to lose their jobs, and their health insurance because of state and city funding crises are also being affected. So is every other American who is out of work, whose company has closed, or is about to. "Those affected" is everyone in the nation. Not everyone has been sick or died, but everyone in the country knows someone who has.

Public sector workers who pick up the garbage and work in the hospitals, including treating covid patients, are being laid off because the cities, towns and states that employ them have been paying to treat the sick and the dying, while their own tax revenues have declined and dried up. Many of these states and town have Republican lead "balanced budgets laws", which means they can't go into deficit so they have to lay off workers. It's hard to collect state sales taxes when no one is leaving the house or going shopping.

The states paid for testing and treatment for their citizens. Now the states, cities and towns have no money to pay police, fire departments, transit or health care workers they need to keep government services running, and Trump is refusing to provide the relief they need to keep operating.

All of the people who were deemed "essential" during the lockdown, are about to be laid off, which will lead to chaos in cities and towns. Which is, of course, what Trump is trying to achieve.
Define "those affected".

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid?

Let's try this again: Tell us WTF this has to do with the Kung Flu in any way, shape, or form.

Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data

That one is easy: What segments of the pubic are being most affected, and who is getting the money - exactly?

To help determine where there is the most need and how best to reach those people. You also need this information to ensure that everyone is getting their fair share. Trump has been giving all of the stimulus money to his donors, his friends, and his supporters, and ensuring it's not going into minority communities, or low income areas. Trump only helps those who help him.

Your ignorance on what government does and how it works is astonishing. Government always has a very high standard of information and oversight - way higher than private industry, to ensure no shennanigans. Oversight and stats gathering is necessary for oversight and compliance. It adds to the cost of every government program but necessary to ensure transparency.
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

Mitch is protecting America from Nazi's leftist pork.

WTF does expanding wind and solar tax credits do to cure the Kung Flu or help those affected by it candycorn

To keep the construction projects currently under way, going after the pandemic, so the jobs they are creating aren't lost. God but you're a stupid troll

Why is the government giving billions of dollars to the airlines, and the hotel and resort industry when nobody is travelling? Air travel is down by 70%. Why are you subsidizing the airline industry now when they just got a huge tax cut in 2017. Didn't they save anything for a rainy day? Did they give ALL of it to their shareholers? Maybe it's time for the shareholder's who got billions in tax cuts two years ago, to pay some of that back, instead of coming back again with their hands out.

Trump is trying to pick winners and losers with his stimulus packages. His donors, the wealthy, the hotel industry, airlines and cruise ships. But he wants to punish Americans who didn't vote for him using government funds to reward his friends and punish his critics.

I personally am applauding Covid Donnie for everything he's done over the past two weeks. From infecting his staff, the Joint Chiefs, his campaign team, the debate team, and numerous Republican Senators, enough to destroy Mitch McConnell's majority in the Senate, to defying doctors orders and going home, his steroid mania, crashing the stock market, RAGE TWEETING, and last but not least his unhinged debate performance, well it's been quite the trip.

Covid Donnie has been putting on quite the show. Biden is now up 16 points in the polls. 10 points more than he was before the debate. Every time the public gets a glimpse of an unscripted, unfettered Trump, it scares the crap out of them, and they run like rabbits.

To keep the construction projects currently under way, going after the pandemic,

Why would they go away after the pandemic? What would cause solar jobs to vanish if a virus is cured? Please explain the logic behind that moronic claim.
A week ago I said the House did it's job

If the House were doing its job, they would have passed a bill that actually had a chance of passing that wasn't so stuffed full of fat pork they knew the president could never agree to pass it, so Americans could get the help they so need instead of the D's once again using the American people to play politics with!

Wages for essential workers is hardly “pork”. Police, teachers, firemen, street sweepers.

Sales taxes and other revenues have gone through the floor for states. Costs of running hospitals and health care services have gone through the roof. Many patients have no insurance and no hope of paying for their care.

Texas has no state income tax. Sales taxes are their only revenues. Taxes from closed businesses and unemployed home owners are slow to come in.

Trump has no problem giving money to airline industries or the hotel businesses, but street cleaners, cops and health care workers. No way.
What does this have to do with curing the Kung Flu and helping those affected? Dragonlady

Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data

Define "those affected". Public sector workers about to lose their jobs, and their health insurance because of state and city funding crises are also being affected. So is every other American who is out of work, whose company has closed, or is about to. "Those affected" is everyone in the nation. Not everyone has been sick or died, but everyone in the country knows someone who has.

Public sector workers who pick up the garbage and work in the hospitals, including treating covid patients, are being laid off because the cities, towns and states that employ them have been paying to treat the sick and the dying, while their own tax revenues have declined and dried up. Many of these states and town have Republican lead "balanced budgets laws", which means they can't go into deficit so they have to lay off workers. It's hard to collect state sales taxes when no one is leaving the house or going shopping.

The states paid for testing and treatment for their citizens. Now the states, cities and towns have no money to pay police, fire departments, transit or health care workers they need to keep government services running, and Trump is refusing to provide the relief they need to keep operating.

All of the people who were deemed "essential" during the lockdown, are about to be laid off, which will lead to chaos in cities and towns. Which is, of course, what Trump is trying to achieve.
Define "those affected".

Seriously? Are you that fucking stupid?

Let's try this again: Tell us WTF this has to do with the Kung Flu in any way, shape, or form.

Requirements for federal and corporate gender and racial diversity data

That one is easy: What segments of the pubic are being most affected, and who is getting the money - exactly?

To help determine where there is the most need and how best to reach those people. You also need this information to ensure that everyone is getting their fair share. Trump has been giving all of the stimulus money to his donors, his friends, and his supporters, and ensuring it's not going into minority communities, or low income areas. Trump only helps those who help him.

Your ignorance on what government does and how it works is astonishing. Government always has a very high standard of information and oversight - way higher than private industry, to ensure no shennanigans. Oversight and stats gathering is necessary for oversight and compliance. It adds to the cost of every government program but necessary to ensure transparency.
How would requiring a company to report racial diversity determine who is most affected by a virus? Wouldn't you just look at the people affected by the virus?

Please explain the logic behind your moronic claim.
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

Mitch is protecting America from Nazi's leftist pork.

WTF does expanding wind and solar tax credits do to cure the Kung Flu or help those affected by it candycorn

To keep the construction projects currently under way, going after the pandemic, so the jobs they are creating aren't lost. God but you're a stupid troll

Why is the government giving billions of dollars to the airlines, and the hotel and resort industry when nobody is travelling? Air travel is down by 70%. Why are you subsidizing the airline industry now when they just got a huge tax cut in 2017. Didn't they save anything for a rainy day? Did they give ALL of it to their shareholers? Maybe it's time for the shareholder's who got billions in tax cuts two years ago, to pay some of that back, instead of coming back again with their hands out.

Trump is trying to pick winners and losers with his stimulus packages. His donors, the wealthy, the hotel industry, airlines and cruise ships. But he wants to punish Americans who didn't vote for him using government funds to reward his friends and punish his critics.

I personally am applauding Covid Donnie for everything he's done over the past two weeks. From infecting his staff, the Joint Chiefs, his campaign team, the debate team, and numerous Republican Senators, enough to destroy Mitch McConnell's majority in the Senate, to defying doctors orders and going home, his steroid mania, crashing the stock market, RAGE TWEETING, and last but not least his unhinged debate performance, well it's been quite the trip.

Covid Donnie has been putting on quite the show. Biden is now up 16 points in the polls. 10 points more than he was before the debate. Every time the public gets a glimpse of an unscripted, unfettered Trump, it scares the crap out of them, and they run like rabbits.

To keep the construction projects currently under way, going after the pandemic,

Why would they go away after the pandemic? What would cause solar jobs to vanish if a virus is cured? Please explain the logic behind that moronic claim.

They'll go away now if the credits are cut. Investors are looking for investments that will give them their best bang for buck, and if they can't get credits, there's going to be lots of opportunities when the country re-opens, that will.

This is how the government picks winners and losers. Manipulating the tax code. After the last election, Trump picked coal - cut regulations, cut pollution requirements, increased tax credits for new mines. We're going to bring coal back. That was Trump's "pork" to the coal industry. It failed utterly. Coal jobs continue to decline, people are moving to cheaper, cleaner gas. So when faced with the decision as to weather to support "clean energy" or "coal", once again, Trump made the wrong choice. Trump doesn't want wind or solar to win. His hatred of continuing the tax credits are his way to trying to make them "losers".

If projects go fallow, they may have to be scrapped. Half finished projects subjected to winter weather conditions are at risk. Their inner parts can't handle, or electonic components are compromised. New construction projects from all sectors, not just the energy sector, are in danger if they're not enclosed before winter.

How ill informed are you? You ask questions about stuff that your common sense and logic would answer for you if you had half a brain in your head, or even a smattering of knowledge of how the world works. How you uneducated louts achieve adulthood while remaining blissfully unaware of how the world works is beyond me.
Last edited:
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

Mitch is protecting America from Nazi's leftist pork.

WTF does expanding wind and solar tax credits do to cure the Kung Flu or help those affected by it candycorn

To keep the construction projects currently under way, going after the pandemic, so the jobs they are creating aren't lost. God but you're a stupid troll

Why is the government giving billions of dollars to the airlines, and the hotel and resort industry when nobody is travelling? Air travel is down by 70%. Why are you subsidizing the airline industry now when they just got a huge tax cut in 2017. Didn't they save anything for a rainy day? Did they give ALL of it to their shareholers? Maybe it's time for the shareholder's who got billions in tax cuts two years ago, to pay some of that back, instead of coming back again with their hands out.

Trump is trying to pick winners and losers with his stimulus packages. His donors, the wealthy, the hotel industry, airlines and cruise ships. But he wants to punish Americans who didn't vote for him using government funds to reward his friends and punish his critics.

I personally am applauding Covid Donnie for everything he's done over the past two weeks. From infecting his staff, the Joint Chiefs, his campaign team, the debate team, and numerous Republican Senators, enough to destroy Mitch McConnell's majority in the Senate, to defying doctors orders and going home, his steroid mania, crashing the stock market, RAGE TWEETING, and last but not least his unhinged debate performance, well it's been quite the trip.

Covid Donnie has been putting on quite the show. Biden is now up 16 points in the polls. 10 points more than he was before the debate. Every time the public gets a glimpse of an unscripted, unfettered Trump, it scares the crap out of them, and they run like rabbits.

To keep the construction projects currently under way, going after the pandemic,

Why would they go away after the pandemic? What would cause solar jobs to vanish if a virus is cured? Please explain the logic behind that moronic claim.

They'll go away now if the credits are cut. If projects go fallow, they may have to be scrapped half finished if projects subjected to weather conditions their inner parts can't handle, or electonic components are compromised. New construction projects from all sectors are in danger if they're not enclosed before winter.

How ill informed are you. You ask questions about stuff that you common sense and logic would answer for you if you had half a brain in your head, or even a smattering of knowledge of how the world works. How you uneducated louts achieve adulthood while remaining blissfully unaware of how the world works is beyond me.

They'll go away now if the credits are cut

They aren't being cut, Stupid. She wants to expand them.

You don't know the first thing about anything. The amount of dumb you post is astounding.
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

WTF does this have to do with curing the Kung Flu and helping those affected by it? candycorn

Automatic extension of nonimmigrant visas.

The blob wanted a new FBI headquarters. In the CARES act, the cheeto got rid of the IG, his Treasury Secretary refused to tell us what entities were getting loans. The loans that were leaked went to the LA Lakers and some large corporations instead of main street businesses.

That is why the blob and Senate won't work on the legislation passed by the House...not the right kinds of pork.
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

Mitch is protecting America from Nazi's leftist pork.

WTF does expanding wind and solar tax credits do to cure the Kung Flu or help those affected by it candycorn

WTF does bailing out the Lakers do for those affected by Covid?

Plenty of hypocrisy to go around.

However, the process is this; the House passes a bill, the Senate takes it up, changes it; the two sides appoint conferees who hammer out differences and send a bill to the President. That is what the Congress did for multiple generations. Not so much now.
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

WTF does this have to do with curing the Kung Flu and helping those affected by it? candycorn

Automatic extension of nonimmigrant visas.

The blob wanted a new FBI headquarters. In the CARES act, the cheeto got rid of the IG, his Treasury Secretary refused to tell us what entities were getting loans. The loans that were leaked went to the LA Lakers and some large corporations instead of main street businesses.

That is why the blob and Senate won't work on the legislation passed by the House...not the right kinds of pork.

You incoherent pissy pants post has zero to to with the question, Dummy.

Try again.

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