For those who were waiting for that latest round of stimulus funding

A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Yep, the blob failed again.

As usual, you're a chronic, fucking, serial-liar.

Perhaps the Senate can consider the two bills the House already passed. Where is Bitch...err I mean Mitch? Oh yeah, they're hiding out for the next two weeks.

Mitch is protecting America from Nazi's leftist pork.

WTF does expanding wind and solar tax credits do to cure the Kung Flu or help those affected by it candycorn

WTF does bailing out the Lakers do for those affected by Covid?

Plenty of hypocrisy to go around.

However, the process is this; the House passes a bill, the Senate takes it up, changes it; the two sides appoint conferees who hammer out differences and send a bill to the President. That is what the Congress did for multiple generations. Not so much now.

Another dodge.
That will bite the orange obese pussy grabber in the rear.

Only in your dreams...Meanwhile ACB will make a wonderful 6th conservative vote on the SC ensuring that the liberal playbook of using the court to force their agenda is over. Suck on that.
They will add more justices , let's go.
Let's crush the racists.
A week ago I said the House did it's job and now the ball was in McConnells side of the court and was wondering what he and Trump would do..we got the answer...Coronavirus stimulus: President Trump calls off talks with Democrats, tells GOP to focus on Supreme Court

Just goes to show Demowits that Rotten Crotch Pelosi ain't running the country and giving away more free shit.

You are dumber than a sack of hammers.

Trump cancelled talks so the Senate would be free to confirm ACB before the election. The stock market crashed. The moment Trump tweeted.

The chairman of the Federal Reserve warned that failing to pass the stimulus would put many companies out of business and further collapse the economy.

The talks are back on. The stimulus is going ahead.

Your little “neener, neener” bullshit has to be commented on. People are dying, 48 million are facing eviction and your focus for the nation is to stick to Democrats and show em whose boss.

It is impossible to comprehend what irresponsible pieces of shit the Trump cult truly is.

Great comeback.

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