for those who would jail me for hiring illegals

I have a small concrete business and I've hired what you call "illegals" in the past. many times. part time work. at first I proudly tried the legal way - fill out the right tax forms for ss, etc... then the IRS started bombarding me and and that was the absolute end of that: if you think I am exaggerating something here, then you were never in my shoes - it's downright scarry their regulations. I hope you are proud of your stinking government which drives small businesses like mine and my dads out of the cities (in our case we relocated to Allegheney national forest in the same state, others who can afford leave the country all together) and I hope you enjoy your economy that you deserve for looking at ways to rip someone off rather then unite and do something about your government. I did a very patriotic thing drawing up a plan pvsi and all your ignorance proves yet again that you deserve nothing better then what you have - you are all lead by special interests who capitalize on corruption rather then attempt to get to the root of the problem.

On behalf of the majority of the United States, we would like to thank you for starting a business, and giving LEGAL citizens hope of getting a job...with no intention of hiring someone who might expect a wage that will support electricity and running water in their homes. (Too luxurious)

We would also like to thank you for the exponential increase in crime in our major cities, as many of these illegals bring their gang activity with them. There were three shootings in my city last night alone. At least two were in areas with a high population of illegals.

Personally...until you get legit...I would take great satisfaction in seeing an example made of you (prison), because YOU are one of the biggest problems of this country. You make it more difficult for those who actually run legitimate businesses legally.

Again, thank you for contributing to some of American's more affluent citizens' expectation that we of the middle class should be willing to lower our of standards of living.

If you like their work ethic and corruption, perhaps you should move to Mexico, or El Salvador, or wherever else they can legally exploit their employees. Oh....I forgot....somehow you're getting away with it here.
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You are so utterly clueless. I gave you the web address to MY COMPANY that I built over 20 years and never once hired an illegal. My phone number is on that site. Call me, get my address and come meet me face to face with your highschool gibberish and well see who the cock sucker is.
Here's the real deal gramps: I'm a native American, and you are a fake immigrant with false documents in my land - now get the fuck out and back to Islamabad.
Well how wonderful for you.
If you've never hired an illegal then why bitch about it?
If you are being truthful ,then I say bravo to you.
You are so utterly clueless. I gave you the web address to MY COMPANY that I built over 20 years and never once hired an illegal. My phone number is on that site. Call me, get my address and come meet me face to face with your highschool gibberish and well see who the cock sucker is.
Here's the real deal gramps: I'm a native American, and you are a fake immigrant with false documents in my land - now get the fuck out and back to Islamabad.

The real deal is that we were both born here. Deal with it.

Although it is funny that you would tell me (born here) to leave yet hire Mexican illegals.

Your a fraud. Everything about you is fraudulent.

Do tell in detail what kind of concrete work did you do? What did you specialize in? Did you get paid by the cubic foot or square foot or job? What kind of forms did you use? What kind of iron did you use?

Or ignore and continue to fool a few........fraud.
You are so utterly clueless. I gave you the web address to MY COMPANY that I built over 20 years and never once hired an illegal. My phone number is on that site. Call me, get my address and come meet me face to face with your highschool gibberish and well see who the cock sucker is.
Here's the real deal gramps: I'm a native American, and you are a fake immigrant with false documents in my land - now get the fuck out and back to Islamabad.

I am part Chickasawan, and I still see a problem with this. This doesn't give you a pass to break the law.
As usual, you only focus on the crimes of the past and ignore the progress that has been made.

Yeah man. I should forget the past :

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it.

--60 Minutes (5/12/96)


:lol::lol::lol: You talk of how the white man screwed the injuns then deflect when it is shown how the white man has repented. What a typical lib you are.
You are so utterly clueless. I gave you the web address to MY COMPANY that I built over 20 years and never once hired an illegal. My phone number is on that site. Call me, get my address and come meet me face to face with your highschool gibberish and well see who the cock sucker is.
Here's the real deal gramps: I'm a native American, and you are a fake immigrant with false documents in my land - now get the fuck out and back to Islamabad.

The real deal is that we were both born here. Deal with it.

Although it is funny that you would tell me (born here) to leave yet hire Mexican illegals.

Your a fraud. Everything about you is fraudulent.

Do tell in detail what kind of concrete work did you do? What did you specialize in? Did you get paid by the cubic foot or square foot or job? What kind of forms did you use? What kind of iron did you use?

Or ignore and continue to fool a few........fraud.

What do YOU call them if not "illegals"?

Undocumented people that can work better then lazy welfare class? - if you ever lived in North Philadelphia, you would understand...

Really? all the shitty work that was done out here on construction jobs was done either by union boys or illegals. How'd you get so lucky?
You are so utterly clueless. I gave you the web address to MY COMPANY that I built over 20 years and never once hired an illegal. My phone number is on that site. Call me, get my address and come meet me face to face with your highschool gibberish and well see who the cock sucker is.
Here's the real deal gramps: I'm a native American, and you are a fake immigrant with false documents in my land - now get the fuck out and back to Islamabad.

I am part Chickasawan, and I still see a problem with this. This doesn't give you a pass to break the law.

There has been no mention of my nationality or origin so there are major problems with this idiot.
Here's the real deal gramps: I'm a native American, and you are a fake immigrant with false documents in my land - now get the fuck out and back to Islamabad.

I am part Chickasawan, and I still see a problem with this. This doesn't give you a pass to break the law.

There has been no mention of my nationality or origin so there are major problems with this idiot.


Catch and release brother.
I run a masonry compny and refuse to hire illegals, period. i hire American citizens, they do fine work and I pay them well, in cash.I would never undermine the importance of supporting my fellow countrymen and women.
Your the working class and I'm lazy?


that's my website, my work, my multiple surgeries, my grown kids, my retirement.

What you got fraud?

A little bit better, but that;s off topic

Please explain how me demonstrating building a business within the confines of the rules and laws of our land is off topic in this topic about a business breaking the rules.

Socialists don't like it when you prove them wrong. It makes their heads hurt.
In light of the subtle, though-provoking dialog presented in this thread, I'd like to quote myself, from earlier:

... I've yet to see a rational argument on this topic. The immigrant bashers are so full of fear and hatred it's virtually impossible to discuss how we might reform immigration policy in a productive way. So jokes aren't a bad alternative.

Now, the following isn't a joke. But it is true, and kinda funny.

A few years back, my girlfriend and I visited San Antonio and took a tour of the Alamo. I didn't know much about the history of the region and it was really interesting to hear the story of the formation of the state - particularly the details leading up the the battle of the Alamo.

The tour guide told us the story: After Mexico won its independence from Spain, in 1821, they were eager to develop the wilderness region of Texas and passed a law encouraging settlement of the area. They welcomed anyone willing to work the land (and defend it from Indian attacks) to come and make land claims. They even advertised in US newspapers encouraging immigration to the area.

But soon thereafter, a more conservative administration came to power in Mexico City and radically changed the immigration policy. In part because many of the US immigrants owned slaves and were ignoring Mexico's new law outlawing slavery, and in part because they feared Americans would threaten Mexican sovereignty in the region, they outlawed all future immigration of US citizens.

With a suspicious grin, the tour guide continued: He pointed out that when you have a land ripe with opportunity on one side of a border, and throngs of people eager to take advantage of that opportunity on the other, keeping them out isn't as easy as just passing a law. US immigrants continued to pour into the region, ignoring the Mexican immigration laws. Rather than welcome their new 'guests', the Mexican Army was ordered to do whatever it could to keep them out.

The rest is 'history', as they say. I guess we can chalk it up to "what comes around goes around, eh?"
I wonder if the INS would have a difficult time finding a small, family-owned concrete business located in the Allegany National Forest...and if they found said business, I wonder what they would discover...
You are so utterly clueless. I gave you the web address to MY COMPANY that I built over 20 years and never once hired an illegal. My phone number is on that site. Call me, get my address and come meet me face to face with your highschool gibberish and well see who the cock sucker is.
Here's the real deal gramps: I'm a native American, and you are a fake immigrant with false documents in my land - now get the fuck out and back to Islamabad.
Well how wonderful for you.
If you've never hired an illegal then why bitch about it?
If you are being truthful ,then I say bravo to you.
I'm neither truthful nor serious about anything but the ignorance level on these message boards is both entertaining and scarry. you all jumped on me as if I was some sort of criminal, when all I did was hire people based on who would walk up asking for a job (never discriminating, or asking for any documents, but merely being an American) ... I assume this one guy was illegal because he hardly could speak english, but a very good worker. you on the other hand go around the world robbing countries installing your dictatorships, your presidents take credits for destroying nations, such as my former nation which was the USSR, and then you are outraged with me hiring someone other then your own kind. how much more pathetic you loons can get? both your presidents left and right illegaly bombarded countries in the middle east - you are all fraud beyond belief - I know my dogs can be fraud about accusing each other, but they are just dogs. you on the other hand.... wow. no wonder you are trillions in debt. you all live off the tit of others, why don't you instead of invading middle east safeguard your borders? your hypocrisy is obsurd and pathetic. go vote for another demo republic rat and continnue your own demise - you are as helpless as a grass hopper in the fall...
I wonder if the INS would have a difficult time finding a small, family-owned concrete business located in the Allegany National Forest...and if they found said business, I wonder what they would discover...

Be cautious. I was banned shortly after I joined for telling a (clear) terrorists I was going to report his posts to the FBI.

I did report him (havent seen since)
And I did get banned for interfering with a posters personal life. Didn't even know that was a rule.
Here's the real deal gramps: I'm a native American, and you are a fake immigrant with false documents in my land - now get the fuck out and back to Islamabad.
Well how wonderful for you.
If you've never hired an illegal then why bitch about it?
If you are being truthful ,then I say bravo to you.
I'm neither truthful nor serious about anything (other then my but the ignorance level on these message boards is both entertaining and scarry. you all jumped on me as if I was some sort of criminal, when all I did was hire people based on who would walk up asking for a job (never discriminating, or asking for any documents, but merely being an American) ... I assume this one guy was illegal because he hardly could speak english, but a very good worker. you on the other hand go around the world robbing countries installing your dictatorships, your presidents take credits for destroying nations, such as my former nation which was the USSR, and then you are outraged with me hiring someone other then your own kind. how much more pathetic you loons can get? both your presidents left and right illegaly bombarded countries in the middle east - you are all fraud beyond belief - I know my dogs can be fraud about accusing each other, but they are just dogs. you on the other hand.... wow. no wonder you are trillions in debt. you all live off the tit of others, why don't you instead of invading middle east safeguard your borders? your hypocrisy is obsurd and pathetic. go vote for another demo republic rat and continnue your own demise - you are as helpless as a grass hopper in the fall...

Just as I suspected.


I wonder if the INS would have a difficult time finding a small, family-owned concrete business located in the Allegany National Forest...and if they found said business, I wonder what they would discover...

The INS wouldnt give a shit.
Then why are so many corporations leaving the country?

Neither him nor I are corporations. Your analogy fails on its face.

I will ask this again. Why are coorporations leaving this country?

Apples and oranges. They're talking construction, which cannot under any circumstances be outsourced. You're talking manufacturing, which has been leaving the country en mass thanks to Free-Trade deals and a horrifically broken tax code.

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