CDZ For violent teens...put their names on a database and allow gun stores to refuse to sell to them....

You're advocating for unconstitutional government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty.
Maybe you should consider that he's been pushed to the point at which he feels it's worth it to compromise on individual liberty? If indeed he feels that's what it is?

Yesterdays mass slaughter of children with guns was sure to make an impression on somebody. It just happens to be the gun's greatest advocate on this forum.
Maybe, maybe not....the local police informing a local business about a threat? Maybe not....
As much as I hate to say... C Jones is right about it being unconstitutional. Such a list would be punitive and a violation of the constitution without due process (such as a criminal conviction). That being said, many of the Red Flag laws are also unconstitutional IMO.
Maybe you should consider that he's been pushed to the point at which he feels it's worth it to compromise on individual liberty? If indeed he feels that's what it is?

Yesterdays mass slaughter of children with guns was sure to make an impression on somebody. It just happens to be the gun's greatest advocate on this forum.
It's not a 'compromise,' it's patently unconstitutional.

The state can't just 'collect names' of those suspected of being a potential risk absent due process and lawful adjudication.

That this must be explained at all to Americans is frightening.
As much as I hate to say... C Jones is right about it being unconstitutional. Such a list would be punitive and a violation of the constitution without due process (such as a criminal conviction). That being said, many of the Red Flag laws are also unconstitutional IMO.
The fact that you hate to say it is telling in that everybody who has any compassion at all is going to have to hate to be opposed with some gun control laws being enacted.

You have to hate to say it, but still say it. 2A probably had some reservations on voicing his idea but thankfully it was finally said!

He's demonstrated some morality and a conscience because it's becoming a realization that yesterday's event is going to be repeated over and over again and with greater frequency.
The fact that you hate to say it is telling in that everybody who has any compassion at all is going to have to hate to be opposed with some gun control laws being enacted.

You have to hate to say it, but still say it. 2A probably had some reservations on voicing his idea but thankfully it was finally said!

He's demonstrated some morality and a conscience because it's becoming a realization that yesterday's event is going to be repeated over and over again and with greater frequency.

How long would a moratorium on selling a firearm to someone remain in effect?
The last two shooters, one, a left wing authoritarian, eco-fascist....and the latest.....a violent nut job........they were both known to the police and to their schools, both had histories of either violence or making threats of violence....

They couldn't be arrested, and they couldn't be put in a psychiatric hospital...... is a way to catch the few nut jobs who are in the grey area....

If a teen is identified by the school to the point the police are called multiple times, and the police go to their home for violent domestic situations....the police could simply put the kids name and face into a data base and supply it to all of the gun stores in the state...then, when the 18-21 year old shows up....the gun store can simply refuse to sell the kid a gun....

This covers the grey area where the kid doesn't have an actual criminal record or psychiatric commitment....
Wouldn't help.... Soros backed DA's will not prosecute and want "kids" not to have consequences for their actions.. Just look at California.. That is the kind of cluster fuck you have with democrats.
Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder.
Transsexual men should not be allowed to own guns.
Do you think that the Dems would go for that?
That was a political gimmick dreamed up by the Nixon administration to justify the drafting 18 year olds during the Viet Nam war. Before that, 21 was the legal age. If anything, young people today are less mature, intelligent or self sufficient than they were 50 years ago.

It's too bad that restoring the 21 age limit would be demagogued to death by Democrats.

Yeah age 21 should be the standard limitation because they are still relatively inexperienced and allows them time to complete the transition from Teen to fully independent adult.

But is difficult to do in todays society.
2Aguy has made a positive attempt to break the pro-gun lobby's roadblocks that are causing the escalation and frequency of the gun slaughter.

Give him a fair break on this idea.
He has more credibility as a pro-gun lobbyist than anybody else on this board.
hes a xxxxx leftist using his supposed support for the 2nd A to push gun control,,

we all know no law will stop a criminal from getting a gun or stopping them from killing someone,,
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I'm puzzled as to why those in favor of this database idea are afraid to answer a simple question:

How long would a moratorium on selling a firearm to someone remain in effect?
hes a liar leftist using his supposed support for the 2nd A to push gun control,,

we all know no law will stop a criminal from getting a gun or stopping them from killing someone,,
2Aguy has been posting anti-gun control for a long time. This is the only thing I've seen that could be considered him supporting gun control.
The last two shooters, one, a left wing authoritarian, eco-fascist....and the latest.....a violent nut job........they were both known to the police and to their schools, both had histories of either violence or making threats of violence....

They couldn't be arrested, and they couldn't be put in a psychiatric hospital...... is a way to catch the few nut jobs who are in the grey area....

If a teen is identified by the school to the point the police are called multiple times, and the police go to their home for violent domestic situations....the police could simply put the kids name and face into a data base and supply it to all of the gun stores in the state...then, when the 18-21 year old shows up....the gun store can simply refuse to sell the kid a gun....

This covers the grey area where the kid doesn't have an actual criminal record or psychiatric commitment....

And drastically increase the penalty for anyone who illegally buys guns for anyone, especially minors.
2Aguy has been posting anti-gun control for a long time. This is the only thing I've seen that could be considered him supporting gun control.
And yesterday's slaughter of little children must have had an impact.

He doesn't need to say that he's been wrong for everybody to understand the message.

For dog sake, even 14Shooter has abandoned ship now!

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