CDZ For violent teens...put their names on a database and allow gun stores to refuse to sell to them....

The last two shooters, one, a left wing authoritarian, eco-fascist....and the latest.....a violent nut job........they were both known to the police and to their schools, both had histories of either violence or making threats of violence....

They couldn't be arrested, and they couldn't be put in a psychiatric hospital...... is a way to catch the few nut jobs who are in the grey area....

If a teen is identified by the school to the point the police are called multiple times, and the police go to their home for violent domestic situations....the police could simply put the kids name and face into a data base and supply it to all of the gun stores in the state...then, when the 18-21 year old shows up....the gun store can simply refuse to sell the kid a gun....

This covers the grey area where the kid doesn't have an actual criminal record or psychiatric commitment....
Criminal records even that of a juvenile should all be public easily accessible information. 18 year old with a juvenile record should have been denied the right to buy a gun.
Yeah…. No.

What about the young people who live on their own? Or have their own families?They dont get to protect themselves because one nut murdered children?
They would be out of luck. But the same applies to those young people covered by your proposal in the OP.
There’s no ‘right’ to fly on a commercial airliner – there is a right to due process and a right to possess a gun.

Otherwise, there’s nothing to work on – the proposal is as ridiculous as it is prima facie un-Constitutional.

And there’s already a database, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), where prohibited persons have been afforded their comprehensive due process rights.

Red flag laws likewise afford citizens due process – firearms can’t be sequestered absent a court order; gunowners have the right to appeal the merits of the court order to have their firearms returned.
Well, I *was* going to build toward something, but the thread kind of stampeded right past me.

As an idea, a list is not a bad one. This one, though, has to answer some questions first.
A. Why only 18-20 year olds?
B. Why is it non-binding?
C. Why state only?

Each of these seem to not protect rights as much as they offer truck-sized loopholes that gun dealers can drive right through.

How about a binding, nationwide central list for all gun transfers, that dealers or transferrers are required to check every time?

Wouldn't that work better?
Well, I *was* going to build toward something, but the thread kind of stampeded right past me.

As an idea, a list is not a bad one. This one, though, has to answer some questions first.
A. Why only 18-20 year olds?
B. Why is it non-binding?
C. Why state only?

Each of these seem to not protect rights as much as they offer truck-sized loopholes that gun dealers can drive right through.

How about a binding, nationwide central list for all gun transfers, that dealers or transferrers are required to check every time?

Wouldn't that work better?

The point isn’t to put another law on gun dealers….. the point is to give them information they can use to deny a sale….information that actually targets the dangerous nuts the police and government fail to lock up.
Well, I *was* going to build toward something, but the thread kind of stampeded right past me.

As an idea, a list is not a bad one. This one, though, has to answer some questions first.
A. Why only 18-20 year olds?
B. Why is it non-binding?
C. Why state only?

Each of these seem to not protect rights as much as they offer truck-sized loopholes that gun dealers can drive right through.

How about a binding, nationwide central list for all gun transfers, that dealers or transferrers are required to check every time?

Wouldn't that work better?

A binding list……nope….no way….no how.

And you just showed why this will not work… went right past a good idea to creating another hammer to pound law abiding gun owners and sellers
Criminal records even that of a juvenile should all be public easily accessible information. 18 year old with a juvenile record should have been denied the right to buy a gun.

Neither the buffalo left wing racist nor the Hispanic mass shooter in Texas had any criminal or psychiatric records….that is why I tossed out this idea… catch the ones who are in the grey area…
Your post try's to make this political. When its Insane how the only change since Sandy Hook is that kids are now trained to hide fight or run for there lives. That's the solution to put the responsibility on them to figure it out? While wishing them payers & luck?

No…the democrats just want to use mass public shootings to punish law abiding gun owners and do nothing that works on the problem……

Nothing they suggest does anything but increase the cost and legal peril for law abiding gun owners.
It's a start, guns are safe in safe hands, it's trying to determine who's safe. But then it needs constantly checked, hence why shotgun and firearm certificates need renewed. But if you have corner shops selling firearms to anyone, that needs clamped down too.

Someone could get their certificate in Britain and then go murder people……your gun laws don’t stop mass shootings you just don’t have nuts that want to commit them.
Someone could get their certificate in Britain and then go murder people……your gun laws don’t stop mass shootings you just don’t have nuts that want to commit them.
Correct, Aug 2021, June 2010, March 1996, Aug 1987. Fucking loads, is that about one a decade.

How's America's mass killing by shooting going? Could you list them for the past 50 years please? Use as many pages on the forum as you wish.
Correct, Aug 2021, June 2010, March 1996, Aug 1987. Fucking loads, is that about one a decade.

How's America's mass killing by shooting going? Could you list them for the past 50 years please? Use as many pages on the forum as you wish.
27 school shootings so far this year. But the night is still young.
The police in Ulvalde are catching hell from the people. Looks like that sat on their thumbs and let it happen. Hope they lose all.
I was 17 when I joined the National Guard, I could have joined the Regular army or marines......i could have then been sent over seas to kill people for the country...then, when I got home, you are saying I can't own a gun to protect my own family?

That makes sense to you?
Marine is a title and thus is ALWAYS capitalized.
The latest is a Trans "white" Hispanic, but as you see he gets a pass because he was Trans, so they only ran the far left narrative on passing laws that already exist.
Yeah, if you butchers can't kill them in the womb, or starve them, or convince then to mutilate their genitals or go gay, you'll shoot them down in schools.
From the moment of conception, there's a lot of things kids have to dodge to survive in America. If one group doesn't get ya before birth, there's another waiting for ya after birth

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