Forbes Magazine: How Trump’s Deregulation Sowed The Seeds For Silicon Valley Bank’s Demise


Yeah ... And there's a bunch of things that look odd ... Like when the banks with the "proper" social scores can borrow money at a negative interest rate ...
While the Fed is raising rates on everyone else.

That's not speculative in nature ... But when in contrast ... Might actually mean something.
It might not be a direct root cause ... But how wide do we really want to cast the net ... :auiqs.jpg:

Unsupported gibberish
The law was supported by most Republicans and a minority of Democrats who were fooled by the bank lobbyists.
Lol. So it was bipartisan and the incompetent moron democrats were "fooled" by stacks of lobbyist cash?
I kinda thought the discussion was beyond you. I didn’t say it couldn’t happen.

I quoted you posting ... "Except that never happens" ... :auiqs.jpg:
It doesn't matter whether or not you want to think it could or couldn't happen ... When it already has happened.

Unsupported gibberish

Here's what Forbes has to say about the risks and benefits of ESG Banking ... :auiqs.jpg:

The author of the article actually put this comment in the article discussing the benefits of being conscious of our environment ...
And looking for solutions ...

"And just like that, I was hurtling down the autobahn at midnight, discussing the weird state of the world,
with one of the most charming drivers this side of the Rhine.
I made my way to the plane and, eventually, to Peru."

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I quoted you posting ... "Except that never happens" ... :auiqs.jpg:
It doesn't matter whether or not you want to think it could or couldn't happen ... When it already has happened.

Stop lying or post the ACTUAL quote from me

Here's what Forbes has to say about the risks and benefits of ESG Banking ... :auiqs.jpg:

The author of the article actually put this comment in the article discussing the benefits of being conscious of our environment ...
And looking for solutions ...

"And just like that, I was hurtling down the autobahn at midnight, discussing the weird state of the world,
with one of the most charming drivers this side of the Rhine.
I made my way to the plane and, eventually, to Peru."

The problem is that Forbes is talking about the POTENTIAL for investors to react to a banks social profile when the reality of what happened in this case is anything but that.

SVB had a liquidity problem and their reaction to it scared investors...THAT caused the collapse
Stop lying or post the ACTUAL quote from me

I already quoted you posting it never happens once ...
But if you want to see it again ... :auiqs.jpg:

Except that never happens.

If you want to try and make the point that "all" of the investors didn't take their money at once ...
It's because the bank couldn't give them their money and failed.

I also stated that there is no bank that could possibly survive that.

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I already quoted you posting it never happens once ...
But if you want to see it again ... :auiqs.jpg:


If you want to try and make the point that "all" of the investors didn't take their money at once ...
It's because the bank couldn't give them their money and failed.

You lying sack of shit.

WHAT did I say never happens? Oh yea...all of a bank customers withdrawing their money

Altered quote reported. Don't do that
Except that never happens. “All the investors “ DON’T withdraw their money at once.

By demanding a certain level of liquidity bank runs are rare.

Having no regs in that regard basically kills the entire banking system.

Banks would NEVER be able to handle even small runs… or if they had all their assets liquid simply would not exist
Here's my post you lying POS
So you appear to be claiming that you know the “root cause”
By all means share

I've been telling you what was going to happen in the duration of my time here over the course of the last 7 years or so. Both how and why. And I was consistently and intentionally very thorough about it.

People like you very pridefully called me some kind of crazy tin foil hat asshole for my efforts.

It's too late for you.

Recession is the cure.

I'm content to watch it burn. I've no stake in any of this distortion. I'm good.
You lying sack of shit.

WHAT did I say never happens? Oh yea...all of a bank customers withdrawing their money

Altered quote reported. Don't do that

There's nothing altered ... It's what you posted ...
And I already addressed that in the following comments ... Multiple times.

"All the customers" and investors couldn't get their money ...
Because there was no more money liquidated for them to get ... That's why the bank failed ... :auiqs.jpg:


Yeah ... And there's a bunch of things that look odd ... Like when the banks with the "proper" social scores can borrow money at a negative interest rate ...
While the Fed is raising rates on everyone else.

That's not speculative in nature ... But when in contrast ... Might actually mean something.
It might not be a direct root cause ... But how wide do we really want to cast the net ... :auiqs.jpg:


Let it burn...
I've been telling you what was going to happen in the duration of my time here over the course of the last 7 years or so. Both how and why. And I was consistently and intentionally very thorough about it.

People like you very pridefully called me some kind of crazy tin foil hat asshole for my efforts.

It's too late for you.

Recession is the cure.

I'm content to watch it burn. I've no stake in any of this distortion. I'm good.
So you're "root cause" is tin foil hat bat shittery

There's nothing altered ... It's what you posted ...
And I already addressed that in the following comments ... Multiple times ... :auiqs.jpg:

By abbreviating the quote you altered it's context so you could lie about what I said.

That's not only dishonest as's a TOS violation.
By abbreviating the quote you altered it's context so you could lie about what I said.

That's not only dishonest as's a TOS violation.

Then report me dumbass ...
You understand the Rules about as much as you understand everything else ...
Which is not a lot ... :auiqs.jpg:

So Feb 14, 2023, Forbes declares SVB one of the 20 safest banks in the whole country, but now they're blaming Trump when it collapses? Do people still subscribe to Forbes?
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In the United States, small banks (those with less than $15.2 million in transaction accounts) have no minimum reserve requirement. Banks with $15.2 million to $110.2 million in transaction accounts must hold 3% in reserve. Large banks (those with more than $110.2 million in transaction accounts) must hold 10% in reserve.

These reserves must be maintained in case depositors want to withdraw cash from their accounts. Banks may keep reserves in two ways. They can keep cash in their vault, or they can deposit their reserves into an account at their local Federal Reserve Bank.

Do you think 3% or 10% would be enough to keep SVB liquid when their depositors all
tried to withdraw their funds at the same time?

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