Forbes: Obama is the smallest government spender since Eisenhower

Debt the day Bush took office, $5.7 trillion. The day he left, $10.6 trillion.
The last day of Obama's first term, $16.4 trillion.
Looks like Bush added $4.9 trillion in 8 years compared to $5.8 trillion Obama added in 4.
Obama is many things, but a small government spender isn't one of them.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

That's not quite true.

Bush put the 2 wars, the Department of Homeland Security and the new Medicare benefit on the national credit card.

It became Obama's obligation to pay for all of that. Because along with all those major initiatives..Bush put in 2 huge tax cuts..

It became Obama's obligation to pay for all of that.

And instead of paying down the credit card, he ramped up spending.

On what?
Okay obviously spending has not stopped. But he is spending LESS than any president since Eisenhower!

If he was spending less then this chart would have a negative value for growth under Obama.


Those of us who understand MATHEMATICS understand what your point is.

But, you are dealing with a bunch of lefist Obama lemmings who are either "mathematically challenged", or have invented something called "Obama-math", where spending MORE than the previous year is actually spending LESS, if the RATE of increased spending is lower than the previous year.

I shudder to think how these leftists handle their OWN finances. Can you imagine what their CHECKBOOK ledgers look like?

The leftist logic reminds me of my mother-in-law (God rest her soul), who bought a bra that was three sizes too big, and when my wife asked her why she bought the bra, "mom" replied, "I saved $10.00! I only paid $10.00 for it, because it was half price!". When my wife reminded her that the bra was way too big for her, "mom" replied, "Oh, well, I still saved $10.00!"

At least "mom" had an excuse for her illogical thinking. She was in her 80s at the time, and wasn't as "sharp" as she used to be.

Well maybe you can explain it.

What, exactly, did Obama spend all this cash on?
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes

The author of this article itself is liberal, however, the sources of the data cited in the article are non-partisan. If you are going to argue with this article, you better come up with data of your own from a non-partisan source. Otherwise, don't waste your time replying with a rebuttal.

For further reading, I suggest you read the user comments and rebuttals to those comments by the author.

I don't need data from a non partisan source. I only need to look at the dates your author started with. Had he started with 2009 when that unconscionable pork laden appropriations bill was passed, when the last half of TARP was appropriated, and when the first round of the stimulous bill was appropriated, you will see that spending exceeded the approved budget by around 1 trillion dollars, contributing to the largest deficit in U.S. history.

Had your author incorporated 2009 into his graph--he DID include the first year of all other Presidents in his graph--the graph would have looked very different.

The fact that spending has remained at or near that unprecedented high level for the last three years and therefore has not increased a great deal over that unprecedented high level is the fallacy in the argument.

It is like this:

If in 2006 I spend $46,000
If in 2007 I spend $48,000.
In 2008 I spend $50,000.
In 2009 I spend $75,000.
In 2010 I spend $76,000.
In 2011 I spend $77,000.
In 2012 I spend $78,000.

And I say that in the last three years, I have only increased spending by $3,000 which is less than my predecessor increased spending in his last three years, that would be factually correct. But it would be a distortion of the truth to say that I increased spending less than other presidents have done so.
Game, set and Match.

The OP was so completely debunked in this one little exercise that it was actually painful to read.

Maybe you can have a go at it.

What did Obama spend all this money on?
That's not quite true.

Bush put the 2 wars, the Department of Homeland Security and the new Medicare benefit on the national credit card.

It became Obama's obligation to pay for all of that. Because along with all those major initiatives..Bush put in 2 huge tax cuts..

It became Obama's obligation to pay for all of that.

And instead of paying down the credit card, he ramped up spending.

On what?

Lots of stuff.
There are many excellent government websites that can clear up your confusion.
It became Obama's obligation to pay for all of that.

And instead of paying down the credit card, he ramped up spending.

On what?

Lots of stuff.
There are many excellent government websites that can clear up your confusion.

Off the top of my head I can think of:

Invasion of Iraq.
Invasion of Afghanistan.
Missile Defense.
Joint Strike Fighter.
Tax cut number 1.
Tax cut number 2.
Department of Homeland Security.
Medicare Drug Benefit.
Getting rid of Paygo.

As policy that added to both the debt and deficit by Bush.

Didn't have to google any of that.

So..go on.

Should be easy.

Well maybe not..because you failed the first time.

Lots of stuff.
There are many excellent government websites that can clear up your confusion.

Off the top of my head I can think of:

Invasion of Iraq.
Invasion of Afghanistan.
Missile Defense.
Joint Strike Fighter.
Tax cut number 1.
Tax cut number 2.
Department of Homeland Security.
Medicare Drug Benefit.
Getting rid of Paygo.

As policy that added to both the debt and deficit by Bush.

Didn't have to google any of that.

So..go on.

Should be easy.

Well maybe not..because you failed the first time.

Off the top of my head I can think of:

Invasion of Iraq.
Invasion of Afghanistan.
Missile Defense.
Joint Strike Fighter.
Tax cut number 1.
Tax cut number 2.
Department of Homeland Security.
Medicare Drug Benefit.
Getting rid of Paygo.

Obama did all those things?
You must be mad at him.
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes

The author of this article itself is liberal, however, the sources of the data cited in the article are non-partisan. If you are going to argue with this article, you better come up with data of your own from a non-partisan source. Otherwise, don't waste your time replying with a rebuttal.

For further reading, I suggest you read the user comments and rebuttals to those comments by the author.

Somebody posted this lie again? Are we going to have to slap the bitches who can't think for themselves down every few months because they don't do searches?
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes

The author of this article itself is liberal, however, the sources of the data cited in the article are non-partisan. If you are going to argue with this article, you better come up with data of your own from a non-partisan source. Otherwise, don't waste your time replying with a rebuttal.

For further reading, I suggest you read the user comments and rebuttals to those comments by the author.

From your link: "So, how do the actual Obama annual budgets look?"

Can you say, blank? There has been no budget since your dear leader took office. I don't need any bipartisan data to tell me that.

If you actually did some HONEST research, you would know that isn't true. Also, it was discussed in the comment section. The US government cannot function without a budget. You know that right?:cuckoo:

Reid: This year's budget is done - The Hill's On The Money
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes

The author of this article itself is liberal, however, the sources of the data cited in the article are non-partisan. If you are going to argue with this article, you better come up with data of your own from a non-partisan source. Otherwise, don't waste your time replying with a rebuttal.

For further reading, I suggest you read the user comments and rebuttals to those comments by the author.

Debt the day Bush took office, $5.7 trillion. The day he left, $10.6 trillion.
The last day of Obama's first term, $16.4 trillion.
Looks like Bush added $4.9 trillion in 8 years compared to $5.8 trillion Obama added in 4.
Obama is many things, but a small government spender isn't one of them.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

The debt that accumulates during a president's administration is only in part because of presidential policy. You should know better.

That does not excuse Obama from the massive increase he presided over.
Another point that liberals fail to address is that most of Obama's spending hasn't even happened yet - Obamacare, which is one of the biggest expenses in our history, won't go into full effect until 2014.
Lots of stuff.
There are many excellent government websites that can clear up your confusion.

Off the top of my head I can think of:

Invasion of Iraq.
Invasion of Afghanistan.
Missile Defense.
Joint Strike Fighter.
Tax cut number 1.
Tax cut number 2.
Department of Homeland Security.
Medicare Drug Benefit.
Getting rid of Paygo.

As policy that added to both the debt and deficit by Bush.

Didn't have to google any of that.

So..go on.

Should be easy.

Well maybe not..because you failed the first time.

Off the top of my head I can think of:

Invasion of Iraq.
Invasion of Afghanistan.
Missile Defense.
Joint Strike Fighter.
Tax cut number 1.
Tax cut number 2.
Department of Homeland Security.
Medicare Drug Benefit.
Getting rid of Paygo.

Obama did all those things?
You must be mad at him.

Iraq he pledged to get us out of immediately if he was elected. Well we aren't fighting the war there any more, but we still have folks stationed at the border and are still funneling money into it.

Afghanistan he said he would have voted for if he had been in Congress at that time. And he also said he would get us out of that. Well we are not only still there but have escalated things.

Missile defense? All he has to do to get out of that is refuse to fund it. He hasn't.

Ditto the fighter.

Twice as Senator he could have voted to defund Homeland Security. He didn't. Nor has he suggested doing so since taking office. In fact he has added a few things.

The tax cuts generated an economic boom right up to the housing bubble collapse. And Obama has bragged a lot about all the tax cuts he has given since he took office. Hasn't he.

And yeah, he diskiled that Medicare Drug Benefit so much he pushed through legislation to take control over all other medical benefits as well. Yeah he really had to pay a lot for that didn't he.

You must have forgotten that he was the President elect at the time TARP was passed. And helped negotiate that and he voted for it. President Bush spent less than half of it in 2008 and left the rest for President Obama to spend. He had full power not to spend it. But he did. And then has treated it like his own petty cash fund to be used again and again.

On day 1 he could have requested his super majority in Congress to reinstate Paygo. He didn't. Or on any day since Day 1 either.

You can blame the money President Obama has authorized or signed off on to be spent on President Bush all you want, but the fact is it is President Obama who has spent it. And he had a super majority for a number of months that could have cancelled out anything the Bush administration did.

The fact is the Obama administration greatly escalated spending in 2009, despite the recession he inherited, and has maintained that level of spending and has added to it every year snce.
I don't need data from a non partisan source. I only need to look at the dates your author started with. Had he started with 2009 when that unconscionable pork laden appropriations bill was passed, when the last half of TARP was appropriated, and when the first round of the stimulous bill was appropriated, you will see that spending exceeded the approved budget by around 1 trillion dollars, contributing to the largest deficit in U.S. history.

Had your author incorporated 2009 into his graph--he DID include the first year of all other Presidents in his graph--the graph would have looked very different.

The fact that spending has remained at or near that unprecedented high level for the last three years and therefore has not increased a great deal over that unprecedented high level is the fallacy in the argument.

It is like this:

If in 2006 I spend $46,000
If in 2007 I spend $48,000.
In 2008 I spend $50,000.
In 2009 I spend $75,000.
In 2010 I spend $76,000.
In 2011 I spend $77,000.
In 2012 I spend $78,000.

And I say that in the last three years, I have only increased spending by $3,000 which is less than my predecessor increased spending in his last three years, that would be factually correct. But it would be a distortion of the truth to say that I increased spending less than other presidents have done so.
Game, set and Match.

The OP was so completely debunked in this one little exercise that it was actually painful to read.

Maybe you can have a go at it.

What did Obama spend all this money on?
Really? Your google broken or something?

Follow the money: Bailout tracker -
Obama?s Auto Bailout Was Really a Hefty Union Payoff

Simple google search. Isn't even a comprehensive search because that was just the TARP monies that Obama signed into law in 2009. It does not include the ever growing government programs that have received unaccounted cash because there is no budget to keep track of what is being spent. However, one has only to look at the amount of borrowing done in our name on an annual basis for the past 4 years. There is no sign of let up either.

So, perhaps you can answer you own question.

The OP has been debunked. Lowering the rate of growth does not make this government more 'thrifty' or less of a 'spender' than previous governments.

The entire notion is ludicrous.
I'm really tired of this same crap talking point being regurgitated over and over again.

Obama has increased spending less than any other president since Eisenhower. INCREASE SPENDING LESS. He has not spent less, he is in fact spending more than Bush. But he increased on top of what Bush did by a lower amount than Bush increased on top of what Clinton did. Does this make sense yet?

Even the chart in your link makes sure to state "Annualized Growth of Federal Spending".

Okay obviously spending has not stopped. But he is spending LESS than any president since Eisenhower!

You are a dolt and a quarter. You have no concept what the post quoted said or you would never have written that.
Obama spends more than any other president. That is the truth. Even your link shows that.
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes

The author of this article itself is liberal, however, the sources of the data cited in the article are non-partisan. If you are going to argue with this article, you better come up with data of your own from a non-partisan source. Otherwise, don't waste your time replying with a rebuttal.

For further reading, I suggest you read the user comments and rebuttals to those comments by the author.

It'll probably be a while before the hardline conservatives here post. They're off desperately searching for data to dispute the claim.
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes

The author of this article itself is liberal, however, the sources of the data cited in the article are non-partisan. If you are going to argue with this article, you better come up with data of your own from a non-partisan source. Otherwise, don't waste your time replying with a rebuttal.

For further reading, I suggest you read the user comments and rebuttals to those comments by the author.

It'll probably be a while before the hardline conservatives here post. They're off desperately searching for data to dispute the claim.

This myth has been debunked a long time ago.

There have been many different posters in this thread that have confirmed the fallacy of the OP.

I even have 4 posts a few pages back that all the libs that started the thread have completely ignored.

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