Fordham U rejects Coulter, embraces infanticide and bestiality....

You'll never see her on a credible foreign policy panel either...

[ame=]Ann Coulter, Canada, & Vietnam - YouTube[/ame]
I kinda figured that anyone who embraced Coulter was into beastiallity.

I think most guys would prefer beastiaity to Coulter. Animals would be much warmer.

I think that's the point. Libs are A-Ok with depravity.

Not so much with women who don't promote abortion and ass fucking.

My problem with COulter is not who she sleeps with... (although it's hard to imagine a man that brave)...

It's the nasty things she says about people.

Like when she called 9-11 widows witches and said their dead husbands wanted to divorce them.

Some of her whackiest quotes..

Ann Coulter's Quotes
Institutions of higher learning used to encourage balance and diversity of thought; Fordham allowed the far left pov to be heard while they silenced the far right pov. Everyone should have a problem with this.

wtf is a Catholic university even entertaining the likes of Singer, someone who advocates the killing of newborns and disabled people? There is no 'discussion' to be had with someone who believes this shit is acceptable. This goes beyond far left anything, this goes beyond the pale. It is wrong. Period.
Institutions of higher learning used to encourage balance and diversity of thought; Fordham allowed the far left pov to be heard while they silenced the far right pov. Everyone should have a problem with this.

wtf is a Catholic university even entertaining the likes of Singer, someone who advocates the killing of newborns and disabled people? There is no 'discussion' to be had with someone who believes this shit is acceptable. This goes beyond far left anything, this goes beyond the pale. It is wrong. Period.

One pov should not be favored over another to promote intellectual diversity.

But if it is a pov I don't like, it should be silenced.

Got it.

Regards from Rosie
A progressive wetdream:

"After effectively barring conservative columnist Ann Coulter from speaking on campus last week, the Jesuit college Fordham University welcomed infanticide and bestiality advocate Peter Singer for a panel discussion on Friday.
According to Fordham’s media relations website, Singer, a tenured Princeton bioethics professor, spoke from 4 to 6 p.m. in a panel the university promised “will provoke Christians to think about other animals in new ways.”
Singer has long lamented the societal stigma against having sex with animals."

Read more: Fordham University, after barring Ann Coulter from campus, welcomes infanticide advocate Peter Singer | The Daily Caller"

coultergeist shouldn't be asked to speak on any decent campus.
Institutions of higher learning used to encourage balance and diversity of thought; Fordham allowed the far left pov to be heard while they silenced the far right pov. Everyone should have a problem with this.

wtf is a Catholic university even entertaining the likes of Singer, someone who advocates the killing of newborns and disabled people? There is no 'discussion' to be had with someone who believes this shit is acceptable. This goes beyond far left anything, this goes beyond the pale. It is wrong. Period.

That's a mischaracterization of what Singer is talking about... and I do think some of his views are extreme.

That said, Coulter's problem is the ugliness of her rhetoric, not the things she proposes.
Cuz we all know it's much worse to call people retards when they're acting retarded...than it is to propose infanticide and screwing your dog.

Thank goodness the enlightened academics are on hand to protect us from nasty rhetoric!

"The Atheists Humanists Agnostics (AHA) club sent out a campus-wide e-mail announcing the program on Tuesday and promising a “full-out romp against why one of the most beloved people of the century, Mother Teresa, is as Hitchens put it… ‘a lying, thieving Albanian dwarf.’”

Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event
Thank goodness, the academics saved Fordham from Coulter!

"Father McShane’s message is unmistakable: those who agree with Ann Coulter hold political and social opinions that are in direct conflict with Fordham’s belief system, even if the university will (barely) tolerate their expression.
So one can hardly wait to hear McShane’s reaction when he finds out that Princeton professor and philosopher Peter Singer, who is probably America’s best known advocate for human infanticide, has been invited to speak on a panel at Fordham. And not by an independent student group, either: by his own faculty and administration, including the Department of Theology, Center for Religion and Culture, Office of the Provost, Dean of Fordham College at Rose Hill, and Dean of Fordham University Faculty!"

» Fordham welcomes infanticide advocate Peter Singer after attacking Ann Coulter invite - Col·lege In·sur·rec·tion
Institutions of higher learning used to encourage balance and diversity of thought; Fordham allowed the far left pov to be heard while they silenced the far right pov. Everyone should have a problem with this.

wtf is a Catholic university even entertaining the likes of Singer, someone who advocates the killing of newborns and disabled people? There is no 'discussion' to be had with someone who believes this shit is acceptable. This goes beyond far left anything, this goes beyond the pale. It is wrong. Period.

One pov should not be favored over another to promote intellectual diversity.

But if it is a pov I don't like, it should be silenced.

Got it.

Regards from Rosie
Finally, an honest Liberal!
Cuz we all know it's much worse to call people retards when they're acting retarded...than it is to propose infanticide and screwing your dog.

Thank goodness the enlightened academics are on hand to protect us from nasty rhetoric!

"The Atheists Humanists Agnostics (AHA) club sent out a campus-wide e-mail announcing the program on Tuesday and promising a “full-out romp against why one of the most beloved people of the century, Mother Teresa, is as Hitchens put it… ‘a lying, thieving Albanian dwarf.’”

Atheist group at Dartmouth plans anti Mother Teresa event

Hitchens called her worse than that allie.
I think that's the point. Libs are A-Ok with depravity.

Not so much with women who don't promote abortion and ass fucking.

Edited. That Dialogue does not fly here. Seek Professional Help, PB -Intense

Your kinfolk must be proud of you, plasma :eusa_eh:

why because i have dark humor? Of course they are, they know i am a sarcastic asshole who likes dark humor.

You have a problem with dark humor? A problem with being so over the top with something because Allie is an over the top person herself?

Get a grip.
dark humor....maybe....but an illness...oh doubt. Seek help for your, ahem...."dark humor". :eusa_whistle:

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