Foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala being cut by our great President.

How much immigrant cash going overseas is a problem? Do you mind the wealthy squirreling their money away in off shore accounts?

And why is immigrant cash going overseas "our US dollars" and not the earnings of immigrants?

Because it is our US dollars. It's money Americans should have in our country to circulate. They came here, took jobs Americans should have had, and sent the money they earned back to their country. It's been going on for some time now. But that's not why I made the point.

The point I made is that their governments wink-wink and nod-nod, but in realty are doing very little to stop their people from invading our country. Why? Because it benefits them when they do come here. So if Trump stops sending them money, it will encourage them to do much more to stop this flow of illegals.
They aren’t encouraging their people to leave. The people are leaving because their living conditions suck. If they had peace and security and opportunity they very well might stay.

Their domestic politics makes peace, security and opportunity impossible.

And Trump’s solution makes things worse!

There’s a crisis alright. And it begins on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C.

There are a lot of countries like that. Should we let all their citizens come here? We didn't build this place as a refugee for people who didn't do things the right way. If anything, they should study our history and emulate us instead of taking advantage of us. And if they don't want to do that, then why in hell are we sending them our money?
Immigrants built this place.

Studying history is a bit of advise you should heed.

“Whites of good character” built this place. WETBACKS did not!

Thanks for proving the point of the previous poster.
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.
look, if they wanna come here, come on.

just do it legally.

Asylum is legal.
Since when is leaving the country your living in for a better life elsewhere a crime? Do you understand how the United States was formed? We don't want to turn Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala into EAST GERMANY. Keeping your population captive or as hostages like EAST GERMANY did is not the answer. But hey, Trump is a PUTIN lover, so I'm sure he is cool with that SOVIET style philosophy.

Oh, Putin again? I thought Mueller put that to rest.

It's up to those countries if they want to make leaving there a crime. It's not (and shouldn't be) our problem. Our problem is stopping them from getting into our country which is a crime. Sending them money doesn't seem to be working. In fact, it''s worse now than ever according to our border patrol.

The problem is not the money, the problem is Democrats in our country.

Really? You think moving to the United States is a crime? HELLO, we are a nation of immigrants. Our nation and strength as a nation is based on diversity thanks to immigration.

Mueller has no idea what Trump did with Putin for several hours while they were alone together in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2018. Its also a fact that Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO. Its also a fact that he considered recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. These things are indisputable and pro-PUTIN. Former CIA director John Brennan has stated that what Trump did with Putin in Helsinki Finland in 2018 was treason. Trump sided with Putin over 15 different US intelligence agencies that all said that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

TRUMP lied in 2016 when he claimed he had no business dealings in Russia. Its now well known that he was planning to build a tower in Moscow.

Trump tower was never built. Even if it was, there is no law against it. There is no law against doing business with Russia; American companies do it today. IF Brenan said that what Trump did was treason, then he doesn't understand what treason is.

NATO is something we Republicans have wanted to get out of many years ago. We are pouring money into it and getting nothing out of it. So it's far from a Trump idea.

No other President in history did more to strengthen NATO and bind the United States and NATO together than Ronald Reagan. Its also come as no surprise that Europe contributed far more to NATO when Reagan was President than at any other time in its history. The fact is, when the United States increases spending in Europe, Europe follows America in that direction. Lead by example. Reagan and Bush Republicans are strongly pro-NATO. NATO is critical to the security of the United States of America. Anyone who questions that does not deserve to be in the White House and does not understand that NATO is responsible for saving the world from Soviet/Communism and the horror of World War III. NATO is our best defense against new Russian expansionism.

Selling your country out behind closed doors to a man like Putin is indeed treason. You don't meet for hours alone with a foreign head of state without the Secretary of State and other cabinet officials being there. Trump did not want them there for a reason. That is very troubling.

Its not illegal to do Business with Russia, but Trump lied about his business dealings with Russia! Why? Why would you vote for someone who would lie about that?

Trump did that? I wonder where he got that idea from?

White House defends secret Obama meeting with China's richest man

President Obama's Secret Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood Leaders

Leaked Top-Secret Meeting Reveals Obama Warning Putin of Alien Invasion in September 2017?

Obama’s personal emissary holding secret talks with Iran, Israeli paper claims
I can't believe that you had the stupidity to post those articles about nothing.

Trump NEVER EVER meets with people without it being on the schedule? Really? and whom does he call on his private phone?

Trump LIED about hops campaigns contacts with the Russians

Trump LIED about his business interests in Russia.

And all you can say is " but...but... but Obama ...."?

You should have been outraged. But instead you keep slurpin' at that Trump fat ass.

My God.
U.S. to Cut Off Federal Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras


About time!

Hundreds of millions of dollars down the pits of corruption.

The State Department has made clear it was not just an idle threat. The United States will be blocking all federal aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras for their failure to address the flow of migrants. The move comes a day after President Donald Trump blamed the countries for being behind migrant caravans that make their way to the United States. “We were giving them $500 million. We were paying them tremendous amounts of money, and we’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” Trump said on Friday. Trump also warned he was ready to close the southern border if Mexico doesn’t do more to push back migrants.

More @ U.S. Cuts Off Federal Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras

Between 2001 and 2018 Honduras has received $180.9 million

El Salvador received $118.2 million during the same period

And Guatemala got the most, by far @ $257.3 million

Where the hell did it go to?

Honduras @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

El Salvador @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

Guatemala @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

The one left out is Nicaragua @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country that only received $43.57 million in the same period.
Hell I'd cut aid to South America. Assholes from SA have rushed our border and Border Control has no where to put them so they've let 100,000 loose on the streets.

For my money they can shoot the bastards at the border.
Don't be surprised if that is exactly what starts happening at some point (and rather soon)
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.
You realize they were leaving even when we were lining the pockets of their elite; right? Riiiight?
I'm confused. In December, we were going to seriously increase aid to help stem this flow of people. Remember this?
U.S. pledges billions in aid to develop Central America, curb migration | Reuters
Has Trump changed his mind or is there some difference between the two events?
The Caravans have changed everything....its an invasion....


They existed in December, dope.
So you finally admit the caravans are real....good....took you a while dummy....
the US will run out of avocados if Trump shuts down the US-Mexico border, according to the media. why does we have to explain things to the public in terms of avocados.

THE MEDIA: Our national reputation will be damaged! children will be torn apart from their families!


THE MEDIA: No guacamole!

"As the world's leading consumer of margaritas & guacamole, I nevertheless would fully support a shortage of avocados if it also meant a shortage of illegals." - Coutler
Those who would give up essential liberty for a little guacamole, deserve neither liberty nor guacamole
U.S. to Cut Off Federal Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras


About time!

Hundreds of millions of dollars down the pits of corruption.

The State Department has made clear it was not just an idle threat. The United States will be blocking all federal aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras for their failure to address the flow of migrants. The move comes a day after President Donald Trump blamed the countries for being behind migrant caravans that make their way to the United States. “We were giving them $500 million. We were paying them tremendous amounts of money, and we’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” Trump said on Friday. Trump also warned he was ready to close the southern border if Mexico doesn’t do more to push back migrants.

More @ U.S. Cuts Off Federal Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras

Between 2001 and 2018 Honduras has received $180.9 million

El Salvador received $118.2 million during the same period

And Guatemala got the most, by far @ $257.3 million

Where the hell did it go to?

Honduras @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

El Salvador @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

Guatemala @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

The one left out is Nicaragua @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country that only received $43.57 million in the same period.

The next question is how hard will the Democrats work to stop Trump's actions as they always tried to do?
Oh, Putin again? I thought Mueller put that to rest.

It's up to those countries if they want to make leaving there a crime. It's not (and shouldn't be) our problem. Our problem is stopping them from getting into our country which is a crime. Sending them money doesn't seem to be working. In fact, it''s worse now than ever according to our border patrol.

The problem is not the money, the problem is Democrats in our country.

Really? You think moving to the United States is a crime? HELLO, we are a nation of immigrants. Our nation and strength as a nation is based on diversity thanks to immigration.

Mueller has no idea what Trump did with Putin for several hours while they were alone together in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2018. Its also a fact that Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO. Its also a fact that he considered recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. These things are indisputable and pro-PUTIN. Former CIA director John Brennan has stated that what Trump did with Putin in Helsinki Finland in 2018 was treason. Trump sided with Putin over 15 different US intelligence agencies that all said that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

TRUMP lied in 2016 when he claimed he had no business dealings in Russia. Its now well known that he was planning to build a tower in Moscow.

Trump tower was never built. Even if it was, there is no law against it. There is no law against doing business with Russia; American companies do it today. IF Brenan said that what Trump did was treason, then he doesn't understand what treason is.

NATO is something we Republicans have wanted to get out of many years ago. We are pouring money into it and getting nothing out of it. So it's far from a Trump idea.

No other President in history did more to strengthen NATO and bind the United States and NATO together than Ronald Reagan. Its also come as no surprise that Europe contributed far more to NATO when Reagan was President than at any other time in its history. The fact is, when the United States increases spending in Europe, Europe follows America in that direction. Lead by example. Reagan and Bush Republicans are strongly pro-NATO. NATO is critical to the security of the United States of America. Anyone who questions that does not deserve to be in the White House and does not understand that NATO is responsible for saving the world from Soviet/Communism and the horror of World War III. NATO is our best defense against new Russian expansionism.

Selling your country out behind closed doors to a man like Putin is indeed treason. You don't meet for hours alone with a foreign head of state without the Secretary of State and other cabinet officials being there. Trump did not want them there for a reason. That is very troubling.

Its not illegal to do Business with Russia, but Trump lied about his business dealings with Russia! Why? Why would you vote for someone who would lie about that?

Trump did that? I wonder where he got that idea from?

White House defends secret Obama meeting with China's richest man

President Obama's Secret Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood Leaders

Leaked Top-Secret Meeting Reveals Obama Warning Putin of Alien Invasion in September 2017?

Obama’s personal emissary holding secret talks with Iran, Israeli paper claims
I can't believe that you had the stupidity to post those articles about nothing.

Trump NEVER EVER meets with people without it being on the schedule? Really? and whom does he call on his private phone?

Trump LIED about hops campaigns contacts with the Russians

Trump LIED about his business interests in Russia.

And all you can say is " but...but... but Obama ...."?

You should have been outraged. But instead you keep slurpin' at that Trump fat ass.

My God.

You know Dave, if you had better comprehension skills, you would have been able to follow the conversation.

The posts were to show that Trump is not the only President that has had private meetings with our adversaries. Presidents do it all the time, it's just the media keeps it pretty low key when Democrats do it. That's what the conversation (and my posts) were all about.
Really? You think moving to the United States is a crime? HELLO, we are a nation of immigrants. Our nation and strength as a nation is based on diversity thanks to immigration.

Mueller has no idea what Trump did with Putin for several hours while they were alone together in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2018. Its also a fact that Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO. Its also a fact that he considered recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. These things are indisputable and pro-PUTIN. Former CIA director John Brennan has stated that what Trump did with Putin in Helsinki Finland in 2018 was treason. Trump sided with Putin over 15 different US intelligence agencies that all said that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

TRUMP lied in 2016 when he claimed he had no business dealings in Russia. Its now well known that he was planning to build a tower in Moscow.

Trump tower was never built. Even if it was, there is no law against it. There is no law against doing business with Russia; American companies do it today. IF Brenan said that what Trump did was treason, then he doesn't understand what treason is.

NATO is something we Republicans have wanted to get out of many years ago. We are pouring money into it and getting nothing out of it. So it's far from a Trump idea.

No other President in history did more to strengthen NATO and bind the United States and NATO together than Ronald Reagan. Its also come as no surprise that Europe contributed far more to NATO when Reagan was President than at any other time in its history. The fact is, when the United States increases spending in Europe, Europe follows America in that direction. Lead by example. Reagan and Bush Republicans are strongly pro-NATO. NATO is critical to the security of the United States of America. Anyone who questions that does not deserve to be in the White House and does not understand that NATO is responsible for saving the world from Soviet/Communism and the horror of World War III. NATO is our best defense against new Russian expansionism.

Selling your country out behind closed doors to a man like Putin is indeed treason. You don't meet for hours alone with a foreign head of state without the Secretary of State and other cabinet officials being there. Trump did not want them there for a reason. That is very troubling.

Its not illegal to do Business with Russia, but Trump lied about his business dealings with Russia! Why? Why would you vote for someone who would lie about that?

Trump did that? I wonder where he got that idea from?

White House defends secret Obama meeting with China's richest man

President Obama's Secret Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood Leaders

Leaked Top-Secret Meeting Reveals Obama Warning Putin of Alien Invasion in September 2017?

Obama’s personal emissary holding secret talks with Iran, Israeli paper claims
I can't believe that you had the stupidity to post those articles about nothing.

Trump NEVER EVER meets with people without it being on the schedule? Really? and whom does he call on his private phone?

Trump LIED about hops campaigns contacts with the Russians

Trump LIED about his business interests in Russia.

And all you can say is " but...but... but Obama ...."?

You should have been outraged. But instead you keep slurpin' at that Trump fat ass.

My God.

You know Dave, if you had better comprehension skills, you would have been able to follow the conversation.

The posts were to show that Trump is not the only President that has had private meetings with our adversaries. Presidents do it all the time, it's just the media keeps it pretty low key when Democrats do it. That's what the conversation (and my posts) were all about.
Trump said this:

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"

That is what I am talking about.

Why did Trump lie about these contacts?
Why did Trump lie about his business efforts on Russia?

2 simple questions. How about you quit dodging & answer them.

BTW, Trump has had numerous one on one meetings with Putin with no advsirs or anyone to report on what was said. But hey, you keep believing Trump with his record pof lies & deceit.

The lies, the secret meetings & no one is supposed to be suspicious.

Say your wife tells you she has to work late a couple times a week. and you find out she lied & was not at work at all? Then you find out she had several one to one meetings with some guy & she claims it is business yet there is no one to confirm if business was discussed.

I guess you would have no suspicions especially since you caught her cheating before.


I don't get why you have this trust for a fraud & business cheat & liar?
U.S. to Cut Off Federal Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras


About time!

Hundreds of millions of dollars down the pits of corruption.

The State Department has made clear it was not just an idle threat. The United States will be blocking all federal aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras for their failure to address the flow of migrants. The move comes a day after President Donald Trump blamed the countries for being behind migrant caravans that make their way to the United States. “We were giving them $500 million. We were paying them tremendous amounts of money, and we’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” Trump said on Friday. Trump also warned he was ready to close the southern border if Mexico doesn’t do more to push back migrants.

More @ U.S. Cuts Off Federal Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras

Between 2001 and 2018 Honduras has received $180.9 million

El Salvador received $118.2 million during the same period

And Guatemala got the most, by far @ $257.3 million

Where the hell did it go to?

Honduras @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

El Salvador @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

Guatemala @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

The one left out is Nicaragua @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country that only received $43.57 million in the same period.

The next question is how hard will the Democrats work to stop Trump's actions as they always tried to do?
I guess we are supposed to STFU & let Trump keep making stupid decisions that will hurt Americans.

Making the situation worse in these countries will only drive more refugees to our border.
U.S. to Cut Off Federal Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras


About time!

Hundreds of millions of dollars down the pits of corruption.

The State Department has made clear it was not just an idle threat. The United States will be blocking all federal aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras for their failure to address the flow of migrants. The move comes a day after President Donald Trump blamed the countries for being behind migrant caravans that make their way to the United States. “We were giving them $500 million. We were paying them tremendous amounts of money, and we’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” Trump said on Friday. Trump also warned he was ready to close the southern border if Mexico doesn’t do more to push back migrants.

More @ U.S. Cuts Off Federal Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras

Between 2001 and 2018 Honduras has received $180.9 million

El Salvador received $118.2 million during the same period

And Guatemala got the most, by far @ $257.3 million

Where the hell did it go to?

Honduras @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

El Salvador @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

Guatemala @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country

The one left out is Nicaragua @ U.S. Foreign Aid by Country that only received $43.57 million in the same period.

The next question is how hard will the Democrats work to stop Trump's actions as they always tried to do?
I guess we are supposed to STFU & let Trump keep making stupid decisions that will hurt Americans.

Making the situation worse in these countries will only drive more refugees to our border.

Good, because Trump already ordered the CLOSED signs for the Mexican side of the border.
BTW, Trump has had numerous one on one meetings with Putin with no advsirs or anyone to report on what was said. But hey, you keep believing Trump with his record pof lies & deceit.

The lies, the secret meetings & no one is supposed to be suspicious.

And that's what the links were posted for; to show that Presidents do this all the time including DumBama.
I can't believe that you had the stupidity to post those articles about nothing.

Trump NEVER EVER meets with people without it being on the schedule? Really? and whom does he call on his private phone?

Trump LIED about hops campaigns contacts with the Russians

Trump LIED about his business interests in Russia.

And all you can say is " but...but... but Obama ...."?

You should have been outraged. But instead you keep slurpin' at that Trump fat ass.

My God.
Faux outrage. Trump has been vindicated. Go after the real enemies of our democracy >> Obama, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Steele, McCabe, Strozk, etc
THE MEDIA: Our national reputation will be damaged! children will be torn apart from their families!

ALL children of ALL criminals (Americans) are "torn apart from their families" when the parents go to jail (EVERY DAY) - don't hear you bitchin about them.

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