Foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala being cut by our great President.

I seed we are getting some where. You are admitting it is legal to seek asylum & thereby it shoves your post about families being separated when criminals go to jail.

So you don't agree?? You just lied about it. This is Trump's policy.
Just going to ignore the law, are you ? Some people need to be told twice. It is a CRIME to cross the US border without inspection from US immigration authorities (US Code 8, Section 1325).

As for families being separated when criminals go to jail, that is always the case. So ?

Again, outlaw the asylum scam. Only people being allowed into the US should be on economic and/or cultural MERIT, not asylum BS.
So they can get a boat but not a car?
Most haven't been going by car. They've been walking. Yeah, they can go by boat. You never heard of that ?

Well Mr White Supremacist.....

"Trump doresn't lie" ? Anyone else think that is true?
1. I'm not "White" you dunce (I'm 1/2 Hispanic)

2. Doesn't matter what race anybody is. I'm just as much opposed to white illegal aliens, like the Irish ones Hillary Clinton sucked up to, for their votes.


3. Sure. Lots of people see Trump as a truth teller. Sometimes too much, in all his tweets.
You are afraid of this invading force that includes women & children. Maybe we should make our soldiers go into battle with their families. Since they scare you so badly, it must be fierce.
So this means you are absolutely clueless of the many HARMS that these invaders represent ? You liberal OMISSION media didn't inform you ? Well, imagine that.
Dear Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala:

Nuestro país está lleno, ya no los podemos recibir!
Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.
You realize they were leaving even when we were lining the pockets of their elite; right? Riiiight?
I'm confused. In December, we were going to seriously increase aid to help stem this flow of people. Remember this?
U.S. pledges billions in aid to develop Central America, curb migration | Reuters
Has Trump changed his mind or is there some difference between the two events?
The Caravans have changed everything....its an invasion....


They existed in December, dope.
So you finally admit the caravans are real....good....took you a while dummy....

They've been real and managed for years.
Trump is the only president who seems to struggle with the border. Ever wonder why?
THE MEDIA: Our national reputation will be damaged! children will be torn apart from their families!

ALL children of ALL criminals (Americans) are "torn apart from their families" when the parents go to jail (EVERY DAY) - don't hear you bitchin about them.

Seeking asylum is legal.

Trump is stealing children. They lost people's children!

And you assfucks cheer it on.

The idea you are so duped to agree with this just shows what a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, un Christian assfucks you all are.

Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down. They know well ahead of time they are not considered asylum seekers, but they've learned how to play the system. Leftist lawyers meet with these people on the other side of the border to teach them how to falsify their application so they do qualify.

The children are given to family members or citizens from their country. When the government goes back to check on the kids, the people don't answer the door or phone because they are illegal themselves, and fear they might be getting called on to leave the country.
Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down.

It's not illegal to apply or be turned down, dope.
Those who are denied are deported.
If RealDave actually means what he says, that is scary. Then again if he watches Rachel "Blinky" Maddow on fake news MSNBC maybe he has a form of TDS and actually think the criminal invaders are seeking refuge from their own while seeking their own in the USA to form ethnic enclaves and get free stuff via democrats and send stuff back to the land they sought refuge from. :p

Fuck Off Limbaugh Boy.

You are scared to dearth opf women & children fleeing violence. What a chickenshit.

Yeah, women and children. That's the only people who come here. Boy does the MSM love people like you.

Post the stats showing the demography of asylum seekers and clear it up for us.
THE MEDIA: Our national reputation will be damaged! children will be torn apart from their families!

ALL children of ALL criminals (Americans) are "torn apart from their families" when the parents go to jail (EVERY DAY) - don't hear you bitchin about them.

Seeking asylum is legal.

Trump is stealing children. They lost people's children!

And you assfucks cheer it on.

The idea you are so duped to agree with this just shows what a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, un Christian assfucks you all are.

Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down. They know well ahead of time they are not considered asylum seekers, but they've learned how to play the system. Leftist lawyers meet with these people on the other side of the border to teach them how to falsify their application so they do qualify.

The children are given to family members or citizens from their country. When the government goes back to check on the kids, the people don't answer the door or phone because they are illegal themselves, and fear they might be getting called on to leave the country.
Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down.

It's not illegal to apply or be turned down, dope.
Those who are denied are deported.
you'd blow a dozen elephant giraffes out of your ass if you had to go 10 posts w/o saying DOPE.
THE MEDIA: Our national reputation will be damaged! children will be torn apart from their families!

ALL children of ALL criminals (Americans) are "torn apart from their families" when the parents go to jail (EVERY DAY) - don't hear you bitchin about them.

Seeking asylum is legal.

Trump is stealing children. They lost people's children!

And you assfucks cheer it on.

The idea you are so duped to agree with this just shows what a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, un Christian assfucks you all are.

Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down. They know well ahead of time they are not considered asylum seekers, but they've learned how to play the system. Leftist lawyers meet with these people on the other side of the border to teach them how to falsify their application so they do qualify.

The children are given to family members or citizens from their country. When the government goes back to check on the kids, the people don't answer the door or phone because they are illegal themselves, and fear they might be getting called on to leave the country.
Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down.

It's not illegal to apply or be turned down, dope.
Those who are denied are deported.
you'd blow a dozen elephant giraffes out of your ass if you had to go 10 posts w/o saying DOPE.

Try not to post dopey shit. :dunno:
Care to address the point or just here to cry?
They've been real and managed for years.
Trump is the only president who seems to struggle with the border. Ever wonder why?
Cmon Hutch you know better than that...Obama was the one that put the dreaded cages in place and called it a humanitarian crises....Bush struggled with the border too...just take a look at past presidential speeches and you will see that you are wrong....the caravans are new...designed to fuck with Trump and bastardize our election system....
THE MEDIA: Our national reputation will be damaged! children will be torn apart from their families!

ALL children of ALL criminals (Americans) are "torn apart from their families" when the parents go to jail (EVERY DAY) - don't hear you bitchin about them.

Seeking asylum is legal.

Trump is stealing children. They lost people's children!

And you assfucks cheer it on.

The idea you are so duped to agree with this just shows what a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, un Christian assfucks you all are.

Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down. They know well ahead of time they are not considered asylum seekers, but they've learned how to play the system. Leftist lawyers meet with these people on the other side of the border to teach them how to falsify their application so they do qualify.

The children are given to family members or citizens from their country. When the government goes back to check on the kids, the people don't answer the door or phone because they are illegal themselves, and fear they might be getting called on to leave the country.
Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down.

It's not illegal to apply or be turned down, dope.
Those who are denied are deported.

How are you going to deport somebody that doesn't show up for court? We let them into the country and give them a court date. For most, that's the last we see of them. Trump is trying to keep them in Mexico until their court date, but some commie pinko activist judge told him he can't. Yet another reason why we need to keep Republicans in the White House, to replace all those anti-American judges the leftists have put in.
They've been real and managed for years.
Trump is the only president who seems to struggle with the border. Ever wonder why?
Cmon Hutch you know better than that...Obama was the one that put the dreaded cages in place and called it a humanitarian crises....Bush struggled with the border too...just take a look at past presidential speeches and you will see that you are wrong....the caravans are new...designed to fuck with Trump and bastardize our election system....

Nonsense. No president has made a mess at the border like Trump has.

When did these caravans begin?
The organization Pueblo Sin Fronteras (which means People Without Borders) has been assisting groups of Central American refugees and migrants for about 15 years, helping them to travel together to seek asylum in either Mexico or the United States. Pueblo Sin Fronteras describes itself as "a collective of friends" which provides "humanitarian aid and legal advice to refugees and migrants."
THE MEDIA: Our national reputation will be damaged! children will be torn apart from their families!

ALL children of ALL criminals (Americans) are "torn apart from their families" when the parents go to jail (EVERY DAY) - don't hear you bitchin about them.

Seeking asylum is legal.

Trump is stealing children. They lost people's children!

And you assfucks cheer it on.

The idea you are so duped to agree with this just shows what a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, un Christian assfucks you all are.

Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down. They know well ahead of time they are not considered asylum seekers, but they've learned how to play the system. Leftist lawyers meet with these people on the other side of the border to teach them how to falsify their application so they do qualify.

The children are given to family members or citizens from their country. When the government goes back to check on the kids, the people don't answer the door or phone because they are illegal themselves, and fear they might be getting called on to leave the country.
Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down.

It's not illegal to apply or be turned down, dope.
Those who are denied are deported.

How are you going to deport somebody that doesn't show up for court? We let them into the country and give them a court date. For most, that's the last we see of them. Trump is trying to keep them in Mexico until their court date, but some commie pinko activist judge told him he can't. Yet another reason why we need to keep Republicans in the White House, to replace all those anti-American judges the leftists have put in.


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