Foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala being cut by our great President.

Really? You think moving to the United States is a crime? HELLO, we are a nation of immigrants. Our nation and strength as a nation is based on diversity thanks to immigration.

Mueller has no idea what Trump did with Putin for several hours while they were alone together in Helsinki Finland in the summer of 2018. Its also a fact that Trump wanted to pull the United States out of NATO. Its also a fact that he considered recognizing Crimea as part of Russia. These things are indisputable and pro-PUTIN. Former CIA director John Brennan has stated that what Trump did with Putin in Helsinki Finland in 2018 was treason. Trump sided with Putin over 15 different US intelligence agencies that all said that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

TRUMP lied in 2016 when he claimed he had no business dealings in Russia. Its now well known that he was planning to build a tower in Moscow.

Trump tower was never built. Even if it was, there is no law against it. There is no law against doing business with Russia; American companies do it today. IF Brenan said that what Trump did was treason, then he doesn't understand what treason is.

NATO is something we Republicans have wanted to get out of many years ago. We are pouring money into it and getting nothing out of it. So it's far from a Trump idea.

No other President in history did more to strengthen NATO and bind the United States and NATO together than Ronald Reagan. Its also come as no surprise that Europe contributed far more to NATO when Reagan was President than at any other time in its history. The fact is, when the United States increases spending in Europe, Europe follows America in that direction. Lead by example. Reagan and Bush Republicans are strongly pro-NATO. NATO is critical to the security of the United States of America. Anyone who questions that does not deserve to be in the White House and does not understand that NATO is responsible for saving the world from Soviet/Communism and the horror of World War III. NATO is our best defense against new Russian expansionism.

Selling your country out behind closed doors to a man like Putin is indeed treason. You don't meet for hours alone with a foreign head of state without the Secretary of State and other cabinet officials being there. Trump did not want them there for a reason. That is very troubling.

Its not illegal to do Business with Russia, but Trump lied about his business dealings with Russia! Why? Why would you vote for someone who would lie about that?

Trump did that? I wonder where he got that idea from?

White House defends secret Obama meeting with China's richest man

President Obama's Secret Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood Leaders

Leaked Top-Secret Meeting Reveals Obama Warning Putin of Alien Invasion in September 2017?

Obama’s personal emissary holding secret talks with Iran, Israeli paper claims
I can't believe that you had the stupidity to post those articles about nothing.

Trump NEVER EVER meets with people without it being on the schedule? Really? and whom does he call on his private phone?

Trump LIED about hops campaigns contacts with the Russians

Trump LIED about his business interests in Russia.

And all you can say is " but...but... but Obama ...."?

You should have been outraged. But instead you keep slurpin' at that Trump fat ass.

My God.

You know Dave, if you had better comprehension skills, you would have been able to follow the conversation.

The posts were to show that Trump is not the only President that has had private meetings with our adversaries. Presidents do it all the time, it's just the media keeps it pretty low key when Democrats do it. That's what the conversation (and my posts) were all about.
I say you are full of shit. Show me when these Presidents met without any advisors or any recording of what was discussed.

You are such a fool.
THE MEDIA: Our national reputation will be damaged! children will be torn apart from their families!

ALL children of ALL criminals (Americans) are "torn apart from their families" when the parents go to jail (EVERY DAY) - don't hear you bitchin about them.

Seeking asylum is legal.

Trump is stealing children. They lost people's children!

And you assfucks cheer it on.

The idea you are so duped to agree with this just shows what a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, un Christian assfucks you all are.
I can't believe that you had the stupidity to post those articles about nothing.

Trump NEVER EVER meets with people without it being on the schedule? Really? and whom does he call on his private phone?

Trump LIED about hops campaigns contacts with the Russians

Trump LIED about his business interests in Russia.

And all you can say is " but...but... but Obama ...."?

You should have been outraged. But instead you keep slurpin' at that Trump fat ass.

My God.
Faux outrage. Trump has been vindicated. Go after the real enemies of our democracy >> Obama, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Steele, McCabe, Strozk, etc
So Trump doesn't lie.

Wow, you are quite the dupe.

The real enemy of our country are assholes like you who would trade their country to worship a fat assed orange POS.
Seeking asylum is legal.

Trump is stealing children. They lost people's children!

And you assfucks cheer it on.

The idea you are so duped to agree with this just shows what a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, un Christian assfucks you all are.
Fool. It is ILLEGAL to cross the US border without inspection from US immigration authorities. All who do so, should be JAILED (US Code 8, Section 1325), and of course, as is the case with any other law violation, adult violaters are jailed, but children are not. Watching CNN will derange your brain.

As I said before, if, as a general rule, if you don't agree with separating children from arrested parents, then why aren't you complaining about all the American kids being separated from their American parents EVERY DAY, for all sorts of crimes ?

Allow me to answer > because they don't represent more VOTES FOR DEMOCRATS, as the migrants do.

As for seeking asylum, it is a huge SCAM, and should be made ILLEGAL, by executive order.
Wow, you are quite the dupe.

The real enemy of our country are assholes like you who would trade their country to worship a fat assed orange POS.
YOU are who is trading your country, by allowing it to turn into a 3rd world hell hole by allowing millions of meritless 3rd worlders in, pandering to seditious Muslims, discrimination against millions of whites in Affirmative Actions, getting dozens of people killed in mass shootings by keeping them defenseless in "gun-free zones", and supporting LGBT lunacy.

Wow, you are quite the dupe, for media and university propaganda/insanity.

As for Trump lying, I've challenged that many times. Thus far, no one has responded by citing even ONE single lie form Trump. Actually, Trump might be the MOST HONEST person in America. That's why he is being contested so often, for candidly speaking his mind (often in tweets), while mainstream politicians hide their true feelings by way of manipulation words.
So you think these refugees are coming here to taker over America? My God you are a fucking idiot.

You got duped by your orange master.
No, they're coming here (as conned by PSF et al) to ca$h in on US welfare freebie$$$, as I already informed you in Post # 337. Can't you read ?
You are scared to dearth opf women & children fleeing violence. What a chickenshit.
Are you actually believing they are fleeing violence, or is that just a ruse ? I already informed you how the "fleeing violence" ploy is debunked - see post # 337.
THE MEDIA: Our national reputation will be damaged! children will be torn apart from their families!

ALL children of ALL criminals (Americans) are "torn apart from their families" when the parents go to jail (EVERY DAY) - don't hear you bitchin about them.

Seeking asylum is legal.

Trump is stealing children. They lost people's children!

And you assfucks cheer it on.

The idea you are so duped to agree with this just shows what a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, un Christian assfucks you all are.

Seeking asylum is only legal if you are applicable for it. Most of those claiming asylum are turned down. They know well ahead of time they are not considered asylum seekers, but they've learned how to play the system. Leftist lawyers meet with these people on the other side of the border to teach them how to falsify their application so they do qualify.

The children are given to family members or citizens from their country. When the government goes back to check on the kids, the people don't answer the door or phone because they are illegal themselves, and fear they might be getting called on to leave the country.
Trump tower was never built. Even if it was, there is no law against it. There is no law against doing business with Russia; American companies do it today. IF Brenan said that what Trump did was treason, then he doesn't understand what treason is.

NATO is something we Republicans have wanted to get out of many years ago. We are pouring money into it and getting nothing out of it. So it's far from a Trump idea.

No other President in history did more to strengthen NATO and bind the United States and NATO together than Ronald Reagan. Its also come as no surprise that Europe contributed far more to NATO when Reagan was President than at any other time in its history. The fact is, when the United States increases spending in Europe, Europe follows America in that direction. Lead by example. Reagan and Bush Republicans are strongly pro-NATO. NATO is critical to the security of the United States of America. Anyone who questions that does not deserve to be in the White House and does not understand that NATO is responsible for saving the world from Soviet/Communism and the horror of World War III. NATO is our best defense against new Russian expansionism.

Selling your country out behind closed doors to a man like Putin is indeed treason. You don't meet for hours alone with a foreign head of state without the Secretary of State and other cabinet officials being there. Trump did not want them there for a reason. That is very troubling.

Its not illegal to do Business with Russia, but Trump lied about his business dealings with Russia! Why? Why would you vote for someone who would lie about that?

Trump did that? I wonder where he got that idea from?

White House defends secret Obama meeting with China's richest man

President Obama's Secret Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood Leaders

Leaked Top-Secret Meeting Reveals Obama Warning Putin of Alien Invasion in September 2017?

Obama’s personal emissary holding secret talks with Iran, Israeli paper claims
I can't believe that you had the stupidity to post those articles about nothing.

Trump NEVER EVER meets with people without it being on the schedule? Really? and whom does he call on his private phone?

Trump LIED about hops campaigns contacts with the Russians

Trump LIED about his business interests in Russia.

And all you can say is " but...but... but Obama ...."?

You should have been outraged. But instead you keep slurpin' at that Trump fat ass.

My God.

You know Dave, if you had better comprehension skills, you would have been able to follow the conversation.

The posts were to show that Trump is not the only President that has had private meetings with our adversaries. Presidents do it all the time, it's just the media keeps it pretty low key when Democrats do it. That's what the conversation (and my posts) were all about.
I say you are full of shit. Show me when these Presidents met without any advisors or any recording of what was discussed.

You are such a fool.

Myopic are you? The links I posted are in this conversation. All you have to do is scroll up to click them.
If RealDave actually means what he says, that is scary. Then again if he watches Rachel "Blinky" Maddow on fake news MSNBC maybe he has a form of TDS and actually think the criminal invaders are seeking refuge from their own while seeking their own in the USA to form ethnic enclaves and get free stuff via democrats and send stuff back to the land they sought refuge from. :p

Fuck Off Limbaugh Boy.

You are scared to dearth opf women & children fleeing violence. What a chickenshit.

Yeah, women and children. That's the only people who come here. Boy does the MSM love people like you.
If RealDave actually means what he says, that is scary. Then again if he watches Rachel "Blinky" Maddow on fake news MSNBC maybe he has a form of TDS and actually think the criminal invaders are seeking refuge from their own while seeking their own in the USA to form ethnic enclaves and get free stuff via democrats and send stuff back to the land they sought refuge from. :p

Fuck Off Limbaugh Boy.

You are scared to dearth opf women & children fleeing violence. What a chickenshit.

Yeah, women and children. That's the only people who come here. Boy does the MSM love people like you.

You are afraid of this invading force that includes women & children. Maybe we should make our soldiers go into battle with their families. Since they scare you so badly, it must be fierce.
No other President in history did more to strengthen NATO and bind the United States and NATO together than Ronald Reagan. Its also come as no surprise that Europe contributed far more to NATO when Reagan was President than at any other time in its history. The fact is, when the United States increases spending in Europe, Europe follows America in that direction. Lead by example. Reagan and Bush Republicans are strongly pro-NATO. NATO is critical to the security of the United States of America. Anyone who questions that does not deserve to be in the White House and does not understand that NATO is responsible for saving the world from Soviet/Communism and the horror of World War III. NATO is our best defense against new Russian expansionism.

Selling your country out behind closed doors to a man like Putin is indeed treason. You don't meet for hours alone with a foreign head of state without the Secretary of State and other cabinet officials being there. Trump did not want them there for a reason. That is very troubling.

Its not illegal to do Business with Russia, but Trump lied about his business dealings with Russia! Why? Why would you vote for someone who would lie about that?

Trump did that? I wonder where he got that idea from?

White House defends secret Obama meeting with China's richest man

President Obama's Secret Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood Leaders

Leaked Top-Secret Meeting Reveals Obama Warning Putin of Alien Invasion in September 2017?

Obama’s personal emissary holding secret talks with Iran, Israeli paper claims
I can't believe that you had the stupidity to post those articles about nothing.

Trump NEVER EVER meets with people without it being on the schedule? Really? and whom does he call on his private phone?

Trump LIED about hops campaigns contacts with the Russians

Trump LIED about his business interests in Russia.

And all you can say is " but...but... but Obama ...."?

You should have been outraged. But instead you keep slurpin' at that Trump fat ass.

My God.

You know Dave, if you had better comprehension skills, you would have been able to follow the conversation.

The posts were to show that Trump is not the only President that has had private meetings with our adversaries. Presidents do it all the time, it's just the media keeps it pretty low key when Democrats do it. That's what the conversation (and my posts) were all about.
I say you are full of shit. Show me when these Presidents met without any advisors or any recording of what was discussed.

You are such a fool.

Myopic are you? The links I posted are in this conversation. All you have to do is scroll up to click them.


Trump's one on ones were NOT the same as those in the psst with other Presidents.

What part of that are you too stupid to get.

Trump had no one but a translator.

Other Presidents had staffs & recordings.

You gave zero clue what Trump said to Putin.

He could have said, give me my Trump Tower & I'll end those sanctions"

There are no witnesses & no recordings. We both know Trump is a big enough POS to do it.
Seeking asylum is legal.

Trump is stealing children. They lost people's children!

And you assfucks cheer it on.

The idea you are so duped to agree with this just shows what a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, un Christian assfucks you all are.
Fool. It is ILLEGAL to cross the US border without inspection from US immigration authorities. All who do so, should be JAILED (US Code 8, Section 1325), and of course, as is the case with any other law violation, adult violaters are jailed, but children are not. Watching CNN will derange your brain.

As I said before, if, as a general rule, if you don't agree with separating children from arrested parents, then why aren't you complaining about all the American kids being separated from their American parents EVERY DAY, for all sorts of crimes ?

Allow me to answer > because they don't represent more VOTES FOR DEMOCRATS, as the migrants do.

As for seeking asylum, it is a huge SCAM, and should be made ILLEGAL, by executive order.
I seed we are getting some where. You are admitting it is legal to seek asylum & thereby it shoves your post about families being separated when criminals go to jail.

So you don't agree?? You just lied about it. This is Trump's policy.
Wow, you are quite the dupe.

The real enemy of our country are assholes like you who would trade their country to worship a fat assed orange POS.
YOU are who is trading your country, by allowing it to turn into a 3rd world hell hole by allowing millions of meritless 3rd worlders in, pandering to seditious Muslims, discrimination against millions of whites in Affirmative Actions, getting dozens of people killed in mass shootings by keeping them defenseless in "gun-free zones", and supporting LGBT lunacy.

Wow, you are quite the dupe, for media and university propaganda/insanity.

As for Trump lying, I've challenged that many times. Thus far, no one has responded by citing even ONE single lie form Trump. Actually, Trump might be the MOST HONEST person in America. That's why he is being contested so often, for candidly speaking his mind (often in tweets), while mainstream politicians hide their true feelings by way of manipulation words.
Well Mr White Supremacist.....

"Trump doresn't lie" ? Anyone else think that is true?
Trump is cutting foreign aid to three shithole countries that are flooding us with migrants. MAGA!

"While the president has threatened these cuts before, this time the administration is actually following through.

Trump said the funds totaled $500 million, but it wasn’t clear Friday if that figure was accurate. The State Department announced in December that the U.S. would mobilize $5.8 billion in public and private american investment to these three countries.

“We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” he added."

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Well, that oughta fix things. Make those countries even poorer; that'll keep all those pesky people from leaving home and coming here.
Well, dumb fuck, paying them the money hasn’t stopped them from coming. And if we stop paying they’ll still be coming, which would then mean actually that all along we’d been paying them to come. So in a sense what Trump is telling them is, you’re fired!
We were sending them peanuts before. Suddenly, we were going to send real assistance--transformational amounts--that might actually give these people the chance to earn a living where they're at. No one wants to move if they've got an okay life at home. If that close to 6 billion in aid was appropriately thought out and as much as possible, noncorruptible, it could have been an eventual game changer.
Those countries don’t deserve jack shit
I can't believe that you had the stupidity to post those articles about nothing.

Trump NEVER EVER meets with people without it being on the schedule? Really? and whom does he call on his private phone?

Trump LIED about hops campaigns contacts with the Russians

Trump LIED about his business interests in Russia.

And all you can say is " but...but... but Obama ...."?

You should have been outraged. But instead you keep slurpin' at that Trump fat ass.

My God.

You know Dave, if you had better comprehension skills, you would have been able to follow the conversation.

The posts were to show that Trump is not the only President that has had private meetings with our adversaries. Presidents do it all the time, it's just the media keeps it pretty low key when Democrats do it. That's what the conversation (and my posts) were all about.
I say you are full of shit. Show me when these Presidents met without any advisors or any recording of what was discussed.

You are such a fool.

Myopic are you? The links I posted are in this conversation. All you have to do is scroll up to click them.


Trump's one on ones were NOT the same as those in the psst with other Presidents.

What part of that are you too stupid to get.

Trump had no one but a translator.

Other Presidents had staffs & recordings.

You gave zero clue what Trump said to Putin.

He could have said, give me my Trump Tower & I'll end those sanctions"

There are no witnesses & no recordings. We both know Trump is a big enough POS to do it.

First off, the links report how DumBama did the same thing, or damn close to it (sending his advisors for secret meetings) and secondly, it's not illegal for a President to have a private meeting with anybody he desires.

The problem is you are a puppet. As such, you react to how your strings are pulled. Trump can make all his future meetings in private with anybody he wants, and the MSM knows by reporting it, that you are going to react. Outside of Fox, the media works for the Democrat party. It's their duty as fellow comrades to excite people just like you. It's why in spite of our fantastic economy, our gains in foreign relations, the utter defeat of ISIS, all they can do is report over 90% negative on our President. In March, over 191,000 new jobs reported. Look hard to find the MSM saying much about it.

We went through the same thing when Dick Cheney had a private meeting with oil executives. We heard the snowflakes crying about it for several years afterwards.
If RealDave actually means what he says, that is scary. Then again if he watches Rachel "Blinky" Maddow on fake news MSNBC maybe he has a form of TDS and actually think the criminal invaders are seeking refuge from their own while seeking their own in the USA to form ethnic enclaves and get free stuff via democrats and send stuff back to the land they sought refuge from. :p

Fuck Off Limbaugh Boy.

You are scared to dearth opf women & children fleeing violence. What a chickenshit.

Yeah, women and children. That's the only people who come here. Boy does the MSM love people like you.

You are afraid of this invading force that includes women & children. Maybe we should make our soldiers go into battle with their families. Since they scare you so badly, it must be fierce.

You are a pure sucker. Don't you read anything outside of CNN?

These caravans are loaded with younger men who are strong and healthy enough to fight in their country for a better life. When they get about a mile from our border, they instruct the women and children to go up front for two reasons: One it will give our border forces pause to react, and two, the MSM is there with their cameras to make people like you believe these caravans are nothing but women and children.

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