Zone1 Foreign based posters

One of the Imams here in Germany, wanted all girls, including non Moslems, in German schools, to wear the head covering.

It's because of the massive refugee waves. These people didn't leave their homelands to go live in Germany or Romania or where ever they were finally sent. Never intended to be Euro citizens. They WENT THERE TO SURVIVE. Couldn't do that in Syria/Lebanon/Iraq anymore.

And so there was NO motivation at all to assimilate or even tolerate slights to their faith or culture. The WANTED RELOCATION and safety -- not a NEW homeland. And definitely NOT -- a new culture.
I'm not sure he is foreign. Ignorant yes, but maybe not foreign.

I have been messing with him a lot. I have posted in very formal English and I have posted in slang or street English. I've even thrown in some distinctly southern terminology.

Not once has he asked about any of it. And he has always understood.
Did you consider that the fact that he hasn't asked about it indicates he misunderstood?
I like him, adds a much needed dimension to the forum

with all due respect, define clogged!


it would dilute his humor

OK, should we make it a scarlet asterisk?...btw did you catch his "American lantern" thread/posts...hilarious stuff
"Scarlet" asterisk? Why do liberals revert to their Puritan roots when confronted with a simple political issue?
I wish everybody had that same attitude.

I'm sick of people who move to a country, bring their extremely primitive beliefs with them, and then demand the country accommodate them instead of the other way around.

edit -- not to insinuate your attitudes are primitive, my dear.
Plymouth rock funny.jpg

A single ignorant (in the classical definition) foreign poster (rupo1200) has clogged up numerous sites with junk posts like (what is hotel california). Is it possible to restrict foreign based posters to their own site or put an asterisk next to their name?
I read comments in that "Hotel California" thread and responded myself. Those are some intriguing lyrics.

Just don't read posts that don't interest you. Simple.

PS: Is the asterick next to their name something like a gold star on their chest?
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