Foreign Officials: We've Noticed Biden's Mental Decline for a While Now


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Out: World respect!
In: OMG what a moron stares.

Everyone not a mindless stooge noticed it. I think the most pathetic- and funny- thing is watching the mindless stooges acting all surprised.

Reminds me of the Germans fighting for Hitler as they hear gunshots from his bunker.

European officials had already been expressing worries in private about Biden's focus and stamina before Thursday's debate, with some senior diplomats saying they had tracked a noticeable deterioration in the president's faculties in meetings since last summer. There were real doubts about how Biden could successfully manage a second term but one senior European diplomat said U.S. administration officials denied there was any problem in private discussions.
Diplomats described Biden's performance at the Group of Seven leaders meeting in Italy in June as mixed, with Biden appearing physically frailer than in the past but alert in many of the most important discussions.

Biden missed the summit's dinner party in a medieval castle, an off-camera and less scripted part of the summit when leaders often exchange views most candidly. He was the only G-7 leader to not attend the meal; the White House told reporters in advance he wouldn't be there because it would be a "jam-packed two days" of meetings. Biden instead held an event with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and had a brief news conference.

Officials said that Biden's performance and focus can vary hugely between meetings and even within a meeting. Two senior European officials cited an EU-U.S. summit last October in Washington where Biden had struggled to follow the discussions. Both said that he stumbled over his talking points at several moments, requiring Secretary of State Antony Blinken to intervene and point out the lines he should use.

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Out: World respect!
In: OMG what a moron stares.

Everyone not a mindless stooge noticed it. I think the most pathetic- and funny- thing is watching the mindless stooges acting all surprised.

Reminds me of the Germans fighting for Hitler as they hear gunshots from his bunker.

European officials had already been expressing worries in private about Biden's focus and stamina before Thursday's debate, with some senior diplomats saying they had tracked a noticeable deterioration in the president's faculties in meetings since last summer. There were real doubts about how Biden could successfully manage a second term but one senior European diplomat said U.S. administration officials denied there was any problem in private discussions.
Diplomats described Biden's performance at the Group of Seven leaders meeting in Italy in June as mixed, with Biden appearing physically frailer than in the past but alert in many of the most important discussions.

Biden missed the summit's dinner party in a medieval castle, an off-camera and less scripted part of the summit when leaders often exchange views most candidly. He was the only G-7 leader to not attend the meal; the White House told reporters in advance he wouldn't be there because it would be a "jam-packed two days" of meetings. Biden instead held an event with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and had a brief news conference.

Officials said that Biden's performance and focus can vary hugely between meetings and even within a meeting. Two senior European officials cited an EU-U.S. summit last October in Washington where Biden had struggled to follow the discussions. Both said that he stumbled over his talking points at several moments, requiring Secretary of State Antony Blinken to intervene and point out the lines he should use.

Of course they knew, if their eyes and interactions didn't confirm it their intelligence agencies would. Merkel was suffering some decline and she stepped down in a country-first decision Like it or not this potential health issue does represent a major vulnerability for the West, worse while two major wars of allies are ongoing. In fact, this decline was so broadly known that an Italiian TV show that is their SNL of sorts performed a series of episodes in which they parodied Biden and his mental acuity.concerns. They were a bit corny and tasteless in some of them but this is a major European ally. I find it extremely hard to believe that U.S media and voters aren't aware.

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