Foreign Policy Hands Voice Disbelief At Romney Cairo Statement

You guys seriously are afraid of holding Obama accountable for this, arent you?

For what, exactly?

If the people of a host country are going to attack your embassy, they are going to attack your embassy.

It would be nice if the jerks hadn't made that film (which I've just seen clips of, and frankly, it was weird!)

The thing was, the Weird Mormon Robot said we apologized, when we didn't. Blamed Obama for condemning the film, when it was the embassy staff, said it was appeasing the rioters, when the statement was made before the riot started.

hold Obama accountable for all have for the last four years

Foreign Policy HANDS?


Shut the hell up, he has EVERY RIGHT to speak on this..HE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT

and this is the 10th friggen thread on this...too damn bad you all don't like people speaking

He is not president yet. He has no say in foeign policy. He REALLY needs to shut the fuck up and stay out of diplomatic big boy business.

Better yet..this is Hillary's job..she should tell Mittens to put a cork in it.
The Embassy in Egypt were wrong to issue that apology. The Embassy is a branch of the State Department.

And the President oversees the State Department.

The buck stops at the Oval Office. You know. That place with the empty chair. He's off to party down at some fundraiser tonight.
Foreign Policy HANDS?


Shut the hell up, he has EVERY RIGHT to speak on this..HE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT

and this is the 10th friggen thread on this...too damn bad you all don't like people speaking

He is not president yet. He has no say in foeign policy. He REALLY needs to shut the fuck up and stay out of diplomatic big boy business.

Better yet..this is Hillary's job..she should tell Mittens to put a cork in it.

tough shit, he has every right to speak, as Kerry did when running for President, as Obama did when running speaking out against bush and Iraq
but here ya go..:eusa_boohoo:
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So far, Romney is the only one who has gotten it right and the only one who sounds Presidential.

That must really sting.

Not really.

Actually, he sound like the kind of "presidential leadership" that turned us from having universal sympathy after 9/11 to being universally despised.

He came off an an Ugly American.
The Embassy in Egypt were wrong to issue that apology. The Embassy is a branch of the State Department.

And the President oversees the State Department.

The buck stops at the Oval Office. You know. That place with the empty chair. He's off to party down at some fundraiser tonight.

Why was it wrong to issue the condemnation (not an apology)?

That film was offensive and intended to be so. It was intended to provoke EXACTLY the kind of response it got. Just like when Terry JOnes burned those Korans... he knew people would get into a frenzy about it and he just didn't give a fuck.

Kerry Attacks Bush on Handling of Iraq

By Lois Romano and Paul Farhi
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, September 7, 2004; Page A08

CANNONSBURG, Pa., Sept. 6 -- Sen. John F. Kerry, under pressure from Democratic leaders to draw sharper contrasts between himself and George W. Bush, launched a series of blistering attacks on the president Monday, saying the W in his opponent's name stands for "wrong . . . wrong choices, wrong priorities, wrong direction for our country."

Kerry Attacks Bush on Handling of Iraq (

Kerry had experience.

That was a standard issue campaign salvo. Unrelated to any specific event.

Romney has overstepped his boundaries.

What did Kerry do when Bin Laden released a video days before the 2004 election?

Do you remember? Do you care?

He took the high road, bitch. He refused to take the cheap shot that Bin Laden handed him. He did the right thing.

Romney will regret this. Will you ever get it?

Experience? Like what?
You guys seriously are afraid of holding Obama accountable for this, arent you?

For what, exactly?

Starting an embassy there.

If you mean in Libya, um, yeah, we need an embassy to look after our interests there.

We do have interests there, after all.

Now, personally, I think that intervening in Libya's civil war was a mistake, and I said so. But once you've done that, you go with the situation you have.
Romney is a heartless ugly American. Remember, he has MANY of the old George W. Bush team on his staff. Scary...
The Embassy in Egypt were wrong to issue that apology. The Embassy is a branch of the State Department.

And the President oversees the State Department.

The buck stops at the Oval Office. You know. That place with the empty chair. He's off to party down at some fundraiser tonight.

Why was it wrong to issue the condemnation (not an apology)?

That film was offensive and intended to be so. It was intended to provoke EXACTLY the kind of response it got. Just like when Terry JOnes burned those Korans... he knew people would get into a frenzy about it and he just didn't give a fuck.

Ah yes the sweet sickly effluvium of moral relativism:lol:
You guys seriously are afraid of holding Obama accountable for this, arent you?

For what, exactly?

If the people of a host country are going to attack your embassy, they are going to attack your embassy.

It would be nice if the jerks hadn't made that film (which I've just seen clips of, and frankly, it was weird!)

The thing was, the Weird Mormon Robot said we apologized, when we didn't. Blamed Obama for condemning the film, when it was the embassy staff, said it was appeasing the rioters, when the statement was made before the riot started.

hold Obama accountable for all have for the last four years

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what I should be holding him accountable for, exactly.

He didn't attack the embassy.
He didn't issue that condemnation of this film.
He didn't make a film designed specifically to inflame Islamic anger.
And I won't condemn Romney for those things, either.

But what he didn't do is what Romney did, issue a false statement during an ongoing crisis.
For what, exactly?

Starting an embassy there.

If you mean in Libya, um, yeah, we need an embassy to look after our interests there.

We do have interests there, after all.

Now, personally, I think that intervening in Libya's civil war was a mistake, and I said so. But once you've done that, you go with the situation you have. don't think we should have waited until they have at least have a government, maybe?
The Embassy in Egypt were wrong to issue that apology. The Embassy is a branch of the State Department.

And the President oversees the State Department.

The buck stops at the Oval Office. You know. That place with the empty chair. He's off to party down at some fundraiser tonight.

Why was it wrong to issue the condemnation (not an apology)?

That film was offensive and intended to be so. It was intended to provoke EXACTLY the kind of response it got. Just like when Terry JOnes burned those Korans... he knew people would get into a frenzy about it and he just didn't give a fuck.

Ah yes the sweet sickly effluvium of moral relativism:lol:

YOu know what, guy... do you really think it was moral to make a film like this knowing the exact response it would get?

Jones has been pulling this shit for years... no, I'll give him a mulligan for all the folks who got killed after the Koran burning, but this time, no excuse.
The Embassy in Egypt were wrong to issue that apology. The Embassy is a branch of the State Department.

And the President oversees the State Department.

The buck stops at the Oval Office. You know. That place with the empty chair. He's off to party down at some fundraiser tonight.

Why was it wrong to issue the condemnation (not an apology)?

That film was offensive and intended to be so. It was intended to provoke EXACTLY the kind of response it got. Just like when Terry JOnes burned those Korans... he knew people would get into a frenzy about it and he just didn't give a fuck.
Too funny.

How is what he does any different from what the DNC does with to our own citizens?

The correct response is that as Americans, we value our liberties and freedoms and there is never a justification for violence because you are offended by the message.

Otherwise, we can justify killing every stupid fuck who burns an American flag; in any part of the world.

Sorry, but the "Look what you made me do!" defense doesn't work in the adult world.
Romney is a heartless ugly American. Remember, he has MANY of the old George W. Bush team on his staff. Scary...

National Security Adviser Tom Donilon collected more than $148,000 in pension payments from bailed out mortgage giant Fannie Mae in 2011, on top of his White House salary of $172,200, according to a Free Beacon analysis of White House personal financial disclosure forms.

Donilon netted more than $320,000 in income in 2011 between the two taxpayer-funded sources, including monthly payments totaling $12,391 as part of Fannie Mae’s “Executive Pension” and “Qualified Benefit” plans, the documents show.

“Most taxpayers are struggling to make ends meet. Yet, Mr. Donilon is still profiting from his work during the Fannie Mae buildup of the housing bubble that led to a recession and massive taxpayer bailouts,” said Sen. Jim DeMint (R., S.C.) in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon.
Fannie Mae | The Weekly Standard

Mittens is a lying piece of shit political whore, with zero foreign policy experience, who couldn't care less about the American people. All this nitwit cares about is becoming president, which thankfully isn't going to happen.
Obama helped get rid of Gaddafi and then just LEFT the people and country to fend for themselves against the wolves..

vote him out people...this is why we are now seeing this upheaval in the middle east and I believe we will be seeing it here on our shores NEXT
Foreign Policy HANDS?


Shut the hell up, he has EVERY RIGHT to speak on this..HE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT

and this is the 10th friggen thread on this...too damn bad you all don't like people speaking

Yes, he has the right to one has said he does not. And everyone else has the right to say he was an idiot and is being shown as such. Freedom of Speech does not absolve one from the Consequences of such speech...........oh, unless you are a Rightie.

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