Forget 2018 / 2020 - Democrats Distracted, Focused on Division / Hate

Why you think Nazis should be allowed to goosestep around the public spaces of America unopposed?
I don't. I have no problem with PEACEFUL opposition protesting...but that's not what AntiFa did in Charlottesville...or Berkeley.

I think Leftist PsOS should not be allowed to use violence to deny Americans their Constitutional Rights.
Worry about the cloudy future of your own fucked-up party. Not sure you even realize how much these Nazi scumbags are going to damage your brand, but you will.

They are not part of the Republican party they are really not part of any party but yours, they seek exactly the same thing your dimshit party does, REMOVAL of the constitutional rights of those they do not like or agree with, punishment for individualisim, and complete destruction of anyone who stands up to them. They are YOU not conservatives not white people they are just another part of YOUR violent vile disgusting shit. You can keep up with your shit news, but the truth is evident by the actions of EVERY person in your party.
I've heard other conservatives say things like this yet the the left wants to kick their nazi asses and the right is running political cover for them. Nothing about Nazism appeals to me in any way, if you feel the same way then why are you beating up on the only people with the guts to get in their faces and tell them their shit is unamerican? I fully support their right to protest but I cannot imagine anyone wanting to put their rights above those of counter-protestors and not be sympathetic to their message.

More lies, the right is just following the constitution just as they do with BLM when they are not violent you know that too but it proves the argument you put out is FALSE and disgustingly dishonorable. They have exactly the same rights, so do the murderers who murder 50,000 babies yearly because of a failure of the Supreme court to define life.
All that and still no clear answer. Nazism is a clear ideological threat to impressionable youth, just like Jihadism or gang culture. I oppose all of this dead-end shit and none of it should ever be presented in public on public land without an equally visible and loud counter argument. If these were armed militant Muslims having a rally you would have zero problem with shouting them down but somehow armed white militant racists are different to you, they are both the same.
I've heard other conservatives say things like this yet the the left wants to kick their nazi asses ...

Yes, we all saw / heard how Leftist criminals used violence to shut down Constitutionally protected free speech, running around tossing balloons filled with pee, like monkeys throwing their poo.
I've heard other conservatives say things like this yet the the left wants to kick their nazi asses ...

Yes, we all saw / heard how Leftist criminals used violence to shut down Constitutionally protected free speech, running around tossing balloons filled with pee, like monkeys throwing their poo.
Nazis deserve such treatment, they did murder millions in WWII. This is where the far right is fucking up, like you, they think everyone hates the democrats more than the nazis. Running political cover for them is just going to make you complicit in whatever they do.
What's surprising is that democrats have not thought of an end game past get Trump. They appear to have no idea that the culture war will be here long after Trump has served his 8 years as president,
Nazis deserve such treatment, they did murder millions in WWII..
You do tealize the skinhead racist Nazi wanna-bes have no actual connectionto the actual Nazis you just decribed, right.

Liiberal extremists are so uneducated.
Nazis deserve such treatment, they did murder millions in WWII..
You do tealize the skinhead racist Nazi wanna-bes have no actual connectionto the actual Nazis you just decribed, right.

Liiberal extremists are so uneducated.
Every one of those racist fucks has raised his arm in a nazi salute and pledged undying allegiance to Adolph Hitler and therefore willingly took the Nazi legacy upon themselves. The fact you see them as unconnected speaks volumes. They are all cut from the same cloth and should be treated with as much contempt as a freedom loving people are capable of.
Democrats are lousy strategists but I am not sure they could possibly fuck up so bad that it will help republicans after what has happened and what will surely come.






Destruction of property

Threatening lives in an attempt to steal an already-decided election

Continuously debunked false accusations and scams supported by treasonous collusion with foreign agents to acquire fake reports containing Russia-generated propaganda to use against the President

Seditious calls for military coups, assassinations, and attempts to carry out those assassinations

Jeopardizing National Security through illeagal sharing & leaking of classified, illegaly unmasking Americans, and Felony Espionage for partisan benefit

Militarization and violent enforcement of political correctness and the liberal agenda by using violence to deny Americans their Constitutional Rights

Creating / escalating racial hatred / violence / division instead of attempting to difuse it....

Don't look now, but Democrats are already doing it, which is why Schumer tried to 'talk them down off the ledge'...
As I said, worry about your own party, it's the one most endangered at this point. The democrats will either get it together or they won't for 2018, not your problem. Also since you think it is OK to categorize a party by by it's fringe you will not mind if I stop differentiating between Republicans and the Nazis will you? Up until now I merely criticized republicans for their willingness to defend Nazi haters but by your method I can now simply call you all nazis. How do you like that you nazi troll?
I listed factual events, factual accounts, factual Hate-driven Constitution and Law-violaring liberal acts...

...and you post opinionated, hate-driven dribble and prrsonal attacks.

No, I don't mind if you continue to add onto the list of what liberals have done and continue to do. Feel free...knock yourself out.

Bwuhahahaha... :p
Alright! It was actual work to have a nuanced view of conservatives but this is so much easier. Thanks random nazi troll. Seriously, to attain the kind of intellectual laziness many conservatives engage in I would have to suffer a catastrophic brain injury.
Appears somebody is pissing in your cornflakes.
Every one of those racist fucks has raised his arm in a nazi salute and pledged undying allegiance to Adolph Hitler and therefore willingly took the Nazi legacy upon themselves. The fact you see them as unconnected speaks volumes. They are all cut from the same cloth and should be treated with as much contempt as a freedom loving people are capable of.

You just made some of that shit up, unless you were among their ranks when the very specific acts you described happened.

You OBVIOUSLY do not realize these 'WANNA-BEs' are NOT actually connected to Hitler and the ACTUAL Nazis.

For one thing, Hitler - who was not a pure German - was all about blonde, blue-eyed Arian Germans.

The racist American morons ... and YOU ... are oblivious to the fact that Hitler would have rejected / killed them because they were not, are not, part of Hitler's Arian, pure-German 'Master Race'.
Leftist Hate Groups, BLM, ANTIFA and KKK only make up 0.003% of the population, but the Left devotes 99% of their time propagating their messaging.

The KKK and White Supremacist Groups are directly connected to The Democrat Party.

In fact the Democrat Jackass Logo is Symonous with The Nazi Swastika.

Don't believe me? Andrew Jackson Racist, Slave Owner and Genocidal Maniac Created it as a symbol for The Democrat Party of Slavery, Genocide, White Supremacy & Lynchings.

If you ever found yourself on the back of a Jackass in Jackson's day chances are you had a rope around your neck and were about to be hung.

Every one of those racist fucks has raised his arm in a nazi salute and pledged undying allegiance to Adolph Hitler and therefore willingly took the Nazi legacy upon themselves. The fact you see them as unconnected speaks volumes. They are all cut from the same cloth and should be treated with as much contempt as a freedom loving people are capable of.

You just made some of that shit up, unless you were among their ranks when the very specific acts you described happened.

You OBVIOUSLY do not realize these 'WANNA-BEs' are NOT actually connected to Hitler and the ACTUAL Nazis.

For one thing, Hitler - who was not a pure German - was all about blonde, blue-eyed Arian Germans.

The racist American morons ... and YOU ... are oblivious to the fact that Hitler would have rejected / killed them because they were not, are not, part of Hitler's Arian, pure-German 'Master Race'.
Every one of those racist fucks has raised his arm in a nazi salute and pledged undying allegiance to Adolph Hitler and therefore willingly took the Nazi legacy upon themselves. The fact you see them as unconnected speaks volumes. They are all cut from the same cloth and should be treated with as much contempt as a freedom loving people are capable of.

You just made some of that shit up, unless you were among their ranks when the very specific acts you described happened.

You OBVIOUSLY do not realize these 'WANNA-BEs' are NOT actually connected to Hitler and the ACTUAL Nazis.

For one thing, Hitler - who was not a pure German - was all about blonde, blue-eyed Arian Germans.

The racist American morons ... and YOU ... are oblivious to the fact that Hitler would have rejected / killed them because they were not, are not, part of Hitler's Arian, pure-German 'Master Race'.
Whatever let's you sleep at night but you might be interested to learn that yours is not the prevailing opinion on Nazis and you are not going to change any minds on this. Nazis and their ilk are the lowest scum of the earth, period, there is no middle ground here. You either condemn them unconditionally or you are with them.
The KKK and White Supremacist Groups are directly connected to The Democrat Party.

In fact the Democrat Jackass Logo is Symonous with The Nazi Swastika.

Don't believe me? Andrew Jackson Racist, Slave Owner and Genocidal Maniac Created it as a symbol for The Democrat Party of Slavery, Genocide, White Supremacy & Lynchings.

If you ever found yourself on the back of a Jackass in Jackson's day chances are you had a rope around your neck and were about to be hung.
Peddle that shit to people who know no different. Today, right now, the KKK and affiliated groups are firmly on the right, you own them and happily invited them to join the Trump party of deplorables.
Every one of those racist fucks has raised his arm in a nazi salute and pledged undying allegiance to Adolph Hitler and therefore willingly took the Nazi legacy upon themselves. The fact you see them as unconnected speaks volumes. They are all cut from the same cloth and should be treated with as much contempt as a freedom loving people are capable of.

You just made some of that shit up, unless you were among their ranks when the very specific acts you described happened.

You OBVIOUSLY do not realize these 'WANNA-BEs' are NOT actually connected to Hitler and the ACTUAL Nazis.

For one thing, Hitler - who was not a pure German - was all about blonde, blue-eyed Arian Germans.

The racist American morons ... and YOU ... are oblivious to the fact that Hitler would have rejected / killed them because they were not, are not, part of Hitler's Arian, pure-German 'Master Race'.
Whatever let's you sleep at night but you might be interested to learn that yours is not the prevailing opinion on Nazis and you are not going to change any minds on this. Nazis and their ilk are the lowest scum of the earth, period, there is no middle ground here. You either condemn them unconditionally or you are with them.
NEO-Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are scum...

...but they have the same Constitutional Rights as every other American, whether you or any other intolerant Leftist like it or not.

Leftist extremists who have and who continue to use violence to deny Americans - any Americans - of their Constitutional Rights are much bigger threats to this nation's democracy.
Bernie Called Out the Clintons for “Racist” Language, and Hillary Didn’t Even Bat an Eye

Video Proof: Seven Instances of Hillary's Clinton's Naked Racism

The 20-year-old throwaway comment about black people that came back to haunt Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton wants to bring minorities "To Heel" like a dog.

So you apparently don't read history books or understand The Plantation Policies and The Benevolent Paternalism of The Left and their strategy of Pacifying and Domesticating Minorities?

Hillary Clinton: Blacks are Super Predators.

Hillary Clinton: We desire to create a Compliant and Unaware Citizenry.

Bill Clinton: Obama should be serving
Me Coffee.


The KKK and White Supremacist Groups are directly connected to The Democrat Party.

In fact the Democrat Jackass Logo is Symonous with The Nazi Swastika.

Don't believe me? Andrew Jackson Racist, Slave Owner and Genocidal Maniac Created it as a symbol for The Democrat Party of Slavery, Genocide, White Supremacy & Lynchings.

If you ever found yourself on the back of a Jackass in Jackson's day chances are you had a rope around your neck and were about to be hung.
Peddle that shit to people who know no different. Today, right now, the KKK and affiliated groups are firmly on the right, you own them and happily invited them to join the Trump party of deplorables.
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This most recent step of removing statues is another step towards fascism.

Once you classify the writers of the Constitution as inherently bad people, one can claim the document itself is inherently bad and no longer should be followed.

This is an inevitable outcome of this shit isn't ignored,

So some assholes are jumping up and down on a street corner with rebel flags...ignore the stupid fucks and live your life.

Isn't it interesting that David Duke ran in the Dem primaries in 1988?

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 1988
In 1988, Duke ran initially in the Democratic presidential primaries. His campaign failed to make much of an impact, with the one notable exception—winning the little-known New Hampshire Vice-Presidential primary.[20] Duke, having failed to gain much traction as a Democrat, then successfully sought the Presidential nomination of the Populist Party.[21] He appeared on the ballot for president in 11 states and was a write-in candidate in some other states, some with Trenton Stokes of Arkansasfor vice president, and on other state ballots with Floyd Parker for vice president. He received just 47,047 votes, for 0.04 percent of the combined, national popular vote.[22]

Duke got roughly 100,000 Pub primary votes in 1992. There is your base.

1992 Republican Party presidential candidateRepublican Party presidential primaries, 1992
Duke ran as a Republican in the 1992 presidential primaries, although Republican Party officials tried to block his participation.[60] He received 119,115 (0.94%) votes[61] in the primaries, but no delegates to the national convention. His presidential campaign inspired a song, "David Duke Is Running For President", by ska punk band Skankin' Pickle.[62]

A 1992 film, Backlash: Race and the American Dream, investigated Duke's appeal among some white voters. Backlashexplored the demagogic issues of Duke's platform, examining his use of black crime, welfare, affirmative action and white supremacy and tied Duke to a legacy of other white backlash politicians, such as Lester G. Maddox and George C. Wallace, and the use in the successful 1988 presidential campaign of George H. W. Bush of these same racially themed hot buttons.[63]

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