Forget Russia. The American media is the real enemy...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
Russia is not a small and unimportant country. No one dares attack them because they've got enough nukes to blow us to Neptune.

The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.

Commercial media is, as you just pointed out, commercial. That means it makes its living from advertising, which is generated by ratings, which are generated by attracting attention.

Nobody anywhere makes money from taking a political position. There's not even a way to do that.
The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.
The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.
Russia is not a small and unimportant country. No one dares attack them because they've got enough nukes to blow us to Neptune.

Yabbut his point is, forget about foreign interests, that our enemy is "each other".

Kinda typical of the mentality of Division.
The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.

The point stands. NOBODY makes money from "extremism" or from "left" or "right'. They make their money from Eyeballs.

But you go right ahead and essplain how you can make money from taking political positions. Or for that matter from "promoting big government and over regulating business". Megacorporations want anything but "big government". They ARE Big Business.
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Commercial media is, as you just pointed out, commercial. That means it makes its living from advertising, which is generated by ratings, which are generated by attracting attention.

Nobody anywhere makes money from taking a political position. There's not even a way to do that.

Wrong. For decades the news divisions of the major networks lost money. They have been on the side of the Democrat party the whole time. No one is fooled by your propaganda.
I think Stalin defined the Democratic Party and their collusive anti-American intentions quite well...

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The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.

The left's agenda is to overthrow all the governments of the world and establish a collectivist planet. All leftists are basically agents of sedition. Most democrook voters probably have no concept of why that is a problem let alone understand that regressive policies have never created the sort of society promised. In most cases they cause economic collapse and malaise. In serious cases mass murders numbering in the millions.

You never have to FORCE freedom on people at gun point. Communism CAN NOT be implemented without force. That's why regressives are determined to undermine the 2nd Amendment.

The American media, which is controlled by a handful of media corporations owned by billionaires, has an inordinate amount of influence over our elections and it is un-American the way they swing almost all their support to one political party, the Democrats, over the other.

What makes it worse is that the American media has a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.

Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.

Well done.

Your thread fails as both a red herring and straw man fallacy.

“[The media have] a socialistic, anti-American agenda of promoting big government imposition into our lives, over-regulating business, and running up debt and deficits.”


This is a lie, as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Indeed, the media are solely about making money – they are purveyors of, and participants in, our capitalist, free-market system.

The last thing ‘the media’ seek is ‘socialism.’

Trump and Russia are both the problem, not ‘the media.’
Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.

There is so much wrong with your post that I almost don't know where to start. But I'll start with the lowest hanging fruit.

Russia is in fact the largest country in the world.
The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.
The only danger to our democracy are the reckless, irresponsible lies you and most others on the right contrive and attempt to propagate – this thread premise being one of many examples.

Thanks for confirming the extreme danger this country is in from commies like you
There is no left wing in the US.

It's incredible how people as devastatingly vapid as you survive through puberty with even the safety precautions we have. I often wonder if you're kept in a basement where everything with a corner or an edge has added padding.

I'll bet we could hook you up to a polygraph and you'd flat line it parroting such profoundly ignorant horseshit.

Given that the commies own all the media how did trump "win" ? You are full of shit.
Given that the commies own all the media how did trump "win" ? You are full of shit.

Because ordinary people who live outside urban bubbles and actually do the labor in the country have been ignoring the media more and more since we have other avenues to find information that isn't manipulated by apparatchik pieces of shit like Mika Brzezinski.

You're ignorant enough to pretend to understand how politics work in our country while muzbot jihadists are taking over your shithole country. By the way dipshit, how many bases does the UK have on our shores? How many do we have on yours?

Who's the fuckin colony now.

The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.
Not true. Russians now control the GOP. They are traitors to democracy. That's why all the voter suppression and support for Russia. You don't hear Trump promoting American values to the rest of the world. He promotes Russian, North Korean and Philippine dictator values. The GOP has caused this country more damage than Isis and al Qaeda combined.
Republicans have become a danger to both this country but to the entire world.
Russia, which is a rather small and unimportant country, is not the threat to our democracy, it is the American media.

There is so much wrong with your post that I almost don't know where to start. But I'll start with the lowest hanging fruit.

Russia is in fact the largest country in the world.
Russia is large in land area, but it's GNP is $2.01 trillion, making it the NINTH largest economy, below Brazil.

Countries Compared by Economy > GDP. International Statistics at
The American media has been captured by the extremist anti-American Communistic left and that is a danger to democracy.

The point stands. NOBODY makes money from "extremism" or from "left" or "right'. They make their money from Eyeballs.

But you go right ahead and essplain how you can make money from taking political positions. Or for that matter from "promoting big government and over regulating business". Megacorporations want anything but "big government". They ARE Big Business.
Simple. Tell people what they want to hear, and they will listen or watch.

People want to feel like they know what the fuck they are talking about, even though most of the time they dont.

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