Forget the Facts – Blame Israel First


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Of course it is always blame Israel first no matter ho is actually responsible.

Forget the Facts – Blame Israel First
By Earl Cox July 30, 2014 , 11:18 am

A U.S. CNN news anchor recently tried to blast Ron Dermer, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, concerning the claim that the IDF had purposefully shot at a United Nations school causing huge civilian casualties. To the ambassador’s credit, the anchor had to back down. Criticism concerning the school attack ensued before any definitive investigation. Of course, it’s always “Blame Israel First!” Once the public hears the claim, public opinion gels against Israel. Is this an intentional strategy of news services to bias public opinion against Israelis and Jews, a strategy to foster anti-Semitism around the world? Why not just stick to reporting facts?

What is Israel up against? Is the IDF in Gaza to fight citizens of Gaza, families whose desire it is to simply live, work, and play? Do Gazans even have choices even when there is no conflict? No, they do not. The IDF is fighting hardened, we-don’t-care-who-dies, as long as we get our way, terrorists. Hamas and Fatah, the governing bodies of Gaza, have reduced the Palestinian population to living according to their brand of slavery. Hamas and Fatah are the enemies of free people, whether to Israelis or their own. They are deliberately placing women and children in harms way, even prohibiting them to leave areas where Israeli security forces warn them in advance to evacuate for their own safety.


Forget the Facts - Blame Israel First | Breaking Israel News

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