Forget the National Polls, It's All about Nine States

Aug 7, 2012
Forget the National Polls, It's All about Nine States

Despite Mitt Romney's post-debate bump, the fundamentals of the presidential race have not changed. Everything comes down to six big swing states (Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Colorado) as well as three smaller ones (Nevada, Iowa, and New Hampshire). The result is a race in which both campaigns are ignoring 41 states. Romney's path to the White House is still very limited. He has to win Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, and probably Virginia to get to 270. If Obama hangs onto Wisconsin--a traditionally blue state--and wins the two western swing states, both of which are historically trending blue, he needs only one of the four biggest swing states. Currently, he still has a substantial lead in Ohio, without which no Republican has ever been elected President.
true but his hold on some of those locked in non swing states is looking a bit rocky. mostly importantly he need to turn up tuesday night.
obama's once solid states have been sliding to Romney. While it might have been up to nine swing states, at one time, there are now many more states that have moved into the toss up category.
North Carolina is SOLID Romney country.. Polling here has Romney and has had Romney up by over 7 - 10 points for months now. Obama has ZERO chance here. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WooooooOOoooot! I'm a part of the state campaign for Romney/Ryan - proud to say! Young Conservatives loveeeeee Romney/Ryan!
It's all going to be over on Tuesday. The only chance obama has is a good debate and solid performance. Since he cannot make a mistake nor have a poor decision he's doing the same thing now that lost him the debate last time. Romney is off preparing, and obama is off campaigning.
Tuesdays debate is crucial for both candidates - and will be more difficult for Obama.

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