Former Attorney General Bill Barr On Trump's Election Fraud Claims: "It was all bullsh!t"

Barr is another swamp creature. The American government is beyond hope. It is CORRUPT to its core.
How is Barr qualified as an expert in electoral issues? He is just another angry guy who was goaded by lefties to say, gasp, "bullshit" without explaining his motivation or expertise. He should be ashamed.
Maybe the 70+ court cases lost and him being lawyer might have just swayed him....

Rudy loosing his licence for blatant lying might have..
Former Attorney General Bill Barr On Trump's Election Fraud Claims: "It was all bullsh!t"

With his verification of trump’s Big Lie, Barr is only saying what the vast majority of Americans knew from the beginning.

However, with his statement of this fact, Barr also makes himself the enemy of 74 million trump Nazis.

Unfortunately Barr is clueless..... the evidence is beginning to shine and this is one key factor right here... the Algorithm The fact that Barr is opening his mouth tells me he got a phone call asking for his help..... As the saying goes....the closer you get to the target the more flack you get ...... they are getting close.

Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state's largest county
Former Attorney General Bill Barr On Trump's Election Fraud Claims: "It was all bullsh!t"

With his verification of trump’s Big Lie, Barr is only saying what the vast majority of Americans knew from the beginning.

However, with his statement of this fact, Barr also makes himself the enemy of 74 million trump Nazis.

Unfortunately Barr is clueless..... the evidence is beginning to shine and this is one key factor right here... the Algorithm The fact that Barr is opening his mouth tells me he got a phone call asking for his help..... As the saying goes....the closer you get to the target the more flack you get ...... they are getting close.

Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state's largest county

Excerpt from link above.

"Asked by Trump why he would tell the AP that there was no fraud in the election, Barr replied "because it’s true.”

The conversation continued with Trump referring to himself in the third person, telling Barr: “You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump.”

"Barr pushed back on the characterization, instead criticizing Trump's competence and close aides' efforts at executing his operation to challenge the election, The Atlantic article explains."

“You know, you only have five weeks, Mr. President, after an election to make legal challenges,” Barr told Trump. “This would have taken a crackerjack team with a really coherent and disciplined strategy. Instead, you have a clown show. No self-respecting lawyer is going anywhere near it. It’s just a joke. That’s why you are where you are.”

According to aides present and Barr, Trump agreed with the jab, saying "you may be right about that."

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"Just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White House.
Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job!"
[AG Bill Barr Officially Resigns, Receives Praise from Trump - Headline USA]
Unfortunately Barr is clueless.....
Coming from a traditional, conservative Republican who had gone over to the dark side and served as a fawning Trump toady, Barr's concise characterization, derived from his legal experience, insider, first-person perspective, and awareness of the psychopathology at play, is a definitive judgment, one that he is fully aware is the equivalent of taking a plunge into the fetid waters of a pool of rabid, ravenous piraña.

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Former Attorney General Bill Barr On Trump's Election Fraud Claims: "It was all bullsh!t"

With his verification of trump’s Big Lie, Barr is only saying what the vast majority of Americans knew from the beginning.

However, with his statement of this fact, Barr also makes himself the enemy of 74 million trump Nazis.

Unfortunately Barr is clueless..... the evidence is beginning to shine and this is one key factor right here... the Algorithm The fact that Barr is opening his mouth tells me he got a phone call asking for his help..... As the saying goes....the closer you get to the target the more flack you get ...... they are getting close.

Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state's largest county
When a hand recount is done, and it nearly matches the machine counts, then that RULES OUT, any algorithm shenanigans and rules out any Dominion Voting Systems fraud, as claimed by Trump.

Barr is not a stupid man... Nor is Barr ignorant on how elections and counting of votes work, in the States.... As the Trump supporters and most people are clueless on election counting processes, the checks and balances in place etc etc etc..... so they can be easily duped on all these fake election fraud claims. But Barr knew, Trump could not get away with this ruse.... He would have supported it, if he could have, and gotten away with it....

Barr knew the ruse would not work....and maybe he had a twinge of patriotism in his inner soul, that knew this kind of CON, was harmful to our Democracy, and the hundreds of years of faith we have had in it....and our elections, for the most part.


As stated in your article, there was not enough mishandling in Fulton County to change the result of a Biden win.

The secretary said he stands by his private monitor's assessment that fraud did not occur at a scale in Fulton County to impact the election's outcome, but he added the county's election management failures nonetheless warrant dramatic repair.

"It is no secret that Fulton has had issues in their elections department for decades, which is why I insisted on a state monitor being present to be eyes and ears on the ground," he said. "He did not see any evidence of fraud despite having full access, but he saw continued mismanagement, miscommunication, unpreparedness, and sloppiness. Georgia voters deserve better."
2. A person without noble rank or title.
Thats trump

I'm not a New Yorker but trump in spite of his money is from the wrong side of the tracks within New York social circles

Then he ran for president as a republican and that made him even more toxic to the beautiful people
New Yorkers didn't like Trump because he was a con artists and stiffed people all over town...

What especially didn't like is that he stiffed the smaller contractors, that is the common guy in NYC... That is why his name was mud...

Yes e was a bullshitter but they didn't mind that as much.. A lot has to do with Trump too, he preferred to socialise in his own properties in places like Jersey and main social set was in the Hamptons..

He was also a bit sleazy
Only true Trumpist lemmings or fools have ever believed the election fraud lie.

Barr is now seeking to salvage what is left of his tattered reputation.

Sorry Bill Barr but the stink of your lies and groveling for Trump will never leave you.
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What especially didn't like is that he stiffed the smaller contractors, that is the common guy in NYC... That is why his name was mud...
Being a contractor is not an easy job

Sometimes they make promises they cant keep in order to win the bid

But trump holds people to what they say they are going to do
What especially didn't like is that he stiffed the smaller contractors, that is the common guy in NYC... That is why his name was mud...
Being a contractor is not an easy job

Sometimes they make promises they cant keep in order to win the bid

But trump holds people to what they say they are going to do

Trump routinely cheated contractors and vendors.. He paid what he wanted to pay and told them to sue him if they didn't like it.

He also employed illegal Polish construction workers.
Why did Trump ever pick Barr, especially after Sessions?? It makes no sense to me!

Joe DiGenova or Michael Franzese would have been my choice

Please bitch! Barr all but dropped to his knees in front of Trump and pulled down his fly to get that job, promising to defend his “executive privilege” until the end of time.

But Trump always goes too far with his loyal syncophants. And when the shit hits the fan, and he gets caught, Trump tosses his most loyal supporters under the bus. Like Jeff Sessions, Michael Cohen, John Bolton, and Bill Barr.

Kristen Nielsen was willing to separate children from their parents, but she wasn’t will to violate court orders, so she was fired as the Head of DHS.

Bill Barr, who publically stated that RogerStone’s prosecution and conviction was “righteous”, nevertheless interfered with the sentencing and tried to keep Stone out of jail.

But lying about the election was a bridge too far for the guy who was willing to lie about the Mueller Report, the Obama Administration, and Russian interference in the 2016 election.

It’s far too little and far too late, to preserve Barr’s reputation and possibly his law license.
2. A person without noble rank or title.
Thats trump

I'm not a New Yorker but trump in spite of his money is from the wrong side of the tracks within New York social circles

Then he ran for president as a republican and that made him even more toxic to the beautiful people
New Yorkers didn't like Trump because he was a con artists and stiffed people all over town...

What especially didn't like is that he stiffed the smaller contractors, that is the common guy in NYC... That is why his name was mud...

Yes e was a bullshitter but they didn't mind that as much.. A lot has to do with Trump too, he preferred to socialise in his own properties in places like Jersey and main social set was in the Hamptons..

He was also a bit sleazy
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New Yorkers do that to themselves. You just saw the Miami version a few days ago.
Former Attorney General Bill Barr On Trump's Election Fraud Claims: "It was all bullsh!t"

With his verification of trump’s Big Lie, Barr is only saying what the vast majority of Americans knew from the beginning.

However, with his statement of this fact, Barr also makes himself the enemy of 74 million trump Nazis.

Unfortunately Barr is clueless..... the evidence is beginning to shine and this is one key factor right here... the Algorithm The fact that Barr is opening his mouth tells me he got a phone call asking for his help..... As the saying goes....the closer you get to the target the more flack you get ...... they are getting close.

Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state's largest county

You have got to start questioning your news sources.

Don’t like CNN?

How about this. People can count the ballots themselves for a fee.

What is great about your news source is that they like to announce results before they look at anything.

Any day now. We are going to find those WMD’s in Iraq. Any God Damned Day.

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