Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

You sound like an 8-track tape on a ten second loop: "Bigot, racist, racist, bigot, consequence culture, Nazi bigot, bigot Nazi, bigot consequence, culture Nazi, Nazi racist-" *click* "Bigot, racist, racist, bigot, consequence culture, Nazi bigot, bigot Nazi, bigot consequence, culture Nazi, Nazi racist-"

You have to show some compassionate conservatism here. Yesterday was a tough and depressing day for OCD Joe and his ilk--Independence day. Independence means freedom, and we all know how the left hates that.
You sound like an 8-track tape on a ten second loop: "Bigot, racist, racist, bigot, consequence culture, Nazi bigot, bigot Nazi, bigot consequence, culture Nazi, Nazi racist-" *click* "Bigot, racist, racist, bigot, consequence culture, Nazi bigot, bigot Nazi, bigot consequence, culture Nazi, Nazi racist-"

You have to show some compassionate conservatism here. Yesterday was a tough and depressing day for OCD Joe and his ilk--Independence day. Independence means freedom, and we all know how the left hates that.

The images of all those American flags likely caused a panic attack. He probably had to listen to his Wokeism Meditation podcast to come back down:

"You are a Woke Star, ascending above the teeming, seething horde of bigots, racists and Nazis. You are one with the Woke Universe. Their incessant braying of personal responsibility, accountability, fairness, patriotism and the free expression of opinions will no longer perturb you. They are now but whispers in the wind. You are no longer beset with doubts of your woke journey by fatuous pleas from the Wokeism heretics for critical thinking. You are comforted and welcomed by your Woke peers for your unique sameness and shared loathing of dissenting ideas. You are Awake. You have Awakened. You are Woke..."
The Wuhan virus wasn't even known about until very late 2019 after Trump's successful policies had tremendous results. Even then nobody took the virus seriously until early 2020 around March. The commies in Congress did everything they could do to stop Trump's immigration actions, and what they couldn't stop, their commie judges did.

Trump's policies weren't successful. They were horrifying. Border Crossing were ALREADY at a low point before Trump got there. They went up a bit in 2018, despite his draconian measures.


They actually SPIKED in 2019.

And then Trump made the country a fucking dystopian nightmare, and they crashed.

Good job, everyone. Good job.

There was no recession in 2019.

Actually, the manufacturing recession started in 2019, at least in part thanks to Trump's unncessary trade war (which actually INCREASED the trade deficit with China.

Covid just kicked in an already rotten door.

So again I ask: If Trump is responsible for 500,000 Covid deaths, why isn't DumBama responsible for the 200,000 flu deaths that took place during his two terms?

Because if you die from the flu, it's your own fucking fault. We have vaccines...
No, Trump is not relevant to my thoughts on immigration. As for having a black president, I didn't give two shits that Obama was black.

Come, on, guy, the only reason why Trump won over the other 16 bags of bad ideas was because he was willing to OPENLY mouth your bigotry.

I'm sure you do. And I will continue to mock you for it.

When you aren't quivering in your boots that someone might out you for being a bigot.

You have to show some compassionate conservatism here. Yesterday was a tough and depressing day for OCD Joe and his ilk--Independence day. Independence means freedom, and we all know how the left hates that.

The images of all those American flags likely caused a panic attack. He probably had to listen to his Wokeism Meditation podcast to come back down:

Hey, funny story. Between you, me and Welfare Ray, only one of us has a DD214.

There's those of you who talk smack about "patriotism" and there there are those of us who put it on the line and stood up when called.

Frankly, guys who constantly bitch about "the Government" really can't call themselves "patriots".


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No, Trump is not relevant to my thoughts on immigration. As for having a black president, I didn't give two shits that Obama was black.

Come, on, guy, the only reason why Trump won over the other 16 bags of bad ideas was because he was willing to OPENLY mouth your bigotry.

Irrelevant. It still has nothing to do with my thoughts on immigration.
I'm sure you do. And I will continue to mock you for it.

When you aren't quivering in your boots that someone might out you for being a bigot.

You have already "outed" me and yet I'm still here mocking you and not quivering in my boots.

You may ask yourself why people like me are not intimidated by threats of being "outed" or cancelled. The answer to that is this: The crusade against racism has become a witch hunt and has devolved into a parody of itself. The words "racist" and "racism" no longer have the power and compulsion they once did because you idiots have made a mockery of true racism with your rabidly zealous overuse of the accusation. The words have no meaning anymore because you wokeclowns have stretched, contorted and twisted the words to mean literally anything.
You have to show some compassionate conservatism here. Yesterday was a tough and depressing day for OCD Joe and his ilk--Independence day. Independence means freedom, and we all know how the left hates that.

The images of all those American flags likely caused a panic attack. He probably had to listen to his Wokeism Meditation podcast to come back down:

Hey, funny story. Between you, me and Welfare Ray, only one of us has a DD214.

And yet you're still a lying, crawfishing, ignorant douchebag.

Sorry, but if having black or Hispanic friends and family affords me no parole from your baseless accusations of racism, your DD214 will not absolve you of your dishonesty.
There's those of you who talk smack about "patriotism" and there there are those of us who put it on the line and stood up when called.

In light of your lies and willful ignorance, this impresses me not.
Frankly, guys who constantly bitch about "the Government" really can't call themselves "patriots".

All you do here is bitch about the government.
Irrelevant. It still has nothing to do with my thoughts on immigration.

Sure it does... You just like to pretend those other guys were the ones getting their hands dirty.

You may ask yourself why people like me are not intimidated by threats of being "outed" or cancelled. The answer to that is this: The crusade against racism has become a witch hunt and has devolved into a parody of itself. The words "racist" and "racism" no longer have the power and compulsion they once did because you idiots have made a mockery of true racism with your rabidly zealous overuse of the accusation. The words have no meaning anymore because you wokeclowns have stretched, contorted and twisted the words to mean literally anything.

I know you really need to believe that... but not so much. Tell you what, go to work tomorrow and start blurting out a bunch of racial epithets and see how "Woke" your boss is.

And yet you're still a lying, crawfishing, ignorant douchebag.

Sorry, but if having black or Hispanic friends and family affords me no parole from your baseless accusations of racism, your DD214 will not absolve you of your dishonesty.

What my DD214 entitles me to is a flag on my coffin, and no questions about my patriotism.

On the other hand, your bigoty and support of racists really isn't excused by "Some of my best friends are blacks".

All you do here is bitch about the government.

Naw, I'm fine with government. It's Trump I have a problem with.
Come, on, guy, the only reason why Trump won over the other 16 bags of bad ideas was because he was willing to OPENLY mouth your bigotry.

No, Trump won because of his stance on the border. While the others were talking about "immigration reform" and "path to citizenship" Trump was the only person that said he was going to close down the border and stop illegal immigration. That's why he won.

Hey, funny story. Between you, me and Welfare Ray, only one of us has a DD214.

And only one of us has a serve case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
No, Trump won because of his stance on the border. While the others were talking about "immigration reform" and "path to citizenship" Trump was the only person that said he was going to close down the border and stop illegal immigration. That's why he won.

I misspoke. Trump didn't actually "win". The people loudly rejected his racism, three times.

But, yes, Trump did express your racism as opposed to other REpublicans who were willing to admit the reality that if you have 11 million undocumented immigrants, you have to deal with that.

And only one of us has a server case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

You have OCD on your server? You know, I think they might have some software to clear that up for you.
Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

Yup. So what.

The Zionists are racist scum, fuck 'em.

BLM protested peacefully for about 10 years, starting with the murder of Trayvon Martin.

Then they realized an important fact. White people only care when you threaten to break their stuff.
83 people shot in Chicago this weekend, 16 fatally and the weekend isn't over yet. Seems to me that the police are not your primary concern. But that doesn't fit the narrative.
83 people shot in Chicago this weekend, 16 fatally and the weekend isn't over yet. Seems to me that the police are not your primary concern. But that doesn't fit the narrative.

Actually, they are a concern. I've very unlikely to be shot in a street crime, but I will have a part of the 215 Million dollars that gets paid out in Police Misconduct Claims every year.
Trump's policies weren't successful. They were horrifying. Border Crossing were ALREADY at a low point before Trump got there. They went up a bit in 2018, despite his draconian measures.

Yes, because until May of 2019, the commies were stopping everything he was doing. What they couldn't stop, their commie courts did. Trump beat them all back in appeals, and that's when his policies started to show great results.

And then Trump made the country a fucking dystopian nightmare, and they crashed.

Good job, everyone. Good job.

So why is it your chart says Trump took office in April of 2017 when he took office in January? Why does it state the drop came in June and points to August? Each stack represents one month. Count them yourself. Your source is a fraud.

Actually, the manufacturing recession started in 2019, at least in part thanks to Trump's unncessary trade war (which actually INCREASED the trade deficit with China.

Covid just kicked in an already rotten door.

There is no such thing as a manufacturing recession. There are only recessions, which again, is defined by two quarters of negative growth--something that didn't happen until Joe's buddies sent us their virus.

Because if you die from the flu, it's your own fucking fault. We have vaccines...

Yes, we had vaccines to fight it which Trump didn't have until he was just about out of office. Your statement makes my case even more compelling.

It's your own fucken fault that you didn't take the flu vaccine, but not your fault if you didn't wear a mask. It's your own fucken fault if you didn't get the flu vaccine, but not that you didn't wash your hands or use disinfectant. It's your own fucken fault that you didn't get a flu vaccine, but not your fault if you didn't stay away from social gatherings, especially inside. For all those things, that was Trump's fault.

You people on the left don't even realize how stupid you sound.
I misspoke. Trump didn't actually "win". The people loudly rejected his racism, three times.

But, yes, Trump did express your racism as opposed to other REpublicans who were willing to admit the reality that if you have 11 million undocumented immigrants, you have to deal with that.

And with all this talk of racism that you obtained from your weak minds being brainwashed, not one of you commies can tell us a racist thing Trump ever said. Did he ever say:

You ain't black unless you vote for me?
They (the opposing party) want to put y'all back in chains?
Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids?
I don't want to send my kids to school in a racial jungle?

You have OCD on your server? You know, I think they might have some software to clear that up for you.

All I can say is you always know you won the debate when your adversary stoops to typos.
83 people shot in Chicago this weekend, 16 fatally and the weekend isn't over yet. Seems to me that the police are not your primary concern. But that doesn't fit the narrative.

Actually, they are a concern. I've very unlikely to be shot in a street crime, but I will have a part of the 215 Million dollars that gets paid out in Police Misconduct Claims every year.
Look at the numbers. Over 2,000 shootings in Chicago and 9 were police involved. Your comment does not make sense.
Irrelevant. It still has nothing to do with my thoughts on immigration.

Sure it does... You just like to pretend those other guys were the ones getting their hands dirty.

My thoughts on immigration have been the same since long before Trump took office. Give it a rest.
You may ask yourself why people like me are not intimidated by threats of being "outed" or cancelled. The answer to that is this: The crusade against racism has become a witch hunt and has devolved into a parody of itself. The words "racist" and "racism" no longer have the power and compulsion they once did because you idiots have made a mockery of true racism with your rabidly zealous overuse of the accusation. The words have no meaning anymore because you wokeclowns have stretched, contorted and twisted the words to mean literally anything.

I know you really need to believe that... but not so much. Tell you what, go to work tomorrow and start blurting out a bunch of racial epithets and see how "Woke" your boss is.

Why would I do that? Are you so fucking stupid as to think I go around blurting racial epithets? One doesn't have to do anything anymore to be called racist. Are you so fucking stupid that you haven't yet grasped that this is what I've been talking about? Jesus, what a fucking moron.
And yet you're still a lying, crawfishing, ignorant douchebag.

Sorry, but if having black or Hispanic friends and family affords me no parole from your baseless accusations of racism, your DD214 will not absolve you of your dishonesty.

What my DD214 entitles me to is a flag on my coffin, and no questions about my patriotism.

They may not question your patriotism but I question your moral character. And with good reason. You're a crawfishing liar who refuses to critically examine his own views.
On the other hand, your bigoty and support of racists really isn't excused by "Some of my best friends are blacks".

So there you go. In that case, your patriotism means precisely shit to me.
All you do here is bitch about the government.

Naw, I'm fine with government. It's Trump I have a problem with.

Bullshit. You bitched about those in your own party letting Republicans steamroller the immigration plan.

Also, in case you haven't heard, Trump is no longer in office.
Yes, because until May of 2019, the commies were stopping everything he was doing. What they couldn't stop, their commie courts did. Trump beat them all back in appeals, and that's when his policies started to show great results.

What great results? The same number of people kept trying to cross the border. We have to assume an equal number of them made it across and are living somewhere. Local cities and states stopped cooperating with ICE, and even warned people when they were coming.

This is what happens when you do inhumane policies without a mandate or consensus....

My thoughts on immigration have been the same since long before Trump took office. Give it a rest.

Right, you hate gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did. Got it.

Why would I do that? Are you so fucking stupid as to think I go around blurting racial epithets? One doesn't have to do anything anymore to be called racist. Are you so fucking stupid that you haven't yet grasped that this is what I've been talking about? Jesus, what a fucking moron.

Actually, you have yet to give me a real example of someone who was 'cancelled' for a false accusation of racism. And, no, Smirky McBitchslap doesn't count.

They may not question your patriotism but I question your moral character. And with good reason. You're a crawfishing liar who refuses to critically examine his own views.

Quite the contrary... Up until 12 years ago, I was a pretty right wing republican. Then the Gun Fetishists, Racists, Religious Zealots and Libertarian Children took over the party and it became something kind of crazy.

How crazy? Right now, you all hate Romney, McCain and the Bush Family, the people you've been putting up to run the country over the last 30 eyars.
What great results? The same number of people kept trying to cross the border. We have to assume an equal number of them made it across and are living somewhere. Local cities and states stopped cooperating with ICE, and even warned people when they were coming.

This is what happens when you do inhumane policies without a mandate or consensus....

No, this is what happens when one party cares more about foreigners than they do Americans. The smart people already realized this years ago and switched over to the Republican party.
Yes, because until May of 2019, the commies were stopping everything he was doing. What they couldn't stop, their commie courts did. Trump beat them all back in appeals, and that's when his policies started to show great results.

What great results? The same number of people kept trying to cross the border. We have to assume an equal number of them made it across and are living somewhere. Local cities and states stopped cooperating with ICE, and even warned people when they were coming.

This is what happens when you do inhumane policies without a mandate or consensus....

My thoughts on immigration have been the same since long before Trump took office. Give it a rest.

Right, you hate gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did. Got it.

I don't believe I've ever expressed my thoughts to you about gays or Mexicans so I'm chalking this one up as a classic schoolyard taunt. And I'm an atheist you moron.
Why would I do that? Are you so fucking stupid as to think I go around blurting racial epithets? One doesn't have to do anything anymore to be called racist. Are you so fucking stupid that you haven't yet grasped that this is what I've been talking about? Jesus, what a fucking moron.

Actually, you have yet to give me a real example of someone who was 'cancelled' for a false accusation of racism. And, no, Smirky McBitchslap doesn't count.

You're never going to accept any example I give you, no matter how valid.
They may not question your patriotism but I question your moral character. And with good reason. You're a crawfishing liar who refuses to critically examine his own views.

Quite the contrary... Up until 12 years ago, I was a pretty right wing republican. Then the Gun Fetishists, Racists, Religious Zealots and Libertarian Children took over the party and it became something kind of crazy.

This is a non sequitur and irrelevant. Your having been a Republican once is immaterial to my opinion about your moral character. You're not a lying douchebag because you're Democrat or even a Liberal, you're a lying douchebag because you're a lying douchebag.
How crazy? Right now, you all hate Romney, McCain and the Bush Family, the people you've been putting up to run the country over the last 30 eyars.

Who are you talking to?
No, this is what happens when one party cares more about foreigners than they do Americans. The smart people already realized this years ago and switched over to the Republican party.

The Republicans have actually gotten less of a percentage of the vote than they did in the past. Your racism is turning people off, not on.

Bush, who was actually kind of reasonable... got 51% of the vote. You guys haven't topped 47% since you embraced the racists.

I don't believe I've ever expressed my thoughts to you about gays or Mexicans so I'm chalking this one up as a classic schoolyard taunt. And I'm an atheist you moron.

You throw in with the nuts, you get tarred as one of them.

You're never going to accept any example I give you, no matter how valid.

Because you don't have any valid ones. If the best you can come up with is a smirky little punk wearing a Nazi hat, who went whining people were mean to him, then you don't have much of a case.

This is a non sequitur and irrelevant. Your having been a Republican once is immaterial to my opinion about your moral character. You're not a lying douchebag because you're Democrat or even a Liberal, you're a lying douchebag because you're a lying douchebag.

Sorry, man, I'm a dispenser of ugly truths... more truth than your side can handle, that's the thing.

The fact I could see how the GOP was going over the cliff and got off tells you that I can self-evaluate.
So tell me Joe do you agree with the latest statements from the left via black congress critters that blacks in this country are not free and the 4th is just for whites?
So tell me Joe do you agree with the latest statements from the left via black congress critters that blacks in this country are not free and the 4th is just for whites?

Well, are you trying to claim blacks enjoy all the freedoms white do? That would be a bit naïve

I look at the fourth as a promise, that all men are created equal. We aren't there yet.

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