Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

Those CONSENSUS of physicians are basing their diagnosis on my physical disabilities, not any mental disabilities. They are not disfiguring me because I have this mental problem that I'm a gender that I'm actually not, and can never be.

Do you know how many doctors have to sign off on transition treatments?

In addition to a comprehensive understanding of the procedures, hormones, and other risks involved in gender-affirming surgery, there are other steps that must be accomplished before surgery is performed. These steps are one way the medical community and insurance companies limit access to gender affirmative procedures.

Steps may include:

  • Mental health evaluation: A mental health evaluation is required to look for any mental health concerns that could influence an individual’s mental state, and to assess a person’s readiness to undergo the physical and emotional stresses of the transition.3
  • Clear and consistent documentation of gender dysphoria
  • A "real life" test: The individual must take on the role of their gender in everyday activities, both socially and professionally (known as “real-life experience” or “real-life test”).

The only thing you're worried about is the public rejecting these sideshow freaks and not accepting them as normal.

I'm worried that these poor people might be victimized by haters trying to distract you from what the rich are doing to you.
Seeking gender changes is not a physical but a mental issue. It is by necessity therefore always the result of mental issues.
The South would be a third world country if it wasn't being carried by the rest of the country. You guys should be happy you lost the Civil War.

You live in a fantasy world controlled by your leftist brainwashing. Like I have said many times, by all means, continue believing the nonsense. I wish more would stay put and stop flooding my area, but unfortunately the secret is out in a big way. Many are like you and then visit and are quite surprised and amazed that not only are we not wearing white sheets over our heads and living in squaller, but we have far nicer homes with more space, better weather and less taxes. Amazing what a little common sense leadership will do as opposed to Democratic leadership.

You mean states where you keep your knee on the black man's neck, like that's something to be proud of. Yeah, I guess you are "Friendlier", unless you are black, gay, atheist or anything else that doesn't comport to a norm.

How exactly do the southern states keep their knee on the black man's neck? Please, do explain. I am all ears. If you are talking about asking for an ID to vote then we can just agree to disagree. If we are such poor, white uneducated trash in the South as you say, it seems to me that we would have just as hard of a time getting an ID as a black person would. Somehow we figure it out, just as black people do.

Again, she's doing a pretty good job, given what a shit-show she was left by Rahm and what Trump did nationally

LOL...she is an absolute nut. Leave it to you to think she is doing a good job.
uck right wing or left wing spin, you still had many of the FACTUAL details wrong.
No, I didn't.

Yes, you did. I already listed some of the things you got wrong but here's a refresher:

* You claimed Floyd wasn't driving the vehicle when images and video clearly showed he was.

* You claimed Wilson confronted Brown because he was black when he actually confronted them for walking down the middle of the street.

* You claimed Sandmann's group was assembled without a permit when they were just waiting for the bus.

Do you now deny saying these things?
Minor details just weren't that important to the bigger issues.

Some are, some are not. But what it IS important to is revealing your lack of objectivity and honesty.
Hey, buddy, guess what, A jury sent Chauvin to Jail for 22 years.... case closed.

Irrelevant. The facts that came to light later in the Sandmann incident revealed that he did not confront Phillips, that the boys were not taunting Phillips' group and that Phillips approached him.

Irrelevant. None of this is proof that every time someone is called a racist that it is true.
Except they always turn out to be racists, don't they?

No, they do not.
Are you saying that I'm lying?
You are so deluded with right wing lies you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

Right wing rhetoric has nothing to with the details of my early life that I related to you.
Sometimes they are. Not yours though. Yours are neither funny nor clever. But to slap a demeaning nickname on every person you dislike or hate hints at underlying psychological or emotional issues. You have a lot of hate and anger in you.
Naw, man, it just shows you don't have a sense of humor.

Whether I find them funny or not is irrelevant to your constant need to demean people you don't like this way.
Wrong and irrelevant. When we discussed this the first time a couple of years ago, you didn't even know they were there for the March For Life rally and you thought they were assembling and demonstrating at the memorial without a permit - you probably thought it was a small Trump rally when you saw the hat. In fact, you didn't even know that the MFL rally had been in a different location and that they were at the memorial waiting for their bus.

Actually, I didn't care they were a bunch of misogynist little shits trying to enslave women, as if that made it any better.

Which is precisely why you can't be trusted to be honest and objective. None of that had anything to with the encounter with Phillips.
He WAS shot while reaching in the car you fucking idiot. He was shot in the hand, remember?

Right. Then he ran away. He got 150 feet away from Wilson, turned around, put his hands up, and Wilson shot him six more times.

Irrelevant. You were still wrong about Wilson shooting him while Brown was attacking him in the cruiser.
Sorry, but the forensic evidence proves he was advancing on Wilson.

No, it just proves he was facing Wilson. 16 witnesses said he had his hands up.

Wrong. Read the DOJ report. It clearly says Brown was closer to Wilson than where he was when he turned around to face him.

From the DOJ Report:

"Brown ran at least 180 feet away from the SUV, as verified by the location of bloodstains on the roadway, which DNA analysis confirms was Brown’s blood. Brown then turned around and came back toward Wilson, falling to his death approximately 21.6 feet west of the blood in the roadway."

Brown had advanced on Wilson and was 22 feet closer to Wilson than where he was when he turned around to face him.

Below is the link to the DOJ Report if you care to see for yourself (I know you won't).

Brown had advanced on Wilson and was 22 feet closer to Wilson than where he was when he turned around to face him.

Below is the link to the DOJ Report if you care to see for yourself (I know you won't).

Joe has already admitted to me several times that he won't go to links we post.
Brown had advanced on Wilson and was 22 feet closer to Wilson than where he was when he turned around to face him.

Below is the link to the DOJ Report if you care to see for yourself (I know you won't).

Joe has already admitted to me several times that he won't go to links we post.

Yet he will post links for us to read. He's a colossal hypocrite.
Which was proven repeatedly to be lies promoted by your puppet masters in the MSM.

No, they weren't. A right wing rag like the Hill doesn't mean anything.

There's no way 'forensics" can tell if your hands were up or not when you were shot in the head or the chest.

Here' try something. Put your hands up the way most normal people would do it. Not above your head, but paralell to your body... you know, like this.


That wouldn't pull up your shirt, which is what their "fornesic" claim was.
You live in a fantasy world controlled by your leftist brainwashing. Like I have said many times, by all means, continue believing the nonsense. I wish more would stay put and stop flooding my area, but unfortunately the secret is out in a big way. Many are like you and then visit and are quite surprised and amazed that not only are we not wearing white sheets over our heads and living in squaller, but we have far nicer homes with more space, better weather and less taxes. Amazing what a little common sense leadership will do as opposed to Democratic leadership.

The south might be nicer to live in because of whether, not because of the people who live there. Bunch of inbred bible thumpers who've been stupid for hundreds of years. There's a reason why they give characters in a movie a southern accent to make them sound stupid.

How exactly do the southern states keep their knee on the black man's neck? Please, do explain. I am all ears. If you are talking about asking for an ID to vote then we can just agree to disagree. If we are such poor, white uneducated trash in the South as you say, it seems to me that we would have just as hard of a time getting an ID as a black person would. Somehow we figure it out, just as black people do.

Right, just put up a bunch of statues of racists and wave around racist flags, and then tell me that's the kind of place that would make you feel free.

LOL...she is an absolute nut. Leave it to you to think she is doing a good job.

Yes, i know, the scary black lesbian terrifies you.
No, they weren't. A right wing rag like the Hill doesn't mean anything.

There's no way 'forensics" can tell if your hands were up or not when you were shot in the head or the chest.

Here' try something. Put your hands up the way most normal people would do it. Not above your head, but paralell to your body... you know, like this.


That wouldn't pull up your shirt, which is what their "fornesic" claim was.

Given the fact that you don't read links and admitted to me several times, you didn't read the one I posted either. Now had you done that, you would have seen the hyperlinks supporting their claim. In any case, the forensics were not unilateral. Obama's own justice department did theirs, along with the forensic team Brown's family hired, and they were all in complete consensus with each other. Wilson's story matched up perfectly, and the lying witnesses didn't match at all.
Yes, you did. I already listed some of the things you got wrong but here's a refresher:

* You claimed Floyd wasn't driving the vehicle when images and video clearly showed he was.

* You claimed Wilson confronted Brown because he was black when he actually confronted them for walking down the middle of the street.

Yeah. It was jaywalking. Kind of like when they pull black people over for tail lights...

* You claimed Sandmann's group was assembled without a permit when they were just waiting for the bus.

Do you now deny saying these things?

Well, if they were assembling for a bus, they didn't have a fucking permit, did they?

Some are, some are not. But what it IS important to is revealing your lack of objectivity and honesty

Nope, none of them are and they aren't even that impressive

Irrelevant. The facts that came to light later in the Sandmann incident revealed that he did not confront Phillips, that the boys were not taunting Phillips' group and that Phillips approached him.
No, the LECB's were taunting another group of people of color, and then started taunting Phillips when he walked over.

Whether I find them funny or not is irrelevant to your constant need to demean people you don't like this way.
If I demean them, they probably deserve it.

Which is precisely why you can't be trusted to be honest and objective. None of that had anything to with the encounter with Phillips.

Irrelevant. You were still wrong about Wilson shooting him while Brown was attacking him in the cruiser.

It doesn't matter if he attacked the cruiser. At the point he was MURDERED he was 150 feet away from the cruiser, barefoot with his hands up.

Brown had advanced on Wilson and was 22 feet closer to Wilson than where he was when he turned around to face him.

Below is the link to the DOJ Report if you care to see for yourself (I know you won't).

That only proves the DOJ does what it does best... aid and abet coverups. This is kind of one of the things Trump had right about the Swamp.

So he was 22 feet closer.. Yup. He knew he couldn't get away. He was giving up. Wilson murdered him.
Given the fact that you don't read links and admitted to me several times, you didn't read the one I posted either. Now had you done that, you would have seen the hyperlinks supporting their claim. In any case, the forensics were not unilateral. Obama's own justice department did theirs, along with the forensic team Brown's family hired, and they were all in complete consensus with each other. Wilson's story matched up perfectly, and the lying witnesses didn't match at all.

So what?

Unarmed barefoot kid with his hands up didn't need to be murdered in the street because some white sissy wet himself.
Given the fact that you don't read links and admitted to me several times, you didn't read the one I posted either. Now had you done that, you would have seen the hyperlinks supporting their claim. In any case, the forensics were not unilateral. Obama's own justice department did theirs, along with the forensic team Brown's family hired, and they were all in complete consensus with each other. Wilson's story matched up perfectly, and the lying witnesses didn't match at all.

So what?

Unarmed barefoot kid with his hands up didn't need to be murdered in the street because some white sissy wet himself.
You have to be the STUPIDEST MORONIC FOOL on this board and THAT is hard to do when we have so many stupid posters. Obama SPECIFICALLY wanted the cop fried and sent the DOJ to do it, Brown's family wanted him fried and hired a specialist to prove it and both found NO evidence to support the hands up surrender narrative, which you would know if you bothered to read links provided proving the point.
So what?

Unarmed barefoot kid with his hands up didn't need to be murdered in the street because some white sissy wet himself.

His hands were not up. Do you forget things as fast as you read them or what? A police officer (like an armed citizen) has the right to use deadly force for protection. That's our law and too bad if you don't like it.
Well, if they were assembling for a bus, they didn't have a fucking permit, did they?

You don't need a permit to wait for a bus when your class had a field trip there.

It doesn't matter if he attacked the cruiser. At the point he was MURDERED he was 150 feet away from the cruiser, barefoot with his hands up.

That's not what the DOJ autopsy showed. Need the quote or link to the official site, just ask.
Yes, you did. I already listed some of the things you got wrong but here's a refresher:

* You claimed Floyd wasn't driving the vehicle when images and video clearly showed he was.

You were wrong and that IS relevant.

I'll bet you don't even remember why you said he wasn't driving. Wanna Know? Okay, I'll tell you. During the discussion about the Floyd case I brought up the fact that he had been driving while under the influence of an opioid. Well, you couldn't have your new pet brown angel driving around stoned. So what did you do? Without even bothering to research it, you simply claimed he wasn't driving. There, problem solved.

This is why I say you're a lying douchebag.
* You claimed Wilson confronted Brown because he was black when he actually confronted them for walking down the middle of the street.

Yeah. It was jaywalking. Kind of like when they pull black people over for tail lights...

Yeah, for public safety dumbass.
* You claimed Sandmann's group was assembled without a permit when they were just waiting for the bus.

Do you now deny saying these things?

Well, if they were assembling for a bus, they didn't have a fucking permit, did they?

You idiot.
Some are, some are not. But what it IS important to is revealing your lack of objectivity and honesty

Nope, none of them are and they aren't even that impressive

Doesn't matter whether they are impressive to you or not, it still shows that you are dishonest and unobjective.
Irrelevant. The facts that came to light later in the Sandmann incident revealed that he did not confront Phillips, that the boys were not taunting Phillips' group and that Phillips approached him.
No, the LECB's were taunting another group of people of color, and then started taunting Phillips when he walked over.

Nope. The Black Hebrew Israelites had been taunting everyone all day, including the Covington kids. They started taunting the kids when they spotted the MAGA hats. Everyone knows this after the video came out.
Whether I find them funny or not is irrelevant to your constant need to demean people you don't like this way.
If I demean them, they probably deserve it.

I'm sure you think so.
Which is precisely why you can't be trusted to be honest and objective. None of that had anything to with the encounter with Phillips.

Irrelevant. You were still wrong about Wilson shooting him while Brown was attacking him in the cruiser.

It doesn't matter if he attacked the cruiser. At the point he was MURDERED he was 150 feet away from the cruiser, barefoot with his hands up.

I understand these kinds of things can strain your intellect but, Brown himself escalated the situation when he attacked Wilson. By doing so he had just demonstrated to Wilson that he was violent and dangerous. Had he not attacked Wilson he would still be alive stealing cigars.
Brown had advanced on Wilson and was 22 feet closer to Wilson than where he was when he turned around to face him.

Below is the link to the DOJ Report if you care to see for yourself (I know you won't).

That only proves the DOJ does what it does best... aid and abet coverups. This is kind of one of the things Trump had right about the Swamp.

So he was 22 feet closer.. Yup. He knew he couldn't get away. He was giving up. Wilson murdered him.

Too late. You already claimed Brown was not approaching Wilson. You can't weasel out of it now.
You have to be the STUPIDEST MORONIC FOOL on this board and THAT is hard to do when we have so many stupid posters. Obama SPECIFICALLY wanted the cop fried and sent the DOJ to do it, Brown's family wanted him fried and hired a specialist to prove it and both found NO evidence to support the hands up surrender narrative, which you would know if you bothered to read links provided proving the point.

Except you really can't prove "forensically" where his hands were. All you can prove is he was shot in the chest and head.

Yes, so once again, you have a DOJ undermining a president. This is nothing new. Isn't this what Trump bitched about for the last four years?
You were wrong and that IS relevant.

Nope, not relevant at all to why Chauvin STRANGLED THE MAN FOR NINE MINUTES!!!!!

Sweet evil Jesus are you stupid.

Nope. The Black Hebrew Israelites had been taunting everyone all day, including the Covington kids. They started taunting the kids when they spotted the MAGA hats. Everyone knows this after the video came out.

And the Little Entitled Catholic Bastards taunted them right back, and then started taunting Phillip's group.

MOMMY. MOMMY. The News made me look bad. Let's get some image consultants and lawyers. MOMMY.

I understand these kinds of things can strain your intellect but, Brown himself escalated the situation when he attacked Wilson. By doing so he had just demonstrated to Wilson that he was violent and dangerous. Had he not attacked Wilson he would still be alive stealing cigars.

Wilson is supposed to be a professional. He's supposed to know when NOT to escalate a situation. WHich means he should know when a kid is barefoot, with his hands up, and 160 feet away from you, you don't shoot him six more times because he pissed you off.
You have to be the STUPIDEST MORONIC FOOL on this board and THAT is hard to do when we have so many stupid posters. Obama SPECIFICALLY wanted the cop fried and sent the DOJ to do it, Brown's family wanted him fried and hired a specialist to prove it and both found NO evidence to support the hands up surrender narrative, which you would know if you bothered to read links provided proving the point.

Except you really can't prove "forensically" where his hands were.

Which means you can't prove he had them up either.
You were wrong and that IS relevant.

Nope, not relevant at all to why Chauvin STRANGLED THE MAN FOR NINE MINUTES!!!!!

Sweet evil Jesus are you stupid.

None of it would have happened in the first place if FLOYD HAD BEEN SOBER!!!

Sweet evil Pelosi are you stupid.
Nope. The Black Hebrew Israelites had been taunting everyone all day, including the Covington kids. They started taunting the kids when they spotted the MAGA hats. Everyone knows this after the video came out.

And the Little Entitled Catholic Bastards taunted them right back, and then started taunting Phillip's group.

No, they did not taunt Phillips' group. They never interacted with them at all which is why Sandmann had no idea why Phillips was in his face.

Like I said, everyone knows this after the video came out.
I understand these kinds of things can strain your intellect but, Brown himself escalated the situation when he attacked Wilson. By doing so he had just demonstrated to Wilson that he was violent and dangerous. Had he not attacked Wilson he would still be alive stealing cigars.

Wilson is supposed to be a professional. He's supposed to know when NOT to escalate a situation.

He didn't, Brown did.
WHich means he should know when a kid is barefoot, with his hands up, and 160 feet away from you, you don't shoot him six more times because he pissed you off.

He had raised his hands only far enough to look at the gunshot wound. He did not have them raised in surrender. And he was advancing on Wilson which is why Wilson shot him.
Which means you can't prove he had them up either.

It's pretty evident they weren't.

Many of these witnesses denied incontrovertible evidence that Brown reached into the police car, struck Wilson in the face, was wounded by a gunshot inside the car, fled 180 feet, suffered no wounds in the back and then moved back at Wilson immediately before the fatal shots.

In many instances, the discounted witnesses repeated what they had heard from neighbors or on the news. Some witnesses admitted they made up stories so they could be part of a big event in their community.

Brown’s companion, Dorian Johnson, and friends quickly spread the word that Wilson had killed Brown execution style. An iPad recording and videos that captured conversations among the gathering crowd document the development of the false narrative.

When confronted with the ways in which their accounts differed from evidence, many witnesses acknowledged that they had made up details they hadn’t witnessed. Eight of the 22 eventually admitted they had lied about all or part of what they had claimed to see.

In addition to the eight who admitted lying, one woman admitted blacking out, a man admitted he may have hallucinated details and another woman broke into hysterics and was unable to give a cogent account.

Another witness had bad eyesight, another memory loss and psychiatric problems, another was fiddling with a cell phone camera and yet another was a regular protester who waited seven months before reporting anything and then admitted she was upset “Darren Wilson got away.”

Most of the rest of the 22 witnesses who said Brown’s hands were up gave accounts that were so at odds with physical evidence that they were not credible. Several swore that Wilson shot Brown in the back, even though there were no wounds in the back. Several said that Brown was kneeling and Wilson killed him execution style. Other witnesses claimed to see multiple police officers at the scene and multiple police cars.

None of that was true.

Credible witnesses

Sixteen witnesses gave consistent accounts that did not contradict forensic and physical evidence.

Of the 16, 10 said they saw Brown’s hands and that he did not have them up in surrender mode, although several of these credible witnesses described some movement of the hands.

Of the 10 credible witnesses who saw Brown’s hands, seven said he did not have his hands up in surrender. The other three said he briefly began raising them when he turned around after fleeing, but put them down and moved quickly toward Wilson.

The three eyewitnesses who saw Brown briefly raise his arms were part of an interracial family riding in a minivan. The daughter, 26, said that “for a second” Brown began to raise his hands as though he may have considered surrendering, but then quickly “balled up in fists” in a running position and “charged” at Wilson in a “tackle run,” while Wilson backed up.

Her mother, 51, who was driving the van, said Brown’s hands went up “for a brief moment,” but when Wilson told him to “get down” Brown put his hands down “in a running position.”

Another daughter, 31, said Brown briefly put his hands up but then put them down and began stumbling toward Wilson.

The father in the family, 45, said Brown’s arms briefly “flung out” as turned back toward Wilson, but Brown “did not have his hands up” despite what the neighborhood said.

Two of the other witnesses described Brown making a different motion with his hands as he turned back toward Wilson. They were a married, African-American couple watching from a nearby second-floor balcony.

Both said Brown looked down at his hands – one of which was bleeding -- but he did not raise them in surrender. The husband said that when Brown turned he looked down at his hand and put his hands out, palms up as if asking “What the heck?” before moving “quickly” back toward Wilson.

The DOJ report noted that a number of the witnesses who said that Brown had his hands up maintained that he fell to the ground with his hands still in that position. In fact, Brown had his left arm under him, consistent with Wilson’s account that he grabbed his trousers as he rushed back at him, causing him to fear he might have a gun.

So, many of the witnesses that stated his arms up admitted they were lying. The others were proven they were lying. They had an iPad audio of the crowd admitting to making the story up. There was no possible way Brown could have been shot with his arms up since his one arm was underneath his body when he fell. They said they seen cop cars and other police when Wilson was actually alone during the shooting. They said that Brown never reached into Wilson's police car and was shot in the hand which of course had to happen because of Brown's blood inside the cop car. So what the justice department determined is you had a bunch of lying lowlifes making these claims, and it was Obama's Justice department led by Racist Holder.
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