Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

Which means you can't prove he had them up either.

It's pretty evident they weren't.

Many of these witnesses denied incontrovertible evidence that Brown reached into the police car, struck Wilson in the face, was wounded by a gunshot inside the car, fled 180 feet, suffered no wounds in the back and then moved back at Wilson immediately before the fatal shots.

In many instances, the discounted witnesses repeated what they had heard from neighbors or on the news. Some witnesses admitted they made up stories so they could be part of a big event in their community.

Brown’s companion, Dorian Johnson, and friends quickly spread the word that Wilson had killed Brown execution style. An iPad recording and videos that captured conversations among the gathering crowd document the development of the false narrative.

When confronted with the ways in which their accounts differed from evidence, many witnesses acknowledged that they had made up details they hadn’t witnessed. Eight of the 22 eventually admitted they had lied about all or part of what they had claimed to see.

In addition to the eight who admitted lying, one woman admitted blacking out, a man admitted he may have hallucinated details and another woman broke into hysterics and was unable to give a cogent account.

Another witness had bad eyesight, another memory loss and psychiatric problems, another was fiddling with a cell phone camera and yet another was a regular protester who waited seven months before reporting anything and then admitted she was upset “Darren Wilson got away.”

Most of the rest of the 22 witnesses who said Brown’s hands were up gave accounts that were so at odds with physical evidence that they were not credible. Several swore that Wilson shot Brown in the back, even though there were no wounds in the back. Several said that Brown was kneeling and Wilson killed him execution style. Other witnesses claimed to see multiple police officers at the scene and multiple police cars.

None of that was true.

Credible witnesses

Sixteen witnesses gave consistent accounts that did not contradict forensic and physical evidence.

Of the 16, 10 said they saw Brown’s hands and that he did not have them up in surrender mode, although several of these credible witnesses described some movement of the hands.

Of the 10 credible witnesses who saw Brown’s hands, seven said he did not have his hands up in surrender. The other three said he briefly began raising them when he turned around after fleeing, but put them down and moved quickly toward Wilson.

The three eyewitnesses who saw Brown briefly raise his arms were part of an interracial family riding in a minivan. The daughter, 26, said that “for a second” Brown began to raise his hands as though he may have considered surrendering, but then quickly “balled up in fists” in a running position and “charged” at Wilson in a “tackle run,” while Wilson backed up.

Her mother, 51, who was driving the van, said Brown’s hands went up “for a brief moment,” but when Wilson told him to “get down” Brown put his hands down “in a running position.”

Another daughter, 31, said Brown briefly put his hands up but then put them down and began stumbling toward Wilson.

The father in the family, 45, said Brown’s arms briefly “flung out” as turned back toward Wilson, but Brown “did not have his hands up” despite what the neighborhood said.

Two of the other witnesses described Brown making a different motion with his hands as he turned back toward Wilson. They were a married, African-American couple watching from a nearby second-floor balcony.

Both said Brown looked down at his hands – one of which was bleeding -- but he did not raise them in surrender. The husband said that when Brown turned he looked down at his hand and put his hands out, palms up as if asking “What the heck?” before moving “quickly” back toward Wilson.

The DOJ report noted that a number of the witnesses who said that Brown had his hands up maintained that he fell to the ground with his hands still in that position. In fact, Brown had his left arm under him, consistent with Wilson’s account that he grabbed his trousers as he rushed back at him, causing him to fear he might have a gun.

So, many of the witnesses that stated his arms up admitted they were lying. The others were proven they were lying. They had an iPad audio of the crowd admitting to making the story up. There was no possible way Brown could have been shot with his arms up since his one arm was underneath his body when he fell. They said they seen cop cars and other police when Wilson was actually alone during the shooting. They said that Brown never reached into Wilson's police car and was shot in the hand which of course had to happen because of Brown's blood inside the cop car. So what the justice department determined is you had a bunch of lying lowlifes making these claims, and it was Obama's Justice department led by Racist Holder.

Yeah, I read through the report some time back and I've told all this to Joe already. But you know how he is; he simply called into question the veracity and validity of the DOJ report because they always run cover for the officers. It probably never occurred to him that it was Obama's DOJ.

Joe has demonstrated time and time again that he will say anything, ignore anything and conflate anything to keep his narrative going. He has no shame, no dignity, no honor and no scruples.
Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

Why do you believe liars?
Yeah, I read through the report some time back and I've told all this to Joe already. But you know how he is; he simply called into question the veracity and validity of the DOJ report because they always run cover for the officers. It probably never occurred to him that it was Obama's DOJ.

Joe has demonstrated time and time again that he will say anything, ignore anything and conflate anything to keep his narrative going. He has no shame, no dignity, no honor and no scruples.

I posted it because you stated the DOJ report was inconclusive whether his arms were up or not. The report does state that his one arm was under his body when he dropped, and that wouldn't have happened if his arms were up, even with his hands by his shoulders. It also states that officer Wilson shot when Brown put his hand in his pants which explains how his arm was under his body. Wilson thought he might have been pulling out a gun, not that it mattered anyway since Brown was running towards him to attack the officer.
Yeah, I read through the report some time back and I've told all this to Joe already. But you know how he is; he simply called into question the veracity and validity of the DOJ report because they always run cover for the officers. It probably never occurred to him that it was Obama's DOJ.

Joe has demonstrated time and time again that he will say anything, ignore anything and conflate anything to keep his narrative going. He has no shame, no dignity, no honor and no scruples.

I posted it because you stated the DOJ report was inconclusive whether his arms were up or not. The report does state that his one arm was under his body when he dropped, and that wouldn't have happened if his arms were up, even with his hands by his shoulders. It also states that officer Wilson shot when Brown put his hand in his pants which explains how his arm was under his body. Wilson thought he might have been pulling out a gun, not that it mattered anyway since Brown was running towards him to attack the officer.

I had forgotten what the report said on that matter but my point to Joe was not so much that the report was inconclusive but that his reasoning goes both ways: If forensics cannot prove his hands were not up then they cannot prove they were down either.

But anyway, thanks for the info.
I had forgotten what the report said on that matter but my point to Joe was not so much that the report was inconclusive but that his reasoning goes both ways: If forensics cannot prove his hands were not up then they cannot prove they were down either.

But anyway, thanks for the info.

Joe is a leftist, as such in his world, you are guilty until your innocence is proven. In other words because forensics couldn't prove without a doubt that his hands were not up, the officer should have been arrested for murder in spite of the credible witnesses. Forget he hit the officer when he was in his car, tried to disarm the officer when he pulled a gun to protect himself, that Brown was as high as a kite and obviously had no experience using pot, and that he was the one looking for trouble by shoplifting, attacking the store owner, and then walking down the middle of the street. The cop is guilty unless somebody can prove he wasn't defending himself.

I think he learned guilty until proven innocent from the former USSR.
Which means you can't prove he had them up either.

14 witnesses said he did. We send poor black people to prison on the word of ONE witness.

None of it would have happened in the first place if FLOYD HAD BEEN SOBER!!!

Getting intoxicated shouldn't be a death penatly offense, even for black people.

Now, I grew up in a mostly white neighborhood in Chicago, and what's funny is watching all those guys excuse Police Brutality with 'He should have followed the law".

Funny because every last fucking one of them was engaged in the same kind of dumbass stupidity when they were young.

No, they did not taunt Phillips' group. They never interacted with them at all which is why Sandmann had no idea why Phillips was in his face.

Like I said, everyone knows this after the video came out.

yeah, I know that's what you say, but it's just not really true. Most people saw in the later videos what they saw in the original, an entitled little bastard smirking and taunting people of color.

All the image consultants in the world couldn't change that.

He had raised his hands only far enough to look at the gunshot wound. He did not have them raised in surrender. And he was advancing on Wilson which is why Wilson shot him.

Yes, because he was so threatened by a wounded, barefoot teenager with his hands up. EEEK, scary black man!!

I had a great idea. This is how we weed out the racists from our police forces. We hire a scary black man to pop out and surprise these guys randomly at the academy. Anyone who pisses himself gets let go. Works for me.
I had forgotten what the report said on that matter but my point to Joe was not so much that the report was inconclusive but that his reasoning goes both ways: If forensics cannot prove his hands were not up then they cannot prove they were down either.

But anyway, thanks for the info.

But you and welfare ray miss the point entirely. The forensics can't prove one way or the other whether or not he had his hands up. They only can prove his hands were straight up above his head like he was in the Italian Army in WWII.

SO with a lack of forensic evidence, you have to go with the witnesses. And yes, dozens of witnesses said he had his hands up in their initial statements. Normally, that would be the end of it if he wasn't a white cop shooting a black child. We have witnesses. We send people to prison for the rest of their lives on the word of SINGLE witnesses.

So, many of the witnesses that stated his arms up admitted they were lying. The others were proven they were lying. They had an iPad audio of the crowd admitting to making the story up. There was no possible way Brown could have been shot with his arms up since his one arm was underneath his body when he fell.

They said they seen cop cars and other police when Wilson was actually alone during the shooting. They said that Brown never reached into Wilson's police car and was shot in the hand which of course had to happen because of Brown's blood inside the cop car. So what the justice department determined is you had a bunch of lying lowlifes making these claims, and it was Obama's Justice department led by Racist Holder.

Actually, what you had was a bunch of federal bureaucrats covering for other government employees, because they realized they probably couldn't bring federal charges anyway. Let's not forget, some of you nutters on the right still think Janet Reno killed the Branch Davidians after THREE investigations showing they killed themselves. Government is very good at covering for government. This is the point you guys have screamed about for the last four years about the deep state.

Not sure why you think the fact he reached into Wilson's car is relevent in any way. At the point he was KILLED, he was 154 feet away from the car, was barefoot, wounded, had his hands up according to a number of witnesses.

Did some of the witnesses change their story, after being threatened by police? I'm sure they did. This is the whole problem with Ferguson overall, the bad relationship between an abusive white police department and a black population.

Of course, the underlying problem was the prosecutor went into this case with "how do I exonerate this guy."
Joe is a leftist, as such in his world, you are guilty until your innocence is proven. In other words because forensics couldn't prove without a doubt that his hands were not up, the officer should have been arrested for murder in spite of the credible witnesses. Forget he hit the officer when he was in his car, tried to disarm the officer when he pulled a gun to protect himself, that Brown was as high as a kite and obviously had no experience using pot, and that he was the one looking for trouble by shoplifting, attacking the store owner, and then walking down the middle of the street. The cop is guilty unless somebody can prove he wasn't defending himself.

Except not ONE of those things merited gunning the kid down in the middle of the street.

Remember, the Right Wing Mantra.


Remember, it's the cops' job to DE-ESCALATE the situation, not escalate a misdemeanor into a fatal shooting.
Which means you can't prove he had them up either.

14 witnesses said he did. We send poor black people to prison on the word of ONE witness.

You just said forensics can't prove he did not have his hands up. If that is true then neither can it prove that he did.

But anyway, read the DOJ report. Their were numerous witnesses whose testimony had to be dismissed because they were simply echoing what others were saying and were not actually there; or the testimony did not align with forensic evidence. Some even admitted they were not actually there or otherwise gave false testimony.
None of it would have happened in the first place if FLOYD HAD BEEN SOBER!!!

Getting intoxicated shouldn't be a death penatly offense, even for black people.

You've tried this lame tactic before. No, it shouldn't be a death penalty and it wasn't.

Floyd was hopped up on opioids which had the effect of making him anxious and paranoid when the cops confronted him. In fact, because of the bullshit anti-police narrative people like you had been pushing for the last few years, he started freaking out while still in his vehicle saying "Please don't shoot me, man!" over and over.

If he had just complied with officers from the beginning he might still be alive. I say might because the fentanyl in his system may have been a much larger factor in his death than you wokemuffins are willing to admit. Among other more commonly known side effects like nausea and drowsiness are difficulty breathing and unconsciousness.

And what did Floyd keep saying over and over even before they had him on the ground? That's right, "I can't breathe." He may very well have died anyway whether Chauvin had his knee on him or not.
Now, I grew up in a mostly white neighborhood in Chicago, and what's funny is watching all those guys excuse Police Brutality with 'He should have followed the law".

Funny because every last fucking one of them was engaged in the same kind of dumbass stupidity when they were young.

Sure, sure.
No, they did not taunt Phillips' group. They never interacted with them at all which is why Sandmann had no idea why Phillips was in his face.

Like I said, everyone knows this after the video came out.

yeah, I know that's what you say, but it's just not really true. Most people saw in the later videos what they saw in the original, an entitled little bastard smirking and taunting people of color.

Wrong. He taunted no one. And his being entitled or not entitled is irrelevant and so is your hatred of Catholics. You idiots can't even properly interpret a video.
All the image consultants in the world couldn't change that.

You're half right. All the image consultants in the world couldn't change the fact that the entire narrative being pushed by idiots like you was completely based on the hat he was wearing, not on what actually happened.
He had raised his hands only far enough to look at the gunshot wound. He did not have them raised in surrender. And he was advancing on Wilson which is why Wilson shot him.

Yes, because he was so threatened by a wounded, barefoot teenager with his hands up. EEEK, scary black man!!

A violent black man who had already tried to take his weapon from him.
I had a great idea. This is how we weed out the racists from our police forces. We hire a scary black man to pop out and surprise these guys randomly at the academy. Anyone who pisses himself gets let go. Works for me.

Better yet, let's put people like you in uniform and see how many of you wusses piss yourselves in similar situations.
Dozens? hardly. as for your 14 most eventually CONFESSED to LYING about hands up don't shoot, which you keep ignorng while JUST as many say it never happened INCLUDING black people.

Actually, only 8 witnesses changed their story, 14 witnesses stuck to their story.

Not that it matters, the corrupt DA didn't call them as witnesses. He did call the crazy racist white lady who wasn't there, though. And let Wilson made a self-serving statement without challenge.
You've tried this lame tactic before. No, it shouldn't be a death penalty and it wasn't.

Floyd was hopped up on opioids which had the effect of making him anxious and paranoid when the cops confronted him. In fact, because of the bullshit anti-police narrative people like you had been pushing for the last few years, he started freaking out while still in his vehicle saying "Please don't shoot me, man!" over and over.

Gee, he had a reasonable fear of being killed by cops, RIGHT BEFORE THE COPS KILLED HIM!!!

If he had just complied with officers from the beginning he might still be alive. I say might because the fentanyl in his system may have been a much larger factor in his death than you wokemuffins are willing to admit. Among other more commonly known side effects like nausea and drowsiness are difficulty breathing and unconsciousness.

Wait. Wait. This never gets old.


Okay, seriously, though. YOu guys can keep saying this, but he had been using Fentanyl for years. The point is, he didn't die the previous times he used it... the only difference here was that he had a racist asshole put a knee to his neck.

And what did Floyd keep saying over and over even before they had him on the ground? That's right, "I can't breathe." He may very well have died anyway whether Chauvin had his knee on him or not.

Yes, he kept saying that because HE HAD A FUCKING KNEE ON HIS NECK!!!!

You're half right. All the image consultants in the world couldn't change the fact that the entire narrative being pushed by idiots like you was completely based on the hat he was wearing, not on what actually happened.
We all saw what happened. Why not show up to those interviews wearing the Nazi hat? Why not start spewing his misogynistic crap about abortion? Oh, that's right, because he needed to have his image polished.

Kind of like when they put gangbangers on trial and dress them up in nice suits. YOu don't fool anyone.

Better yet, let's put people like you in uniform and see how many of you wusses piss yourselves in similar situations.
I've done my time in uniform, thanks.

Now, I would be remiss by not admitting, most cops are great guys and most of the time they get it right. They execute millions of arrests and traffic stops every year and they are resolved correctly.

The problem is, when you get one of these incidents, like Wilson, like Chauvin, like Van Dyke, like Loehmann, you usually find a cop who had a long record of abusing people, that no one bothered to fire or keep fired.

For better or worse, the difference is, the community isn't going to put up with it anymore.
I had forgotten what the report said on that matter but my point to Joe was not so much that the report was inconclusive but that his reasoning goes both ways: If forensics cannot prove his hands were not up then they cannot prove they were down either.

But anyway, thanks for the info.

But you and welfare ray miss the point entirely. The forensics can't prove one way or the other whether or not he had his hands up. They only can prove his hands were straight up above his head like he was in the Italian Army in WWII.

SO with a lack of forensic evidence, you have to go with the witnesses. And yes, dozens of witnesses said he had his hands up in their initial statements. Normally, that would be the end of it if he wasn't a white cop shooting a black child. We have witnesses. We send people to prison for the rest of their lives on the word of SINGLE witnesses.

"Dozens" of witnesses? You just told me in another post there were fourteen. You can't even keep your own narrative consistent. Your bullshit is all over the map.
So, many of the witnesses that stated his arms up admitted they were lying. The others were proven they were lying. They had an iPad audio of the crowd admitting to making the story up. There was no possible way Brown could have been shot with his arms up since his one arm was underneath his body when he fell.

They said they seen cop cars and other police when Wilson was actually alone during the shooting. They said that Brown never reached into Wilson's police car and was shot in the hand which of course had to happen because of Brown's blood inside the cop car. So what the justice department determined is you had a bunch of lying lowlifes making these claims, and it was Obama's Justice department led by Racist Holder.

Actually, what you had was a bunch of federal bureaucrats covering for other government employees, because they realized they probably couldn't bring federal charges anyway. Let's not forget, some of you nutters on the right still think Janet Reno killed the Branch Davidians after THREE investigations showing they killed themselves. Government is very good at covering for government. This is the point you guys have screamed about for the last four years about the deep state.

Not sure why you think the fact he reached into Wilson's car is relevent in any way. At the point he was KILLED, he was 154 feet away from the car, was barefoot, wounded, had his hands up according to a number of witnesses.

Another lie: Brown was not barefoot. In the store's surveillance video he is clearly seen wearing footwear. It looks to me like a pair of sandals. See pic below from the scene of the shooting:


Where did you get this bullshit that he was barefoot?

Did some of the witnesses change their story, after being threatened by police? I'm sure they did.

Do you know the police threatened them? I'm sure you don't.


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Another lie: Brown was not barefoot. In the store's surveillance video he is clearly seen wearing footwear. It looks to me like a pair of sandals. See pic below from the scene of the shooting:
He lost both of his sandles trying to get away from Officer McShooty.

Where did you get this bullshit that he was barefoot?
From the police's own diagram. Please also note. He's 152 feet away from the police cruiser.

The problem is, when you get one of these incidents, like Wilson, like Chauvin, like Van Dyke, like Loehmann, you usually find a cop who had a long record of abusing people, that no one bothered to fire or keep fired.

For better or worse, the difference is, the community isn't going to put up with it anymore.

When somebody files a complaint against a police officer, it doesn't mean it has any merit because lowlifes who don't know our laws do it out of spite. If they had to get rid of every officer that had a complaint against them, we would have no police left on any force in commie cities.
Except not ONE of those things merited gunning the kid down in the middle of the street.

Remember, the Right Wing Mantra.


Remember, it's the cops' job to DE-ESCALATE the situation, not escalate a misdemeanor into a fatal shooting.

That's what the officer did. He told the 18 year old 6'4" 290 lbs kid to get out of the street which he refused. In fact Wilson knew nothing about the store theft when he told Brown to get off the street. It was when the 290 lbs kid attacked the officer he heard the call on the radio.
But you and welfare ray miss the point entirely. The forensics can't prove one way or the other whether or not he had his hands up. They only can prove his hands were straight up above his head like he was in the Italian Army in WWII.

SO with a lack of forensic evidence, you have to go with the witnesses. And yes, dozens of witnesses said he had his hands up in their initial statements. Normally, that would be the end of it if he wasn't a white cop shooting a black child. We have witnesses. We send people to prison for the rest of their lives on the word of SINGLE witnesses.

Here is the most confusing part that I nor most people here can understand: HTF is it a guy who claims to write for a living have almost 0 comprehension skills? It just doesn't jive. I just posted a quote and link to what was found about the witnesses, and you write as if you didn't see a word. Tell me how you write resumes. If a guy tells you he has 15 years operating a lathe, do you put on his resume that he has 15 years operating a drill press? You see, this is what OCD does to you. You have almost no ability to focus.

Actually, what you had was a bunch of federal bureaucrats covering for other government employees, because they realized they probably couldn't bring federal charges anyway. Let's not forget, some of you nutters on the right still think Janet Reno killed the Branch Davidians after THREE investigations showing they killed themselves. Government is very good at covering for government. This is the point you guys have screamed about for the last four years about the deep state.

Not sure why you think the fact he reached into Wilson's car is relevent in any way. At the point he was KILLED, he was 154 feet away from the car, was barefoot, wounded, had his hands up according to a number of witnesses.

Did some of the witnesses change their story, after being threatened by police? I'm sure they did. This is the whole problem with Ferguson overall, the bad relationship between an abusive white police department and a black population.

Of course, the underlying problem was the prosecutor went into this case with "how do I exonerate this guy."

Great. When you can show evidence of this conspiracy of yours how the feds, who didn't know one person on that police force, colluded with them to make the cop look innocent which he was found by all evidence by the local investigations, the federal investigations, and the privately hired investigators, we'll be glad to read it. You know more than all of them, don't you OCD?

Brown was not shot 154 feet away because cars don't shoot guns, and police don't shoot guns from cars. Like I said, it's all in the DOJ report. I'd post it myself but I know it's a waste of time with you with your mental block that precludes you from accepting the truth. What does where his car was parked have anything to do with the shooting?

As I stated earlier, we don't live in your Soviet style dreamworld. A person is considered innocent until proven guilty in this country. A bunch of lowlifes telling lies is not evidence to prosecute a police officer, especially when empirical evidence proves them to be lying in the first place. And I like how you conveniently ignore the other witnesses that stated the exact opposite. They said Brown lifted his arms up momentarily, immediately put them down, and then clenched his fists and charged at officer Wilson, also stating that the officer was walking backwards as the attack was taking place.
You've tried this lame tactic before. No, it shouldn't be a death penalty and it wasn't.

Floyd was hopped up on opioids which had the effect of making him anxious and paranoid when the cops confronted him. In fact, because of the bullshit anti-police narrative people like you had been pushing for the last few years, he started freaking out while still in his vehicle saying "Please don't shoot me, man!" over and over.

Gee, he had a reasonable fear of being killed by cops, RIGHT BEFORE THE COPS KILLED HIM!!!

Gee, he was stoned out of his gourd and paranoid.
If he had just complied with officers from the beginning he might still be alive. I say might because the fentanyl in his system may have been a much larger factor in his death than you wokemuffins are willing to admit. Among other more commonly known side effects like nausea and drowsiness are difficulty breathing and unconsciousness.

Wait. Wait. This never gets old.

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Again, I'm an atheist dumbass.
Okay, seriously, though. YOu guys can keep saying this, but he had been using Fentanyl for years. The point is, he didn't die the previous times he used it... the only difference here was that he had a racist asshole put a knee to his neck.

Every person who dies from an overdose had been doing drugs for some time before the one time they took too much. Idiot.
And what did Floyd keep saying over and over even before they had him on the ground? That's right, "I can't breathe." He may very well have died anyway whether Chauvin had his knee on him or not.

Yes, he kept saying that because HE HAD A FUCKING KNEE ON HIS NECK!!!!

Again, he was saying this BEFORE THEY HAD HIM ON THE GROUND!!! A fact you continue to ignore.
You're half right. All the image consultants in the world couldn't change the fact that the entire narrative being pushed by idiots like you was completely based on the hat he was wearing, not on what actually happened.
We all saw what happened. Why not show up to those interviews wearing the Nazi hat? Why not start spewing his misogynistic crap about abortion? Oh, that's right, because he needed to have his image polished.

Irrelevant. His parents hiring image consultants had nothing to do with the events of that day.
Kind of like when they put gangbangers on trial and dress them up in nice suits. YOu don't fool anyone.

Would you rather they go to trial wearing their baggy pants and gang colors?
Better yet, let's put people like you in uniform and see how many of you wusses piss yourselves in similar situations.
I've done my time in uniform, thanks.

Not as a cop, I'm sure. And I'm betting you were never in a combat situation.
Now, I would be remiss by not admitting, most cops are great guys and most of the time they get it right. They execute millions of arrests and traffic stops every year and they are resolved correctly.

You have been remiss in a lot of things. Conceding that most cops are not black killers means nothing when one considers how you blatantly ignore contributing factors like Floyd being stoned and outright lie about other things like Brown being barefoot.

It's easy to sit there and judge incidents that don't end up with a shooting as having been "resolved correctly" but something else entirely when there is a shooting. The simple fact is, even most incidents that end with a shooting are resolved correctly. Most times it is justified and was the only option left to the officer because the suspect became violent.
The problem is, when you get one of these incidents, like Wilson, like Chauvin, like Van Dyke, like Loehmann, you usually find a cop who had a long record of abusing people, that no one bothered to fire or keep fired.

For better or worse, the difference is, the community isn't going to put up with it anymore.

Even if an officer has a spotty record, it still doesn't prove he murdered the suspect. That's why every fact and detail must be considered. What must NOT be considered is misconceptions and lies from people like you with your barefoot Michael Brown narrative or false claims like Sandmann's group taunted Phillips' group.

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