Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

No, you don't assume anything. Is it okay to assume that Brown stole merchandise ten times before he got into an altercation with officer Wilson? Believe it or not, you are not the only person ignorant of our laws and police procedure. There are a lot of people, especially in the inner-city where a lot of uneducated people reside. A complaint has no merit unless it's investigated and the officer is found to be outside of the law or police procedure which well over 98% of them are not.

I wouldn't care if he shoplifted 10 times. it's just not that serious of an offense.

The problem is that the police investigate themselves, of course they are going to clear themselves 98% of the time. Wow, you like have no logic at all, do you?

Again with the comprehension problems. WTF did I say he was responding to the store robbery? I said he didn't even know about it until he heard the call on the radio while he was with Brown. He didn't confront Brown about the theft, he confronted him about walking in the middle of the street. He told Brown to get out of the street and that's when Brown became confrontational. Officer Wilson didn't change his story.
Uh, that's what HE claimed, he was responding to the robbery. And then had a causual conversation with the suspects that suddenly and inexplicably erupted into a physical confrontation.. according to Wilson's self-serving statements.

Here's the real proof of the pudding. He hasn't been re-instated and no other department will hire him.

Furthermore because I always try to teach you something in these matters, police do not use lights and sirens to respond to a simple shoplifting case. Those lights and sirens are used in emergency situations only which shoplifting is not.

BIngo. NOT AN EMERGENCY SITUATION. So why get into a physical confrontation with two suspects?

The stories are reliable as they come with hyperlinks; not that you bothered to look. Most of the witnesses lied about other matters of the situation, one was found to have psychological problems, they had an iPad of the lowlifes talking about concocting the false story, 8 people admitted to lying up front, and the others under questioning were found to be lying or their recount of events didn't match with the evidence.
You mean after the corrupt DA bullied them, they decided not to testify. Much easier to just riot.

Can you tell me why it would matter if the suspect was barefoot and unarmed? It had nothing to do with him getting shot to death.

Matters a whole lot... tells me, he wasn't much of a threat. You try running down the street barefoot on hot tarmac.
Like I have told you many times, in my area outside of the main city the average education level and the average income is higher than even the richest, most educated areas of Chicago. Obviously you can pick certain areas where that is not the case, just like everywhere, but the perception that all of us Southerners are uneducated, poor, simple-minded folks is ridiculous just like all inner city people are not all thugs and gangsters.

Since you never tell us what city or state you are in to verify that, I can safely assume you are full of shit.

Come on, Cleetus, Put up or shut up.

Funny, but that doesn't really happen. The media finds one lunatic doing it and then broadcast it to bolster the myth that it is common. You obviously have bought it.
Fine. Take down all the Confederate flags and tear down all the statues of Confederate generals. Then you can tell me how tolerant you are.

Not before.

It has nothing to do with her being black or a lesbian. Her policies are pure lunacy. That aside, she is one horribly unattractive, scary lady that doesn't even need a costume for a Halloween party.

Sure it isn't, buddy. Except instead of discussing any specific policy, you talk about her looks.

You can. Still doesn't justify shooting an unarmed kid who was giving up.

He wasn't giving up. No cop would shoot a surrendering suspect, especially a white cop and a black suspect. Any video of a police officer doing that would be spending the rest of his life in jail, and the officer had no way to know if any video was being taken of the event.

Tell us how you aren't racist, ray, that shit never gets old.

And don't you live in a Ghetto?

How do you think I know how they are like? They've tried to do that shit here several times.

Black people have super powers. I keep forgetting that. Yeah, I've never heard of "pot rage" before.

He had no idea what he was high on, but knew he was high. If he was on PCP, that does give a person super powers as they feel no pain. A taser doesn't even work on people like that. By the time I hit black belt I learned five different ways to kill a man in four moves or less, so you don't need a weapon to actually kill somebody, especially when you're twice their size.

Works on the assumption that Wilson's many contradictory stories about him trying to take his gun were accurate.

It was one story and it was correct. Brown hit him and tried to take his gun, that's why he was shot and his blood in the officers car.

Not really. What you have in inconclusive forensic evidence and witnesses who were ignored because a corrupt DA who SHOULD have recused himself tried to cover it up.

Nope, every witness was talked to, and several appeared before the grand jury. Besides the local DA you had the Obama Justice Department and the Brown's family forensic people all looking at the same evidence. So you'll just have to make up a new story in your head to try to make something that was not and never happened.
I was talking about Floyd.
Oh, the guy who was handcuffed, restrained and they STILL put a knee to his neck for 9 minutes until he died? That Floyd. Which you are oh, so, fine with.

Irrelevant. You asked why he hadn't died before from taking fentanyl. The answer is that most don't overdose from first time use.
Was that the first time someone put a knee to his neck for nine minutes? Yup. that turned out to be fatal the first time.

There was no formal charge leveled at Sandmann so getting a lawyer wasn't an option. As it was, they DID hire a lawyer to sue the news outlets for libel and misleading the public.

Nearly everyone, including you, had the wrong idea about what happened.
Nope, we saw what we saw. A smirky, entitled bastard disrespecting a veteran of color.

People in the right don't need image consultants.

What he looked like to you on those tapes is irrelevant. More so in your case because you had a pre-existing bias and hatred against Catholics and pro-lifers. The fact that you keep bringing it up is proof of that. His pro-life stance is irrelevant to the encounter with Phillips.
Well, no, it shows his pre-disposition towards right wing stupidity. The kind of white male who goes through life thinking he has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body is the type who would disrespect people of color.

Not when he committed his unlawful acts. He wasn't barefoot until he lost his sandals running from Wilson AFTER assaulting him.

He was barefoot when fatally shot.

Irrelevant. Those countries don't have the crime rates we have. More crime=more encounters with police=more incidents of resisting arrest and non-compliance.

Gee, I mean, I know you guys on the right don't want to fix poverty, racism, mental illness, drug addiction or gun proliferation. Just let the cops shoot people randomly, it's not like we are a civilized society.

Maybe we should look at those countries and see what they are doing right.. and do that. You know, instead of accepting cops shooting 1000 people a year.

Why do you keep bringing up that he was barefoot when he was not barefoot when he robbed the store and assaulted Wilson? Why is his being barefoot at that point important?
Barefoot kid on hot tarmac- not a threat.

Having said that, what happened at the store is the reason Wilson tried to get out of his cruiser and detain Brown (after asking them to get on the sidewalk and then seeing the cigars in Brown's hand). As for any other reason I keep bringing up the store, it shows that Brown was not above criminal behavior.

It should be noted that, though Brown did not have any felony arrests or any arrests as an adult, he apparently had a juvenile record that, by law, has to remain confidential. So apparently he had been in trouble before.
And if there were anything in that Juvenile record of note, it would have been leaked by now.
For those playing along at home, he "stole" some cigarellos. Except there is earlier tape showing him trading pot for those ciagrellos, and the story holding them for him, so maybe not. But he did push Apu into the chip rack.

Totally justifies Wilson firing wildly on a city street, possibly endangering other civilians.

Many of those witness' testimony had to be ignored because they contradicted forensic evidence and many outright lied.

Sorry but, just like you, too many people were out to hang the officer from the beginning and that became obvious during the investigation.
This is all very interesting, but boring.

I mean, these would be GREAT points for a defense lawyer to bring up. The problem was, that wasn't the DA's job. The DA's job was to bring a case, not bury one.

Other officers from that precinct were fired, Wilson was not. Wilson was let go when they closed the precinct.

Other officers from that precinct were rehired. Wilson wasn't.

I have no doubt that that's what it looks like to you. But then, your judgment is suspect based on the fact that you claimed Floyd wasn't driving when all the images and videos clearly showed he was. Your judgment is also suspect because you kept claiming Brown was 150 feet away from Wilson when Wilson fired when the scene diagram that YOU cited showed the spent casings within twenty feet of Brown's body. Your judgment is also suspect because you kept claiming Brown did not advance on Wilson when, again, the diagram YOU cited shows that he was about 22 feet closer to Wilson from where he turned around.

He was 150 feet from the Police Cruiser. I have yet to see a diagram of where Wilson was, exactly.

Was he defending himself or exacting vengeance?

You've wanted to hang Wilson from the beginning so you've lied, waffled, contradicted yourself and changed your narrative to make it fit your picture of a racist cop maliciously gunning down a black kid.

Naw, man, because he was a racist cop maliciously gunning down a black kid. That's why I want to hang him.
He wasn't giving up. No cop would shoot a surrendering suspect, especially a white cop and a black suspect. Any video of a police officer doing that would be spending the rest of his life in jail, and the officer had no way to know if any video was being taken of the event.

No cop would shoot a surrendering suspect? Really?


I wouldn't care if he shoplifted 10 times. it's just not that serious of an offense.

The problem is that the police investigate themselves, of course they are going to clear themselves 98% of the time. Wow, you like have no logic at all, do you?

If you knew anything about police shootings you'd also know they are never investigated by one agency. They are also investigated by the Sheriff's department, the state troopers, the county police if they have them, and yes the Justice Department such as what took place in this case. Like I said earlier, you watch way too many television movies and think they are reality.

Uh, that's what HE claimed, he was responding to the robbery. And then had a causual conversation with the suspects that suddenly and inexplicably erupted into a physical confrontation.. according to Wilson's self-serving statements.

Here's the real proof of the pudding. He hasn't been re-instated and no other department will hire him.

At 11:47 a.m., Wilson responded to a call about a baby with breathing problems and drove to Glenark Drive, east of Canfield Drive.[30] About three minutes later and several blocks away, Brown was recorded on camera stealing a box of Swisher Sweets cigars and forcefully shoving a Ferguson Market clerk. Brown and his friend, Dorian Johnson, left the market at about 11:54 a.m.[31] At 11:53, a police dispatcher reported "stealing in progress" at the Ferguson Market and described the suspect as a black male wearing a white T-shirt running toward QuikTrip. The suspect was reported as having stolen a box of Swisher cigars.[30] At 11:57, the dispatch described the suspect as wearing a red St. Louis Cardinals hat, a white T-shirt, yellow socks, and khaki shorts, and that he was accompanied by another male.[30] At 12:00 p.m., Wilson reported he was back in service and radioed units 25 and 22 to ask if they needed his assistance in searching for the suspects.[30] Seven seconds later, an unidentified officer said the suspects had disappeared.[30] Wilson called for backup at 12:02, saying "[Unit] 21. Put me on Canfield with two. And send me another car."[30]

Initial reports of what happened next differed widely among sources and witnesses, particularly with regard to whether Brown was moving towards Wilson when the shots were fired. At noon on August 9, Wilson drove up to Brown and Johnson as they were walking in the middle of Canfield Drive and ordered them to move off the street. Wilson continued driving past the two men, but then backed up and stopped close to them.[32][9][33][34] A struggle took place between Brown and Wilson after Brown reached through the window of the police SUV, a Chevrolet Tahoe.[35] Wilson was armed with a SIG Sauer P229[36] pistol, which was fired twice during the struggle from inside the vehicle, with one bullet hitting Brown's right hand.[35][36] Brown and Johnson fled and Johnson hid behind a car.[37] Wilson got out of the vehicle and pursued Brown.[38] At some point, Wilson fired his gun again, while facing Brown, and hit him with at least 6 shots, all in the front of his body.[9] Brown was unarmed and died on the street.[35][39] Less than 90 seconds passed from the time Wilson encountered Brown to the time of Brown's death.[40][41]

BIngo. NOT AN EMERGENCY SITUATION. So why get into a physical confrontation with two suspects?

What do you want police to do, ask them if it's a bad time to arrest them; maybe he'll do it another time? You people are so dense when it comes to law enforcement.

Matters a whole lot... tells me, he wasn't much of a threat. You try running down the street barefoot on hot tarmac.

People do it all the time. I have two girls here, one 5 years old and another 2 years old. My drive and parking lots are asphalt and those kids are always running on them barefoot, and of course they're not tanked up on dope like Brown was. Furthermore I was trained barefoot for over five years. You can't do karate in shoes. Don't tell me he wasn't much of a threat.

Yes really. The officer told that little punk to freeze and he knew he had a gun. He jerked his arm up quickly and the officer shot.

He told the kid to freeze. He froze.
He told the kid to put his hands up. He put his hands up.
He got shot anyway.
I was talking about Floyd.
Oh, the guy who was handcuffed, restrained and they STILL put a knee to his neck for 9 minutes until he died? That Floyd. Which you are oh, so, fine with.

Irrelevant. He was stoned and he was driving while stoned.
Irrelevant. You asked why he hadn't died before from taking fentanyl. The answer is that most don't overdose from first time use.
Was that the first time someone put a knee to his neck for nine minutes? Yup. that turned out to be fatal the first time.

Irrelevant. You asked why he hadn't died before from overdose, that was the answer.
There was no formal charge leveled at Sandmann so getting a lawyer wasn't an option. As it was, they DID hire a lawyer to sue the news outlets for libel and misleading the public.

Nearly everyone, including you, had the wrong idea about what happened.
Nope, we saw what we saw. A smirky, entitled bastard disrespecting a veteran of color.

Bullshit. The veteran should have minded his own business.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Phillips is a douchebag liar, just like you, and I don't give two shits if he's a veteran or not. As far as that goes, he can take his veteran status and shove it up his toothless bunghole.

The Black Hebrew Israelites were the ones taunting people all day, including Phillips' group. Phillips knew full fucking well that it was the BHI that started shit with the Covington group and the kids were merely responding with school fight songs to drown out the BHI's racist shit.

He then chose on his own to walk right past the BHIs, who were yelling at people all day, to the Covington group who were waiting for their bus. The Covington kids had no idea what Phillips was doing there since all the ruckus was between them and the BHIs. Phillips lies and says in interviews later that he was trying to get to the memorial but couldn't get through. This lie was twofold: 1.) He approached the Covington group directly to specifically stand there and bang his drum. 2.) Video shows that there was a clear path to the memorial.

Phillips is also a pussy. He chose to approach the kids for three reasons: 1.) He wasn't about to go bang his drum in the faces of a bunch of burly black men, even if they were the ones spouting racist shit all day. 2.) The kids being kids, they seemed relatively harmless. 3.) Some of the kids were wearing MAGA hats. The MAGA hats were the catalyst that drew him to them, in spite of the fact they never said a racist thing the whole time.
People in the right don't need image consultants.

People in the right don't need to make up lies or ignore facts.
What he looked like to you on those tapes is irrelevant. More so in your case because you had a pre-existing bias and hatred against Catholics and pro-lifers. The fact that you keep bringing it up is proof of that. His pro-life stance is irrelevant to the encounter with Phillips.
Well, no, it shows his pre-disposition towards right wing stupidity. The kind of white male who goes through life thinking he has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body is the type who would disrespect people of color.

Irrelevant. His pro-life stance is still immaterial to the events.

You know what's funny enough to make you laugh until you puke? Your stupid lying ass didn't even know Sandmann was there for a March For Life rally until I told you. Why did I have to tell you this? Because your stupid lying ass thought they were assembling at the memorial for a mini Trump rally without a permit.
Not when he committed his unlawful acts. He wasn't barefoot until he lost his sandals running from Wilson AFTER assaulting him.

He was barefoot when fatally shot.

Irrelevant. Those countries don't have the crime rates we have. More crime=more encounters with police=more incidents of resisting arrest and non-compliance.

Gee, I mean, I know you guys on the right don't want to fix poverty, racism, mental illness, drug addiction or gun proliferation. Just let the cops shoot people randomly, it's not like we are a civilized society.

The left doesn't want to fix poverty, racism, mental illness, drug addiction or gun proliferation either. They're good at virtue signaling but not so much at virtue. I have witnessed colossal hypocrisy from the left over the last few years and I finally came to a realization: The left behaves just like the right wing religious nuts they can't stand.

There's a saying within the atheist/secularist community that they use to describe some believers and how they act on their beliefs: Belief in belief. It doesn't matter that these social problems are never fixed as long as you believe they should be. As long as you believe we should, say, distribute wealth and make enough noise about it, you will surely be welcomed with open arms and become one of the Anointed Chosen. Stand on a soapbox or before a crowd in the street or before Congress and preach that we should distribute wealth by government mandate. But for God's sake, don't distribute your own wealth!
Maybe we should look at those countries and see what they are doing right.. and do that. You know, instead of accepting cops shooting 1000 people a year.

How about just doing something about the crime? If we did that then there would be fewer officer-involved shootings and as a plus, there would be fewer crime victims.

Why do you keep bringing up that he was barefoot when he was not barefoot when he robbed the store and assaulted Wilson? Why is his being barefoot at that point important?
Barefoot kid on hot tarmac- not a threat.

Explain how.
Having said that, what happened at the store is the reason Wilson tried to get out of his cruiser and detain Brown (after asking them to get on the sidewalk and then seeing the cigars in Brown's hand). As for any other reason I keep bringing up the store, it shows that Brown was not above criminal behavior.

It should be noted that, though Brown did not have any felony arrests or any arrests as an adult, he apparently had a juvenile record that, by law, has to remain confidential. So apparently he had been in trouble before.
And if there were anything in that Juvenile record of note, it would have been leaked by now.

You don't know that. Besides, the point is not what crimes he committed but that he has a juvenile record at all.
For those playing along at home, he "stole" some cigarellos. Except there is earlier tape showing him trading pot for those ciagrellos, and the story holding them for him, so maybe not. But he did push Apu into the chip rack.

Totally justifies Wilson firing wildly on a city street, possibly endangering other civilians.

He wasn't shot for shoplifting, he was shot for assaulting an officer, trying to take the officer's weapon and then not complying to commands from the officer to back off.
Many of those witness' testimony had to be ignored because they contradicted forensic evidence and many outright lied.

Sorry but, just like you, too many people were out to hang the officer from the beginning and that became obvious during the investigation.
This is all very interesting, but boring.

Of course it is.
I mean, these would be GREAT points for a defense lawyer to bring up. The problem was, that wasn't the DA's job. The DA's job was to bring a case, not bury one.

It's not the DA's job to consider testimony that is doubtful or demonstrably false.
Other officers from that precinct were fired, Wilson was not. Wilson was let go when they closed the precinct.

Other officers from that precinct were rehired. Wilson wasn't.

Rehired to the same precinct they had just shut down?
I have no doubt that that's what it looks like to you. But then, your judgment is suspect based on the fact that you claimed Floyd wasn't driving when all the images and videos clearly showed he was. Your judgment is also suspect because you kept claiming Brown was 150 feet away from Wilson when Wilson fired when the scene diagram that YOU cited showed the spent casings within twenty feet of Brown's body. Your judgment is also suspect because you kept claiming Brown did not advance on Wilson when, again, the diagram YOU cited shows that he was about 22 feet closer to Wilson from where he turned around.

He was 150 feet from the Police Cruiser. I have yet to see a diagram of where Wilson was, exactly.

Look where the spent casings are you idiot. An ejected casing is not going to travel any more than about ten feet, if that.
Was he defending himself or exacting vengeance?

What did the investigation find? That's right, self defense.
You've wanted to hang Wilson from the beginning so you've lied, waffled, contradicted yourself and changed your narrative to make it fit your picture of a racist cop maliciously gunning down a black kid.

Naw, man, because he was a racist cop maliciously gunning down a black kid. That's why I want to hang him.

And you've lied, waffled, contradicted yourself and changed your narrative.
Irrelevant. He was stoned and he was driving while stoned.

And last time I checked, that wasn't a death penalty offense.

Bullshit. The veteran should have minded his own business.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Phillips is a douchebag liar, just like you, and I don't give two shits if he's a veteran or not. As far as that goes, he can take his veteran status and shove it up his toothless bunghole.

Well, nice to see you disrespect veterans, but that's to be expected. You whine about the constitution all day, but you never put up to defend it.

The Black Hebrew Israelites were the ones taunting people all day, including Phillips' group. Phillips knew full fucking well that it was the BHI that started shit with the Covington group and the kids were merely responding with school fight songs to drown out the BHI's racist shit.

And they just happened to be wearing Racist MAGA hats calling attention to themselves.

He then chose on his own to walk right past the BHIs, who were yelling at people all day, to the Covington group who were waiting for their bus. The Covington kids had no idea what Phillips was doing there since all the ruckus was between them and the BHIs. Phillips lies and says in interviews later that he was trying to get to the memorial but couldn't get through. This lie was twofold: 1.) He approached the Covington group directly to specifically stand there and bang his drum. 2.) Video shows that there was a clear path to the memorial.

"Mommy, Mommy, the mean old man banged a tamborine at me.. MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYY!"

Seriously, this kid needed a good bitch-slapping.

Phillips is also a pussy. He chose to approach the kids for three reasons: 1.) He wasn't about to go bang his drum in the faces of a bunch of burly black men, even if they were the ones spouting racist shit all day. 2.) The kids being kids, they seemed relatively harmless. 3.) Some of the kids were wearing MAGA hats. The MAGA hats were the catalyst that drew him to them, in spite of the fact they never said a racist thing the whole time.

The point was, the BHI were there all day, as you say. They weren't starting any violence, they were just there. Until the LECB's showed up and started taunting them.

You go into a mostly minority area wearing a MAGA hat, you are looking for a fight.

Irrelevant. His pro-life stance is still immaterial to the events.

You know what's funny enough to make you laugh until you puke? Your stupid lying ass didn't even know Sandmann was there for a March For Life rally until I told you. Why did I have to tell you this? Because your stupid lying ass thought they were assembling at the memorial for a mini Trump rally without a permit.

Actually, I read other reports about the incident... and he was still a punk ass little bitch.

The left doesn't want to fix poverty, racism, mental illness, drug addiction or gun proliferation either. They're good at virtue signaling but not so much at virtue. I have witnessed colossal hypocrisy from the left over the last few years and I finally came to a realization: The left behaves just like the right wing religious nuts they can't stand.

Um, okay. Not sure how believing in policies that have been proven to work in other countries is virtue signalling, but whatever.

You see, the funny thing is, the Great Society and the New Deal worked. But Republicans have spent the last 50 years trying to roll them back.

There's a saying within the atheist/secularist community that they use to describe some believers and how they act on their beliefs: Belief in belief. It doesn't matter that these social problems are never fixed as long as you believe they should be. As long as you believe we should, say, distribute wealth and make enough noise about it, you will surely be welcomed with open arms and become one of the Anointed Chosen. Stand on a soapbox or before a crowd in the street or before Congress and preach that we should distribute wealth by government mandate. But for God's sake, don't distribute your own wealth!

Let's get real here. Most of the money the government redistributes is to white people in the form of "entitlements". We spend 2.5 TRILLION on Middle Class entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment) and only about 800 Billion on poverty relief if you include Medicaid.

As far as why we don't fix the social problems, you can thank Republicans for that. They keep selling the Supply Side Bullshit that if you give tax cuts to rich people we are going to all be prosperous. Been 40 years since Reagan sold that shit.

How about just doing something about the crime? If we did that then there would be fewer officer-involved shootings and as a plus, there would be fewer crime victims.

Guy, we've been locking up millions of people (disproportionately people of color) for years. We lock up 2 million people while the Europeans lock up less than 100,000. If Guns and Prisons and Thugs cops made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

You don't know that. Besides, the point is not what crimes he committed but that he has a juvenile record at all.

Yes, we know this is the common tactic of the racist. That shiftless negro must have done something bad some time, so it was okay to shoot him.

He wasn't shot for shoplifting, he was shot for assaulting an officer, trying to take the officer's weapon and then not complying to commands from the officer to back off.

Or he was shot because a cop was pissed at him

It's not the DA's job to consider testimony that is doubtful or demonstrably false.

Right, all those people were lying, but Wilson's multiple contradictory stories were the truth.

In the Department of Justice investigation of Brown's death, investigators concluded witness accounts that Wilson reached out of his vehicle and grabbed Brown by the neck were inconsistent with physical and forensic evidence. However, Wilson admits in the document to reaching out and grabbing Brown by the forearm.

In the document below, Wilson admits Brown never tried to remove his gun from the holster. In grand jury testimony, Wilson said Brown grabbed his gun and that he feared for his life.

McCormick said attorneys ask very specific questions in a "request for admissions" and that the document doesn't tell the full story of what happened that day. But if Wilson's admissions contradict his previous testimony, it could undermine the credibility of his entire version of events.

Rehired to the same precinct they had just shut down?

The whole police department was fired. Good cops were rehired. Wilson wasn't. there was probably a good reason for that.

What did the investigation find? That's right, self defense.

Yes, the racist DA whose father was shot by a black man found shooting a black child was okay..
"Mommy, Mommy, the mean old man banged a tamborine at me.. MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYY!"

Seriously, this kid needed a good bitch-slapping.

For what, standing there and minding his own business?

The point was, the BHI were there all day, as you say. They weren't starting any violence, they were just there. Until the LECB's showed up and started taunting them.

You go into a mostly minority area wearing a MAGA hat, you are looking for a fight.

Correct, because Communists don't believe in anybody supporting a person that is not a member of big brother. It's Big Brother or nothing.

Guy, we've been locking up millions of people (disproportionately people of color) for years. We lock up 2 million people while the Europeans lock up less than 100,000. If Guns and Prisons and Thugs cops made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Yet the highest crime rates in the country are in anti-gun commie cities where they let criminals go instead of putting them away.
YOu mean other than his hands being up at the time he was shot?

The officer seen his arm quickly jerk up with a gun in his hand. If he would have dropped the gun instead of holding on to it until the very last minute, he'd be alive today so his mother could once again let him out in the AM of school nights like he was that night.
Irrelevant. He was stoned and he was driving while stoned.

And last time I checked, that wasn't a death penalty offense.

Bullshit. The veteran should have minded his own business.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Phillips is a douchebag liar, just like you, and I don't give two shits if he's a veteran or not. As far as that goes, he can take his veteran status and shove it up his toothless bunghole.

Well, nice to see you disrespect veterans, but that's to be expected. You whine about the constitution all day, but you never put up to defend it.

The Black Hebrew Israelites were the ones taunting people all day, including Phillips' group. Phillips knew full fucking well that it was the BHI that started shit with the Covington group and the kids were merely responding with school fight songs to drown out the BHI's racist shit.

And they just happened to be wearing Racist MAGA hats calling attention to themselves.

He then chose on his own to walk right past the BHIs, who were yelling at people all day, to the Covington group who were waiting for their bus. The Covington kids had no idea what Phillips was doing there since all the ruckus was between them and the BHIs. Phillips lies and says in interviews later that he was trying to get to the memorial but couldn't get through. This lie was twofold: 1.) He approached the Covington group directly to specifically stand there and bang his drum. 2.) Video shows that there was a clear path to the memorial.

"Mommy, Mommy, the mean old man banged a tamborine at me.. MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYY!"

Seriously, this kid needed a good bitch-slapping.

Phillips is also a pussy. He chose to approach the kids for three reasons: 1.) He wasn't about to go bang his drum in the faces of a bunch of burly black men, even if they were the ones spouting racist shit all day. 2.) The kids being kids, they seemed relatively harmless. 3.) Some of the kids were wearing MAGA hats. The MAGA hats were the catalyst that drew him to them, in spite of the fact they never said a racist thing the whole time.

The point was, the BHI were there all day, as you say. They weren't starting any violence, they were just there. Until the LECB's showed up and started taunting them.

You go into a mostly minority area wearing a MAGA hat, you are looking for a fight.

Irrelevant. His pro-life stance is still immaterial to the events.

You know what's funny enough to make you laugh until you puke? Your stupid lying ass didn't even know Sandmann was there for a March For Life rally until I told you. Why did I have to tell you this? Because your stupid lying ass thought they were assembling at the memorial for a mini Trump rally without a permit.

Actually, I read other reports about the incident... and he was still a punk ass little bitch.

The left doesn't want to fix poverty, racism, mental illness, drug addiction or gun proliferation either. They're good at virtue signaling but not so much at virtue. I have witnessed colossal hypocrisy from the left over the last few years and I finally came to a realization: The left behaves just like the right wing religious nuts they can't stand.

Um, okay. Not sure how believing in policies that have been proven to work in other countries is virtue signalling, but whatever.

You see, the funny thing is, the Great Society and the New Deal worked. But Republicans have spent the last 50 years trying to roll them back.

There's a saying within the atheist/secularist community that they use to describe some believers and how they act on their beliefs: Belief in belief. It doesn't matter that these social problems are never fixed as long as you believe they should be. As long as you believe we should, say, distribute wealth and make enough noise about it, you will surely be welcomed with open arms and become one of the Anointed Chosen. Stand on a soapbox or before a crowd in the street or before Congress and preach that we should distribute wealth by government mandate. But for God's sake, don't distribute your own wealth!

Let's get real here. Most of the money the government redistributes is to white people in the form of "entitlements". We spend 2.5 TRILLION on Middle Class entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment) and only about 800 Billion on poverty relief if you include Medicaid.

As far as why we don't fix the social problems, you can thank Republicans for that. They keep selling the Supply Side Bullshit that if you give tax cuts to rich people we are going to all be prosperous. Been 40 years since Reagan sold that shit.

How about just doing something about the crime? If we did that then there would be fewer officer-involved shootings and as a plus, there would be fewer crime victims.

Guy, we've been locking up millions of people (disproportionately people of color) for years. We lock up 2 million people while the Europeans lock up less than 100,000. If Guns and Prisons and Thugs cops made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

You don't know that. Besides, the point is not what crimes he committed but that he has a juvenile record at all.

Yes, we know this is the common tactic of the racist. That shiftless negro must have done something bad some time, so it was okay to shoot him.

He wasn't shot for shoplifting, he was shot for assaulting an officer, trying to take the officer's weapon and then not complying to commands from the officer to back off.

Or he was shot because a cop was pissed at him

It's not the DA's job to consider testimony that is doubtful or demonstrably false.

Right, all those people were lying, but Wilson's multiple contradictory stories were the truth.

In the Department of Justice investigation of Brown's death, investigators concluded witness accounts that Wilson reached out of his vehicle and grabbed Brown by the neck were inconsistent with physical and forensic evidence. However, Wilson admits in the document to reaching out and grabbing Brown by the forearm.

In the document below, Wilson admits Brown never tried to remove his gun from the holster. In grand jury testimony, Wilson said Brown grabbed his gun and that he feared for his life.

McCormick said attorneys ask very specific questions in a "request for admissions" and that the document doesn't tell the full story of what happened that day. But if Wilson's admissions contradict his previous testimony, it could undermine the credibility of his entire version of events.

Rehired to the same precinct they had just shut down?

The whole police department was fired. Good cops were rehired. Wilson wasn't. there was probably a good reason for that.

What did the investigation find? That's right, self defense.

Yes, the racist DA whose father was shot by a black man found shooting a black child was okay..
so 3 separate investigations by 3separate organizations were all biased and run by racists ehh?
Irrelevant. He was stoned and he was driving while stoned.

And last time I checked, that wasn't a death penalty offense.

It's not and it's not why he died.
Bullshit. The veteran should have minded his own business.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Phillips is a douchebag liar, just like you, and I don't give two shits if he's a veteran or not. As far as that goes, he can take his veteran status and shove it up his toothless bunghole.

Well, nice to see you disrespect veterans, but that's to be expected. You whine about the constitution all day, but you never put up to defend it.

I disrespected a man who deserved no respect. Phillips was a liar and a disingenuous self-serving douchebag, which he is in spite of being a veteran. And, when have I ever whined about the Constitution?
The Black Hebrew Israelites were the ones taunting people all day, including Phillips' group. Phillips knew full fucking well that it was the BHI that started shit with the Covington group and the kids were merely responding with school fight songs to drown out the BHI's racist shit.

And they just happened to be wearing Racist MAGA hats calling attention to themselves.

If that's true then BOTH groups were calling attention to themselves as racists. And the BHIs were more so because they were actively vocalizing their racist views whereas the Covington group was just waiting for their ride home. Yet Phillips chose to approach the Covington group who were minding their own business rather than the group that was actually taunting him.
He then chose on his own to walk right past the BHIs, who were yelling at people all day, to the Covington group who were waiting for their bus. The Covington kids had no idea what Phillips was doing there since all the ruckus was between them and the BHIs. Phillips lies and says in interviews later that he was trying to get to the memorial but couldn't get through. This lie was twofold: 1.) He approached the Covington group directly to specifically stand there and bang his drum. 2.) Video shows that there was a clear path to the memorial.

"Mommy, Mommy, the mean old man banged a tamborine at me.. MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYY!"

Seriously, this kid needed a good bitch-slapping.

A couple of things here: 1.) Irrelevant. Phillips still lied. Something you are apparently comfortable with him doing even though it is a decidedly dishonorable thing for a veteran to do. 2.) Sandmann was not vexed by Phillips banging his drum in his face (not tambourine), he was vexed by the country's vicious and scurrilous vilification of him after the fact.
Phillips is also a pussy. He chose to approach the kids for three reasons: 1.) He wasn't about to go bang his drum in the faces of a bunch of burly black men, even if they were the ones spouting racist shit all day. 2.) The kids being kids, they seemed relatively harmless. 3.) Some of the kids were wearing MAGA hats. The MAGA hats were the catalyst that drew him to them, in spite of the fact they never said a racist thing the whole time.

The point was, the BHI were there all day, as you say. They weren't starting any violence, they were just there.

The Covington kids didn't start any violence either. So?
Until the LECB's showed up and started taunting them.

Wrong. The BHIs were the ones who started the taunting. The video proves this.
You go into a mostly minority area wearing a MAGA hat, you are looking for a fight.

Irrelevant. His pro-life stance is still immaterial to the events.

You know what's funny enough to make you laugh until you puke? Your stupid lying ass didn't even know Sandmann was there for a March For Life rally until I told you. Why did I have to tell you this? Because your stupid lying ass thought they were assembling at the memorial for a mini Trump rally without a permit.

Actually, I read other reports about the incident...

Yeah, after you were told the truth. You still had to be told they didn't need a permit because they were not assembled for a demonstration and were waiting for their bus.
and he was still a punk ass little bitch.

Your opinion that he was a punk ass little bitch is irrelevant.
The left doesn't want to fix poverty, racism, mental illness, drug addiction or gun proliferation either. They're good at virtue signaling but not so much at virtue. I have witnessed colossal hypocrisy from the left over the last few years and I finally came to a realization: The left behaves just like the right wing religious nuts they can't stand.

Um, okay. Not sure how believing in policies that have been proven to work in other countries is virtue signalling, but whatever.

That's the point; you believe in these policies but you're not willing to actually do the work.
There's a saying within the atheist/secularist community that they use to describe some believers and how they act on their beliefs: Belief in belief. It doesn't matter that these social problems are never fixed as long as you believe they should be. As long as you believe we should, say, distribute wealth and make enough noise about it, you will surely be welcomed with open arms and become one of the Anointed Chosen. Stand on a soapbox or before a crowd in the street or before Congress and preach that we should distribute wealth by government mandate. But for God's sake, don't distribute your own wealth!

Let's get real here. Most of the money the government redistributes is to white people in the form of "entitlements". We spend 2.5 TRILLION on Middle Class entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment) and only about 800 Billion on poverty relief if you include Medicaid.

As far as why we don't fix the social problems, you can thank Republicans for that. They keep selling the Supply Side Bullshit that if you give tax cuts to rich people we are going to all be prosperous. Been 40 years since Reagan sold that shit.

Blah blah blah. Have you personally distributed your wealth? No? Then all this is just finger pointing at people for not doing the same thing you're not doing.
How about just doing something about the crime? If we did that then there would be fewer officer-involved shootings and as a plus, there would be fewer crime victims.

Guy, we've been locking up millions of people (disproportionately people of color) for years. We lock up 2 million people while the Europeans lock up less than 100,000. If Guns and Prisons and Thugs cops made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Irrelevant. I never made any suggestions as to what would reduce crime. All I said was that if we had fewer crimes we'd have fewer encounters with cops and fewer cop shootings.
You don't know that. Besides, the point is not what crimes he committed but that he has a juvenile record at all.

Yes, we know this is the common tactic of the racist. That shiftless negro must have done something bad some time, so it was okay to shoot him.

It's not whitey's fault or even the racist's fault that Brown had a juvenile record. With his unlawful acts as a juvenile, Brown demonstrated a pattern of criminal behavior.
He wasn't shot for shoplifting, he was shot for assaulting an officer, trying to take the officer's weapon and then not complying to commands from the officer to back off.

Or he was shot because a cop was pissed at him

Was Wilson pissed? Maybe. But that doesn't change the fact that Brown assaulted Wilson, tried to take his firearm from him and then refused commands to back off and instead advance on him in a threatening manner. It doesn't matter if Wilson was pissed or not, that alone was enough to get Brown shot.
It's not the DA's job to consider testimony that is doubtful or demonstrably false.

Right, all those people were lying, but Wilson's multiple contradictory stories were the truth.

Many of them were lying and some even admitted to it. This is a fact.
Rehired to the same precinct they had just shut down?

The whole police department was fired. Good cops were rehired. Wilson wasn't. there was probably a good reason for that.

Nope. Wilson never had any disciplinary action against him while at the Jennings department. There were a number of questionable incidents that ultimately led to the precinct closing but none of these incidents involved Wilson.

The entire department was let go and all new officers were hired to start fresh. I don't see anywhere where former officers were rehired to the same precinct.
What did the investigation find? That's right, self defense.

Yes, the racist DA whose father was shot by a black man found shooting a black child was okay..

Brown was eighteen so in the eyes of the law, he was an adult. Nice try.
Yet the highest crime rates in the country are in anti-gun commie cities where they let criminals go instead of putting them away.
Yes, you have more crime where there are more people. You also have more donuts eaten where there are more people. Boy are you dumb.

The officer seen his arm quickly jerk up with a gun in his hand. If he would have dropped the gun instead of holding on to it until the very last minute, he'd be alive today so his mother could once again let him out in the AM of school nights like he was that night.

Except there wasn't a gun in his hand, that's the problem, buddy. He shot a kid with his hands up.

so 3 separate investigations by 3separate organizations were all biased and run by racists ehh?

Pretty much.
I disrespected a man who deserved no respect. Phillips was a liar and a disingenuous self-serving douchebag, which he is in spite of being a veteran. And, when have I ever whined about the Constitution?
Every time someone tries to pass a sensible gun law. That's when you whine.

If that's true then BOTH groups were calling attention to themselves as racists. And the BHIs were more so because they were actively vocalizing their racist views whereas the Covington group was just waiting for their ride home. Yet Phillips chose to approach the Covington group who were minding their own business rather than the group that was actually taunting him.
Yes, because the Covington LECB were provoking the other group. Phillips went over to defuse the situation. the LECB's started taunting him, too. Smirky McBitchslap smirked like a little punk.

Then he became the face of Entitled Douchebaggery and "MOMMY! MOMMY! They are making fun of me on TV. MOMMY!!!"

A couple of things here: 1.) Irrelevant. Phillips still lied. Something you are apparently comfortable with him doing even though it is a decidedly dishonorable thing for a veteran to do. 2.) Sandmann was not vexed by Phillips banging his drum in his face (not tambourine), he was vexed by the country's vicious and scurrilous vilification of him after the fact.

Honestly, if he is such a snowflake that just having his picture on TV is "vilifying him", he really needs to re-evaluate his priorities in life. He wasn't minding his own business, he was out there wearing a racist hat at a rally to deprive women of their rights.

That's the point; you believe in these policies but you're not willing to actually do the work.

I believe in roads, too, but you aren't going to see me out there with a jackhammer.

Blah blah blah. Have you personally distributed your wealth? No? Then all this is just finger pointing at people for not doing the same thing you're not doing.

I pay my fair share in taxes. Heck, I run a mostly cash business, I could cheat like a bandit on my taxes if I really wanted to. Nope. I keep meticulous records and report it all. The rich need to pay their fair share. I pay mine.

Irrelevant. I never made any suggestions as to what would reduce crime. All I said was that if we had fewer crimes we'd have fewer encounters with cops and fewer cop shootings.

Yes, when it comes to solving problems, you are nowhere to be found. Thug cops shooting innocent kids isn't reducing crime.

Was Wilson pissed? Maybe. But that doesn't change the fact that Brown assaulted Wilson, tried to take his firearm from him and then refused commands to back off and instead advance on him in a threatening manner. It doesn't matter if Wilson was pissed or not, that alone was enough to get Brown shot.
Again, all according to Wilson, who changed his story SEVERAL TIMES.

And this wounded, barefoot, unarmed kid was a threat to him. No, really!!! Because Negroes have super-powers.

Nope. Wilson never had any disciplinary action against him while at the Jennings department. There were a number of questionable incidents that ultimately led to the precinct closing but none of these incidents involved Wilson.

The entire department was let go and all new officers were hired to start fresh. I don't see anywhere where former officers were rehired to the same precinct.

Last fall a joint federal-state investigation revealed that a Jennings police lieutenant had accepted federal money earmarked to pay for DWI checkpoint shifts that never happened. The chief at the time, who never got linked to the scandal, resigned. In November, Fuesting and his boss, Cpt. Troy Doyle of the North County Precinct, took over temporarily, and in March, the Jennings City Council voted 6 to 1 to disband the local police department and enter into a $2.8 million contract with St. Louis County.

The move required a full housecleaning; each existing officer got laid off by the city, and the county brought in a team of 26 new officers. (A small handful of former Jennings cops were rehired.) Fuesting assumed command on March 12.

In short. Other cops were rehired. Wilson was not.

But come on down to Ferguson, where we will happily hire you to be a thug and mistreat black people.
Yet the highest crime rates in the country are in anti-gun commie cities where they let criminals go instead of putting them away.
Yes, you have more crime where there are more people. You also have more donuts eaten where there are more people. Boy are you dumb.

The officer seen his arm quickly jerk up with a gun in his hand. If he would have dropped the gun instead of holding on to it until the very last minute, he'd be alive today so his mother could once again let him out in the AM of school nights like he was that night.

Except there wasn't a gun in his hand, that's the problem, buddy. He shot a kid with his hands up.

so 3 separate investigations by 3separate organizations were all biased and run by racists ehh?

Pretty much.
Moron. 2 of the investigations were specifically started to PROVE the officer broke the law and was at fault.

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