Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

Except there wasn't a gun in his hand, that's the problem, buddy. He shot a kid with his hands up.

Yes, the gun was in his hand. As he started to raise his arm he tried to hide it by tossing it behind the fence. The slow motion video shows that. The officer with his experience and training was focusing on the gun which he seen. When he jerked his arm up tossing the gun at the same time, it was a fraction of a second the officer had to respond.
I disrespected a man who deserved no respect. Phillips was a liar and a disingenuous self-serving douchebag, which he is in spite of being a veteran. And, when have I ever whined about the Constitution?
Every time someone tries to pass a sensible gun law. That's when you whine.

I don't think that's true but I will say that I generally oppose a lot of gun control measures, not necessarily because the measure itself is wrong or overreaching, but because I know that any measure they propose is simply another wedge in the door of the 2nd Amendment.

I understand enough about the human psyche and human nature and the minds of Democrats to know that any passed gun control measure will set a precedent for other, more restrictive measures to the point where the 2nd Amendment will be rendered effectively useless or abolished altogether.
If that's true then BOTH groups were calling attention to themselves as racists. And the BHIs were more so because they were actively vocalizing their racist views whereas the Covington group was just waiting for their ride home. Yet Phillips chose to approach the Covington group who were minding their own business rather than the group that was actually taunting him.
Yes, because the Covington LECB were provoking the other group.

Wrong. The video proves that the BHIs started the taunting. And I'll bet you don't even know why they did. They started taunting the boys when they spotted the MAGA hats.
Phillips went over to defuse the situation. the LECB's started taunting him, too.

Wrong. They didn't even know why he was there.
Smirky McBitchslap smirked like a little punk.

Yes, yes, we all know you hate Catholics.
Then he became the face of Entitled Douchebaggery and "MOMMY! MOMMY! They are making fun of me on TV. MOMMY!!!"

Phillips: "MOMMY! MOMMY! I got up in the face of these white kids and now I feel uncomfortable!"
A couple of things here: 1.) Irrelevant. Phillips still lied. Something you are apparently comfortable with him doing even though it is a decidedly dishonorable thing for a veteran to do. 2.) Sandmann was not vexed by Phillips banging his drum in his face (not tambourine), he was vexed by the country's vicious and scurrilous vilification of him after the fact.

Honestly, if he is such a snowflake that just having his picture on TV is "vilifying him", he really needs to re-evaluate his priorities in life.

His picture on TV wasn't the problem. The problem was the hate and calls for violence against him after they put the picture on TV.
He wasn't minding his own business, he was out there wearing a racist hat at a rally to deprive women of their rights.

Wearing the hat was his absolute right as an American citizen. And no one, including your stupid ass, even knew he was at a March For Life rally until later. Fucking moron.
That's the point; you believe in these policies but you're not willing to actually do the work.

I believe in roads, too, but you aren't going to see me out there with a jackhammer.

Ah, but roads aren't a moral issue, are they?

You and other liberal hypocrites love to tell us what we should do but are unwilling to make the sacrifices yourselves.
Blah blah blah. Have you personally distributed your wealth? No? Then all this is just finger pointing at people for not doing the same thing you're not doing.

I pay my fair share in taxes. Heck, I run a mostly cash business, I could cheat like a bandit on my taxes if I really wanted to. Nope. I keep meticulous records and report it all. The rich need to pay their fair share. I pay mine.

And I'll just bet that you use every deductible and loophole available to you to pay less taxes just like everyone else.
Irrelevant. I never made any suggestions as to what would reduce crime. All I said was that if we had fewer crimes we'd have fewer encounters with cops and fewer cop shootings.

Yes, when it comes to solving problems, you are nowhere to be found.

Neither are you.
Thug cops shooting innocent kids isn't reducing crime.

Thugs shooting each other isn't reducing crime either.
Was Wilson pissed? Maybe. But that doesn't change the fact that Brown assaulted Wilson, tried to take his firearm from him and then refused commands to back off and instead advance on him in a threatening manner. It doesn't matter if Wilson was pissed or not, that alone was enough to get Brown shot.
Again, all according to Wilson, who changed his story SEVERAL TIMES.

Nope. The witnesses closest to the shooting corroborated Wilson's testimony.
And this wounded, barefoot, unarmed kid was a threat to him. No, really!!! Because Negroes have super-powers.

Do you mean to say that blacks don't have the ability to walk without shoes?

Three things here: 1.) The wound was a minor flesh wound in the webbing between his thumb and forefinger. 2.) Brown was wearing socks with his sandals so he wasn't barefoot. 3.) Brown lost the first sandal around 24 feet from the cruiser and the second one at around 75 feet from the cruiser. This means he continued walking without his sandals for another 110 feet, turned around and walked back the way he came for 22 feet for a total of about 132 feet walking without his sandals. Yet suddenly at this point, his being without sandals makes him harmless and he can't walk.

This is taken from the diagram that YOU cited.
Nope. Wilson never had any disciplinary action against him while at the Jennings department. There were a number of questionable incidents that ultimately led to the precinct closing but none of these incidents involved Wilson.

The entire department was let go and all new officers were hired to start fresh. I don't see anywhere where former officers were rehired to the same precinct.

Last fall a joint federal-state investigation revealed that a Jennings police lieutenant had accepted federal money earmarked to pay for DWI checkpoint shifts that never happened. The chief at the time, who never got linked to the scandal, resigned. In November, Fuesting and his boss, Cpt. Troy Doyle of the North County Precinct, took over temporarily, and in March, the Jennings City Council voted 6 to 1 to disband the local police department and enter into a $2.8 million contract with St. Louis County.

The move required a full housecleaning; each existing officer got laid off by the city, and the county brought in a team of 26 new officers. (A small handful of former Jennings cops were rehired.) Fuesting assumed command on March 12.

In short. Other cops were rehired. Wilson was not.

Do you even know why Wilson wasn't rehired, especially given the fact that the precinct closing was due to problems with other officers and not him? I'll bet you don't and I'll also bet you never bothered looking into it.
But come on down to Ferguson, where we will happily hire you to be a thug and mistreat black people.

Come on down to Ferguson, where thugs will happily attack you for asking them to get on the sidewalk.
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Yes, the gun was in his hand. As he started to raise his arm he tried to hide it by tossing it behind the fence. The slow motion video shows that. The officer with his experience and training was focusing on the gun which he seen. When he jerked his arm up tossing the gun at the same time, it was a fraction of a second the officer had to respond.

And he made the wrong decision.. One he can spend the next ten years in prison thinking about.
I don't think that's true but I will say that I generally oppose a lot of gun control measures, not necessarily because the measure itself is wrong or overreaching, but because I know that any measure they propose is simply another wedge in the door of the 2nd Amendment.

I understand enough about the human psyche and human nature and the minds of Democrats to know that any passed gun control measure will set a precedent for other, more restrictive measures to the point where the 2nd Amendment will be rendered effectively useless or abolished altogether.

The Second Amendment was rendered meaningless when they replaced State Militias with the National Guard in 1903.

Wrong. The video proves that the BHIs started the taunting. And I'll bet you don't even know why they did. They started taunting the boys when they spotted the MAGA hats.

Then they shouldn't have worn a MAGA hat.. Jesus fucking Christ, man, wearing a MAGA hat in a town were 96% of the people voted for Hillary? It's like wearing a Swastika in Skokie. Or a Klan Hood on the South Side.

Ah, but roads aren't a moral issue, are they?

You and other liberal hypocrites love to tell us what we should do but are unwilling to make the sacrifices yourselves.

I'm perfectly willing to pay higher taxes if that what it takes. But first we make the rich pay their fair share and stop pissing away money on prisons and guns.

Three things here: 1.) The wound was a minor flesh wound in the webbing between his thumb and forefinger. 2.) Brown was wearing socks with his sandals so he wasn't barefoot. 3.) Brown lost the first sandal around 24 feet from the cruiser and the second one at around 75 feet from the cruiser. This means he continued walking without his sandals for another 110 feet, turned around and walked back the way he came for 22 feet for a total of about 132 feet walking without his sandals. Yet suddenly at this point, his being without sandals makes him harmless and he can't walk.

Yeah, anyone who has ever been shot will tell you, there's no such thing as a "minor flesh wound".

I mean, man, you are coming up with all sorts of reason why this kid totally needed to be shot six more times, but it just won't fly.

Do you even know why Wilson wasn't rehired,

No, and I kind of don't care... YOu states no other cops were rehired from that department, I demonstrated they were. Which means someone looked at his file and said, "NOPE!!!!"

Until Ferguson said, "What, you were fired from a corrupt PD that was hassling black people. You're totally qualified to work here, son!"
And he made the wrong decision.. One he can spend the next ten years in prison thinking about.

You don't go to prison for self-defense, especially as a police officer. The suspect had the gun in his hand, quickly raised his arm with that gun, and flung it behind the fence next to him.
I don't think that's true but I will say that I generally oppose a lot of gun control measures, not necessarily because the measure itself is wrong or overreaching, but because I know that any measure they propose is simply another wedge in the door of the 2nd Amendment.

I understand enough about the human psyche and human nature and the minds of Democrats to know that any passed gun control measure will set a precedent for other, more restrictive measures to the point where the 2nd Amendment will be rendered effectively useless or abolished altogether.

The Second Amendment was rendered meaningless when they replaced State Militias with the National Guard in 1903.

Um, no. The National Guard is deployed by the government which means they could be deployed against ME. Fuck that, I want to be able to defend myself, even from the NG.
Wrong. The video proves that the BHIs started the taunting. And I'll bet you don't even know why they did. They started taunting the boys when they spotted the MAGA hats.

Then they shouldn't have worn a MAGA hat.. Jesus fucking Christ, man, wearing a MAGA hat in a town were 96% of the people voted for Hillary? It's like wearing a Swastika in Skokie. Or a Klan Hood on the South Side.

Irrelevant. MAGA hats or no MAGA hats, the Covington kids were minding their own business and the BHIs started the taunting.

All your bullshit about the hats is just that, bullshit. They had the right to wear them and they did. All your posturing about being a vet is so much diarrhea in the wind if you are not willing to stand up for fellow Americans' Constitutional rights.
Ah, but roads aren't a moral issue, are they?

You and other liberal hypocrites love to tell us what we should do but are unwilling to make the sacrifices yourselves.

I'm perfectly willing to pay higher taxes if that what it takes. But first we make the rich pay their fair share and stop pissing away money on prisons and guns.

When you say "fair share", you mean "Punish the rich".

It's no secret you hate rich people so your position is not objective.
Three things here: 1.) The wound was a minor flesh wound in the webbing between his thumb and forefinger. 2.) Brown was wearing socks with his sandals so he wasn't barefoot. 3.) Brown lost the first sandal around 24 feet from the cruiser and the second one at around 75 feet from the cruiser. This means he continued walking without his sandals for another 110 feet, turned around and walked back the way he came for 22 feet for a total of about 132 feet walking without his sandals. Yet suddenly at this point, his being without sandals makes him harmless and he can't walk.

Yeah, anyone who has ever been shot will tell you, there's no such thing as a "minor flesh wound".

He walked 152 feet with that wounded hand before he even knew he was wounded - 132 feet of which he did with no shoes. But apparently, according to you, he was a helpless ragdoll.
I mean, man, you are coming up with all sorts of reason why this kid totally needed to be shot six more times, but it just won't fly.

I'm giving you reasons he was shot, that's it.

Brown acted rashly and stupidly and got his stupid ass shot for it. He has no one to blame but himself.
Do you even know why Wilson wasn't rehired,

No, and I kind of don't care... YOu states no other cops were rehired from that department, I demonstrated they were. Which means someone looked at his file and said, "NOPE!!!!"

Why would they not rehire him if he didn't have any complaints or transgressions against him?

I'll tell you why he was most likely not rehired: he had already been hired on at the Ferguson department. It's the only explanation that makes any sense.

The closing of the precinct, the restructuring, the hiring and rehiring of officers and the re-staffing likely took months. Wilson probably just didn't want to wait and likely did not even know the precinct was going to reopen.
Until Ferguson said, "What, you were fired from a corrupt PD that was hassling black people. You're totally qualified to work here, son!"

Apparently he was. Why? Because none of the incidents that caused the closure involved him. You keep overlooking that fact.
You don't go to prison for self-defense, especially as a police officer. The suspect had the gun in his hand, quickly raised his arm with that gun, and flung it behind the fence next to him.

Hands up when he was shot. This cop is toast when it gets to a jury, and I don't see Kim Fox burying the charges the way Anita Alvarez used to.

Um, no. The National Guard is deployed by the government which means they could be deployed against ME. Fuck that, I want to be able to defend myself, even from the NG.

Yes, this is the crazy talk. Whenever you guys say, "I needs my gun to fights the government", I can't take you seriously.

Hint. The National Guard has tanks. They have attack helicopters.

Irrelevant. MAGA hats or no MAGA hats, the Covington kids were minding their own business and the BHIs started the taunting.

All your bullshit about the hats is just that, bullshit. They had the right to wear them and they did. All your posturing about being a vet is so much diarrhea in the wind if you are not willing to stand up for fellow Americans' Constitutional rights.
MInding their own business would mean not walking into a crowd of people of color with Nazi hats.

When you say "fair share", you mean "Punish the rich".

It's no secret you hate rich people so your position is not objective.

Uh, yeah, funny thing. When the rich pay their fair share, they'll still be rich.

"Oh, Mama, I wanted to buy a new Dressage Horsie, but I had to pay my fair share in taxes. I am being so punished!"

He walked 152 feet with that wounded hand before he even knew he was wounded - 132 feet of which he did with no shoes. But apparently, according to you, he was a helpless ragdoll.

No, he just wasn't a threat to a well-armed officer.

Apparently he was. Why? Because none of the incidents that caused the closure involved him. You keep overlooking that fact.

Or Ferguson was happy to hire corrupt racists.
You don't go to prison for self-defense, especially as a police officer. The suspect had the gun in his hand, quickly raised his arm with that gun, and flung it behind the fence next to him.

Hands up when he was shot. This cop is toast when it gets to a jury, and I don't see Kim Fox burying the charges the way Anita Alvarez used to.

Um, no. The National Guard is deployed by the government which means they could be deployed against ME. Fuck that, I want to be able to defend myself, even from the NG.

Yes, this is the crazy talk. Whenever you guys say, "I needs my gun to fights the government", I can't take you seriously.

Hint. The National Guard has tanks. They have attack helicopters.

Irrelevant. MAGA hats or no MAGA hats, the Covington kids were minding their own business and the BHIs started the taunting.

All your bullshit about the hats is just that, bullshit. They had the right to wear them and they did. All your posturing about being a vet is so much diarrhea in the wind if you are not willing to stand up for fellow Americans' Constitutional rights.
MInding their own business would mean not walking into a crowd of people of color with Nazi hats.

When you say "fair share", you mean "Punish the rich".

It's no secret you hate rich people so your position is not objective.

Uh, yeah, funny thing. When the rich pay their fair share, they'll still be rich.

"Oh, Mama, I wanted to buy a new Dressage Horsie, but I had to pay my fair share in taxes. I am being so punished!"

He walked 152 feet with that wounded hand before he even knew he was wounded - 132 feet of which he did with no shoes. But apparently, according to you, he was a helpless ragdoll.

No, he just wasn't a threat to a well-armed officer.

Apparently he was. Why? Because none of the incidents that caused the closure involved him. You keep overlooking that fact.

Or Ferguson was happy to hire corrupt racists.
And yet the Viet Cong and the Taliban fought just fine with out tanks against our military.

And claiming a MAGA hat is a Nazi hat proves just how stupid you are.
Hands up when he was shot. This cop is toast when it gets to a jury, and I don't see Kim Fox burying the charges the way Anita Alvarez used to.

And more police will quit, less will apply when looking for officers, and your murder and violent crime rates will increase dramatically. See why we don't want Satan to rule the entire country?

MInding their own business would mean not walking into a crowd of people of color with Nazi hats.

Nobody had a Nazi hat, and the closest thing we have to Nazi's are the Democrat party. Phony impeachments, using government agencies to go after a political opponent, harassing former government officials for political revenge. It's all Nazism.

Uh, yeah, funny thing. When the rich pay their fair share, they'll still be rich.

Yes, they will still be rich because they will take their money and jobs and move to another country.
And yet the Viet Cong and the Taliban fought just fine with out tanks against our military.
Except they never beat us on the battlefield, they just waited for us to get tired and go home.

I don't think we'd ever get tired of curb stomping crazy racist wingnuts in this country if you decided to take up arms against the government.

Quite the contrary, people will be cheering when they take you out with a tank.

And claiming a MAGA hat is a Nazi hat proves just how stupid you are.

Uh, no, actually, only a racist would wear a MAGA hat.

"Make America Great Again". That implies America stopped being "Great" at some point.

What point was that? Oh, that's right, it had to be the point where the black man was elected.

Trump certainly wasn't claiming that America stopped being great before 2008, was he? Because then he'd need to have a talk with his own party.

So let's put it to you, buddy. What year did America stop being "Great", and why?
And more police will quit, less will apply when looking for officers, and your murder and violent crime rates will increase dramatically. See why we don't want Satan to rule the entire country?

Trust me, we'll all be better off when we get the trigger happy racists off our police forces.

Chicago had to spend $118 MILLION dollars settling police brutality claims in 2018. For that kind of money, we could have put another 1000 cops on the street.

Shooting a terrified kid after he put his hands up is not controlling crime. It's just a fuckup.

Nobody had a Nazi hat, and the closest thing we have to Nazi's are the Democrat party. Phony impeachments, using government agencies to go after a political opponent, harassing former government officials for political revenge. It's all Nazism.
Uh, I don't think you understand what Nazism is.

Here, let's give you a quick primer.

Slavish devotion to a cult of personality. CHECK! The Nazis fought for Hitler to the last old man and little boy while Germany was being bombed into oblivion. Trump supporters backed their guy even after the Plague, the Recession and the Riots. We threw out GOOD presidents for a lot less.

Scapegoating of ethnic minorities. CHECK. Hitler blamed Jews. Trump blamed the Chinese and the Mexicans.

Use of Propaganda and attacks on a free press- Check.
Politicizing the Military. Check.
Extreme Nationalism instead of multilateralism- check

Yes, they will still be rich because they will take their money and jobs and move to another country.

Really, which one? Because most of the rest of the world already makes their rich pay their fair share.
Trust me, we'll all be better off when we get the trigger happy racists off our police forces.

Chicago had to spend $118 MILLION dollars settling police brutality claims in 2018. For that kind of money, we could have put another 1000 cops on the street.

Shooting a terrified kid after he put his hands up is not controlling crime. It's just a fuckup.

Chicago didn't have to spend shit. They could have fought the phony claims, but like in all Democrat areas, it's not their money so why would they care who gets it if it buys votes. I would love to see all you armchair quarterbacks if your life was on the line and it all hinged on a split-second decision.

In any case, keep making the job of police harder and harder. Pretty soon you will be so short of police it will take them two days to respond to a murder. The stores will close up because of the shoplifting such as what's going on in San Francisco, and violent and murder rates will keep on rising. Brilliant.

Use of Propaganda and attacks on a free press- Check.
Politicizing the Military. Check.
Extreme Nationalism instead of multilateralism- check

The so-called free press has been an extension of the Communist party for decades now outside of the few real news stations we have. Did you see that General testifying to Congress why he's pushing critical race theory on his solders? What about Vindmann listening to Trump's phone call with Zelensky and running to his deep state leaders to tell them of something so innocuous Trump said it wasn't funny. The military is already being politicized, just like the IRS, the FBI, all of them. Tell me mister more gun control guy, why isn't Hunter in prison for lying on a federal firearms application to buy a gun he wasn't legally allowed to own? Then allowed his girlfriend access to that firearm where she threw it in a dumpster near a school.

Now he's selling access to his father under the facade he's an artist that paints using straws, something he's an expert with. The so-called art collectors are expected to pay up to a half-million dollars for that crap any child could paint, and they are also going to be anonymous. And what did the FBI do with his laptop with videos of Hunter having sex with children, and discussing his shady business deals?

Instead of being in prison where any one of us would be for doing half of what he did, he's getting million dollar book deals and selling his crap paintings for political favors down the road. Now tell me the left is not the Nazi party.

Really, which one? Because most of the rest of the world already makes their rich pay their fair share.

I would guess a number of countries that thousands of our rich already ran to taking their jobs with them over the past four decades.
Chicago didn't have to spend shit. They could have fought the phony claims, but like in all Democrat areas, it's not their money so why would they care who gets it if it buys votes.

Actually, they settled because they knew if it ever got to court, they'd be paying out a lot more. You see, you can get a corrupt DA to bury a criminal case against a thug cop like Loehmann, Van Dyke or Wilson, but when you have a lawyer in front of a jury actually DOING HIS JOB, the jury is generally not going to like what they hear.

Now, yes, to a degree, a jury that might be reluctant to send a man away for the rest of his life for a bad decision, would have no problem finding against a city that put that bad-decisionmaker on the street with a gun and a badge to start with. That's why cities usually settle these things. Even Republican run cities.

I have a simple enough solution, though. Instead of the cities paying out the settlements, they should come out of the PBA and FOP pension funds/insurance funds. Betcha they won't be so keen on defending the bad apples after that.

I would love to see all you armchair quarterbacks if your life was on the line and it all hinged on a split-second decision.

I was in the military for 11 years, and we often had to train with live ammunition in dangerous settings. And, yes, if I fucked up and people died unnecessarily, I would have been held to account under the UCMJ.

The police are a para-military organization. They have ranks, they have a hierarchical structure. They are supposed to know what they are doing because they are the professionals.

In any case, keep making the job of police harder and harder. Pretty soon you will be so short of police it will take them two days to respond to a murder. The stores will close up because of the shoplifting such as what's going on in San Francisco, and violent and murder rates will keep on rising. Brilliant.
DOOOOM and GLOOOOM. Um, yeah, right.

People aren't signing up to be cops because cops have lost public respect. Clean up the police departments, and people will be happy to take that job again.

The so-called free press has been an extension of the Communist party for decades now outside of the few real news stations we have. Did you see that General testifying to Congress why he's pushing critical race theory on his solders?
Uh, yeah. Wow. Heavens forbid we teach our troops who have to live in very close proximity with people of color to understand them and their backgrounds.

What about Vindmann listening to Trump's phone call with Zelensky and running to his deep state leaders to tell them of something so innocuous Trump said it wasn't funny.
Shaking down a foreign government to dig up dirt on your rivals is "innacuous". I mean, I know it's not up there with "Getting a blow job from an intern", but it's still pretty bad.

The military is already being politicized, just like the IRS, the FBI, all of them. Tell me mister more gun control guy, why isn't Hunter in prison for lying on a federal firearms application to buy a gun he wasn't legally allowed to own? Then allowed his girlfriend access to that firearm where she threw it in a dumpster near a school.

Um, now you are worried about gun proliferation? Exactly what crime was Hunter convicted of where he wasn't allowed to own a gun?

Now he's selling access to his father under the facade he's an artist that paints using straws, something he's an expert with. The so-called art collectors are expected to pay up to a half-million dollars for that crap any child could paint, and they are also going to be anonymous. And what did the FBI do with his laptop with videos of Hunter having sex with children, and discussing his shady business deals?

By Gosh, you're right. He should have done the honorable thing, ran off to Social Security and whined, "I've got a disability and can't work, please give me a bag of money!!!"

The Laptop is a fake, by the way... that's why you haven't heard anything else about it.

I would guess a number of countries that thousands of our rich already ran to taking their jobs with them over the past four decades.

Again, which countries are those? Not Japan or the EU. They don't let their CEO's make 8 figures for failing and they tax them at a high rate.
Actually, they settled because they knew if it ever got to court, they'd be paying out a lot more. You see, you can get a corrupt DA to bury a criminal case against a thug cop like Loehmann, Van Dyke or Wilson, but when you have a lawyer in front of a jury actually DOING HIS JOB, the jury is generally not going to like what they hear.

Now, yes, to a degree, a jury that might be reluctant to send a man away for the rest of his life for a bad decision, would have no problem finding against a city that put that bad-decisionmaker on the street with a gun and a badge to start with. That's why cities usually settle these things. Even Republican run cities.

I have a simple enough solution, though. Instead of the cities paying out the settlements, they should come out of the PBA and FOP pension funds/insurance funds. Betcha they won't be so keen on defending the bad apples after that.

It's all bullshit. If they were getting sued personally, you'd see how they would fight it to the last court. As for taking out of the pension funds, go right ahead. Even more of a reason nobody won't be a police officer.

I was in the military for 11 years, and we often had to train with live ammunition in dangerous settings. And, yes, if I fucked up and people died unnecessarily, I would have been held to account under the UCMJ.

The police are a para-military organization. They have ranks, they have a hierarchical structure. They are supposed to know what they are doing because they are the professionals.

Training exercises are different than somebody that pulls a gun and wants to kill you.

DOOOOM and GLOOOOM. Um, yeah, right.

People aren't signing up to be cops because cops have lost public respect. Clean up the police departments, and people will be happy to take that job again.

Wrong, people are not signing up to be a cop because now Satan is winning a war they don't want to get into. Evil is now spreading like wildfire thanks to the commies and their battle against police officers. When the bad guys want to get rid of you, and the good guys want to get rid of you, what's the point of taking such a job? Nobody is on your side.

So now low interest in police work is nationwide. I had a meeting with our Chief of police a few weeks ago for about an hour, and he told me it's coast to coast. We are looking for more officers but can't find qualified applicants. He said when he applied to be an officer in 1990, he was up against 700 other applicants. Today he said, we are lucky to get 25, and many of them don't have what it takes.

Uh, yeah. Wow. Heavens forbid we teach our troops who have to live in very close proximity with people of color to understand them and their backgrounds.

Again, communist propaganda. The left is now controlling our military too.

Shaking down a foreign government to dig up dirt on your rivals is "innacuous". I mean, I know it's not up there with "Getting a blow job from an intern", but it's still pretty bad.

Asking for a favor is not shaking down anybody. Read the transcript of the call and learn something.

Um, now you are worried about gun proliferation? Exactly what crime was Hunter convicted of where he wasn't allowed to own a gun?

The application asks if you ever had a serious drug problem before or legal action against you. To that he checked "no" in spite of being kicked out of the military for drug use, and he himself admitted he was in rehab a couple of times. Not even a slap on the hand because his father is part of the Communist party.

By Gosh, you're right. He should have done the honorable thing, ran off to Social Security and whined, "I've got a disability and can't work, please give me a bag of money!!!"

The Laptop is a fake, by the way... that's why you haven't heard anything else about it.

Several people who seen the contents say otherwise. The FBI is burying the situation like they buried Hillary sending classified emails to her aid which her husband used the very same computer to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world.

Again, which countries are those? Not Japan or the EU. They don't let their CEO's make 8 figures for failing and they tax them at a high rate.

They could care less what a CEO makes. People and businesses leave the country when there is too much regulation and taxes. Been going on for 50 years now, mostly thanks to the unions.
Of course, when Israel responded to rocket attacks from the terrorist group Hamas, BLM condemned Israel. BLM protestors have been caught on video actually advocating the killing of police officers. Last summer, BLM rioters assaulted police officers, looted stores, attacked bystanders, and destroyed many businesses.

BLM could care less about black lives. Their only concern is to cause trouble and get wealthy at the same time. When they start all this trouble, it only leads to more black lives cut short and others ending up in prison. Black shop owners put out of business forever, and then pressure their commie representatives to get rid of the cops, which some are actually doing, making their black dominated areas even more dangerous to be in that eventually leads to more dead black people.

If they actually cared about black lives, their motto would be to never give police the opportunity to cause them harm. Just do everything they say, and a police officer will have no justification for harming you or ending your life. But they can't do that. It's way too pragmatic for them.
BLM could care less about black lives. Their only concern is to cause trouble and get wealthy at the same time.

Black Guns Matter founder blasts BLM Incorporated as a 'sham organization'​

It's all bullshit. If they were getting sued personally, you'd see how they would fight it to the last court. As for taking out of the pension funds, go right ahead. Even more of a reason nobody won't be a police officer.

Or the cops will be incentivized to not protect the bad apples.

Of course, most cops aren't sued personally, because of qualified immunity. That's part of the problem.

Training exercises are different than somebody that pulls a gun and wants to kill you.
Vast majority of guys in the military only see combat once... but they do well because of years of training.

Wrong, people are not signing up to be a cop because now Satan is winning a war they don't want to get into. Evil is now spreading like wildfire thanks to the commies and their battle against police officers. When the bad guys want to get rid of you, and the good guys want to get rid of you, what's the point of taking such a job? Nobody is on your side.
First, it's funny you think "Satan" is actually a thing.

Again, I do feel bad for the majority of good cops, but they are the ones who protected the bad apples for years. The real problem- Loehmann, Van Dyke, Wilson, Chauvin- these guys NEVER should have become cops to start with. They all racked up a lot of civilian complaints, and the unions protected them, the review boards said, "nothing to see here", and eventually, they escalated up to killing someone.

So now low interest in police work is nationwide. I had a meeting with our Chief of police a few weeks ago for about an hour, and he told me it's coast to coast. We are looking for more officers but can't find qualified applicants. He said when he applied to be an officer in 1990, he was up against 700 other applicants. Today he said, we are lucky to get 25, and many of them don't have what it takes.
Yes the police have gotten very whiny in the last few years. In 1990, it was much lower standards, and it wasn't like there weren't a lot of better jobs. Let's not forget, 1990 was a recession, so of course a government job with massive bennies would be hard fought for.

Again, communist propaganda. The left is now controlling our military too.
I'm sure you miss the good old days of a segregated military.

Oh, wait. You never signed up.

Asking for a favor is not shaking down anybody. Read the transcript of the call and learn something.
I did read the transcript. "It's a nice country you have here, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it!"

The application asks if you ever had a serious drug problem before or legal action against you. To that he checked "no" in spite of being kicked out of the military for drug use, and he himself admitted he was in rehab a couple of times. Not even a slap on the hand because his father is part of the Communist party.
Most people with a serious drug problem don't think they have a serious drug problem. Just ask Rush Limbaugh. Oh, wait, you can't because he's dead.

Several people who seen the contents say otherwise. The FBI is burying the situation like they buried Hillary sending classified emails to her aid which her husband used the very same computer to send nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world.
Because it wasn't a big deal.

Sweet Evil Jesus, you have to Love Republicans. Inciting riots isn't a big deal. Selling out the country to Russia isn't a big deal. Shaking down foreign governments isn't a big deal. But man, you lie about a blow job or use the wrong computer to read your email, they want to hang you.

They could care less what a CEO makes. People and businesses leave the country when there is too much regulation and taxes. Been going on for 50 years now, mostly thanks to the unions.

There are many reasons why Americans emigrate from the United States. Economic reasons include job or business opportunities, or a higher standard of living in another country. Others emigrate due to marriage or partnership to a foreigner, for religious or humanitarian purposes, or to seek adventure or experience a different culture.[58] Many decide to retire abroad seeking a lower cost of living, especially more affordable health care.[59][60] Immigrants to the United States may decide to return to their countries of origin to be with family members. Other reasons include political dissatisfaction, safety concerns and cultural issues such as racism.[61] Some Americans may also emigrate to evade legal liabilities; a common past case was evasion of mandatory military service.

In addition to Americans who choose to emigrate as adults, many children are born in the United States to foreign temporary workers or international students and naturally move with their parents when they return to their countries of origin. Due to their acquisition of U.S. citizenship by birth but no significant connection to the country, they are sometimes called "accidental Americans".[62]
You don't go to prison for self-defense, especially as a police officer. The suspect had the gun in his hand, quickly raised his arm with that gun, and flung it behind the fence next to him.

Hands up when he was shot. This cop is toast when it gets to a jury, and I don't see Kim Fox burying the charges the way Anita Alvarez used to.

Um, no. The National Guard is deployed by the government which means they could be deployed against ME. Fuck that, I want to be able to defend myself, even from the NG.

Yes, this is the crazy talk. Whenever you guys say, "I needs my gun to fights the government", I can't take you seriously.

Hint. The National Guard has tanks. They have attack helicopters.

Irrelevant. MAGA hats or no MAGA hats, the Covington kids were minding their own business and the BHIs started the taunting.

All your bullshit about the hats is just that, bullshit. They had the right to wear them and they did. All your posturing about being a vet is so much diarrhea in the wind if you are not willing to stand up for fellow Americans' Constitutional rights.
MInding their own business would mean not walking into a crowd of people of color with Nazi hats.
Sorry, but you can’t blame bad behavior on a hat.
When you say "fair share", you mean "Punish the rich".
It's no secret you hate rich people so your position is not objective.

Uh, yeah, funny thing. When the rich pay their fair share, they'll still be rich.
Irrelevant. You still want to punish them.
He walked 152 feet with that wounded hand before he even knew he was wounded - 132 feet of which he did with no shoes. But apparently, according to you, he was a helpless ragdoll.

No, he just wasn't a threat to a well-armed officer.

Wilson had bruises and scratches on him that prove that Brown was a threat. Also, it was only an accident of circumstance that Brown did not get Wilson’s gun from him when he attacked him. It was just as likely that Wilson could have been the one who was killed.
Apparently he was. Why? Because none of the incidents that caused the closure involved him. You keep overlooking that fact.

Or Ferguson was happy to hire corrupt racists.

Again, you’re overlooking the facts. Wilson had nothing to do with the racist incidents. Nothing you say will change that.
Or the cops will be incentivized to not protect the bad apples.

Of course, most cops aren't sued personally, because of qualified immunity. That's part of the problem.

And the commies want to get rid of that as well. But even with that protection, they still have to give up their job innocent or guilty, still get threats to them and their family from uncivilized lowlife scum leftists, and may not get another job in police work for some time or even forever. This is why we need to divide the country into two countries. You can live in an uncivilized environment, and we'll live in a protected civilized environment.

First, it's funny you think "Satan" is actually a thing.

Again, I do feel bad for the majority of good cops, but they are the ones who protected the bad apples for years. The real problem- Loehmann, Van Dyke, Wilson, Chauvin- these guys NEVER should have become cops to start with. They all racked up a lot of civilian complaints, and the unions protected them, the review boards said, "nothing to see here", and eventually, they escalated up to killing someone.

In that line of work most officers have complaints on them. It was the same in my line of work. We had people calling the company about something one of our drivers did. Mostly bullshit. But my employer followed every complaint. If he got rid of great drivers every time he got a complaint, none of us would have been there very long, and no CDL applicant aware of the problem would ever take a job there.

The police aren't stupid. They know lowlifes will try everything to try and get even with a police officer doing his job. That's why most complaints are looked into and tossed to the side. People are even more ignorant of the laws than they are driving.

Yes the police have gotten very whiny in the last few years. In 1990, it was much lower standards, and it wasn't like there weren't a lot of better jobs. Let's not forget, 1990 was a recession, so of course a government job with massive bennies would be hard fought for.

No, it's more recent thanks to the attack on police officers, protests to de-fund the police, and commie cities siding with the criminals. In fact after my meeting with the Chief, a lifelong friend stopped over for a couple of beers and I told him about it. His police officer son said the same thing is happening in their large town. When he applied six years ago, he was up against 200 other people. When they put out a notice of them hiring more police, they got three applicants. Check out the internet. It's happening all across the country.

I'm sure you miss the good old days of a segregated military.

I miss the days where our military served the purpose of protecting our country. Now they want to make it a faggot social club trying to indoctrinate our military into communist propaganda.

I did read the transcript. "It's a nice country you have here, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it!"

Not even close to an impeachable offense. That's why when we get the House in 2022, we are going to impeach Dementia several times just like your commies did. A shame if something happened to it, like the US is going to go there and bomb the country because Zelensky didn't provide the information Trump wanted. You leftists are born liars and live your life that way.

Most people with a serious drug problem don't think they have a serious drug problem.

And if it was somebody who got a gun and killed a bunch of people, you would be saying the same thing, right? The guy is supposed to be a Fn lawyer, and he didn't know what the question meant? Well I have news for you, if any one of us had a serious drug problem and lied about it on our application, we would be led away in handcuffs.

Because it wasn't a big deal.

Sweet Evil Jesus, you have to Love Republicans. Inciting riots isn't a big deal. Selling out the country to Russia isn't a big deal. Shaking down foreign governments isn't a big deal. But man, you lie about a blow job or use the wrong computer to read your email, they want to hang you.

What did I tell you about trying to debate using lies? It's the Democrats who sparked all the riots nationwide, not the Republicans.

There are many reasons why Americans emigrate from the United States. Economic reasons include job or business opportunities, or a higher standard of living in another country. Others emigrate due to marriage or partnership to a foreigner, for religious or humanitarian purposes, or to seek adventure or experience a different culture.[58] Many decide to retire abroad seeking a lower cost of living, especially more affordable health care.[59][60] Immigrants to the United States may decide to return to their countries of origin to be with family members. Other reasons include political dissatisfaction, safety concerns and cultural issues such as racism.[61] Some Americans may also emigrate to evade legal liabilities; a common past case was evasion of mandatory military service.

In addition to Americans who choose to emigrate as adults, many children are born in the United States to foreign temporary workers or international students and naturally move with their parents when they return to their countries of origin. Due to their acquisition of U.S. citizenship by birth but no significant connection to the country, they are sometimes called "accidental Americans".[62]

Dodge noted. We were talking about businesses and the wealthy, not average citizens.

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