Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

Another lie: Brown was not barefoot. In the store's surveillance video he is clearly seen wearing footwear. It looks to me like a pair of sandals. See pic below from the scene of the shooting:
He lost both of his sandles trying to get away from Officer McShooty.

Which he was wearing when he attacked Wilson.

So he's wearing his sandals when he stole the cigars, threatened the store owner and later when he attacked Wilson. In the process of walking or running away from Wilson after assaulting him, he loses his sandals and then, what, he's suddenly harmless? Suddenly the assault on the officer becomes null and void? What? Why do you keep up this ridiculous narrative of Brown being barefoot when you know full fucking well he was wearing them when he attacked Wilson?
Where did you get this bullshit that he was barefoot?
From the police's own diagram. Please also note. He's 152 feet away from the police cruiser.

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Look where the spent casings are you idiot. Wilson was going after Brown and was 10 to 15 feet from him when Brown turned around and charged him. Wilson then began to back up, telling Brown to stop. When it was clear Brown was not going to stop and also had his left hand in his trousers, suggesting he might be reaching for a gun, Wilson fired.

Man, you are one simple son of a bitch.
When somebody files a complaint against a police officer, it doesn't mean it has any merit because lowlifes who don't know our laws do it out of spite. If they had to get rid of every officer that had a complaint against them, we would have no police left on any force in commie cities.

Actually, it's quite the opposite. For every complaint against a cop, you have to assume there were 10 other people who didn't complain because they know they won't do anything about it.

Case in point. After Jason van Dyke MURDERED Laquan McDonald, the CPD released numbers on civilian complaints against officers. It was found that 139 officers out of 14,000 were at the heart of 50% of the complaints of excessive force. Van Dyke had 20 complaints, including a complaint that he had dislocated a suspect's shoulder during a traffic stop. (The city paid out $375,000 on that one.)

The problem is that they don't fire these guys unless they actually KILL someone.

That's what the officer did. He told the 18 year old 6'4" 290 lbs kid to get out of the street which he refused. In fact Wilson knew nothing about the store theft when he told Brown to get off the street. It was when the 290 lbs kid attacked the officer he heard the call on the radio.

Actually, that would have been awfully co-incidental. Wilson changed his story a couple of times, and none of them were believable. If he was responding to the shoplifting, he should have been going to the store, lights and sirens. If he was just hassling a black kid in the street, because that's what they did in Feguson, then that was kind of unacceptable.

Here is the most confusing part that I nor most people here can understand: HTF is it a guy who claims to write for a living have almost 0 comprehension skills? It just doesn't jive. I just posted a quote and link to what was found about the witnesses, and you write as if you didn't see a word. Tell me how you write resumes. If a guy tells you he has 15 years operating a lathe, do you put on his resume that he has 15 years operating a drill press? You see, this is what OCD does to you. You have almost no ability to focus.

Uh, guy, here's the thing... If I think a client is lying to me about his experience, I challenge it.

I'm perfectly focused. Wilson murdered Brown. He shot an unarmed, wounded, barefoot kid six times. 16 witnesses said he had his hands up. Any link that says otherwise if utter bullshit, and that's what I treat it as.
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When somebody files a complaint against a police officer, it doesn't mean it has any merit because lowlifes who don't know our laws do it out of spite. If they had to get rid of every officer that had a complaint against them, we would have no police left on any force in commie cities.

Actually, it's quite the opposite. For every complaint against a cop, you have to assume there were 10 other people who didn't complain because they know they won't do anything about it.

Case in point. After Jason van Dyke MURDERED Laquan McDonald, the CPD released numbers on civilian complaints against officers. It was found that 139 officers out of 14,000 were at the heart of 50% of the complaints of excessive force. Van Dyke had 20 complaints, including a complaint that he had dislocated a suspect's shoulder during a traffic stop. (The city paid out $375,000 on that one.)

The problem is that they don't fire these guys unless they actually KILL someone.

That's what the officer did. He told the 18 year old 6'4" 290 lbs kid to get out of the street which he refused. In fact Wilson knew nothing about the store theft when he told Brown to get off the street. It was when the 290 lbs kid attacked the officer he heard the call on the radio.

Actually, that would have been awfully co-incidental. Wilson changed his story a couple of times, and none of them were believable. If he was responding to the shoplifting, he should have been going to the store, lights and sirens. If he was just hassling a black kid in the street, because that's what they did in Feguson, then that was kind of unacceptable.

Here is the most confusing part that I nor most people here can understand: HTF is it a guy who claims to write for a living have almost 0 comprehension skills? It just doesn't jive. I just posted a quote and link to what was found about the witnesses, and you write as if you didn't see a word. Tell me how you write resumes. If a guy tells you he has 15 years operating a lathe, do you put on his resume that he has 15 years operating a drill press? You see, this is what OCD does to you. You have almost no ability to focus.

Uh, guy, here's the thing... If I think a client is lying to me about his experience, I challenge it.

I'm perfectly focused. Wilson murdered Brown. He shot an unarmed, wounded, barefoot kid six times. 14 witnesses said he had his hands up. Any link that says otherwise if utter bullshit, and that's what I treat it as.
Moron just as many witnesses said he did NOT have his hands up and the fact is the forensics PROVE he was charging the cop at the end. Further the incident started because Brown tried to take the cops gun when he stopped him.
Great. When you can show evidence of this conspiracy of yours how the feds, who didn't know one person on that police force, colluded with them to make the cop look innocent which he was found by all evidence by the local investigations, the federal investigations, and the privately hired investigators, we'll be glad to read it. You know more than all of them, don't you OCD?

I know that when a kid is lying dead in the middle of the street with 8 bullet holes in him, and he was unarmed, barefoot, and wounded when he was shot, and 14 people said he had his hands up... something ain't right.

Brown was not shot 154 feet away because cars don't shoot guns, and police don't shoot guns from cars. Like I said, it's all in the DOJ report. I'd post it myself but I know it's a waste of time with you with your mental block that precludes you from accepting the truth. What does where his car was parked have anything to do with the shooting?

But the argument you make is that because they struggled in the car, that made it okay for him to shoot him after he ran away. Now, what I don't see in all these diagrams is where Wilson ACTUALLY was when he fired the shots. They show the projectiles being near where the body was, slightly off. Did Wilson chase him, then shoot him six times.

As I stated earlier, we don't live in your Soviet style dreamworld. A person is considered innocent until proven guilty in this country. A bunch of lowlifes telling lies is not evidence to prosecute a police officer, especially when empirical evidence proves them to be lying in the first place. And I like how you conveniently ignore the other witnesses that stated the exact opposite. They said Brown lifted his arms up momentarily, immediately put them down, and then clenched his fists and charged at officer Wilson, also stating that the officer was walking backwards as the attack was taking place.

Okay, buddy, here is the witness chart.

Moron just as many witnesses said he did NOT have his hands up and the fact is the forensics PROVE he was charging the cop at the end. Further the incident started because Brown tried to take the cops gun when he stopped him.

Check out that witness chart I just posted. Only two witnesses said he didn't have his hands up. Even Wilson himself didn't make the claim he didn't.
Gee, he was stoned out of his gourd and paranoid.

Uh, pot makes you mellow. Not aggressive. Maybe he was trying to give Wilson a hug and he freaked out. Yes, that's crazy, but no more crazier than the excuses you come up with for shooting an unarmed kid multiple times.

Every person who dies from an overdose had been doing drugs for some time before the one time they took too much. Idiot.

Yeah, but most of them don't have a racist thug put a knee to their neck, that's why they usually survive.

Irrelevant. His parents hiring image consultants had nothing to do with the events of that day.

People in the right don't need image consultants. The problem was, on those tapes, he looked like a entitled racist punk smirking at an elderly man. That's a bad image. Let's dress him up in a nice suit, teach him how to do the sad face, and not put him in front of any reporters who might ask him about why he was out there trying to deprive women of their right to control their own bodies.

Would you rather they go to trial wearing their baggy pants and gang colors?
Why not? The point is, in both cases, you had someone trying to fool an audience with a dishonest image.

See, I'm in a nice suit and I look sad everyone is being mean to me.

You have been remiss in a lot of things. Conceding that most cops are not black killers means nothing when one considers how you blatantly ignore contributing factors like Floyd being stoned and outright lie about other things like Brown being barefoot.

Except he was barefoot.

It's easy to sit there and judge incidents that don't end up with a shooting as having been "resolved correctly" but something else entirely when there is a shooting. The simple fact is, even most incidents that end with a shooting are resolved correctly. Most times it is justified and was the only option left to the officer because the suspect became violent.

Bullshit. American cops shoot or kill 1000 suspects a year. British cops kill 2-5 a year. Cops in Germany, Japan, France, Italy- the numbers rarely exceed single digits and never low two digits. Of course, they don't have crazy laws like "anyone who wants gun can have one because some slave rapists couldn't define a militia clearly".

Here's what's telling. This issue of police brutality against people of color didn't become an issue until they caught the LAPD on tape beating the tar out of Rodney King. Of course, black folks knew this shit was going on, but we ignored them.

Which he was wearing when he attacked Wilson.

So he's wearing his sandals when he stole the cigars, threatened the store owner and later when he attacked Wilson. In the process of walking or running away from Wilson after assaulting him, he loses his sandals and then, what, he's suddenly harmless? Suddenly the assault on the officer becomes null and void? What? Why do you keep up this ridiculous narrative of Brown being barefoot when you know full fucking well he was wearing them when he attacked Wilson?

Wow, so why do you keep going back to what happened at the store or at the car. I'll even concede that the two shots fired in the car as Wilson and Brown struggled were justified.

We are talking about the SIX shots fired that killed Brown. When he was barefoot, wounded, unarmed, and had his hands up according to 14 witnesses.

Look where the spent casings are you idiot. Wilson was going after Brown and was 10 to 15 feet from him when Brown turned around and charged him. Wilson then began to back up, telling Brown to stop. When it was clear Brown was not going to stop and also had his left hand in his trousers, suggesting he might be reaching for a gun, Wilson fired.

Man, you are one simple son of a bitch.

Okay, that's Wilson's story.. which is okay if you ignore ALL the witnesses that said he had his hands up.

According to the chart- 16 witnesses said he had his hands up.

Only four said he had his hand at his waist.

(Two of them said he reached for his waist AND had his hands up when he was shot).

So here's another equally plausible version.

After the struggle in the car, Wilson chases Brown. Brown realizes he isn't going to get away barefoot and with an injury, so he stops and puts his hand up, but Wilson is really pissed and is going to put this guy down!!!

Now, it would have been NICE if we had body cam footage... but you know who is against putting body cams on every cop?

Yup. Cops.
When somebody files a complaint against a police officer, it doesn't mean it has any merit because lowlifes who don't know our laws do it out of spite. If they had to get rid of every officer that had a complaint against them, we would have no police left on any force in commie cities.

Actually, it's quite the opposite. For every complaint against a cop, you have to assume there were 10 other people who didn't complain because they know they won't do anything about it.

No, you don't have to assume anything. That's not how it works. Sometimes people make false claims of harassment or excessive force against cops simply because they're pissed off at being caught.

A lot of these people are criminals and criminals are not known for their honesty.
That's what the officer did. He told the 18 year old 6'4" 290 lbs kid to get out of the street which he refused. In fact Wilson knew nothing about the store theft when he told Brown to get off the street. It was when the 290 lbs kid attacked the officer he heard the call on the radio.

Actually, that would have been awfully co-incidental. Wilson changed his story a couple of times, and none of them were believable. If he was responding to the shoplifting, he should have been going to the store, lights and sirens. If he was just hassling a black kid in the street, because that's what they did in Feguson, then that was kind of unacceptable.

Wilson did not directly respond to the convenience store robbery because another unit already had. When the other unit responded, they learned that the suspects had left and so they put out a call that the two suspects were at large, gave their descriptions and reported that they had stolen cigars. When this call went out, Wilson was still attending to a call of his own and was just wrapping it up.

I've told you all this already in a previous discussion.
No, you don't have to assume anything. That's not how it works. Sometimes people make false claims of harassment or excessive force against cops simply because they're pissed off at being caught.

A lot of these people are criminals and criminals are not known for their honesty.

Right. Frankly, I wouldn't know why anyone would make a complaint. You make a complaint when you expect change or some kind of satisfaction.

What we've seen, over and over again, is that the police don't clean up their act, they don't hold the bad actors accountable. the FOP and PBA have made it next to impossible to fire cops who aren't working out. Even when they do, they get hired somewhere else.

Wilson was fired from the Jennings PD and hired by Ferguson.
Timothy Loehman was fired from Independence's PD for being emotionally unstable, and Cleveland hired him.
Jason Van Dyke had 20 previous complaints, including one the city had to settle for $375,000.00. Still had a job when he shot LaQuan McDonald. They actually promoted him to a high-crime unit.
Chauvin had previous incidents of misconduct, still had a job when he murdered George Floyd

The problem is, the system is designed to defend the bad apples.

Wilson did not directly respond to the convenience store robbery because another unit already had. When the other unit responded, they learned that the suspects had left and so they put out a call that the two suspects were at large, gave their descriptions and reported that they had stolen cigars. When this call went out, Wilson was still attending to a call of his own and was just wrapping it up.

I've told you all this already in a previous discussion.

yup, and it didn't make any sense then.

If he thought these were the two suspects, he shouldn't have pulled up next tothem and had a casual conversation that escalated into a fight.

I think it's exactly what it looks like, a police force of racist thugs who harrassed black people as a matter of policy, and this kid panicked.
No, you don't have to assume anything. That's not how it works. Sometimes people make false claims of harassment or excessive force against cops simply because they're pissed off at being caught.

A lot of these people are criminals and criminals are not known for their honesty.

Right. Frankly, I wouldn't know why anyone would make a complaint. You make a complaint when you expect change or some kind of satisfaction.

What we've seen, over and over again, is that the police don't clean up their act, they don't hold the bad actors accountable. the FOP and PBA have made it next to impossible to fire cops who aren't working out. Even when they do, they get hired somewhere else.

Wilson was fired from the Jennings PD and hired by Ferguson.
Timothy Loehman was fired from Independence's PD for being emotionally unstable, and Cleveland hired him.
Jason Van Dyke had 20 previous complaints, including one the city had to settle for $375,000.00. Still had a job when he shot LaQuan McDonald. They actually promoted him to a high-crime unit.
Chauvin had previous incidents of misconduct, still had a job when he murdered George Floyd

The problem is, the system is designed to defend the bad apples.

Wilson did not directly respond to the convenience store robbery because another unit already had. When the other unit responded, they learned that the suspects had left and so they put out a call that the two suspects were at large, gave their descriptions and reported that they had stolen cigars. When this call went out, Wilson was still attending to a call of his own and was just wrapping it up.

I've told you all this already in a previous discussion.

yup, and it didn't make any sense then.

If he thought these were the two suspects, he shouldn't have pulled up next tothem and had a casual conversation that escalated into a fight.

I think it's exactly what it looks like, a police force of racist thugs who harrassed black people as a matter of policy, and this kid panicked.
Yup every investigation INCLUDING the one from the Brown family found the claim he had his hands up to be false and the forensic evidence does not support it either further brown was with in 20 feet of the cop when shot.
Yup every investigation INCLUDING the one from the Brown family found the claim he had his hands up to be false and the forensic evidence does not support it either further brown was with in 20 feet of the cop when shot.

How far he was away doesn't matter.

He was unarmed.
He was barefoot
He was wounded.
He had his hands up.

The shooting wasn't justified.
Yup every investigation INCLUDING the one from the Brown family found the claim he had his hands up to be false and the forensic evidence does not support it either further brown was with in 20 feet of the cop when shot.

How far he was away doesn't matter.

He was unarmed.
He was barefoot
He was wounded.
He had his hands up.

The shooting wasn't justified.
again his hands were not up as evidenced by the forensics he had one arm under him when he fell it physically could not have been up as you claim.
Actually, that's kind of retarded.

He had his hands up at his sides. I'm pretty sure he clutched his chest when the first of SIX Bullets hit him, which is how his arms got underneath his body.

The people who do these investigations are experts. You're just a guy who watches too many movies on television.
How far he was away doesn't matter.

He was unarmed.
He was barefoot
He was wounded.
He had his hands up.

The shooting wasn't justified.

It is justified. Do I need to be repetitive and tell you the laws about using deadly force again?
I know that when a kid is lying dead in the middle of the street with 8 bullet holes in him, and he was unarmed, barefoot, and wounded when he was shot, and 14 people said he had his hands up... something ain't right.

Yes, a bunch of lying ghetto N's who always lie for their fellow criminals, especially when it's a white cop.

But the argument you make is that because they struggled in the car, that made it okay for him to shoot him after he ran away. Now, what I don't see in all these diagrams is where Wilson ACTUALLY was when he fired the shots. They show the projectiles being near where the body was, slightly off. Did Wilson chase him, then shoot him six times.

Yes, Wilson did chase him. That's what police officers do when a suspect runs.......well, except in your commie city now that the ugliest Mayor in the country made regulations about police not being able to pursue a suspect until they get permission from the supervisor ten minutes later.

Officer Wilson shot because he was defending his safety and life. The suspect was nearly twice his weight and taller than he was. This veteran officer knew he was dealing with somebody likely intoxicated on some illegal drug, which gives them the ability to ignore pain, especially in the heat of rage. He charged at the officer and as credible witness accounts go, the officer was holding his gun on the suspect and trying to walk backwards yelling for him to stop and get down on the ground. He had no choice but to fire.

So let's go with another scenario: The officer didn't fire and Brown tackled him, took his gun and killed the police officer. When you pull your weapon, you cannot chance that somebody will take your weapon and kill you. After all, Brown tried to take his gun moments earlier, the officer knew he would do that again if he had the chance. It's clear Brown was tanked up because nobody attacks a police officer with a gun. If I pull my gun on an unarmed attacker and he continues with the attack, I as an armed citizen have every reason to believe something is wrong with the guy giving me justification to use deadly force.

Okay, buddy, here is the witness chart.

Nice, except those red X's you see didn't line up with forensic evidence and other witness accounts. Those green check marks did line up with all the evidence collected.
The south might be nicer to live in because of whether, not because of the people who live there. Bunch of inbred bible thumpers who've been stupid for hundreds of years. There's a reason why they give characters in a movie a southern accent to make them sound stupid.

Like I have told you many times, in my area outside of the main city the average education level and the average income is higher than even the richest, most educated areas of Chicago. Obviously you can pick certain areas where that is not the case, just like everywhere, but the perception that all of us Southerners are uneducated, poor, simple-minded folks is ridiculous just like all inner city people are not all thugs and gangsters.

Right, just put up a bunch of statues of racists and wave around racist flags, and then tell me that's the kind of place that would make you feel free.

Funny, but that doesn't really happen. The media finds one lunatic doing it and then broadcast it to bolster the myth that it is common. You obviously have bought it.

Yes, i know, the scary black lesbian terrifies you.

It has nothing to do with her being black or a lesbian. Her policies are pure lunacy. That aside, she is one horribly unattractive, scary lady that doesn't even need a costume for a Halloween party.
Actually, it's quite the opposite. For every complaint against a cop, you have to assume there were 10 other people who didn't complain because they know they won't do anything about it.

No, you don't assume anything. Is it okay to assume that Brown stole merchandise ten times before he got into an altercation with officer Wilson? Believe it or not, you are not the only person ignorant of our laws and police procedure. There are a lot of people, especially in the inner-city where a lot of uneducated people reside. A complaint has no merit unless it's investigated and the officer is found to be outside of the law or police procedure which well over 98% of them are not.

Actually, that would have been awfully co-incidental. Wilson changed his story a couple of times, and none of them were believable. If he was responding to the shoplifting, he should have been going to the store, lights and sirens. If he was just hassling a black kid in the street, because that's what they did in Feguson, then that was kind of unacceptable.

Again with the comprehension problems. WTF did I say he was responding to the store robbery? I said he didn't even know about it until he heard the call on the radio while he was with Brown. He didn't confront Brown about the theft, he confronted him about walking in the middle of the street. He told Brown to get out of the street and that's when Brown became confrontational. Officer Wilson didn't change his story.

Furthermore because I always try to teach you something in these matters, police do not use lights and sirens to respond to a simple shoplifting case. Those lights and sirens are used in emergency situations only which shoplifting is not.

Uh, guy, here's the thing... If I think a client is lying to me about his experience, I challenge it.

I'm perfectly focused. Wilson murdered Brown. He shot an unarmed, wounded, barefoot kid six times. 16 witnesses said he had his hands up. Any link that says otherwise if utter bullshit, and that's what I treat it as.

The stories are reliable as they come with hyperlinks; not that you bothered to look. Most of the witnesses lied about other matters of the situation, one was found to have psychological problems, they had an iPad of the lowlifes talking about concocting the false story, 8 people admitted to lying up front, and the others under questioning were found to be lying or their recount of events didn't match with the evidence.

Can you tell me why it would matter if the suspect was barefoot and unarmed? It had nothing to do with him getting shot to death.
Gee, he was stoned out of his gourd and paranoid.

Uh, pot makes you mellow. Not aggressive. Maybe he was trying to give Wilson a hug and he freaked out. Yes, that's crazy, but no more crazier than the excuses you come up with for shooting an unarmed kid multiple times.

I was talking about Floyd.
Every person who dies from an overdose had been doing drugs for some time before the one time they took too much. Idiot.

Yeah, but most of them don't have a racist thug put a knee to their neck, that's why they usually survive.

Irrelevant. You asked why he hadn't died before from taking fentanyl. The answer is that most don't overdose from first time use.

According to the CDC, there were 70,630 drug overdose deaths in 2019. 49,860 of those deaths were from opioids and nearly 73% of those opioid deaths were from synthetic opioids such as fentanyl.

From the CDC:

Drug Overdose Deaths | Drug Overdose | CDC Injury Center
Irrelevant. His parents hiring image consultants had nothing to do with the events of that day.

People in the right don't need image consultants.

They do if they've been unjustly made out to be racist in the public eye.

There was no formal charge leveled at Sandmann so getting a lawyer wasn't an option. As it was, they DID hire a lawyer to sue the news outlets for libel and misleading the public.

Nearly everyone, including you, had the wrong idea about what happened.
The problem was, on those tapes, he looked like a entitled racist punk smirking at an elderly man. That's a bad image. Let's dress him up in a nice suit, teach him how to do the sad face, and not put him in front of any reporters who might ask him about why he was out there trying to deprive women of their right to control their own bodies.

What he looked like to you on those tapes is irrelevant. More so in your case because you had a pre-existing bias and hatred against Catholics and pro-lifers. The fact that you keep bringing it up is proof of that. His pro-life stance is irrelevant to the encounter with Phillips.
Would you rather they go to trial wearing their baggy pants and gang colors?
Why not? The point is, in both cases, you had someone trying to fool an audience with a dishonest image.

You don't know that.
You have been remiss in a lot of things. Conceding that most cops are not black killers means nothing when one considers how you blatantly ignore contributing factors like Floyd being stoned and outright lie about other things like Brown being barefoot.

Except he was barefoot.

Not when he committed his unlawful acts. He wasn't barefoot until he lost his sandals running from Wilson AFTER assaulting him.
It's easy to sit there and judge incidents that don't end up with a shooting as having been "resolved correctly" but something else entirely when there is a shooting. The simple fact is, even most incidents that end with a shooting are resolved correctly. Most times it is justified and was the only option left to the officer because the suspect became violent.

Bullshit. American cops shoot or kill 1000 suspects a year. British cops kill 2-5 a year. Cops in Germany, Japan, France, Italy- the numbers rarely exceed single digits and never low two digits. Of course, they don't have crazy laws like "anyone who wants gun can have one because some slave rapists couldn't define a militia clearly".

Irrelevant. Those countries don't have the crime rates we have. More crime=more encounters with police=more incidents of resisting arrest and non-compliance.
Which he was wearing when he attacked Wilson.

So he's wearing his sandals when he stole the cigars, threatened the store owner and later when he attacked Wilson. In the process of walking or running away from Wilson after assaulting him, he loses his sandals and then, what, he's suddenly harmless? Suddenly the assault on the officer becomes null and void? What? Why do you keep up this ridiculous narrative of Brown being barefoot when you know full fucking well he was wearing them when he attacked Wilson?

Wow, so why do you keep going back to what happened at the store or at the car.

Why do you keep bringing up that he was barefoot when he was not barefoot when he robbed the store and assaulted Wilson? Why is his being barefoot at that point important?

Having said that, what happened at the store is the reason Wilson tried to get out of his cruiser and detain Brown (after asking them to get on the sidewalk and then seeing the cigars in Brown's hand). As for any other reason I keep bringing up the store, it shows that Brown was not above criminal behavior.

It should be noted that, though Brown did not have any felony arrests or any arrests as an adult, he apparently had a juvenile record that, by law, has to remain confidential. So apparently he had been in trouble before.
I'll even concede that the two shots fired in the car as Wilson and Brown struggled were justified.

We are talking about the SIX shots fired that killed Brown. When he was barefoot, wounded, unarmed, and had his hands up according to 14 witnesses.

His being barefoot is irrelevant. Besides, a barefoot person can do just as much damage as a person who is shod.
Look where the spent casings are you idiot. Wilson was going after Brown and was 10 to 15 feet from him when Brown turned around and charged him. Wilson then began to back up, telling Brown to stop. When it was clear Brown was not going to stop and also had his left hand in his trousers, suggesting he might be reaching for a gun, Wilson fired.

Man, you are one simple son of a bitch.

Okay, that's Wilson's story.. which is okay if you ignore ALL the witnesses that said he had his hands up.

According to the chart- 16 witnesses said he had his hands up.

Only four said he had his hand at his waist.

(Two of them said he reached for his waist AND had his hands up when he was shot).

So here's another equally plausible version.

After the struggle in the car, Wilson chases Brown. Brown realizes he isn't going to get away barefoot and with an injury, so he stops and puts his hand up, but Wilson is really pissed and is going to put this guy down!!!

Now, it would have been NICE if we had body cam footage... but you know who is against putting body cams on every cop?

Yup. Cops.

Many of those witness' testimony had to be ignored because they contradicted forensic evidence and many outright lied.

Sorry but, just like you, too many people were out to hang the officer from the beginning and that became obvious during the investigation.
No, you don't have to assume anything. That's not how it works. Sometimes people make false claims of harassment or excessive force against cops simply because they're pissed off at being caught.

A lot of these people are criminals and criminals are not known for their honesty.

Right. Frankly, I wouldn't know why anyone would make a complaint. You make a complaint when you expect change or some kind of satisfaction.

Or because you're pissed at being caught.
What we've seen, over and over again, is that the police don't clean up their act, they don't hold the bad actors accountable. the FOP and PBA have made it next to impossible to fire cops who aren't working out. Even when they do, they get hired somewhere else.

Wilson was fired from the Jennings PD and hired by Ferguson.

Other officers from that precinct were fired, Wilson was not. Wilson was let go when they closed the precinct.
Timothy Loehman was fired from Independence's PD for being emotionally unstable, and Cleveland hired him.
Jason Van Dyke had 20 previous complaints, including one the city had to settle for $375,000.00. Still had a job when he shot LaQuan McDonald. They actually promoted him to a high-crime unit.
Chauvin had previous incidents of misconduct, still had a job when he murdered George Floyd

The problem is, the system is designed to defend the bad apples.

It doesn't change the fact that Brown robbed a store and assaulted an officer.
Wilson did not directly respond to the convenience store robbery because another unit already had. When the other unit responded, they learned that the suspects had left and so they put out a call that the two suspects were at large, gave their descriptions and reported that they had stolen cigars. When this call went out, Wilson was still attending to a call of his own and was just wrapping it up.

I've told you all this already in a previous discussion.

yup, and it didn't make any sense then.

If he thought these were the two suspects, he shouldn't have pulled up next tothem and had a casual conversation that escalated into a fight.

Wilson did not escalate the situation, Brown did when he attacked Wilson.
I think it's exactly what it looks like, a police force of racist thugs who harrassed black people as a matter of policy, and this kid panicked.

I have no doubt that that's what it looks like to you. But then, your judgment is suspect based on the fact that you claimed Floyd wasn't driving when all the images and videos clearly showed he was. Your judgment is also suspect because you kept claiming Brown was 150 feet away from Wilson when Wilson fired when the scene diagram that YOU cited showed the spent casings within twenty feet of Brown's body. Your judgment is also suspect because you kept claiming Brown did not advance on Wilson when, again, the diagram YOU cited shows that he was about 22 feet closer to Wilson from where he turned around.

You've wanted to hang Wilson from the beginning so you've lied, waffled, contradicted yourself and changed your narrative to make it fit your picture of a racist cop maliciously gunning down a black kid.

You're a piece of shit.
The people who do these investigations are experts. You're just a guy who watches too many movies on television.
Right. These would be the same "experts" at the FBI who concluded that Trump conspired with the Russians, the same experts that missed 9/11, the same experts who covered for Whitey Bolger.

It is justified. Do I need to be repetitive and tell you the laws about using deadly force again?
You can. Still doesn't justify shooting an unarmed kid who was giving up.

Yes, a bunch of lying ghetto N's who always lie for their fellow criminals, especially when it's a white cop.

Tell us how you aren't racist, ray, that shit never gets old.

And don't you live in a Ghetto?

Yes, Wilson did chase him. That's what police officers do when a suspect runs.......well, except in your commie city now that the ugliest Mayor in the country made regulations about police not being able to pursue a suspect until they get permission from the supervisor ten minutes later.

Exactly that. Why chase someone and risk a deadly confrontation over a pack of cigarettes?

Officer Wilson shot because he was defending his safety and life. The suspect was nearly twice his weight and taller than he was. This veteran officer knew he was dealing with somebody likely intoxicated on some illegal drug, which gives them the ability to ignore pain, especially in the heat of rage. He charged at the officer and as credible witness accounts go, the officer was holding his gun on the suspect and trying to walk backwards yelling for him to stop and get down on the ground. He had no choice but to fire.

Black people have super powers. I keep forgetting that. Yeah, I've never heard of "pot rage" before.

So let's go with another scenario: The officer didn't fire and Brown tackled him, took his gun and killed the police officer. When you pull your weapon, you cannot chance that somebody will take your weapon and kill you. After all, Brown tried to take his gun moments earlier, the officer knew he would do that again if he had the chance. It's clear Brown was tanked up because nobody attacks a police officer with a gun. If I pull my gun on an unarmed attacker and he continues with the attack, I as an armed citizen have every reason to believe something is wrong with the guy giving me justification to use deadly force.

Works on the assumption that Wilson's many contradictory stories about him trying to take his gun were accurate.

Nice, except those red X's you see didn't line up with forensic evidence and other witness accounts. Those green check marks did line up with all the evidence collected.

Not really. What you have in inconclusive forensic evidence and witnesses who were ignored because a corrupt DA who SHOULD have recused himself tried to cover it up.

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