Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

If they actually cared about black lives
They would donate millions of the money given to them to rebuild ghetto's, help children get food and to go to school, fund programs in the black communities to keep kids off the streets, assist failed businesses due to being burned to the ground and a multitude of other helpful things. But...they haven't. Yet, banks, large businesses, tech companies, etc ALL continue to give them money that is not going anywhere near the blacks. So I guess Black Lives Don't Matter after all.
It's kind of like the word "racist" in that sense, huh?
Not even close. Here's the difference. The things we call racist actually are racist.

Not from where I'm standing. More often than not it's overblown, overemotional, self involved, self righteous bullshit.
the things you call a crisis, really aren't

I didn't call it a crisis, your own party did.
So we have a spike of border crossers, most of whom get sent right back home. It's a problem, one we could easily solve by going after the rich white people who keep hiring them.

You're an idiot if you think that's all that needs to be done.
You dumbass. Those numbers are annual figures. The article I posted showed an increase from 78,000 to 170,000 in four months.
Yes, the usual annual spike.

No, it is NOT usual.
But even if you had a SUSTAINED 170K, it still wouldn't equal the nearly 1.6 million that crossed in 2000 or the up to 2 and 3 millon who crossed in the 90's when NAFTA broke the Mexican Agricultural economy.

Deflection. You're not very good at it by any stretch of the imagination but, I give you an A for effort.
View attachment 508475
Is that a selfie? You're even better looking than I thought.
If they actually cared about black lives
They would donate millions of the money given to them to rebuild ghetto's, help children get food and to go to school, fund programs in the black communities to keep kids off the streets, assist failed businesses due to being burned to the ground and a multitude of other helpful things. But...they haven't. Yet, banks, large businesses, tech companies, etc ALL continue to give them money that is not going anywhere near the blacks. So I guess Black Lives Don't Matter after all.

And if BLM did things like that, they'd get a hell of a lot more money and be a more respectable in communities across the nation.
Travon Martin was a Gangbanger who got killed. His destiny was to catch a bullet. Glad he is dead. BLM are not Americans,. Just black savages. Try reading "The Bell Curve". It explains it all.

You mean the discredited Bell Curve written by racist Charles Murray?

Martin was coming home from the store to the place he lived. And he was shot by a white thug. This is all manner of fucked up, and most sensible people know it.

He had no criminal record. What do you expect federal background checks to do, read a crystal ball to determine this individual might use his firearms for something nefarious?

Well, if they had talked to his school, they'd have found out that he was in the process of being expelled for mental instability. If they talked to his family, they'd have found out that he was having serious mental problems.

The two things we find out after every mass shooting.

1) Everyone in that person's life knew he had issues.
2) He was able to easily buy a gun anyway.

So I have my simple enough solution. Allow victims of gun violence to sue the gun makers and sellers, and make it incumbant on the gun sellers to make sure they aren't selling to Joker Holmes. Betcha they start asking families after a few million dollar settlements.

The only people that made it unattractive are Democrats, the MSM, and people like yourself completely ignorant of our laws. Nearly every police shooting has one thing in common, and that is the lowlife didn't listen to the orders of the police. However the communist manifesto dictates to disarm the entire public instead of insisting everybody obey police commands. Disarming society only empowers the criminal which is Satan's goal because it creates more evil. It's the result of single-parent homes which the Democrat party always supported.
No, guy, we aren't talking about "every police shooting"

We are talking about cops shooting unarmed people over petty violations. True, these are the minority of cases, but when they happen, they are pretty awful. And we usually find the person who did the shooting had a long record of "We really wish you picked something else on career day".

Fine, but when your commie city can't find police to do that job, good luck trying to fight off a criminal with a gun.

Yawn, those jobs pay $53 - $110K a year. We can be a lot more selective who we hire. The real problem is, when you have a guy who isn't working out, it's impossible to fire him once he's in the union. This is something you complain about in the civilian world, but it doesn't bother you when lives are at stake.

No, the Communists in China did that. Trump had nothing to do with it. You know....those same communists that the Biden family got rich from?
Wow, really? So how did the Commies get Trump to call Covid a hoax and ignore the problem for months and hold super-spreader events? I mean, shit, that's pretty devious.

No, what we really need is a proper deterrent. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried. When you have commie cities releasing criminals back into the public, it matters not if there are guns around or not.

Actually, we have the harshest criminal justice system in the industrialized world. We lock up 2 million people when most countries lock up less than 100,000. We lock up more people than China does.

Nope. Punishment isn't the problem.

The problems are - Poverty, Racism, Drug Addiction, Mental Illness and the easy availability of guns.
Not from where I'm standing. More often than not it's overblown, overemotional, self involved, self righteous bullshit.
You mean the white gated community you live in, where you just don't understand what the darkies are upset about?

You're an idiot if you think that's all that needs to be done.

Actually, it really is that simple. The reason why we have undocumented workers here is because there are jobs here that need to be done, and Americans aren't willing to do them and rich white people are willing to pay to get it done.

So if you go after the sweat shops and the meat packing plants and the guy outside the Home Depot picking up a truckload of Day Laborers because that DIY job isn't as easy as HGTV made it look, there really won't be a reason to come here.

A rich person wants to cheat you by hiring an illegal, and you hate on the illegal instead of the rich person.

man, they got you people trained.
Actually, it really is that simple. The reason why we have undocumented workers here is because there are jobs here that need to be done, and Americans aren't willing to do them and rich white people are willing to pay to get it done.

So if you go after the sweat shops and the meat packing plants and the guy outside the Home Depot picking up a truckload of Day Laborers because that DIY job isn't as easy as HGTV made it look, there really won't be a reason to come here.

A rich person wants to cheat you by hiring an illegal, and you hate on the illegal instead of the rich person.

man, they got you people trained.

I have a better idea. Why don't we arrest all those commie politicians that warn those businesses that hire illegals when ICE comes for workplace raids in their city or state? Or maybe revoking their drivers licenses and remove the law that allows illegals to get licenses in which to get to those illegal jobs in the first place?

Businesses can't hire people that aren't here. Saying businesses are causing our illegal immigration problem is like saying the lady who has a collection of fine and expensive jewelry is responsible for criminals breaking into houses. Let the commies welcome these vagrants with open arms, and then arrest American business people for hiring them not knowing they were illegal.
Well, if they had talked to his school, they'd have found out that he was in the process of being expelled for mental instability. If they talked to his family, they'd have found out that he was having serious mental problems.

The two things we find out after every mass shooting.

1) Everyone in that person's life knew he had issues.
2) He was able to easily buy a gun anyway.

So I have my simple enough solution. Allow victims of gun violence to sue the gun makers and sellers, and make it incumbant on the gun sellers to make sure they aren't selling to Joker Holmes. Betcha they start asking families after a few million dollar settlements.

Sounds good to me. Given the fact blacks are responsible for most of the murders in this country, make sure gun vendors don't sell to blacks. Is that what you're looking for?

No, guy, we aren't talking about "every police shooting"

We are talking about cops shooting unarmed people over petty violations. True, these are the minority of cases, but when they happen, they are pretty awful. And we usually find the person who did the shooting had a long record of "We really wish you picked something else on career day".

Yes, every police shooting. You'd be hell bent on trying to find a police shooting where the suspect didn't follow the orders of a police officer. But again, we on the right have common sense, and you on the left simply don't have that gift. For us on the right, the solution is to obey the commands of a police officer. For you on the left, the solution is to not follow their commands, fight with officers, and after a black suspect is shot, have riots across the country causing tens of millions in damage.

Yawn, those jobs pay $53 - $110K a year. We can be a lot more selective who we hire. The real problem is, when you have a guy who isn't working out, it's impossible to fire him once he's in the union. This is something you complain about in the civilian world, but it doesn't bother you when lives are at stake.

There is no problem getting rid of bad cops. Unions don't back those guys. The future problem is nobody is going to want that job for any money. It's happening in my city, my state, and all across the country. You can't be selective when nobody wants the job. You take anybody you can get your hands on which of course means a much lower quality of police coming aboard.

Wow, really? So how did the Commies get Trump to call Covid a hoax and ignore the problem for months and hold super-spreader events? I mean, shit, that's pretty devious.

The only thing that's devious is lying as much as you do. You talk about Trump when your dementia patient President is allowing these Covid illegals into the country and busing them all over the place. Show me any Trump event that was more super spreader than that.

Actually, we have the harshest criminal justice system in the industrialized world. We lock up 2 million people when most countries lock up less than 100,000. We lock up more people than China does.

Nope. Punishment isn't the problem.

The problems are - Poverty, Racism, Drug Addiction, Mental Illness and the easy availability of guns.

Which are all bullshit excuses. Even our lifelong criminals in the US couldn't last a week in a Chinese prison. They have real prisons there, not lowlife playgrounds like we have. Our recidivism rate is high because once you're in the system, you have little fear of having to go back.
Not from where I'm standing. More often than not it's overblown, overemotional, self involved, self righteous bullshit.
You mean the white gated community you live in, where you just don't understand what the darkies are upset about?

I don't live in a gated community and in fact, I refuse to do so. But just so you know, I have a black friend and coworker who lives in a gated community. Do you think he agrees with me?
You're an idiot if you think that's all that needs to be done.

Actually, it really is that simple. The reason why we have undocumented workers here is because there are jobs here that need to be done, and Americans aren't willing to do them and rich white people are willing to pay to get it done.

So if you go after the sweat shops and the meat packing plants and the guy outside the Home Depot picking up a truckload of Day Laborers because that DIY job isn't as easy as HGTV made it look, there really won't be a reason to come here.

A rich person wants to cheat you by hiring an illegal, and you hate on the illegal instead of the rich person.

Hate may be part of the equation for you but it never has been for me. Which only goes to show what a petty child you are.

I've told you before that I lived in one Latin American country for three years and worked in another for seven years. I made friends in both cases and I came to love and admire them and aspects of their cultures. Hell, I almost married one.

I daresay I know a fuck of a lot more about Latin Americans than you do. To me, they are real people with faces, real lives and real concerns who happen to live in corruption and crime-infested countries and are too easily made victims and taken advantage of by their own governments and rich elites. To you they are all nothing more than faceless, hapless and helpless wretches who only exist in your mind as "brown people" and are to be pitied and used as props in your repugnant moral charade to garner wokepoints from equally ignorant, clueless and hypocritical race baiters.
man, they got you people trained.

Says the guy who quotes and parrots pat woke terms and phrases all the time like "Check your privilege" and "It'th not canthel culture, it'th conthequenth culture!".
I have a better idea. Why don't we arrest all those commie politicians that warn those businesses that hire illegals when ICE comes for workplace raids in their city or state? Or maybe revoking their drivers licenses and remove the law that allows illegals to get licenses in which to get to those illegal jobs in the first place?

Uh, I have never seen a company say, "Well, he has a driver's license, that's good enough for us!" Nope. The companies that hire illegals know exactly who they are hiring.

Businesses can't hire people that aren't here. Saying businesses are causing our illegal immigration problem is like saying the lady who has a collection of fine and expensive jewelry is responsible for criminals breaking into houses. Let the commies welcome these vagrants with open arms, and then arrest American business people for hiring them not knowing they were illegal.

YOu really think that there is one business owner who has ever hired an illegal who didn't know he was hiring an illegal? Never been my experience. I've worked at companies that knowingly hired illegals, and they knew exactly what they had. They had "plausible deniability" because they hired them through a staffing agency.

When that company was bought out, the new owners insisted on following the law, and the staffing company sent over white people. Scary-ass, meth head white people who usually worked for about two weeks until they got high on their first paycheck.

Yes, every police shooting. You'd be hell bent on trying to find a police shooting where the suspect didn't follow the orders of a police officer. But again, we on the right have common sense, and you on the left simply don't have that gift. For us on the right, the solution is to obey the commands of a police officer. For you on the left, the solution is to not follow their commands, fight with officers, and after a black suspect is shot, have riots across the country causing tens of millions in damage.

Actually, I expect our officers to show good judgement and not shoot unarmed children playing with toys without evaluating the situation. The problem was, until we had riots, DA's were happy to give these guys a pass. Not anymore.

There is no problem getting rid of bad cops. Unions don't back those guys. The future problem is nobody is going to want that job for any money. It's happening in my city, my state, and all across the country. You can't be selective when nobody wants the job. You take anybody you can get your hands on which of course means a much lower quality of police coming aboard.
Bullshit. The FOP funded Jason van Dyke's defense to the nines. You know, the guy they caught on tape shooting a kid 16 times while he was lying on the ground.

The only thing that's devious is lying as much as you do. You talk about Trump when your dementia patient President is allowing these Covid illegals into the country and busing them all over the place. Show me any Trump event that was more super spreader than that.

Really? Man, I've talked to people who've caught Covid TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), and they say it's a pain to get from the bed to the bathroom, much less make an arduous journey across the desert.

In fact, you can't name one person who has caught Covid from an undocumented alien... Meanwhile.

Which are all bullshit excuses. Even our lifelong criminals in the US couldn't last a week in a Chinese prison. They have real prisons there, not lowlife playgrounds like we have. Our recidivism rate is high because once you're in the system, you have little fear of having to go back.

Dude, tell you what, how about you spend a week in a prison, and tell me what resorts they are.

Oh, wait. You're white.
Hate may be part of the equation for you but it never has been for me. Which only goes to show what a petty child you are.

No, buddy, it's nothing to do with hate. It has to do with you being such a trained tool of the rich, is that when the rich rip off working class people by hiring undocumented workers, your initial kneejerk response it to blame some poor person of color for doing a shitty job.

Ironically, you bigots have caused a lot of the problem you complain about. Used to be, migrant workers would come up for harvest season or construction season, do some work, and then go home. Then you bigots made it so hard to cross the border they figured, well, I got here once, no point in going back right away.

We could easily solve our needs for unskilled labor and reduce illegal immigration by adopting a guest worker program like Germany has. (Turks and Poles do most of their unskilled labor.)

I've told you before that I lived
Did you? Because I just assume you are lying whenever you make claims...

Says the guy who quotes and parrots pat woke terms and phrases all the time like "Check your privilege" and "It'th not canthel culture, it'th conthequenth culture!".

So you think making fun of people with lisps makes you clever?.

I ask because I had to undergo speech therapy as a teen to pronounce th sounds properly.

There is no Cancel Culture. Every fucker who lost a job did so because they said something stupid that the people paying them didn't want to be associated with.

The real problem is people forget millions of people can see their bigotry on Social Media, as opposed to the local bar.
Hate may be part of the equation for you but it never has been for me. Which only goes to show what a petty child you are.

No, buddy, it's nothing to do with hate.

Then why did you bring it up?
It has to do with you being such a trained tool of the rich, is that when the rich rip off working class people by hiring undocumented workers, your initial kneejerk response it to blame some poor person of color for doing a shitty job.

Your kneejerk reaction (being a trained tool of the left) is to assume my reactions are rooted in hate.
Ironically, you bigots have caused a lot of the problem you complain about. Used to be, migrant workers would come up for harvest season or construction season, do some work, and then go home. Then you bigots made it so hard to cross the border they figured, well, I got here once, no point in going back right away.

We could easily solve our needs for unskilled labor and reduce illegal immigration by adopting a guest worker program like Germany has. (Turks and Poles do most of their unskilled labor.)

So suggest it to your congressperson. The fuck are you bitching at me about it for?
I've told you before that I lived
Did you? Because I just assume you are lying whenever you make claims...

Then why are you talking to me?
Says the guy who quotes and parrots pat woke terms and phrases all the time like "Check your privilege" and "It'th not canthel culture, it'th conthequenth culture!".

So you think making fun of people with lisps makes you clever?.

I'm making fun of liberal adults who sound like crying children. Not so clever but it IS apt.
I ask because I had to undergo speech therapy as a teen to pronounce th sounds properly.

I'm not surprised. It's probably because you have a pathological aversion to THinking.
There is no Cancel Culture. Every fucker who lost a job did so because they said something stupid that the people paying them didn't want to be associated with.

The real problem is people forget millions of people can see their bigotry on Social Media, as opposed to the local bar.

Yup, straight from the liberal rulebook. "It'th not canthel culture, it'th conthequenth culture!".
No, buddy, it's nothing to do with hate. It has to do with you being such a trained tool of the rich, is that when the rich rip off working class people by hiring undocumented workers, your initial kneejerk response it to blame some poor person of color for doing a shitty job.

Yes, just like I would blame the burglar that ransacked my home if I were to get robbed. If you're not legally in our country, you broke the law right there.

Ironically, you bigots have caused a lot of the problem you complain about. Used to be, migrant workers would come up for harvest season or construction season, do some work, and then go home. Then you bigots made it so hard to cross the border they figured, well, I got here once, no point in going back right away.

Nobody stopped that. We have a problem with illegal workers, not legal workers which total somewhere around a million a year.
Uh, I have never seen a company say, "Well, he has a driver's license, that's good enough for us!" Nope. The companies that hire illegals know exactly who they are hiring.

No, but it's the commie politicians that make it more convenient for them to get to these jobs. In fact some have stated that was the reason for giving them licenses.

YOu really think that there is one business owner who has ever hired an illegal who didn't know he was hiring an illegal? Never been my experience. I've worked at companies that knowingly hired illegals, and they knew exactly what they had. They had "plausible deniability" because they hired them through a staffing agency.

When that company was bought out, the new owners insisted on following the law, and the staffing company sent over white people. Scary-ass, meth head white people who usually worked for about two weeks until they got high on their first paycheck.

First off the business is only responsible for their employees--not anybody they subcontract work to. Secondly, fake identification is so perfected that it's nearly impossible to detect an illegal since the multi-millionaire drug lords invested money for these fake identifications. Third, even if an employer knows the applicant is an illegal and doesn't hire them, the illegal can still sue the company for discrimination. I'm sure it wasn't a Republican judge who ruled that way.

Actually, I expect our officers to show good judgement and not shoot unarmed children playing with toys without evaluating the situation. The problem was, until we had riots, DA's were happy to give these guys a pass. Not anymore.

So what can they do now, lock them up in jail when no crime has been committed? You really yearn for the US to become the old USSR, don't you?

Really? Man, I've talked to people who've caught Covid TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), and they say it's a pain to get from the bed to the bathroom, much less make an arduous journey across the desert.

In fact, you can't name one person who has caught Covid from an undocumented alien... Meanwhile.

Contact tracing is nearly impossible in most any case. I've had several people in my family that got Covid and one of my tenants. They were all fine and said all they had was a headache for a day or two and a little run down. Covid (like the vaccine) hit people differently.

Dude, tell you what, how about you spend a week in a prison, and tell me what resorts they are.

Oh, wait. You're white.

Oh wait, I don't have to spend time in prison. I know ex-cons who have been in US prisons. I go by what they have told me. Plus my old GF was a corrections officer in a mens prison. She spent 15 years at that job. We've stayed in contact for many years.
Your kneejerk reaction (being a trained tool of the left) is to assume my reactions are rooted in hate.

Yes, you guys supported a Nazi President who didn't even bother to hide his racism for four years... that's why you get that. History is not going to be kind to you in 20 years.

So suggest it to your congressperson. The fuck are you bitching at me about it for?
Because bigots like you are the ones who keep Congress from fixing immigration. The funny thing, Geo. W. Bush HAD a solution to this problem with McCain-Kennedy, a bipartisan solution to the undocumented immigrant problem. But the racists took over the GOP and it didn't happen.

Then why are you talking to me?
See above.

I'm making fun of liberal adults who sound like crying children. Not so clever but it IS apt.
Oh, is that what you are doing? Because it sounded to me like you were doing an imitation of what you think a sissy sounds like.

It's not clever, guy. You are trying to avoid the point by mocking the people who advocate it.

The reality- people on the left and the right get fired all the time when they bring unwanted attention on their businesses. Sorry, just happens. Sometimes it's unfair, but frankly, the mostly high profile people you whine about usually have more recourses than the rest of us do.

I'm not surprised. It's probably because you have a pathological aversion to THinking.

No, I have an overbite and my tongue didn't always hit my front teeth to make the Th sound. And because in 12 years of Catholic Schools, no one bothered to actually try to fix the problem. (Although given all the fucked up things they DID do, it was probably for the best they didn't try. Seriously, fuck the Catholics.)

Yup, straight from the liberal rulebook. "It'th not canthel culture, it'th conthequenth culture!".

yes, we all know you guys don't want any consequences for your bigotry.
Because bigots like you are the ones who keep Congress from fixing immigration. The funny thing, Geo. W. Bush HAD a solution to this problem with McCain-Kennedy, a bipartisan solution to the undocumented immigrant problem. But the racists took over the GOP and it didn't happen.

The Bush idea was to surrender. President Trump decreased border crossings by over 90% from May of 2019 until the end of the year. He found the solution. Unfortunately, this dementia patient reversed all of his successful policies and that's why we have a crisis today.
Your kneejerk reaction (being a trained tool of the left) is to assume my reactions are rooted in hate.

Yes, you guys supported a Nazi President who didn't even bother to hide his racism for four years... that's why you get that. History is not going to be kind to you in 20 years.

Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with Trump.
So suggest it to your congressperson. The fuck are you bitching at me about it for?
Because bigots like you are the ones who keep Congress from fixing immigration. The funny thing, Geo. W. Bush HAD a solution to this problem with McCain-Kennedy, a bipartisan solution to the undocumented immigrant problem. But the racists took over the GOP and it didn't happen.

And you think that bitching to me about it will fix immigration? Either write your Democrat congressperson/s about the matter or don't. But they are in a much better position than I am to do anything about it so go bitch to them.
Then why are you talking to me?
See above.

I'm making fun of liberal adults who sound like crying children. Not so clever but it IS apt.
Oh, is that what you are doing? Because it sounded to me like you were doing an imitation of what you think a sissy sounds like.

And that would be incorrect.
It's not clever, guy.

I told you myself it wasn't clever you dimwit.
You are trying to avoid the point by mocking the people who advocate it.

Yes, I AM mocking the people who advocate canthel culture. I'm glad you picked up on that. Maybe there's hope for you yet.
The reality- people on the left and the right get fired all the time when they bring unwanted attention on their businesses. Sorry, just happens. Sometimes it's unfair, but frankly, the mostly high profile people you whine about usually have more recourses than the rest of us do.

I'm not surprised. It's probably because you have a pathological aversion to THinking.

No, I have an overbite and my tongue didn't always hit my front teeth to make the Th sound. And because in 12 years of Catholic Schools, no one bothered to actually try to fix the problem. (Although given all the fucked up things they DID do, it was probably for the best they didn't try. Seriously, fuck the Catholics.)

Yet you still seem to have a pathological aversion to thinking anyway. Go figure.
Yup, straight from the liberal rulebook. "It'th not canthel culture, it'th conthequenth culture!".

yes, we all know you guys don't want any consequences for your bigotry.

You wouldn't know bigotry if it bit you on your pasty white ass.
The Bush idea was to surrender. President Trump decreased border crossings by over 90% from May of 2019 until the end of the year. He found the solution. Unfortunately, this dementia patient reversed all of his successful policies and that's why we have a crisis today.

Uh, the main reason people weren't crossing last year was because the country was ravaged by plague, riots and recession.

Wow. What a brilliant strategy!!! Stop illegal immigration by making the country undesirable.

"You completely destroyed the country, Trump! 500,000 dead, 65 million jobs lost, cities in flames!"

"Yeah, but at least we got rid of those fucking S***s!"
Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with Trump.

it's everything to do with Trump. Trump is the allergic reaction Racist America had to having a black president. You guys jumped over 10 Republicans who would have made fairly competent president to get to the racist.

And you think that bitching to me about it will fix immigration? Either write your Democrat congressperson/s about the matter or don't. But they are in a much better position than I am to do anything about it so go bitch to them.
Again- the reason they don't act is because of bigots like you. We had the solution, your side stopped it.

Yes, I AM mocking the people who advocate canthel culture. I'm glad you picked up on that. Maybe there's hope for you yet.

I realize you live in mortal fear of consequence culture. But the thing is, we want you bigots to be afraid.

You wouldn't know bigotry if it bit you on your pasty white ass.

Naw, we see bigotry every day in this country, it's in our national DNA. Always has been.
Uh, the main reason people weren't crossing last year was because the country was ravaged by plague, riots and recession.

Wow. What a brilliant strategy!!! Stop illegal immigration by making the country undesirable.

"You completely destroyed the country, Trump! 500,000 dead, 65 million jobs lost, cities in flames!"

"Yeah, but at least we got rid of those fucking S***s!"

Do you try to construct stupid statements to put us on or are you really that much of a puppet?

The Wuhan virus wasn't even known about until very late 2019 after Trump's successful policies had tremendous results. Even then nobody took the virus seriously until early 2020 around March. The commies in Congress did everything they could do to stop Trump's immigration actions, and what they couldn't stop, their commie judges did.

*Trump told Mexico if they wanted to see our foreign aid, they had better stop migrants from crossing their country to get to ours.
*Trump changed asylum requirements so you had to apply for asylum in your own country at a US embassy.
*If you did make it here, his Wait in Mexico policy stopped vagrants from sneaking into our country pretending they would attend court for a hearing never to be seen again.
*Trump instituted the policy if you were offered asylum in any other country along the way to ours, it's grounds for automatic disqualification.
*Pregnant women were not issued VISA's in effort to stop people coming here exclusively to have anchor babies, also known as Birther Tourism.
*Trump erected over 470 miles of wall much of it to replace our old useless walls we've had for decades. Some open areas were seeing new walls.

There was no recession in 2019. The recession didn't come until early 2020. A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth. Yes, we did have riots. A police officer in a liberal city in a liberal state had a liberal drug addict die in his custody with three times the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system. The animals in liberal cities across the country used that as an excuse to destroy their cities. Their commie leaders told their police to back off and let it take place, one commie referred to it as the Summer of Love.

So again I ask: If Trump is responsible for 500,000 Covid deaths, why isn't DumBama responsible for the 200,000 flu deaths that took place during his two terms?
Irrelevant. This has nothing to do with Trump.

it's everything to do with Trump. Trump is the allergic reaction Racist America had to having a black president. You guys jumped over 10 Republicans who would have made fairly competent president to get to the racist.

No, Trump is not relevant to my thoughts on immigration. As for having a black president, I didn't give two shits that Obama was black.
And you think that bitching to me about it will fix immigration? Either write your Democrat congressperson/s about the matter or don't. But they are in a much better position than I am to do anything about it so go bitch to them.
Again- the reason they don't act is because of bigots like you. We had the solution, your side stopped it.

So go bitch to the politicians that stopped it.

You sound like an 8-track tape on a ten second loop: "Bigot, racist, racist, bigot, consequence culture, Nazi bigot, bigot Nazi, bigot consequence, culture Nazi, Nazi racist-" *click* "Bigot, racist, racist, bigot, consequence culture, Nazi bigot, bigot Nazi, bigot consequence, culture Nazi, Nazi racist-"
Yes, I AM mocking the people who advocate canthel culture. I'm glad you picked up on that. Maybe there's hope for you yet.

I realize you live in mortal fear of consequence culture. But the thing is, we want you bigots to be afraid.

I'm sure you do. And I will continue to mock you for it.
You wouldn't know bigotry if it bit you on your pasty white ass.

Naw, we see bigotry every day in this country, it's in our national DNA. Always has been.

Straight from the Liberal Rulebook.

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