Former BLM Leaders Speaks Out About "Ugly Truth" About Group

How's that working out for him? He's unemployable, he can't go out in public lest someone recognize him.

The problem is you gun nuts wank off all day to the thought of plugging a darkie, but if you ever did, it would ruin your lives.

Of course, in your case, ruining your life would be redundant... you've done that already, Welfare Ray.

So tell me OCD, how do you know Zimmerman isn't employable? How do you know he doesn't have a great job right now? Yes, shooting a lowlife can ruin your life, but it's better than losing your life to one of them. The shooting is over a 10 year old story. You wouldn't recognize George if he was sitting at a table next to you in a restaurant.

That's the point. I don't speak German. I don't celebrate German holidays. (I'm actually only half German, the other half is a mix of things). So to describe me as a German would be in accurate. Just like describing Zimmershit as a Hispanic would be even MORE inaccurate.

You're the one who constantly brings up race. it's part of your mental problem. All we did is point out to your self-hating white ass that Zimmerman was not white as you claimed, he is a half and half. If you don't speak German, then you are not really half German, you can't be if you don't live in an area of others of German descent. See? That's what I was pointing out.
Irrelevant. None of this has anything to do with your inability to see beyond his German surname to acknowledge the possibility that he’s (half) Hispanic.

Okay, if you say so. Not wasting time watching you argue how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

If he really were Hispanic, the racist cops might have arrested him.

“If he really were Hispanic...”? Are you now saying he isn’t Hispanic even after being told he is and that his mother is Peruvian?

Are you that invested in your white racist narrative of Zimmerman that you are willing to try to refute the bald facts that literally everyone here, including you, knows to be the truth?
So tell me OCD, how do you know Zimmerman isn't employable? How do you know he doesn't have a great job right now? Yes, shooting a lowlife can ruin your life, but it's better than losing your life to one of them. The shooting is over a 10 year old story. You wouldn't recognize George if he was sitting at a table next to you in a restaurant.

Nobody would... the man doesn't go out. Now, he hasn't been caught beating his wife or girlfriend recently, probably because his short-lived fame has sputtered out and chicks know to keep away from him.

You're the one who constantly brings up race. it's part of your mental problem. All we did is point out to your self-hating white ass that Zimmerman was not white as you claimed, he is a half and half. If you don't speak German, then you are not really half German, you can't be if you don't live in an area of others of German descent. See? That's what I was pointing out.

He's half racist and half asshole... but, no, you don't get to dump his racist ass off on Hispanics because he slightly embarrasses you.

“If he really were Hispanic...”? Are you now saying he isn’t Hispanic even after being told he is and that his mother is Peruvian?

Are you that invested in your white racist narrative of Zimmerman that you are willing to try to refute the bald facts that literally everyone here, including you, knows to be the truth?

You can make all the claims you want, but the fact is, he's a white dude who shot an unarmed black kid. He was living the racist dream, you guys need to own it.

Decent people are still kind of horrified by it.
“If he really were Hispanic...”? Are you now saying he isn’t Hispanic even after being told he is and that his mother is Peruvian?
Are you that invested in your white racist narrative of Zimmerman that you are willing to try to refute the bald facts that literally everyone here, including you, knows to be the truth?

You can make all the claims you want, but the fact is, he's a white dude who shot an unarmed black kid.

Answer the question: Are you now claiming he is not Hispanic in spite of the fact that you know he is half Hispanic?
He was living the racist dream, you guys need to own it.

I understand he was living a lifestyle that apparently you despise (nice home, gated community, etc.) but the fact is YOU need to own the fact that he is half Hispanic. I can at least face the fact that he is half German.

I’m betting that it is a huge plank in your eye that he is half Hispanic; it doesn’t fit your white-people-evil/brown-people-angels narrative.
Decent people are still kind of horrified by it.

These “decent” people you speak of are horrified by American flag displays so that’s not saying much. Hell, you were horrified by a MAGA hat for Christ’s sake.
Even people on the far left have called out BLM for misusing their donations. I support justice against police brutality, and the statement that black lives matter, but the organization BLM ain't worth supporting for sure.
Nobody would... the man doesn't go out. Now, he hasn't been caught beating his wife or girlfriend recently, probably because his short-lived fame has sputtered out and chicks know to keep away from him.

You don't know shit about his life and what he's up to now. The media is no longer following this guy around. I swear OCD, you make up more stories than a shopping mall Santa Clause. Americans forget. Unlike you, they move on to the future and not dwell on BS that doesn't really affect their lives anyway.

He's half racist and half asshole... but, no, you don't get to dump his racist ass off on Hispanics because he slightly embarrasses you.

Nobody is dumping anything on anybody. We're just presenting you with your worst nightmare--the truth.

You can make all the claims you want, but the fact is, he's a white dude who shot an unarmed black kid. He was living the racist dream, you guys need to own it.

Decent people are still kind of horrified by it.

The only people horrified by it are leftist criminals who realize if they do anything like what Martin did, they too could meet the same fate, and their victim get off scot-free. If you don't want to ever be in that position, don't attack good people or we will do the same as Zimmerman did. Problem solved.
Answer the question:

I did. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

I’m betting that it is a huge plank in your eye that he is half Hispanic; it doesn’t fit your white-people-evil/brown-people-angels narrative.
Except he was living as a white person, not a Hispanic. He didn't go around calling himself Jorge.

These “decent” people you speak of are horrified by American flag displays so that’s not saying much. Hell, you were horrified by a MAGA hat for Christ’s sake.

MAGA Hats are swastika armbands for the modern age.

You don't know shit about his life and what he's up to now. The media is no longer following this guy around. I swear OCD, you make up more stories than a shopping mall Santa Clause. Americans forget. Unlike you, they move on to the future and not dwell on BS that doesn't really affect their lives anyway.
Americans haven't forgotten what Zimmershit did.

It's why he can't show his face in decent society.

The only people horrified by it are leftist criminals who realize if they do anything like what Martin did, they too could meet the same fate, and their victim get off scot-free. If you don't want to ever be in that position, don't attack good people or we will do the same as Zimmerman did. Problem solved.

Again, the days of this sort of shit are soon to be over. Maybe you won't get criminally charged, but they'll take everything you got in the civil suit.

Zimmerman's living in the poor house now.
Answer the question:

I did. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

This bullshit again.

No, you did not answer the question. All you said was that Zimmerman "acted white", whatever the fuck that means. The question was: Are you now saying he is not half Hispanic even though we all know he is? So are you?
I’m betting that it is a huge plank in your eye that he is half Hispanic; it doesn’t fit your white-people-evil/brown-people-angels narrative.
Except he was living as a white person, not a Hispanic. He didn't go around calling himself Jorge.

First of all, what does "living as a white person" mean and why do you think so little of Hispanics that you don't think any of them can live this way?

Secondly, he goes by George because his PERUVIAN MOTHER named him George dumbass.

I know that learning new things is painful for you but Latin Americans are known to sometimes give their children English names or English versions of names. I personally know a Brazilian woman who named her son Arthur.

Thirdly, why do you have such a problem accepting his Hispanic heritage?

I've said it before and I'll say it again; you're an ignorant liberal redneck.
These “decent” people you speak of are horrified by American flag displays so that’s not saying much. Hell, you were horrified by a MAGA hat for Christ’s sake.

MAGA Hats are swastika armbands for the modern age.

This is exactly what a person horrified by a stupid hat would say. People who are not horrified by a silly hat consider it a silly hat.
Americans haven't forgotten what Zimmershit did.

It's why he can't show his face in decent society.

Who says he isn't? Any evidence of your claim? Of course not. Like everything else, you make it up in your head.

Again, the days of this sort of shit are soon to be over. Maybe you won't get criminally charged, but they'll take everything you got in the civil suit.

Zimmerman's living in the poor house now.

Again, any evidence to support your claim? No! You don't know where he lives or how he's doing.

Americans being able to defend themselves is far from over. In fact it gains more popularity all the time. More and more Americans applying for and getting their carry permit to have the legal ability to use deadly force against garbage like Travon. Utah got rid of their CCW permits and now allow any law abiding citizen to carry. Texas the same. You are losing ground on your hopes and dreams of disarming citizens in this country. We like it, and we're going to keep it. If anything, we will support representatives to give us more leeway to using our firearms against attackers, and hopefully soon, remove the civil liabilities.
No, you did not answer the question.
Yes, I did. You just didn't like the answer. Sucks to be you. Let's see you whine about it again for another five paragraphs.


Thirdly, why do you have such a problem accepting his Hispanic heritage?

Because going around like an ignorant redneck shooting black children isn't a Hispanic value.

This is exactly what a person horrified by a stupid hat would say. People who are not horrified by a silly hat consider it a silly hat.

Why would anyone be horrified by a silly armband?


Or a silly Robe?


Gee, after killing 600,000 people and causing 65 million people to lose their jobs or businesses, you'd think everyone would be terrified of MAGA hats.
Americans being able to defend themselves is far from over. In fact it gains more popularity all the time. More and more Americans applying for and getting their carry permit to have the legal ability to use deadly force against garbage like Travon. Utah got rid of their CCW permits and now allow any law abiding citizen to carry. Texas the same. You are losing ground on your hopes and dreams of disarming citizens in this country. We like it, and we're going to keep it. If anything, we will support representatives to give us more leeway to using our firearms against attackers, and hopefully soon, remove the civil liabilities.

Actually, the rest of us are getting a little tired of your fetish. We are getting tired of sending kids to schools with bullet proof backpacks to engage in Active Shooter Drills. We are tried of having to walk past security guards, carry key cards in a factory that locks down in case of an active shooter, walk through metal detectors to attend a concert, tired of trigger happy cops who are armed like soldiers because they never can tell which crazy person might shoot their way out of a moving violation.
Actually, the rest of us are getting a little tired of your fetish. We are getting tired of sending kids to schools with bullet proof backpacks to engage in Active Shooter Drills. We are tried of having to walk past security guards, carry key cards in a factory that locks down in case of an active shooter, walk through metal detectors to attend a concert, tired of trigger happy cops who are armed like soldiers because they never can tell which crazy person might shoot their way out of a moving violation.

The problem for you as I see it is that most people have common sense. Well.....those of us on the right and Independents do. But when you possess zero in the logic department, you really think disarming law abiding citizens will change anything you listed above. Now if you had common sense, you'd realize you could never change those things by disarming law abiding citizens. If anything changed, those situations would only get worse.

As we speak, dozens of Americans are online right now filling out a CCW application for their state. It's not going to stop either. More importantly is that a good portion of those applications are from women. You are a one legged man in a running contest on this issue.
No, you did not answer the question.
Yes, I did. You just didn't like the answer. Sucks to be you. Let's see you whine about it again for another five paragraphs.
I'm not the one avoiding the question so I'm not the one triggered. Saying Zimmerman "acts white" is not an answer to the question as to whether you do or do not deny he's half Hispanic.
Thirdly, why do you have such a problem accepting his Hispanic heritage?

Because going around like an ignorant redneck shooting black children isn't a Hispanic value.
And yet, he's half Hispanic anyway. Sucks to be you.
This is exactly what a person horrified by a stupid hat would say. People who are not horrified by a silly hat consider it a silly hat.

Why would anyone be horrified by a silly armband?

View attachment 507954

Or a silly Robe?

View attachment 507956
Ask me again when and if any MAGA hat wearer commits genocide.
The problem for you as I see it is that most people have common sense. Well.....those of us on the right and Independents do. But when you possess zero in the logic department, you really think disarming law abiding citizens will change anything you listed above. Now if you had common sense, you'd realize you could never change those things by disarming law abiding citizens. If anything changed, those situations would only get worse.

Actually, the problem is "law abiding citizens", as the vast majority of gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic arguments. If you can get the number of gun deaths down from the 39,000 we have now to maybe the 3000 actually committed by "Criminals", we could probably concentrate on preventing those 3000 because we won't be cleaning up the messes from the other 39,000.

You see...


Even a country like Germany, which allows some gun ownership, doesn't have the problems we have, because gun ownership is a strictly regulated privilege, not a right any inbred asshole can have right before Billy-bob shoot cousin Cleetus over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

As we speak, dozens of Americans are online right now filling out a CCW application for their state. It's not going to stop either. More importantly is that a good portion of those applications are from women. You are a one legged man in a running contest on this issue.

Again, the vast majority of us don't own guns, and the vast majority of us want stricter gun laws. Most of the rest have no idea how lax the gun laws really are.

The only advantage you gun fetishists have is regular people are too busy living their lives. So they ask "How did this happen" when you have a Columbine or a Sandy Hook, but they have to get one with their lives.

Eventually, there will be a tragedy bad enough to get the majority to finally act. Shouldn't be that way, but it is.

I'm not the one avoiding the question
Neither did I. You just didn't get the answer you wanted.


Ask me again when and if any MAGA hat wearer commits genocide.

You would if you could. Thankfully we stopped you at "Kids in cages."
Answer the question:

I did. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

I’m betting that it is a huge plank in your eye that he is half Hispanic; it doesn’t fit your white-people-evil/brown-people-angels narrative.
Except he was living as a white person, not a Hispanic. He didn't go around calling himself Jorge.

These “decent” people you speak of are horrified by American flag displays so that’s not saying much. Hell, you were horrified by a MAGA hat for Christ’s sake.

MAGA Hats are swastika armbands for the modern age.

You don't know shit about his life and what he's up to now. The media is no longer following this guy around. I swear OCD, you make up more stories than a shopping mall Santa Clause. Americans forget. Unlike you, they move on to the future and not dwell on BS that doesn't really affect their lives anyway.
Americans haven't forgotten what Zimmershit did.

It's why he can't show his face in decent society.

The only people horrified by it are leftist criminals who realize if they do anything like what Martin did, they too could meet the same fate, and their victim get off scot-free. If you don't want to ever be in that position, don't attack good people or we will do the same as Zimmerman did. Problem solved.

Again, the days of this sort of shit are soon to be over. Maybe you won't get criminally charged, but they'll take everything you got in the civil suit.

Zimmerman's living in the poor house now.

Zimmerman was exonerated, found to be innocent as a newborn babe.

As far as his behavior since his confrontation with the young man who sought to whack him in a fit of homophobic rage- its certainly understandable. Jorge is walking around with a million dollar bounty from the Black Panthers on his head. Enough to unnerve almost anyone.
Answer the question:

I did. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.

I’m betting that it is a huge plank in your eye that he is half Hispanic; it doesn’t fit your white-people-evil/brown-people-angels narrative.
Except he was living as a white person, not a Hispanic. He didn't go around calling himself Jorge.

These “decent” people you speak of are horrified by American flag displays so that’s not saying much. Hell, you were horrified by a MAGA hat for Christ’s sake.

MAGA Hats are swastika armbands for the modern age.

You don't know shit about his life and what he's up to now. The media is no longer following this guy around. I swear OCD, you make up more stories than a shopping mall Santa Clause. Americans forget. Unlike you, they move on to the future and not dwell on BS that doesn't really affect their lives anyway.
Americans haven't forgotten what Zimmershit did.

It's why he can't show his face in decent society.

The only people horrified by it are leftist criminals who realize if they do anything like what Martin did, they too could meet the same fate, and their victim get off scot-free. If you don't want to ever be in that position, don't attack good people or we will do the same as Zimmerman did. Problem solved.

Again, the days of this sort of shit are soon to be over. Maybe you won't get criminally charged, but they'll take everything you got in the civil suit.

Zimmerman's living in the poor house now.

Zimmerman was exonerated, found to be innocent as a newborn babe.

As far as his behavior since his confrontation with the young man who sought to whack him in a fit of homophobic rage- its certainly understandable. Jorge is walking around with a million dollar bounty from the Black Panthers on his head. Enough to unnerve almost anyone.
Joe doesn't do facts like a jury finding him not guilty, he says the same stupid shit he said about him being Hispanic.
Actually, the problem is "law abiding citizens", as the vast majority of gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic arguments. If you can get the number of gun deaths down from the 39,000 we have now to maybe the 3000 actually committed by "Criminals", we could probably concentrate on preventing those 3000 because we won't be cleaning up the messes from the other 39,000.

People who want to commit suicide will find other ways if that's what they really want. It's not that hard. Just go to your garage, start the car, and sit until somebody finds your body. If you have potentially lethal prescription medication, that's another. Too much suffering to get there? There are always plenty of tall buildings and bridges to jump off of. Have any train tracks nearby your home????

Most of the intentional murders are not from law abiding citizens. They are from criminals that Democrats let out all the time after being caught with illegal guns. That's why Democrats have such a hard time in their cities. In my topioc 40% of citizens in San Francisco plan on leaving, my article said this:

Additionally, 8 out of 10 people polled said crime has increased in the city, and almost 90% of those polled said they believe that the homeless crisis has gotten worse. Roughly three-quarters of residents in San Francisco said their quality of life has declined over the past year.

Police statistics show certain crimes have been increasing in California’s fourth-largest city, including a significant surge in car burglaries, which are up as much as 700% in some areas.

San Francisco’s police chief has pointed the finger at two factors: not enough police on the streets and criminals being let out of jail due to relaxed prosecuting.

Again, the vast majority of us don't own guns, and the vast majority of us want stricter gun laws. Most of the rest have no idea how lax the gun laws really are.

The only advantage you gun fetishists have is regular people are too busy living their lives. So they ask "How did this happen" when you have a Columbine or a Sandy Hook, but they have to get one with their lives.

Eventually, there will be a tragedy bad enough to get the majority to finally act. Shouldn't be that way, but it is.

Keep dreaming. We've had plenty of tragedies involving guns, the worst recently in the Las Vagas shooting. Millions have obtained their CCW's since. People with logic understand that you cannot stop criminals with guns, so they too sign up to get a license to protect themselves. Just because somebody doesn't own a gun yet alone carry doesn't mean they don't support gun rights.
Actually, the problem is "law abiding citizens", as the vast majority of gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic arguments. If you can get the number of gun deaths down from the 39,000 we have now to maybe the 3000 actually committed by "Criminals", we could probably concentrate on preventing those 3000 because we won't be cleaning up the messes from the other 39,000.

People who want to commit suicide will find other ways if that's what they really want. It's not that hard. Just go to your garage, start the car, and sit until somebody finds your body. If you have potentially lethal prescription medication, that's another. Too much suffering to get there? There are always plenty of tall buildings and bridges to jump off of. Have any train tracks nearby your home????

Most of the intentional murders are not from law abiding citizens. They are from criminals that Democrats let out all the time after being caught with illegal guns. That's why Democrats have such a hard time in their cities. In my topioc 40% of citizens in San Francisco plan on leaving, my article said this:

Additionally, 8 out of 10 people polled said crime has increased in the city, and almost 90% of those polled said they believe that the homeless crisis has gotten worse. Roughly three-quarters of residents in San Francisco said their quality of life has declined over the past year.

Police statistics show certain crimes have been increasing in California’s fourth-largest city, including a significant surge in car burglaries, which are up as much as 700% in some areas.

San Francisco’s police chief has pointed the finger at two factors: not enough police on the streets and criminals being let out of jail due to relaxed prosecuting.

Again, the vast majority of us don't own guns, and the vast majority of us want stricter gun laws. Most of the rest have no idea how lax the gun laws really are.

The only advantage you gun fetishists have is regular people are too busy living their lives. So they ask "How did this happen" when you have a Columbine or a Sandy Hook, but they have to get one with their lives.

Eventually, there will be a tragedy bad enough to get the majority to finally act. Shouldn't be that way, but it is.

Keep dreaming. We've had plenty of tragedies involving guns, the worst recently in the Las Vagas shooting. Millions have obtained their CCW's since. People with logic understand that you cannot stop criminals with guns, so they too sign up to get a license to protect themselves. Just because somebody doesn't own a gun yet alone carry doesn't mean they don't support gun rights.

Legal guns help even those who would prefer not to carry. The Criminal Element doesn't know that you don't have a weapon, so they are a whole lot less likely to cause shit. And even if they do know that, for whatever reason, they don't know about the other people on the street who might butt in if they pull something.
Legal guns help even those who would prefer not to carry. The Criminal Element doesn't know that you don't have a weapon, so they are a whole lot less likely to cause shit. And even if they do know that, for whatever reason, they don't know about the other people on the street who might butt in if they pull something.

Which is why criminals flock to areas where guns are restricted. Like I told Joe, if he wants to find out what taking guns away from law abiding citizens would look like, get a sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE and hang that on his front porch for a few months. Then get back to us (if he's still alive) and let us know how that worked out.

Guns not only help the disarmed on the street, but disarmed in their own homes. When occupied intrusions do take place, criminals make sure they choose very elderly or disabled people because they are assured they won't be using a deadly weapon against them once they bust down the door.

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